What do you regret not doing in Game?
I wish I had rolled a clone of Fetal Alchohero.
Triple Threat badge.
Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093
-Not doing incarnate trials... I got my brute incarnated up to +2 with DA arcs but got burnt out on the game before I actually ran any of the trials... figured I could take a break for a few months and do 'em when I returned... that worked out well...
-Not playing a VEAT or Kheldian to a high level
-Haven't done Khan TF, Mortimer Kal SF, Renault SF, LRSF, seed of the hamidon, or the SSAs villain side. Also haven't done hamidon or statesman/liberty tf in a long time and only did those two once.
-Never got a controller to 50
This. Just... this.
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)
Getting a character to 50. I got in on the game really late, so I never 50'd any of my characters. I probably could if I jumped into game right now with my highest level toon and grinded like crazy, but I don't want my last memory of the game being a grindfest.
A more prominent regret is not doing more taskforces/etc. I was mostly a solo guy, and only in the last month or so found out I could do taskforces as a free player. Not being able to send tells also hindered my efforts to get into groups being formed for them at times.
I just enjoy as i go along, i never have a certain focus or goal with any character i had, but i have to name a few:
A CoH movie dedicated to all my characters (82 atm).
Finish my story about all my characters (i have 36 linked atm)
Solo an AV (though i probably can do, i just keep failing)
Build my own superhero base.
50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.
Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!
Holy Cow, where to start?
I always thought "there's time, I don't want to make it into a job to get things done"
Y'know, work 8-12 hours a day, come home, do chores, spend time with my wife(the important stuff) them fit some CoX and sleep into a 24 hour day.
Guess which lost out the most. Right! Sleep!
At least until the brain shut down.
1)Stalkers. My favorite AT(My first and main). Wanted to get all Stalker powersets to 50. Had just bought Street Justice when they made the anouncement. I have characters of most of the powersets started, but only one 50+
2)KageNoKami. Master of all things shadowy(Dark). Wanted to get every dark/dark combo possible to 50.
2)Actinic Glare. Full body cyborg with mission oriented modularity. He was my E3 project. Wanted to get every Elec/Elec/Elec combo to 50.
3)Tried to get at least one character of each AT to 50. Just could not get into controllers, dominators and Keldians. Everything is started, just not finished.
4)Join the 1300+ club(badges)
5)"Finish" the Nasty Kitty SG base.
6)Experience every story arc at least once. Including most of the more highly recommended
MA stories. I have a notebook with 4 pages full of MA arcs to find.\
7)Wanted to at least try some of the more commonly used power sets. I have very few rads, fire, ice, kin. They always felt too FOTM when I started, although others have become more so since.
I only relatively recently got in to badge hunting and demorecording, and they're both things I wish I'd done more of earlier. I will say that if making a movie is something that you wanted to do, it's worth learning the basics of editing demorecorded files, as it's something you'll still be able to do even after the game closes because playing them back and editing them doesn't require the servers to be up.
I wish I'd discovered the joys of dominators earlier too as my earth / earth domi Magneous is actually much closer in concept for the character than Volkanik is!
@SteelRat; @SteelRat2
"Angelina my love, I'm a genius!"
"Of course you are darling, that's why I married you. Physically, you're rather unattractive"
Only two things I didn't do that I would like to have:
1. Win a costume contest. 7+ years never even placed third in one. Granted I think I may have been in a whopping 4-5 CC. I always thought "Meh I'm busy doing something else right now."
2. Got a toon to 1000 badges. I think the least badges one of my 50's has is like 500 but the most is like 750. I never did get "Avoids The Green Stuff" for my MoKeyes; only Mo Trial I don't have. It's not that I didn't try, but it always got messed up at the last 10-20 seconds of the trial.
Getting a character to 50. I got in on the game really late, so I never 50'd any of my characters. I probably could if I jumped into game right now with my highest level toon and grinded like crazy, but I don't want my last memory of the game being a grindfest.
A more prominent regret is not doing more taskforces/etc. I was mostly a solo guy, and only in the last month or so found out I could do taskforces as a free player. Not being able to send tells also hindered my efforts to get into groups being formed for them at times. |
1. Doing all of the TFs on one character.
2. Doing a CoP.
3. Finishing my solo SG base. I created a solo SG on one of my toons, just so I could experiment with base building. It's maybe 10% complete.... I never could spend long stretches working on it due to the clutzy interface and limited object portfolio.
4. Continuing/Completing my AE series dealing with Croatoa. I gave up on doing anymore due to the Dev's decision to completely abandon the sub-system and some much needed enhancements needed in AE to implement some of my ideas. So many stories that will never see the light of day ... oh well.
131430 Starfare: First Contact
178774 Tales of Croatoa: A Rose By Any Other Name ( 2009 MA Best In-Canon Arc ) ( 2009 Player Awards - Best Serious Arc )
I never came full-circle with my Mastermind Col. James Riley. Originally I had planned to retire him after he saved the city from the Rikti by soloing the 3rd Hero Respec. It was to be his grand finale--all his efforts finally come to fruition from his failures in the first Rikti invasion. I truly do regret never doing that, and honestly I just can't find the time or the energy to log in and finish him off on that final, glorious run.
The other thing I regret not doing was finishing my story arc that I spent the last 6 months working on. I was halfway done when the announcement dropped and just couldn't see the end in sight (well...that and my terrible habit to over-analyze and second guess myself helped to delay the process).
What do you regret not doing in Game?
In game. It was a good ride, couldnt have asked for a better ride so far, but it was not perfect and not implying it was and nothing is really perfect. But there are other rides out there and after Nov 30th either have the choice of finding a new ride or not riding. Either way this one will be in memory.
-Female Player-
Over the years I would go through spurts where I'd make some friends for a while, then just drift off and do my own thing, never to talk with them again. I wish I had kept up on the social aspects of this game a little better. I started out on Infinity server and ran with a few people, but I up and moved over to Freedom, for the higher pop, never to come back to infinity again. And then on Freedom I met some cool people and formed a SG with them, but lost interest and drifted away again.
I also wish had managed to convince my RL friends to play this game with me.
Only getting half of the ATs to 50... Still need a Defender, Warshade, Peacebringer, Stalker, Brute, Mastermind (OK, I did a petless MM to 50, but that doesn't really count :P), and Soldier. . I also would've liked to unlock all Incarnate slots on one of each AT and get at least 1 T4 Power for each slot. Right now I have four Incarnates, three of which are 6/6 Tier 4, and one which is a single Very Rare and a handful of Common components away from 6/6 T4.
Virtue 50s:
Ice/Ice Blaster, Fire/Fire Dominator, Mind/Emp Controller, Shield/Axe Tanker, Spines/Regen Scrapper, Rad/Pain Corruptor, Petless Thugs/Traps MM(WHY!?), Widow
A zillion alts on Virtue and elsewhere.
I think my only real regret is not having managed the SG I wound up inheriting (P.O.W.E.R. on Virtue) better, having it pretty much die out.
In terms of accomplishments, I've done what I want to do that's in game now (would like to finish Pandora's box on Edwina in game, but the contact isn't in game so probably won't be able to do so).
My arcs are constantly shifting, just search for GadgetDon for the latest.
The world beware! I've started a blog
GadgetMania Under Attack: The Digg Lockout
Not finishing my crabtermind. Almost there, at level 36, but after the announcement I just stopped. Lost the motivation.
Not getting a gravity controller up to 32. Got my plant up to that point, loved the fly trap. Just never sat down with my gravity controller.
Not incarnating my Merc/pain fully.
"I have something to say! It's better to burn out then to fade away!"
Been playing since the day of retail release
- Never did a Hamidon raid
- Never got a PvP drop
- Never unlocked the most recent lvl 50 power abilities, never did the missions for them
- Never did the full Rularuu story lines or the really long TFs
And probably...
- Never found a game as good as this one
Ideally, the tank will die precisely as everyone else starts fighting, allowing aggro to be spread evenly among the blaster. -seebs, "How to Suck at CoH/CoV" Guide
- Never did a Hamidon raid
And probably... - Never found a game as good as this one |
These. I mostly stayed red side and they never happened there. Wasnt til the end that i started getting a couple hero 50's and they werent fully IO'd and incarnated out yet.

on a side note, my main is now rogue (blegh) so if any hami raids happen before the end i can join. Just havent seen any.
(and I sincerely hope you do)

Thelonious Monk
I regret nothing. Well... small things. Not getting some badges on Mouse sooner. Not getting a crab or bane or PB to 50, I was working on that, just not one of my major goals when crunch time came.
I would have regretted a lot more if I'd stopped playing on September 1st as so many people did, but I've managed to accomplish a lot of goals in the last 2 1/2 months. Got a staff fighter to 50, got a nature/water blast defender to 50, did a lot of badging, managed to do most of the things I hadn't previously done, which were few and far between anyway.
So... no regrets, save that I wish I had another year or two to play, and that the devs were still producing cool stuff for the game.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid
Even before the shutdown notice came, I was planning to make a perfect run with what I consider to be each of the eight different storylines in the game, which would have included the new missions in Beta. I even had a .txt with their backgrounds and descriptions, but I procrastinated too much and now there's not enough time to do them all...
- Hero (Peacebringer) - Completed
- Vigilante (Warshade) - Completed
- Rogue (Soldier) - Never got started
- Villain (Widow) - Completed
- Warden - In progress
- Crusader - Never got started
- Top Dog - Never got started
- Interrogator - Never got started
I played most nights for many years with the exeption of a few short breaks.
But even though I have logged many many hours in game, there's so much I never quite acheived.
So in no particular order:
There's probably more that will hit me when I finish this thread so I reserve the right to edit
Why not share some of the things you regret not having done?
Thelonious Monk