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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Paragon View Post
    I'm actually curious as to what BIG NAME game this is now. Is it an MMO? Console?
  2. o.O I saw groups fall in the new Incarnate content. Or by "immortal" you meant they could steam roll lower level content?
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Twisted Toon View Post
    It doesn't make me want to apologize for being a man.

    It does make me want to beat (gently though) some sense into the person with a wooden paddle. I mean the guy acts like a 7th grader, he should be spanked like a 7th grader (in the 80s, when spanking was actually allowed). 5 public swats with the paddle and a months suspension without pay.

    Of course, he could be one of "those" people that would actually enjoy the swats...
    Reminds me of the time, a popular soap star, who played a rapist, got tons of fanmail saying "**** me!" and he was lefting saying "WTF?!"

    Basically, people will say the stupidest things.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TimTheEnchanter View Post
    This is more the fault of corporate "in-breeding" than overall bigotry. Most get in the door because of family, friends, etc, resulting in everyone being like-minded. It's even worse in Hollywood. You should see some of the scripts that are actually being offered for sale, that have wording just as bad.
    It's also due to people just trying to be edgy.

    It starts out "Make them look hot!"

    It got the point across. But then the next person has to come in, and step up the game, get the masses motivated!

    It's the power of language.

    "This is seriously messed up!" doesn't get people feeling as bad about something, as saying "This is seriously ****ed up!"

    Is that always the case? No. But most of the time? Yes.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BellaStrega View Post
    Actually, the misogyny among men in the gaming community played a fairly significant role in women not being a part of the gaming community. Why join a hobby where you're going to be abused just for who you are? Why go into stores where you'll be ignored or dismissed as obviously in the wrong place? Having people talk down to you? Being told you can't play a female character because women can't be adventurers? Having people try to roleplay gangrapes to show you your proper place? It wasn't just women being disdainful of gamers that kept women out of the gaming community in significant numbers.
    The other side to this, is I know plenty of women who roleplay those gangrapes.

    All these complaints, they're not limited to one's sex. It's just how people are. I promise you, if it was a room full of women making the game, they wouldn't be saying "Let's make the guys run the gauntlet in looks." or "Let's make the guys look completely ugly, over weight and hairy, geeky and skinny."
  6. BrandX

    The times we had

    Server merge would've been a terrible idea, only because it would've driven people away with "I lost my hero name, I quit."

    And yes, if you just combined the low population servers with other low population servers, people would've lost their names, and would've quit.

    The game was extremely solo friendly. It didn't discourage it at all. The only thing not soloable was the iTrials. You know, the content in the superhero mmo, that was pretty much "Take on the gods" that in superhero comics was done by groups of heroes and not one sole hero.

    Truthfully, never understood the complaints about "not earning rewards fast enough when solo" You're solo! You're playing the game. What were people going to do when you capped everything solo? They were going to complain there was nothing else to do, that's what

    You know, the same people who complained they had nothing to do when they got the rewards so fast with teaming.

    So the complaint of "not fast enough solo" I never understood. Was it some sort of ego thing of "Look at me and how I have all the powers! Even though, ya know, I don't care to team."

    Will miss this community though. I loved these forums! The good, the bad, and the ugly!
  7. I saw that post on the TOR forums. I thought of it as just another theory amongst many.

    I still think it's because "company refocusing" means "we want our games to be profitable in korea, NA, EU, China, Japan, and if it isn't, we'd rather not support it"
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ogi View Post
    Cliffhanger Productions is doing a SR MMO.
    Ooooo...I hope it's good.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
    As far away from GG as possible.

    To be fair, considering what was recently posted up on the Titan Network forums (although thankfully TonyV removed the offending post from her, and several replies), I think that it would be *most* beneficial for even Project Z to dump her....
    I'm curious as to what GG could of posted to have been offensive!
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TimTheEnchanter View Post
    The fact that it's not a Sword & Sorcery Game #1058673947 probably doomed it from the start.
    We'll have to push for a Shadowrun MMO, so a more modern MMO has a chance!
  11. I like how in CoH, I had the need for more than one power, but needed more than two.

    In CO, I have a ST attack and an AOE attack, both maintains, and I don't need any other attacks.

    Sure, I grabbed the one for concept/style, but due to how it works, it's not worth using :/ (Stat issue) and my other is a Lunge attack, that I only use to get in an enemy's face, and not for anything else.

    TOR ont he other hand, I go "I don't need this many attacks!" Of course, I could likely just not train in them, but being new to TOR, I really don't know which ones I need/want, but damn, at level 29, more attacks than I need!

    Have to agree with previous poster, I do like TERA's combat the best out of MMOs, and generally, I like the MMO. It's teaming however, and community for the most part, is terrible.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hercules View Post
    I find it amusing that similar games are called "Wow Clones".
    Wow has created nothing original that I'm aware of. Virtually every design concept embodied in WoW was borrowed and adapted from other games such
    as Everquest, Dark Age of Camelot, and even CoH.

    WoW itself is a big monstrous clone of other games.

    Having said that, I do agree that so many of the other games out there are so unoriginal.
    Orcs, Elfs, and Dwarfs abound.
    The Tank/DPS/Healer trinity still rules.
    Equipment defines your characters abilities and appearance.

    And it is truly a shame that the one game that broke away from this model is being shut down.
    I find many MMOs have gotten away from the equipment defines appearance now a days. Whether it be through changing the look of the gear or just not having the gear have stats, but they all seem to be moving away from "look will tell you the stats"
  13. Because you'd find something else to complain about with the game.

    Want a game that isn't a WoW clone? Check out TERA. Fun game! Different game mechanics! It's only downside is teaming on normal quests. :/ But, I'm sure all the nice things about it would be overlooked.

    Basically, what I'm saying is, you probably wouldn't behappy with any game except CoH.

    As a CoH vet, I know I look at every MMO and compare it to CoH.

    Of course, as a CoH vet, I looked at some things other MMOs did and went "Why cant we have that in CoH?"
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TimTheEnchanter View Post
    Apply that to the more specific question Jack was asking.

    I've joked about Karma when it comes to things that in no way affect me, and I associate with neither party involved. So no. It doesn't have to happen in "my" favor.

    From the opposing perspective, if CoH closing was Karma, who's?
    Doesn't have to be in anyone's favor.

    When good things happen to bad people, do you consider that karma? And there's lots of evidence out there to show that lots of bad people keep having good things happen.

    Basically my post was saying "There's no such thing as karma"
  15. Happy Ruin Your Diet Day! *sigh*

    I mean...

    Happy Thanksgiving! WHoooot! /o/
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CannonballJack View Post
    I know you're just doing the serious-but-not thing here, but...was it karma when City of Heroes was given its cancellation notice? Or is it only karma when we want it to be?
    Karma is when good or bad happens in your favor.

    Sooo...yes...only when one wants it to be.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TimTheEnchanter View Post
    Do we get the option to enable/disable the skin wax?
    I could find out, but then, I really don't think you'd care either way
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
    I have no interest in B&S or WildStar but I find it funny that CoH players are up in arms over the costumes that CAN be created. 7+ years and most of the female toons I seen (Granted they were prolly G.I.R.L.s) were mainly Playboy pinups or naughty school girls. And also let's not forget the hyper-sexualized catgirls; you know... kitty ears, tail, D sized bikini top and short leather skirts.... /e walk and/or /e getsome - yeah THAT's family friendly

    There was nothing "family friendly" about CoH's costume creator; because just like in a lot of MMOs...the people who wanna make skanky looking females will with the tools given to them.

    And here's a pic from the first Tanker Tuesday - what's holding HER boobs?
    That's been my point.

    If all the game offered was the lingerie outfits, yeah, I could see the hate for the game based on that. But it's not. So it's not really any different than CoH.

    Let's be honest. How many times have we seen an avatar run around with just the Eve Top
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CannonballJack View Post
    I think it only happens with things I love, so I'll be playing Champions Online instead. However, I will be watching your favorite TV shows. Try not to get attached!
    You should watch Survivor Island...and love it!
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Codewalker View Post
    I know you're being somewhat ironic in that statement to begin with, but now in particular it's especially funny when someone says that a game is outdated because of "graphics".

    If anyone actually legitimately believes that a game has to have state of the art graphics to be a success... Minecraft would like to have a word with you.'s the graphics that keep me away from Minecraft

    But! I do see your point. Liking a games graphics will always vary person to person.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cathulhu View Post
    Years? More like weeks. The devs fixed both the nipples and the flesh colored tights by the time I entered the game in August 2004. I remember the forums at the time had a thread on how to patch your game client with the original art to allow you to use and see the "nipple" costume pieces but only on your own computer.

    This post from a few years ago by Lothic explains the history a bit more in depth.

    Also there was the nude patch that more than a few players used.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dollhouse View Post
    Actually, those costumes (which I should point out BrandX kinda cherry-picked...more on that in a sec) are not objectionable, IMO. She quite correctluy points out that it's very possible to make a female character in that game that doesn't look like a streetwalker.


    And there are countless additional examples...
    Well yeah, I admit, I cherry picked them. But the ones showing skin are cherry picked too. All I was saying was, no one in the game is limited to the most revealing, sexualized costumes, out there. If your character wears those, it's because you choose to wear it, as outfits in the game don't grant stats at all. It's purely "what do I want to look like".

    Though, looking at your examples here, again, nothing worse than I saw in CoH.
  23. If they also got a staff back to keep updates coming.

    I'd come back even if they didn't, but I might drift away after awhile.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TimTheEnchanter View Post
    I think this was discussed early on, and it was never implemented because it seemed too "un-hero-like" for them to be randomly bashing each others' brains in (even though based on today's movies, seems very normal). So, the arenas were done as an alternative.

    All of this I thought was a detriment though. It took away the potential for a lot of fun player events that could've been held in public, where people could watch. Also, in most games that allow it, duels often get used for enhancing RP.

    *zap* power suppression field.
    Really? I found most RPers prefered text based fights, as PvP duels meant they would have to level and gear up, or use specific powersets/ATs, to be effective.