Where are you going?

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Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
Not going anywhere else. ...
I've never met another MMO that I cared for. Despite any grousing, CoH is the only MMO that's scratched my gaming itch.

I'll just spend more time on personal writing, trying to wrap up my superhero prose project in the next couple of months. (By the way, if anyone's interested, my first novel (not superhero related), *Fallen Angel,* is available for the Kindle (it's the one by Jack Snyder).)

"Bombarding the CoH/V fora with verbosity since January, 2006"

Djinniman, level 50 inv/fire tanker, on Victory
-and 40 others on various servers

A CoH Comic: Kid Eros in "One Light"



I've not found another MMO that lives up to this one, dated as COH might be. This is pretty horrible news.

Arc# 92382 -- "The S.P.I.D.E.R. and the Tyrant" -- Ninjas! Robots! Praetorians! It's totally epic! Play it now!

Arc # 316340 -- "Husk" -- Azuria loses something, a young woman harbors a dark secret, and the fate of the world is in your hands.



I guess I'll be heading to The Secret World. Guild Wars 2 seemed like a no-brainer before this, but now... I don't know.



I don't know. No other game is like City. I can't believe global names never really even caught on. And sidekicking. This is the only game I've loved enough to keep coming back to. Maybe I just will get out of playing MMOs much, gosh knows that'd be good for me.
I'm just going to miss the game and my characters SO MUCH. I put more thought into them than any other game. So much to do, so many wonderful costume parts, so may great powers.
I've never played any other MMO that had even half as great of a community as City. I don't want to go to the douchebaggery.
I tried CO and didn't like it much. DCUO doesn't really interest me. I don't have much desire to get back into any of the other MMOs I've tried or played for a little while, like WoW, WAR, Aion, and Rift. Some friends are pushing me towards GW2 but I don't know that I want to get into that. Blarg. I just don't like the direction a lot of MMOs are going now.
Heh guess I'll be playing Pokemon on my 3DS.

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I play Rift and TSW. (Well, this last week or two, I work on application development. But in GENERAL, I play Rift and TSW.)



Originally Posted by Master Zaprobo View Post
And this is why I posted no link. Because I empathise with how you feel - I am almost in tears here over CoH.

Years ago, I played Earth and Beyond, a Westwood Studios MMO. When EA purchased Westwood, shortly after they canned E&B. I swore I would never play another EA game as long as I lived. I meant it too.

I've since played EA Games. And enjoyed them. So I know some may in time not be so adverse to seeing what another NCsoft Studio - which is what Paragon Studios were - are making.

I'll miss my CoH home. I hope you all find your new MMO Homes too.
Well time will show but I am known for my stubborness and in your case it was something entirely different. First EA has many mny games other than MMO's I got angry at them for C&C 4 too but it was pretty obvious what would that game become. Second in your case it was a result of a mergerI don't know specifics but I can guess conditions were totally different that what NCSoft is doing in here.

Still I understand you if I was involved with a Wildstar community too I wouldn't leave at least after game was released and see if it really worths or not (I did that with SWTOR eventhough I knew EA and Bioware was rushing game)



I'm active on and off in STO, do CO one in a blue moon (maybe more now, who knows) and sub to TOR. I've been wanting to give Secret World a shot, so once the game closes and I have some spare subscription money I may check it out.

For me this is less about what games I'm going to be playing than what I'm going to do for an internet community. These were the first forums I ever posted on, and the community here is just... irreplaceable. Even when it seemed like I was more on the periphery of what was going on, I never felt at home anywhere else. I'll probably give the Roosterteeth forums a closer look and maybe become more active there, but it just won't be the same.


At any rate, I'm still fairly active in STO and we do have a small, but active(ish) fleet for CoH players (or anyone really). It's F2P, so if anyone is interested in playing and you want what meager advice I can give or you want to see what the fleet starbase looks like and possibly join up, feel free to send me a message in game @Lord_Nightblade or (and this is probably the easiest method) give a shout out in the CoX global channel.

Goodbye, I guess.

@Lord_Nightblade in Champions/Star Trek Online

nightblade7295@gmail.com if you want to stay in touch



I've got an EQ2 account I poke at once in a while and I've been trying WoW out. Otherwise it's just back to the single player stuff for me.



I'll not be playing any more MMOs. City of Heroes was worth every penny I put into it, because of the friendships it started. I would much rather see these bonds of fellowship continue and the game die, than the reverse.

I am at least going to try to novelize some of my own personal canon, however. There are a lot of stories I've never told.

"Don't you know dead is spelled m-e-n-t-a-l in CoH? - SapphireShot



Right now it's looking like GW2 for me. A lot of my friends are going there. I understand they have some tech/modern elements. And my small crew of my most loyal/dedicated friends are going there. I can't not follow them.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Not really sure where I'm going to go. I've tried WoW and the community has turned me off of that game. had hopes for SWTOR but it's really a 'meh' experience. Nothing that warrants me to stay or spend money on it. So far I'm looking at either Champions or DC Universe. I love the Superhero comic genre because I was mostly raised in it and that's why City of Heroes drew me in. So far I'm still kind of numb from the announcement, and probably think of what to do post-CoH in a few weeks.

Paragon Unleashed Forums
Twitter: @Alpha_Ryvius



This is the only MMO I've ever liked. Most likely, I will not be headed to another.



if I go anywhere I sure as hell know it's not going to have anything to do with NCSoft. They are as dead to me.



Originally Posted by Unknown_User View Post
Not really sure where I'm going to go. I've tried WoW and the community has turned me off of that game. had hopes for SWTOR but it's really a 'meh' experience. Nothing that warrants me to stay or spend money on it. So far I'm looking at either Champions or DC Universe. I love the Superhero comic genre because I was mostly raised in it and that's why City of Heroes drew me in. So far I'm still kind of numb from the announcement, and probably think of what to do post-CoH in a few weeks.
Yes well I like Champions Online it isn't a bad game but ... I like City of Heroes better so I tend to play here a lot more to get my superhero fix. I'll definitely be playing CO more after this since given a choice between DCUO and CO I'll playing CO for my superhero fix.

But it's MY sadistic mechanical monster and I'm here to make sure it knows it. - Girl Genius

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I will be playing Final Fantasy 14 on the Excalibur server though i dont think i will ever spend as much time/effort in another MMO after this

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



I'll be playing more LOTRO.

I'll probably pick up SWTOR again once they fix some issues.

I've been dabbling with TSW.

I may get back into CO and STO.

Borderlands 2 and Torchlight 2 are coming.

I've no lack of entertainment options.

But I'm still going to miss CoH.



I put CoH aside for The Secret World (bought a lifetime subscription) then got scared last week when Funcom laid off have the dev team over there. Was splitting my time 50/50 between both games and now this today...? I don't think I have the strength to do another MMO game ever again. I just don't like the idea that a publisher can pull the plug at any time without any notice and without any explanation...

That said, I'm never touching another NCsoft product again.



I really don't know. The 3-hour fun-fests every Monday and Thursday for the past few years, where I've gotten together with the same core group of friends (some of whom I only met because of the game, others of whom I only keep regular contact with because of it), don't translate to other game environments. We tried to migrate over to another game (rhymes with "Sarah Schmonline") earlier this year for some variety, but no sidekicking system meant static teams, which meant we had to get the whole group together any time we wanted to play, and it's surprising how easy it was for people to miss sessions in CoH and still have everything WORK. And a lot of their systems weren't as player-friendly as what I'm used to. And their travel system stunk. And then their stupid summer event revealed something unpleasant about my elven priestess - when she put on a bikini, I learned that she had a tramp stamp.

Giving my dignified elven priestess a freaking sorority-girl tattoo was enough to get me to cancel my billing.

I get a lot of hours back when the CoH servers go dark that I'm really not sure what I'll do with, because there aren't other games out there that really appeal to me. I guess I'll look at The Secret World, since it keeps coming up, but I have a hard time believing any other game will match the experience I've had over the past 7 years.

These shared-world games are all about collaborative storytelling. The players and developers of CoH got that. I'm amazed at how rare that particular insight seems to be in the gaming industry.

My postings to this forum are not to be used as data in any research study without my express written consent.



I don't know. You guys know of any other MMO's that have friendly communities, active and personable devs like City of Heroes... did?

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



....I actually broke down and cried. This is the only MMORPG I've known, and being an OCD sufferer, I can't handle changes like this. Please let this be a late April Fool's. Please.



Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
....I actually broke down and cried. This is the only MMORPG I've known, and being an OCD sufferer, I can't handle changes like this. Please let this be a late April Fool's. Please.
Wish it were so.

This will be my 3rd MMO Closure that I would have gone through... guess my heart has toughened up over the years as a result.

I will probably bounce around a little bit in GW2 (had already purchased it, might as well still play it) and World of Warcraft (have real life friends who play it).


To be honest, I have made lots of friends out of game from this game, and I feel that we will still stick together no matter the games we head to.

Side note: It kinda sucks that this announcement went out just a week before the EU City of Heroes player meet commences >.<



I can't imagine playing another MMO. WoW (though I do have some good Vanilla/Burning Crusade memories), SWTOR, and Star Trek never resonated the way City of Heroes did, and the communities drove me away at any rate. The wonderful community and development of CoH spoiled me.

I'll probably just end up playing Torchlight 2, Starbound, and a few other games as they come out, but I can't think of any other MMO's that would be anywhere as much fun and have such a great playerbase. I'm always open to suggestions anyone recommends, though.



I have dabbled in other MMOs from time to time, this is the only one I always stuck with. I have nothing now. I planed on playing for years to come.



Unfortunately, I've never found another superhero game worth sticking with for any length of time.

But recently I've been playing the heck out of TERA Online. It's the first fantasy MMO to really grab me and keep hold for any length of time.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound