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  1. If I'm not mistaken, Sutter is the current WST so it shouldn't be too hard to get one going. Try virtue server if you're not having luck elsewhere. The first signature story arc also has a navy ship in part 7 (plus a few floating in the air).
  2. -Not doing incarnate trials... I got my brute incarnated up to +2 with DA arcs but got burnt out on the game before I actually ran any of the trials... figured I could take a break for a few months and do 'em when I returned... that worked out well...

    -Not playing a VEAT or Kheldian to a high level

    -Haven't done Khan TF, Mortimer Kal SF, Renault SF, LRSF, seed of the hamidon, or the SSAs villain side. Also haven't done hamidon or statesman/liberty tf in a long time and only did those two once.

    -Never got a controller to 50
  3. I play this game for four main reasons:

    1) The character customization is the best of any game I've ever played
    2) The player base is mostly comprised of genuinely nice people that don't freak out when something goes wrong in-game
    3) I like the lore
    4) The gameplay's fun

    And to the OP, I'll second Houtex's suggestion: Get something positive going in your life; have you tried a sport or musical instrument? Either become engaged with something you're good at, or try something you'd -like- to be good at and then practice until you are (just remember there are no training montages in real life, practice takes effort and time)! Again, I'll second Houtex's suggestion of checking out fencing; it's a great sport that involves speed, precision, and strategy.

    Also, don't think of people as superior/inferior. Everyone has their flaws and virtues, their own triumphs and challenges, so don't be quick to judge others (or yourself!). Just try to do right by others and remember that most folks aren't so bad when you give 'em a chance.

    On a side note, Jak 2 is an excellent game and I heartily recommend it to anyone that owns a PS2 (Jak 3 and Jak X Racing are also both very good, as is Daxter for the PSP... haven't played the 4th one yet so can't judge).
  4. The perfect superhero MMO, to me, would have the following:

    -Character customization on par (if not surpassing) CoH. That includes both aesthetics and power selection.

    -A mission editor, much like mission architect, but with tool to build a level's geometry

    -One or more open world cities/places to explore with seamless transition from outdoors to indoors.

    -Varied environments, from cities with tall skyscrapers to arctic wastelands and everywhere in between

    -Instancing used heavily, even in the outdoors areas, to prevent any one location from becoming too crowded/empty. But it would be best if the instancing were more or less seamless... kind of like WoW's "phasing" technology.

    -Fast-paced combat making use of travel powers, dodging, environment objects, ect.

    -Destructible environments

    -Lots of content at all levels. There should be stuff to do at endgame and there should never be any leveling content gaps. There should also be parity on the amount of content available to both heroes and villains.

    -Dynamic missions/objectives, varied objectives, player choices affecting story, emergent gameplay/story

    -Open world PvP (on a PvP server, of course) and instanced objective-based PvP scenarios with a plethora of game modes and maps.

    -An excellent soundtrack and a visually-pleasing art style.

    -A pricing model where the player buys the game upfront with no micro-transactions or subscriptions. Content delivered in sizeable expansion packs would be acceptable.
  5. Here's a very obscure tidbit: CoH has a feature called Gladiator Battles where players can pit teams of NPC pets against each other in arena maps.
  6. The key to Valve's success is that a large part of the business is built around customer satisfaction and bringing in new customers/keeping old with their good Steam sales (forcing stores like amazon and origin to do the same in order to compete). They also prototype a bunch of new products, services, and features (TF2, the extremely fun war-themed hat simulator, is as much a guinea pig as it is a cash cow). They really are the antithesis of a Korean company. On a side note, that Total War sale has me tempted to finally pick up Napoleon and Shogun... not only is the bundle going for a decent price, but hats!
  7. I think the Exobytes (alien robot mite things) were put in to explain why there were suddenly thousands of new superheroes and villains in the DC world.
  8. I've always found it relatively quick and easy to get on a team with minimal down time, especially when compared to the other MMORPG I've spent much time with (WoW). I think it's because teaming is encouraged with XP bonuses, there isn't a prerequisite team build (i.e. tank/healer/some DPS) so team composition can be flexible, team size in CoH is fairly large, server/global channels help in putting together teams, and sidekicking/exemplaring is a great system not found in other MMOs (should be a standard feature by now in all MMOs, IMO).
  9. I've been trying out DCUO (I've checked out CO previously. Its alright IMO) and its impressing me so far.

    I love the aesthetics, soundtrack, city layouts, combat (really action packed!), boss fights are challenging, hidden collectibles, and PvP (been playing on the open world PvP server. the pvp isn't just about using abilities, but also blocking, countering, dodging, ect.). I hate to say it, but the combat blows CoH and CO out of the water.

    The only complaints I have are the voice acting isn't great, there isn't much in the way of story (basically its a bunch of "Go to X and do Y because we're evil (yeah, I'm playing a villain)), and the player's character really does play second fiddle to the franchise characters (hey kids, its Killer Croc and he hates Bane! Yaaaay! ... No, we're not going to tell you -why- he hates Bane, even though this was mentioned at least 3 times during the storyline... its probably due to something in the comics or something...)

    I think I might plop down a few bucks to pick up some of the DLC packs and get upgraded to a premium account.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post

    Or we could go all Bond villainy and induce the North Koreans to invade the south. That should hurt NCSoft's bottom line.
    Just what I was about to post (in jest, of course)! It wouldn't be too difficult to provoke North Korea (they are a bit nuts, after all)... maybe send some notes insulting Kim Jung Un over the DMZ via balloons laden with Christmas lights and South Korean flags? Granted, thousands (if not millions) of people could perish in the ensuing conflict, but such is the price of denying us our ability to run around in virtual tights! The plot just needs steam-powered robots and some plots within plots... maybe a mole machine or two...

  11. I'm reminded of a line from the Watchmen comic... to roughly paraphrase:

    "They will look to NCSoft and shout 'Save Us!' and NCSoft will only whisper 'No'... and then unleash scantily clad underage Cthulu."
  12. Flying_Carcass

    Blade and Soul

    Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
    Did you pull the wrong url? They're both basically totally covered.
    Probably for the best.
  13. I found the game's atmosphere too depressing for a few days following the announcement to warrant playing, so I went on a Team Fortress 2 binge (and then my hat crafting attempts went horribly, horribly wrong...). But after the rally on Saturday there was a ritki drop ship raid event on Champion which was fun, and since then I've decided to get my stalker to 50.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
    You know I wouldn't mind a Sim City of Heroes. Haha.

    One of the surviving eight could adopt my city and be its sworn protector!
    Sim City, and all the llamas within, are already under the protection of Maxis Man!
    Alas, wish I could get my old copy of Sim City 2000 working on my current machine... don't get me wrong, Sim City 4 is good and all, but 2000 was better IMO.
  15. Thanks for the link (I see it too, btw); when playing on virtue earlier I heard the CoH lore bible had been leaked. Gonna' be a good read.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
    I miss when first person shooters were like Doom and Quake, not Call of Duty and Battlefield. If TF2 ever came out with some sort of single player campaign mode, I'd probably never stop playing it.

    Also miss when RPGs were like Final Fantasy 1-10, not 11-14 or Kingdom Hearts.

    You mean fast paced shooters? Hard Reset may be of interest.
  17. Oh, there was also the "Rise of the Chickens" event I ran with my old SG. The premise was evil chickens, which is awesome. Good times were had.

  18. Four I can think of off hand, three involving the Paladin.

    A long time ago I was passing through Kings Row on my eng/dev blaster and spotted the Paladin. Having never fought him before, I attacked and an intense 1-on-1 battle ensued (this was before the changes to giant monster health regeneration/scaling and back when whirlwind uprooted the character), from which I emerged the victor. Good times.

    The second time I soloed the Paladin was on my BS/WP scrapper. Lured one away from the park they gather in towards Paula Dempsey's old location and fought him while using the contact to buy inspirations during the fight. I also used some shivans, a cataphract, and a HVAS to help overcome the GM's regen. I used to have a video of that, but its trapped on my dead laptop for the time being.

    I almost soloed the Kraken on that same character using similar tactics (I.E. plop a bunch of summons down to overcome the regen), but could only get him down to about half health (AoE foot stomp knockback slowed the DPS). Still, a fun fight.

    The third time I soloed the Paladin was on my SS/WP brute with +2 incarnate powers. The only summon I used for this fight was the incarnate cataphract summon (hooray for -regen). It was intense towards the end since the cataphract despawned with a small amount of health remaining on the Paladin, but I managed to put out enough last moment damage to take it down before the regen could tick.
  19. Ooh, Dwarf Fortress is a good one. I definitely recommend using a graphics pack, especially if you're just getting into the game. I haven't played in awhile, but my last fort was in a haunted forest biome and suffered from blue dust storms that instantly killed anyone who inhaled the dust, so any time the dust storms began I had to order everyone inside. The fort was eventually overrun by a goblin ambush due to an unprepared militia and some clothes from dust storm victims forcing the doors ajar. Good times.
  20. Eh, sometimes. I think the "wonder" of video games (especially online games) has long worn off, for me anyway. However, I'd still rather play a game than watch TV. That said, I don't get games at release any more, instead waiting for them to go on sale or become used... $15 is the point where I usually start -considering- buying a game. After all, there are many alternatives on the market (quite frankly, I think the games market's become oversaturated) and I've already got a rather meaty game collection.

    As for indie games, some are good and worth checking out, but most are crap or overpriced. For every World of Goo or N+ there's a thousand indie titles that just plain suck.
  21. Yeah, his blog post isn't worth reading. Heck, the only reason I saw it was because it was the first news result google returned when I typed in "city of heroes".
  22. I don't have access to the Champion server forums on this premium account, so I can't post this there, but as a show of community Champion server had a rikti drop ship take down event earlier this evening and I recorded some (raw) video footage (posted it to my old photobucket account).

  23. Personally, I was thinking Grandville... >.>

    I may try my hand at this, but I'm a little disinclined to do any massive Minecraft projects after I lost a big MC project when my laptop died (sure, I could probably hook up my laptop's hard drive to my current PC, but I'm a little worried about an old virus that was "quarentined" on the laptop).
  24. Couldn't get on Virtue, so I went to Freedom. No idea which AP instance I was in (didn't check).

  25. Flying_Carcass


    Yeah, bit of a queue for virtue atm. currently 190 of 256