What do you regret not doing in Game?




A little bit. I've set up Shade the mastermind's pets with pet-themed IO's like Blood Mandate and Sovereign Bloodright, and replaced all her 50 SO's w/ level 50 IO's to make sure she's ready for Mot. With New World Daughter, I placed some level 35 IO ranged damage sets on her three main attacks, to make her a little more little useful in her TF. If the game were going on, I'd gradually move each alt into IO's once they hit 50.

"Now, I'm not saying this guy at Microsoft sees gamers as a bunch of rats in a Skinner box. I'm just saying that he illustrates his theory of game design using pictures of rats in a Skinner box."



I regret not getting one of each archetype to 50. I was so close -- I have a level 50 of every archetype except Brute and Kheldian. My highest level brute is 40, and...well, I just hate Kheldians, can't stand them at all.

I also regret complaining so much on these forums. I was hoping my input would make the game better, but I didn't know it was in imminent danger. If I had known its life was so fragile, I would have spent more time highlighting the many good qualities of CoX, or at least kept my mouth shut.

New Webcomic -- Genocide Man
Life is funny. Death is funnier. Mass slaughter can be hilarious.



I regret nothing!

Actually, that's not true. Some things I regret:

- Not getting either of my toons to L50. Angel is 35 so it MIGHT be possible for her to hit 50 by the 30th, but I work full-time so probably not.
- Never actually coming up with a Battle Cry for my Peacebringer, Pale Fallen Angel. Just couldn't figure out one that fit with her character, so she's the "strong silent" type I guess.
- Never playing a Mastermind. Had I known then what I know now, when I bought the PB option I would have picked up MM as well; I just figured I'd either get it the next time it went on sale or when I filled out Tier 5, whicever came first. I was so gonna channel Overlord with it; the summons would have yelled out "For the master!" as they attacked. Ah, lost opportunities.
- Being perhaps a touch too anti-social. I guess it's from being a 360 gamer; whenever I logged in, I would set "not looking for team" so I could concentrate on what I was doing. Ironic considering that I had like one bad experience, and that was a DFB my first week, when I had no clue what the hell I was doing.



I only got three 50s -- I always wished I could've gotten more of them.

I never made a successful Soldier of Arachnos. I had a concept I was really happy with, but he didn't solo well in low levels, and I ended up deleting him.

I wish I'd been better able to figure out good ways to play blasters and controllers. They just never clicked with me, even when I had character designs I liked...

And I wish I'd done more TFs.

Read my comic blog Hero Sandwich!



Honestly...my only regret would be quitting/taking a break for the past six months.

I usually take breaks every so often...and just figured I would come back to the game as usual.

Unfortunately...no game to come back to now.



- Taking those long breaks for a few months each time for the past few years (new issue releases would bring me back)

- Not getting my Warshade to 50, I heard they are awesome later one.

- Not being more serious about getting all the villain-side badges on my main badger (he has Bug Hunter, stopped seriously hunting when Going Rogue opened up... couldn't keep up).

- Not going to Hero Con when I had the chance.

- Not playing melee characters up more. If I had the time, I'd get my lvl 7 dual blader up or maybe that new staff guy that I abandoned around level 14. I'm more of a blaster/controller at heart.

- Not getting a beam rifle guy up. If I hadn't run low on time, I'd have run up a Beam Rifle/ Martial combat blaster on beta.

Right now, I'm trying to run the major recent Arcs before the end. I'm on the last few Night Ward arcs, finished the DA arcs. Still have Belladonna Vertrano and the Beta arcs to finish, as well as whatever that new Kings Row stuff on Beta is.

I'm also flashing back to demorecord Keith Nance and Roy Cooling arcs. I have to run Admiral Sutter TF again, maybe Calvin Scott TF, and probably Katie Hannon TF. Hope to run FrostFire mission again for sentimental value for my gf.

So much left to do, and only 11 days (as of today) to do it!

My Guide to the Hero-side Venomous badge

(622 Badges on my badge-guy)

number of lvl 50's: 24
number in the 40's: 3



At this point, I've honestly gotten to do almost everything I wanted...

It would have been nice to have enough time to finish all of the members of my crew who are "in progress" and not quite 50 yet, and to Incarnate-out Anigan (my SJ brute, who I ended up liking much more than I expected to-) but I can live with leaving them all as they are.

My favorites are done... Kestrel can finally wrap Cardinal's summon, making him the true constant companion I always intended him to be. Nemissary has all of his multiple-T4s-in-everything Incarnate toys. Palrah has all of the badges I wanted him to have. I'm at peace where they're concerned.

My only real regret is that I didn't start FRAPSing things until very late in the game. I really wish I'd have had that sooner, and could have "filmed" more of the missions, TFs, trials and monster hunts I took part in over the years. I'd have loved to have them to watch now and later on, just to remember.

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...



My biggest regret

as a villain RPer is I never really forged/found a player hero/nemesis.

Like, I faced groups of heroes, but I could never look to one specific character and go

Yeah, I hate that muppetfucker.

probably because in the 30+ rpers I knew, I was the only earth character.

which is p. weird



- Not playing a Soldier of Arachnos. When I was about to, they brought MasterMinds to the Hero side and I got distracted.
- Not fully getting into PB's. I had one, and wanted to do more with her. Always figured out there would be time. Woops.
- Not playing a Villain up through 50 - I'd get board with Villain's side and leave it for the lack of teaming.
- Not playing a lot of the task forces.
- Not dealing with Incarnate stuff at all. Just didn't interest me at the time, figured they'd be around, and I was having fun with the new signature arcs and tips.

I did, though, get to do my first Hami Raid two days ago, and got to do one last Mothership Raid. Wish I'd discovered Hami raids earlier.



I wish I'd gotten more involved with the community.

In eight years of playing, I haven't made any friends through this game. A few acquaintances, but no more than that. That's partly because of my playing style--for the first two years, I was on a crappy computer that made teaming extremely difficult; I also have rampant altitis--with 120 characters spread out over 12 servers, it can be kinda tough to put down roots. But those certainly aren't the only reasons.

I've got about 20 people on my Global Friends list. I have no idea who two thirds of them are. Of the rest, most are people I've met through other avenues. (And of those, probably half are people who only played the game briefly.) The only supergroup I've put any time toward is the one started by IRL friends (who have all been pretty much inactive for the last year or so.) They had also been regular participants in the RP community on Virtue...but that was something else I never really got involved in.

I'm sure I've teamed with most of you at one time or another, especially on iTrials. But I don't know who any of you are.

Total Characters: 120
Lowest Level: 1, Luke Johnson (Staff/WP Brute, Virtue)