3220 -
Knowning demo playback will work, i'm already happy with that
its most probably just to create a screenshot for my characters, not really the sound. -
Since i have a few global locked characters (i dont think u can unlock them anymore, i got no globals left anymore), i cant use Sentinel+ on, but i want to keep those -
Sound bug i can live with, i just gotta figure out how to extra data from the xml and convert it to a demo playable character, then i would be damn happy already.
As i'm putting my final characters to xml with the Sentinel tool, i was just wondering,
What if i made demo's now, will i be able to play them back when the servers go black? Afaik the client doenst load any data from the server during playing, would i be able to immortalise all my characters in a demoshot?
Not that i got any clue how demo editing still work, but at least i could recreate some motions with my characters (like all of them waving goodbye or something). -
Quote:If only they would disable the Hero Summoning cap, i would love to go out with my CoH heroes along me, but i can only summon oneCelestial Armor Costume Set would have hit the Paragon Market next week.
Felt kinda sad when i checked my mailbox, see how much i still have unclaimed, inspirations, temp powers, bonus stuff, even the new IO's, thats sad... -
Since i got multiple accounts, i will be around at several places.
I will go back to my EU roots, Defiant, my US side Freedom and back to the place where it all began, to the very first character ever created.
But timezone might be the worst part of the story, as the server will shutdown US timebased, maybe i'll be asleep already at the time it really shut down. Just hoping to wake up the next morning and seeing it was all just a bad dream. -
I sadly picked up Ice Armor way too late to really enjoy it for a long time.
I been hubbling around with axe/fire/SS and ice melee, each time not liking the synergy and started over. Though as i look back now, and how my ice/fire plays, i wish i had started one way earlier. -
i've been following trailers for quite a while, if you take away the common 'anti asian anime character' hate, i still believe it might be decent.
Dispite i dont like NCsoft for closing down this game, if they can put down a decent game as in B&S or Wildstar, i still will play it. Though i dont got any hope both games will be big successes (by the time its released in EU we're talking 2014), i judge the game by its content initialy.
I serious gonna contact Fooray and Myke
Would be hell of a blast-ending, if i can finaly immortalise few of my characters in a drawing -
I'm around stage 5, acceptance.
No king rules forever, a NPC once said in another game. They can take the game, but they will never take my memories, my old gamemate used to say (he died in a car accident few years ago, only 3 months before that game was shut down).
All i now need is time to gather as much info about all my characters, make a few recordings that if i want to see it, i just play the demorecord (that doenst require connection isit?).
But, every day when i see Samuraiko's movie..
I go into stage 6, defeated. But once the rotating view at Atlas comes up, i feel kinda feel happy again, that all these years i've been part of the best game-community in _any_ game i've played (trust me, that are alot of games).
I still have hope one of the European publishers will still pick it up, they got a few good companies out there, that might give a go at relaunching. But then again.. its NCsoft.. and they are.. ya well, they are NCsoft.
I dont have a grudge against them, i just hope their B&S, Starstuff and GW2 will be worst then expected, leaving them feeling only regret they killed off one of the few games that they had that actualy made succes.
But whatever campaign they decide to continue after shutdown, i will back it up.
I am a hero, this is what i do. -
If only they had listened to you all those years ago.
Ok my personal one, making every set alike.
Was it a blaster, defender or a corrupter, most sets became available at nearly every AT possible. You could ramp it up with IO's imho too easy, making every set the strongest as long you invest IO's, dispite the AT.
And another, no eye for current content and gameplay, be it animations that were out of sync, powers that still dont work (hello Oilslick), or simple stuff like BU/Aim removing your weapon (dont start that cast/weapon thing again, it has delay). It was always about new content, new AT's, new sets, yet another 50 to be made. -
Would love to roll along on Freedom, but 9PM is like 5AM local time, having to work at 8AM, not a good idea
I need a hero is my all time favorite of my CoH song. I prefer the Shrek version, specialy when doing a TF
Quote:Remember SWTOR at the launch? Everything skyrockets, they broke records, they made it all. Look at it today, a pinch of what it once was, even their f2p system is borked at all places.The thing is... in GW2 they have a big hit. Their stock peaked just after the GW2 launch - despite the announcement of the closure of CoH
But since AP33 the price has gone down. Blade & Soul (BS for short) is not being well received in the West, and their financials for Q3 show they are a company that is out of touch with its marketplace.
It's not a single event, but a conflation of several distinct issues, all very poorly managed by an aloof corporation with questionable competence.
GW2 might be a huge launch (hell it been 'in the news' for 5 years), i highly doubt if they can keep up the succes as they once did with GW1 (though in numbers they never could beat GW2, but in continuation, they probably will).
B&S personaly is too late, there are tons of new games ready from Asia that first have to go through all the translation and stuff, but they are already done. B&S is yet to start, where the other games continue and take the customers they should have taken (hell, even Cabal2 is comming).
They got 3 games on a huge risk how they will succeed, GW2 might have done 'ok', i dont see Wildstar or B&S making the same succes. Then they kill of 1 of their few games who maintained a stable playerbase, not to compete with the 'big names' (sorry, DCU or CO wont cut it) and would have kept going for quite some time. -
I just enjoy as i go along, i never have a certain focus or goal with any character i had, but i have to name a few:
A CoH movie dedicated to all my characters (82 atm).
Finish my story about all my characters (i have 36 linked atm)
Solo an AV (though i probably can do, i just keep failing)
Build my own superhero base. -
I dont have the exact numbers of the game as of 'cancel date', but there are few out there that had a consirable big playerbase when they shut down. They lost the title 'non-forced cancel of subscribed based', that title seems to be still in hands of Tabula (or maybe original APB, who was sub-based when they closed in 2010 - though got a f2p relaunch by G1).
Apart from that, in the f2p section there are quite a few big titles, like Dragon Sky and localised Rose Online (2 bankrupt, 1 global closure), no idea what their numbers were though but they were considered as games with a rather large playerbase (unlike other f2p games with 10k to 15k players). -
Planetside 2? The beta game that is about to hit live? No, that game really aint worth my money.
Numbers remaining:
4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 15, 16, 18, 20, 25, 29, 34, 35, 39, 45, 47, 52, 54, 55, 56, 58, 59, 62, 63, 64, 70, 71, 72, 74, 76, 79, 80, 81, 83, 84, 85, 87, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98 -
Numbers remaining:
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100 -
Quote:There already been a few games where the entire development was gone but it still went back on the market, just because you dont have the original developers anymore, doesnt mean you cant run and manage it.As others have said, there really is no way that COH can be restored at this point. If someone DOES buy it, they'd have to assemble a new team of Devs, they'd have their own vision for the game, and there's no guarantee that enough people would come back to make it a profitable game.
They might need time to adjust to the engine and way things work, but they can make it work again.
But at the end, i never give up, i have the friends, the screenshots and movies, but most of all, i have the memories of this game.
As long there are things to hold on to, moving on doesnt mean you give up, you take the memories with you into the next adventure.
As for blade & soul, already too much competition within the action-MMO genre, alike Wildstar being just 'among' all the big companies trying to put down a solid MMO. Nevertheless, i will go play Blade&Soul, if only they would release it in Europe already... -
1. Looking back, considering everything, which was your favorite archetype in the game?
Tanker, though closely followed by blaster. Tanker as this was 1 of hte first, probably one of the last, where you truely feel being a tank, being the hero that can take tremendous ammount of beating before going down.
2. In possible contrast, when it comes to your favorite character, what kind was it? List AT and the two main sets.
Stone amor / superstrength from tank, by far. It was Granite that made him, that gave me all the reasons to play the stone armor tanker, being close to invincible. Second would be ice/nrg blaster, but thats more because it was the first blaster i ever hit 50 with.
3. What AT did you evolve to enjoy over the years that you disliked initially?
i think overal the villain side, the only one i initialy enjoyed was MM, but in time i quite liked the corrupter (offender but from nature) along with brute (as tank was a bit too weak on offense). -
Quote:Yeah that was my idea also, specialy when the 'end is near', i have the artist-book you could buy a while ago, i believe all names are in that. I'll give that another tryJust as an *idea*, and I know that this has worked in the past with a friend of mine.
They wanted a drawing of Optimus Prime for their son's birthday, done by Andrew Wildman.
So they got in touch with him directly.
Lo and behold, they got one just in time for his birthday. I don't know how much it cost, but it was not *extortionate* pricing. Could be worth a shot, especially if you know the name of the artist who does draw in the style that you want.
If you head over to Draw The World Together, they will have more information there... just as an idea. -
Quote:Twice i've been trying, but only getting there was already a huge effort (work, costs etc), by the risk of not getting anything drawn at all (i believe it was just a 'enter the queue' thing and i believe artists were randomly put on drawning - i wanted a specific style of drawingDid you ever attend any of the conventions that Ncsoft attended where the Draw The World people were there as well? That was a good way of getting your stuff done by one of the comic book guys.
ok.. short breath :X
I was trying to my get characters drawn way back in the time CoH still had a UK office.
Hell, i would even pay for it.