Wildstar article at Massively, if anyone cares to comment there....
You better pop some inspirations if you aren't capped for fire resist.
Looking at some of the articles there WildStar looks a lot like WoW for something that's supposed to have a distinctive look.
Sure, it's in space, but WoW has Space Goats and Space Orcs, and Gnomish and Goblin tech, Dwarven tanks and Outland is basically its space expansion.
As long as they don't make the mistake of trying to out-WoW WoW and they get themselves out from under NCSoft they might be able to last.
As long as they don't make the mistake of trying to out-WoW WoW and they get themselves out from under NCSoft they might be able to last.
WoW is the beacon that the cybug MMO's already run towards and fry themselves at the end of each game.
I couldn't help jumping in with my 2 cents about NCSoft. I was polite, but I continue to make gamers aware of what they're facing by wasting their time and money with NC.
Posting only takes a minute, whatever your take on things.... |
you need to troll a few forums thats the place people go to read what the beta / players are saying...
after reading various gw2 fan forums know your facts as most of the trolls
make a simple mistake like...bots are stealing my nodes totally blows the attempt
I have no interest in Wildstar. Your comment while basically polite still just comes across as a bitter CoH player; unfortunately not a lot of MMoers even know what CoH is/was or care that it is being shut down. Kinda like when Tabula Rasa was being closed down...no one here cared; even though it was NCSoft. I have nothing against NC and if they ever make a game that looks like something I would enjoy I will gladly give it a go. Unfortunately for them...I am not a fan of MMOs in general though.
Your post looks like a bitter COH player trying to rain on Wildstar's parade. If that was your objective....congrats?
Your post looks like a bitter COH player trying to rain on Wildstar's parade. If that was your objective....congrats?
And, honestly, I don't think non-CoXers really care. They view the shutdown of CoH the same way as most of the people on these boards viewed the shutdown of TR, AA, Exteel, DR, etc. If you weren't playing and enjoying those games, you just shrugged and kept doing what you were doing.
Anti-NCSofters say "NCSoft is bad, and shuts down games! They are the Evil!"
Non-CoXers hear "A 10 year old game most people either never heard of or stopped playing is shutting down. In other, actually important, news, ME3 is letting you pay for new clothes!"
Right or wrong, I suspect that's going on more often than not.
The way it reads to me as well, unfortunately.
And, honestly, I don't think non-CoXers really care. They view the shutdown of CoH the same way as most of the people on these boards viewed the shutdown of TR, AA, Exteel, DR, etc. If you weren't playing and enjoying those games, you just shrugged and kept doing what you were doing. Anti-NCSofters say "NCSoft is bad, and shuts down games! They are the Evil!" Non-CoXers hear "A 10 year old game most people either never heard of or stopped playing is shutting down. In other, actually important, news, ME3 is letting you pay for new clothes!" Right or wrong, I suspect that's going on more often than not. |

"Such and such game is closing" "Eh it sucked." or "Eh it was F2P." or whatever

BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
Carbine was founded by devs from the original WoW team. If you know that you can see why it sounds and looks like WoW in space.
Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components
Tempus unum hominem manet
Before NCSoft's closing of CoH, there were plenty of posters here who were looking forward to checking out Wildstar.
Hopefully they don't go to WoW in Space though, as we havethat with TOR.
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
I suspect Father Xmas meant gameplay, but visually I get more 'Iron Giant' from Wildstar than I do anything else.
I suspect Father Xmas meant gameplay, but visually I get more 'Iron Giant' from Wildstar than I do anything else.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
Well more stylized and cartoon look for characters, structures and terrain than, for lack of a better term, realistic look.
Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components
Tempus unum hominem manet
Dispite i dont like NCsoft for closing down this game, if they can put down a decent game as in B&S or Wildstar, i still will play it. Though i dont got any hope both games will be big successes (by the time its released in EU we're talking 2014), i judge the game by its content initialy.
50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.
Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!
i've been following trailers for quite a while, if you take away the common 'anti asian anime character' hate, i still believe it might be decent.
50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.
Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!
"And in this moment, I will not run.
It is my place to stand.
We few shall carry hope
Within our bloodied hands."
Deamus the Fallen - 50 DM/EA Brute - Lib
Dragos Bahtiam - 50 Fire/Ice Blaster - Lib
/facepalm - Apply Directly to the Forehead!
Formally Dragos_Bahtiam - Abbreviate to DSL - Warning, may contain sarcasm
...So it's the closest thing we're ever going to get to Worlds of Starcraft?
whatever happened to RockPaperScissors World of Starcraft anyways? last time I checked Activision had simply taken down a youtube video and then poof, the news stream stops cold
I suspect Father Xmas meant gameplay, but visually I get more 'Iron Giant' from Wildstar than I do anything else.

whatever happened to RockPaperScissors World of Starcraft anyways? last time I checked Activision had simply taken down a youtube video and then poof, the news stream stops cold
Blizard backpedalled a bit about their actions, claimed their only concern was the name used for the mod, but after that, I never saw any additional info. I don't have the game (it's the kind of game I would love to play precisely when I'm away from my internet and the DRM prevents me to play the campaign offline) so I cant check their mod library to see if it ever got out.

I couldn't help jumping in with my 2 cents about NCSoft. I was polite, but I continue to make gamers aware of what they're facing by wasting their time and money with NC.
Posting only takes a minute, whatever your take on things....