Would you Stay if NCSoft turned Payments back on?
If they also got a staff back to keep updates coming.
I'd come back even if they didn't, but I might drift away after awhile.
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
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Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093
It depends on how much Chapstik they put on before kissing my ***.
Please buff Ice Control.
If NCSoft decided, for whatever reason, to turn Payments back on and Keep the Game...
Would You Stay? |
Hell no. That would just be an underhanded attempt to trick more money out of us before shutting the game down again but this time for actually not showing a profit.
If NCsoft cancelled the cancellation and resumed development i would continue my subscription.
If the game was left static as it is now i would probably not resume my subscription, but would continue playing and maybe occasionally sub for a month or buy points, but would eventually stop playing altogether.
Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...
I might, because I love the game, but it would definitely be month by month to see what happened.
Some things that would increase my chance of staying, in increasing levels of importance:
(1) Transparency. Why the shutdown, why no sale, why the reversal. And if they pretend to be transparent and it doesn't ring true, that's enough to get me to leave.
(2) Transparency as to "what would make us pull the plug again". And again, honesty is first. If they said "From the feedback we've gotten, we think the game may have a chance, we'll give it another year. We'll need to see about a 10% growth in profits and player level at the end of the period from where it stood before the announcement", that might be a steep goal to reach, but at least it's something to know. If it's just "hi we're back", there's no reason to believe it won't be "hi we're gone" in six months.
(3) Matt Miller and a significant portion of the other staff come back. That's both because I'd have confidence in their ability to move the game forward, and for them to come back to NCSoft would say they have enough confidence to give it another go.
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it would be an awkward situation. the money was no issue, i never stopped subbing so no biggie there. they would have to get back the majority of the staff harder to do now that several key workers are not employed elsewhere. Even then they committed a very significant breach of trust, and that is simply not coming back. Out of respect for the dev team i'd likely come back, but It would be different, and I dont think I can actually trust ncsoft again. transparency would eb nice, but im not sure I'd trust what they said.
Probably not. While there are some things I really like about this game, I've been finding ChO more enjoyable to play, overall.
Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound
If it simply didn't stop on Nov. 30, and I had to pay up subscription again... and I could keep going...
I... I don't know.
On the one hand, they saved it for us. Yay.
On the other hand, they destroyed any future for it, and unceremoniously fired everyone. That's... not a good thing to support with my money.
I'd probably have to walk to make myself feel better, to be honest. I don't know what they could do to fix that. Except sell it, and hope the new home makes moar content.
August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012
Probably not.
Already found a new home and like CO because it has things that COX doesnt have that I was looking for or wishing was implemented here, and seems more suited for my playstyle.
I liked the game COX overall, but as time passed the crowd and game it self started to become more and more like the other grind fests and less fun of a crowd to team with that either seemed to want to speed run or farm and with the wide gap between solo earnings and team earnings in incarnate level stuff, it will be even harder to get a team as often due to those people who swore off NCSoft never coming back, people who wont come back due to various other reasons, and people who lost faith in MMOs and not coming back.
I think even if it did come back, it's probably be more of an extension before it's back in the same boat again probably within a year.
-Female Player-
Definitely yes and I would be extremely happy coming back even if it's slow updates-wise for a couple of years which wouldn't really be very popular or profitable.
IMO a big damage would've been done and it would be almost "too late" needing some serious work to get CoX back on, perhaps even a relaunch with revamped textures and engine. Some serious marketing strategy as well. Not to mention the developers.
50 Ice/Ice/Force Blaster *
50 Ice/Fire/Fire Tanker
50 Kin/Sonic/Power Defender
50 Ice/Storm/Psi Controller
50 Stone/WP/Soul Brute
50 Spines/SR Stalker
Pinnacle | Virtue
@Black Heart
I'd take a peek at least. But frankly, the damage has been done and NCSoft have shot themselves in the foot. The only entertainment they provide is the free-falling price of their stock and sending them side swipes and jabs on Twitter. ^_^
Frankie says it best.
No. They lost me. After GW2 turned stale (which happened with remarkable quickness) I went and bought an Xbox. I'm done with games I don't get to own and play whenever I feel like and can get shut down while I stand by and helplessly watch it rot.
I've been an MMO gamer for 10 years, most of it spent engaged in CoH. Watching the game that I love above all get screwed like this started off as more of a surprise than something that hurt, but has grown to something that really bothers me. NCSoft has effectively ruined my trust in MMOs. This was a game that I believed reached immortality, because it had enough die-hard fans to keep it running and turning a profit indefinitely. As it turns out, any MMO can be killed by one moron that controls its publisher, even one that was going to be profitable for decades if allowed.
So no, I won't be playing CoH again, because I put thousands of dollars into this game and have been repayed with a shattering of my sense of security and trust. I won't be playing any MMORPG again. The genre has died for me, and NCSoft pulled the trigger.

If they got the band back together and said they were transitioning Paragon Studios and CoH to be a separate entity from NCSoft, perhaps.
If it was just NCSoft not turning the servers off, considering that the diaspora has already happened and the devs that made CoH what it was (for good or ill) wouldn't be involved and that I'd be rewarding NCSoft with more money for their little accounting scheme, no.
i love coh, but the only way i would stay put is if PS and the game went to another company.
I wouldnt even think bout it if it stayed with NCSoft. used to have faith in NCSoft but not anymore.
@Eternal Twilight
Friends don't let friends buy an NCSoft controlled project.
Save Paragon one more time!
Petition to end shutting down CoH:
OK, so NCSoft treated this community as secondary to the MMO, and the MMO as so much Software just to be swept aside. No real attempt made to release the IP Rights so that the Game could continue with another Company.
The Game is still scheduled to be shut down and we all feel that pain. Also, NCSoft Stock has been in decline. As City of Heroes/Villains made Profits for the other Games... If NCSoft decided, for whatever reason, to turn Payments back on and Keep the Game... Would You Stay? The White Comet - Pinnacle Server |
aka @Kristoff von Gelmini, leader of small SG bases (Infinity/Victory/Virtue/Protector), member of The House of Tera (Justice) and various others (Champion/Infinity/Victory/Guardian/Freedom).
Of course I would.

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My story on union.virtueverse.com
I would comeback, and i know others that were here for the beta and the beginning of the game that would also come back. I would recommend the game to many also. Idk why they would of ever turned pay to play(P2P) off anyways??? it was such a good money maker. The should of left it with the 14 day trial and then you gotta pay to play after that.. it was so affective.
Anyone wanting to save this game should also post links to the city of heroes website...itll show them how much this community can boost there rep and money making! if we all post on facebook, people that share or like it that havent ever heard of the game might become interested!
Almost any way for my characters to remain "alive," I would take. So I would keep playing, yes.
However I would prefer the game be taken over by any entity NOT NCSoft, because they very seriously BROKE my trust and its going to stay broken. They have proven they are not logical/wise decisionmakers; they have demonstrated contempt for the playerbase and a general lack of compassion.
I want someone else running things.
If NCSoft decided, for whatever reason, to turn Payments back on and Keep the Game...
Would You Stay? |
I would keep playing so I could use up some of those Paragon Points I have lying around (thousands).
I would NOT re-subscribe as long as the future of the game was still in the hands of the same idiots.
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
Yes and no.
Yes because: I never really stopped subbing even if I wasn't playing the game more than 1 night a week.
It's that game I love to come back and play after spending a few weeks or a month in another game.
No : If there was no future development, even if it was just finishing out the incarnate slots and tossing out some new powers and costumes every so often that'd be enough to keep me happy.
The big "maybe" would come from how much of the community (and the friends I've made in game) return. Though I'm sure if there was some server consolidation it would be plenty to make the game seem busy enough for me.
Not unless it was accompanied by some serious butt kissing on the order of how CCP dealt with the incarna debacle. I doubt that we'll get anything like that from the clowns in Korea. So I'm done with mmorpgs. The genre is dead to me.
I have two subsriptions - I would turn them back on to play but I would be leery of ever paying them for extras. They burned the bridge on trust with me.
OK, so NCSoft treated this community as secondary to the MMO, and the MMO as so much Software just to be swept aside. No real attempt made to release the IP Rights so that the Game could continue with another Company.
The Game is still scheduled to be shut down and we all feel that pain. Also, NCSoft Stock has been in decline.
As City of Heroes/Villains made Profits for the other Games...
If NCSoft decided, for whatever reason, to turn Payments back on and Keep the Game...
Would You Stay?
The White Comet - Pinnacle Server