
Caffeine Fuelled Sidekick
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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
    I find this egregiously..... I find it in incredibly bad taste, not amusing, and a very telling statement by the maker. GG and I have certainly never been friends and I have found her greatly annoying over the years. But this, directed at anyone, is just BEYOND in bad taste and I'm ashamed to be posting in the same forum it was posted in. Ugh. Just..... ugh. Plus, bad karma.
    Considering that she suggested something similar on the Titan Network forums, guess you feel bad for that side as well...

    *edit* I notice as well that you *skip* out just 2 lines earlier where i said that it was in jest...
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vyver View Post
    Yeah that's the habit I've fallen into. I don't even try to activate anything past 4 by key anymore. (good thing everything past 4 on my hotbar is buffs and target AOEs)

    And ohhh the strafing. Having pistols means that 90% of my time is spend strafing since backtacking just runs me into more monsters.

    So far it's been pretty fun. I don't even notice the lack of other people most of the time.

    @Remus: Those were the first things I did when starting up the game so no worries there. Although I might take the rebinding idea somewhere. maybe bind my buffs to Q and E instead of targeting. Keeps me from having to reach for them.
    If you have the spare money, I would recommend something like the Nostromo or the Logitech G13. Granted they are for the "left hand only" in terms of usage, but with one of these, it doesn't actually matter *what* your keybinds are initially, you get to move them around. I tend to keep the same generic WASD for movement, but i have targeting set up on the thumb stick (previous/next/nearest target) along with a "use" key if the game requires it.

    It does mean that I find it harder (now) to play games without it, but it is something to consider.

    I do the same as you though, and instead of having the A and D of the WASD setup set to "turn", i instead set them as strafe...
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by blackjak View Post
    I haven't heard of it either, but DC has one like that coming out. Why are they all stuck in Mortal Kombat /Diablo times? I wouldn't be surprised if they made a FPS at this point. None of them get it...
    Strangely enough, there *was* a Marvel FPS a few years ago, and it was a Quake mod (although officially licensed from Marvel, so no IP infringement)

    X-Men: The Ravages of Apocalypse

    And even more recently, apparently THQ cancelled an FPS based on The Avengers. Linkage

    *edit* About the *only* genre that I can think of that they have yet to really hit is the RTS side and shoot em ups.

    There have been side scroller beat em ups, roleplaying games (either released or in development), normal beat em ups, pinball games (Marvel tend to be on this one, with licensing their IP for inclusion), FPS.

    There aren't all that many genres that *make sense* for Super heroes to be included in. Although a single player RPG along the vein of Baldurs Gate would be nice (although there was Marvel Ultimate Alliance, close but no cigar)... if you want to go Fallout 3 style, there is Prototype/Dishonored/Infamous to improve upon.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Quinch View Post
    Marvel Arena is a PvP-only kind of deal.
    Never heard of this, and unfortunately searching on google is bringing nothing up under that title (as a computer game). Avengers Arena though, that *did* bring something up... but only in the comic form.

    The only thing that I can find is a un-named which is being developed by Smilegate for an (at the moment) Asian only release in 2014, and that it will be a MOBA, it will be like League Of Legends/DOTA style.

    Is this what you are referring to?

    *edit* I would like to point out that the Smilegate deal was only announced 9th November
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thunder Knight View Post
    So... one person offering a negative idea is now suddenly the entire community?
    Actually it had been suggested in the past (not all that long ago from the initial closure announcement).
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
    Classy. You must feel very proud now. Best way to counter some one's insanity? Just sink lower than they did!
    1st time I have *ever* attacked someone on these boards like that...

    But considering that she had posts removed on the Titan Network forums for even *suggesting* a kickstarter to hire hitmen and go after NCSoft staff (as i said, it was removed), I felt it was just.

    And as i said in my post, what *preceeded* what you quoted was all in jest

    On the flip side, she has *never* said that anything was in humor, even on the Titan network forums. And infact, has been fairly adamanent on being (in my mind) rude and abusive towards Koreans as possible.

    *shrugs* It is no skin of my nose, and if you feel offended by what I said, then so be it.

    Be just as offended by what GG has done...
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by blackjak View Post
    Don't forget Lucasilm and Skywalker in there now.
    Yep, I forgot about those... (well, just forgot to mention them... i was typing this up before i had to dive out for a meeting)
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SteelRat View Post
    .. so about the same effect as boycotting NCSoft then.
    Several stages worse actually:

    Disney-ABC Television Group, ESPN Inc. (80%), ABC Owned Television Stations, Radio Disney,Disney Interactive Studios, Disney Online, Disney Online Studios, Disney Mobile, Playdom, Buena Vista, Buena Vista International France, Buena Vista International India, Buena Vista International Italy, Hulu (27%), Marvel Entertainment, The Muppets Studio, UTV Software Communications, Walt Disney Pictures, Walt Disney Animation Studios, Pixar Animation Studios, Disneynature, Disney Music Group, Disney Theatrical Group, Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment.

    LOTS of fingers in pies here, even some that you might not have been aware of.

    Would like to point out that they *did* own Miramax Films up till 2010 when they sold it to Filmyard Holdings.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xieveral View Post
    I really do hate acknowledging the grimy side of the coin sometimes but this crossed my mind...

    Say they did buy CoX but decided to shut it down somewhere down the line, would we be in an even worse situation with freeing up the IP and code?

    Disney isn't one to let go of things and can be pretty brutal when it comes to unofficial reproductions.

    Boycotting disney would accomplish absolutely nothing, they're an invincible beast. Of course they would probably give it a more dignified death than NCSoft did, resulting in little backlash.
    Boycotting Disney would be *very* interesting for Americans... have you *seen* how many fingers they have in the TV/Movie/Entertainment industry pie?
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ogi View Post
    Cliffhanger Productions is doing a SR MMO.
    And dont forget Shadowrun Returns by Harebrained Studios either....
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post

    It's the NCSoft way.
    Actually it was Paragon Studios decision for how their rewards worked and what went on the market or what not.

    Throwing the blame for *everything* that went wrong to NCsoft, even if it was Paragon Studios fault just shows how much you dont want to allocate blame correctly.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by HardRider View Post
    never able to get a uk MM - if we are saved/return i hope a euro MM would be on the list ... with many months of notice :P
    Actually there has been a couple. One was at the Omega Sektor Mini-con back in 2008. War Witch came over for a presentation, and the NCsoft staffers had a few other presentations to do as well.

    Then there were the UK player meets arranged by Kallandra. And it was the plan to get developers over for this years, although that fell through.

    BUT, BUT... we did get the UK marketing guy up for the 1st player meet (shame that he was unable to make it for the 2nd one though).
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rabid_M View Post
    I'm not so sure on that.

    There's some kind of system where you can do things in GW1, and get a reward in GW2. Having never played GW1, I'm not sure what it is or how it's done, but it's there. Shutting down GW1 kills that, and gives old GW1 players LESS reason to try out GW2.
    Yep, it is when you complete achievements in GW1, they can unlock stuff in GW2. And even now, you can still earn them. And as some achievements are linked to specific expansions of Guild Wars, those players of GW2 could well be tempted to buy the older games to just earn them.

    Guild Wars Wiki page

    So special titles, weapon skins, special pets for rangers... all bonuses that can be unlocked for having bought and done some achievements in Guild Wars 1
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arson_NA View Post

    A) It's funny.
    B) Only whiners give a toss if we write in red or not.
    C) Between the posts of whiners who fail to see the funny and light-hearted side of this thread and take everything too seriously, there are some gems being posted. Keep them coming guys. ^_^
    Considering that over on the Titan network forums GG showed her true colors by actually suggesting (maybe in jest, but it was enough to get the thread modded by TonyV) that a kickstarter be started so that people could be hired to kill NCsoft Staff, I think that some people have a good reason to complain about her.

    Although, considering that this is all meant to be in jest:

    What would i send TJ Kim? Nothing...

    What would I send to GG... the remains of her pets and family members, if i could find them that is.. Am sure she is a failed genetic experiment. Something has got to explain all the smilies that she uses.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    I'm like the Force - I'll be with you, always
    What? Like duct tape holding together my shoes? Great, now i get to stamp on your face *every single day*
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkCurrent View Post
    So what are you grave dancers going to do with yourselves in 5 days?

    Hopefully, there's another game that gets shut down so you don't go crazy having to contain your 20-20 hindsight financial prophesying.
    As far away from GG as possible.

    To be fair, considering what was recently posted up on the Titan Network forums (although thankfully TonyV removed the offending post from her, and several replies), I think that it would be *most* beneficial for even Project Z to dump her....
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
    Well I did hear alot about SWG and EQ2 in advertisment.

    Well in SWG case, I just assumed the advertiment was easy due to the star wars franchise and Star Wars already have a huge fan base.

    Everquest 2, heard about in advertising before I even started playing MMOs. Even Everquest one, was commonly known about among online gamers and non-gamers alike. Same thing with EVE online.

    Many people, some are heavy gamers, never heard of City of Heroes but heard of EVE and Everquest, SWG, even DCUO, and havent played either of those games. Some people that I know that are into comic and super hero genre never heard of COX.

    I think COX had an oppotunity to become a household name at least in the vast super hero genre and comic book genre. It just didnt seem to happen.

    Or maybe I'm just batting 100% in random asking people about COX and all just so happen to say they never heard of it. A few in early 2012, and they probably joined up, stated they was wishing a good super hero mmo would be released and that they didnt like DCUO and didnt even know the existance of COX until I mentioned it to them.

    If people flocked to this game or it was more mainstream would it save the game? Maybe maybe not. This is the the case of electrical/eletronic issues wit hcars sometimes. Sometiems it isnt any one thing, and fixing one error may or may not fix the underlying cause over all but a glitch say in the idle control valve may not completely cause the car to stall but it usually doesnt help but just if it was eliminated as an issue, then you'll definately know that wasnt part of the problem and could focus on the other ones until the real issue is pin pointed. My opinion on it. Nothing more nothing less.
    Strangely enough though, Eve Online doesn't actually have all that much of an advertising presence. I believe that they tried to one an advert on US TV *once* and that was it. Granted, CCP developers are just as bad as the CoX developers for "chasing the next new shiny"... but advertising has never really been their strong point.

    However, what they did have running for them, was the backstabbing,corp thefts, GoonSwarm/Band Of Brothers Null Sec war, tales of conning other players/corps/alliances... they all hit the gaming press (and in some cases even the BBC news website)

    So Eve Online with a lousy advertising side to them, made it through notoriety.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    That alone would immediately shut the game down again. At it's height of popularity this game never could have justified budgeting a multi-million dollar advertising campaign.

    This isn't WoW. Never has been, never will be.
    Considering that on some of the cable channels in the UK, there are ad's for World Of Tanks, and a couple of other "online games", multi-million dollar ad campaigns are just not worth it.

    You have to expect a return on investment (and I would consider advertising an investment).

    Would a larger advertising budget help? Yes it would. But going into the million dollar range would be pushing the returns quite a bit.

    Yes, I have spent $1million on advertising, and it only brought in 5000 new players (for example)... not a good return, and you would be less inclined to spend that amount again. Spend the money wisely, use it accurately, and get the word out better.

    Gaming Websites, *maybe* comics, some adverts on TV (possibly, Channel choice is important here, as different channels have different rates according to the time that they get shown).

    Stuff like that. But spending millions? Burn it, and advertise that fact... it would probably be more effective for City of Heroes.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    They've had "gamble" boxes right from the start called Black Lion chests, another box that gives random non combat pets, and a third ready to sell just for Halloween.
    Just to point out that the Black Lion Chests and the "Halloween" chests (which were just the black lion chests during the christmas period) can be unlocked by keys that drop ingame. Sure they drop like rocking horse poop, but it does happen.

    And the *normal* contents of said boxes... nothing really to write home about.

    The mini pets are vanity items... non combat (although they can be used in the mystic forge).

    *shrugs* To be fair, if you guys are complaining about this stuff, then most of the arguments (with the exception of the Black Lion chests granted) also apply to City of Heroes.

    Although in Guild Wars favour.. there were no £17 items to purchase.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
    I'll give them only half a star, because although they were technically correct, CoH Freedom did not fail. It was profitable and was on an upswing (if you look at the last reporter quarter year to year.) CoH was killed for entirely undisclosed reasons, but it was NOT because it failed. So, again, half a star. Actually, just 2 arms of the star.
    Up for Q2 YoY (2.4%).. in fact this is small enough to possibly be directly influenced by currency fluctuations.

    Q1 2011 = 3,051 Million Won
    Q2 2011 = 2,787 Million Won
    Q3 2011 = 2,812 Million Won
    Q4 2011 = 3,435 Million Won
    Q1 2012 = 2,890 Million Won
    Q2 2012 = 2,855 Million Won

    It is a shame that the announcement came when it did, and that NCsoft rolled CoX figures into "others" for their 3rd Quarter report, because it would have been interesting to see.

    But even so, looking at the increase of trade that the introduction of Freedom had, and then the drop off the *following* quarter, shows that it wasn't sustaining its momentum (there was almost a 20% drop from Q4 2011 to Q1 2012) . Although it was up for Q2 2012, Q1 2012 was down by roughly 5%.

    Anyways, the fact that you "called it" actually shows that you didn't actually read the article, nor have you played Guild Wars 2, nor have you read what is actually available on their Store... (here is a hint, you cannot directly buy items for Real World Cash, and what is available for "Gems only" is nothing that has player stats....
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
    CALLED IT! (I know I should hunt for my post on this but meh... although maybe I should, so I can say "TOLD YOU" to the ones that told me "you are ignoring the history of and GW1".

    GW2 cost too much to develop. They will not be able to push first-release-sized expansions as they did with GW1 so they will be forced to milk the hell out of that cash shop.
    Here, have a star...

    Now give a star to those "doomcryers" who said that Freedom wouldn't even last a year.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
    Thanks for that...

    *blinks at the costs....*

    The rares are not *too* bad, although the higher end sets are what was reported (or at least in spitting range).

    *spits coffee over his computer screen*

    The purple sets though.... that is taking the chronic piss.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
    I didnt mind it. I find it better than "just lucky enough to win" format where it seems either people get purples quite often or barely any to none at all even though they put in the same amount if not more work in.
    Its the trade off, and all dependent on "how bad do you want to complete your build" kind of thing....
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
    not much at all.

    When they came out I finally just bought a couple of sets myself and dont even remember the couch change that I spent on those sets.
    Expensive for someone is inexpensive for another...

    But thankfully someone answered the question.

    between £7 and £8 per set (roughly) if i convert from points to Real World money (700-800 points).

    So not *exactly* cheap, and if you were paying a subscription fee on top... I would put this into Pay 2 Win category (even if the game was balanced around SO's, selling power directly does irk me... especially in a game where people have said that it was casual friendly).