Tired of Being Nice...
I'm reminded of a line from the Watchmen comic... to roughly paraphrase:
"They will look to NCSoft and shout 'Save Us!' and NCSoft will only whisper 'No'... and then unleash scantily clad underage Cthulu."
I'm reminded of a line from the Watchmen comic... to roughly paraphrase:
"They will look to NCSoft and shout 'Save Us!' and NCSoft will only whisper 'No'... and then unleash scantily clad underage Cthulu." |

Frankie says it best.
I understand your anger. I feel the same. But we can't yet go on the offensive. Not until we know that talks with Paragon have ended.
It'd be akin to nuking the city while your troops were still in it.
So instead we wait, and we fire up the press even more and try to break into mainstream news and business journals. If we aren't getting their attention, if they insist on silence, perhaps we just aren't loud enough yet. It's time to be louder.
@Rorn ---- Blue Baron ---- Guardian

Calm down.
Many of us believe that there is an actual reason for NCsoft's continued silence. They might not be able to give any specifics because they are currently in ongoing negotiations with a third party regarding the ultimate fate of CoX.
I am still being [relatively] nice because the fat lady has not yet sung the final swan-song for this game. So I hold my considerable ire in check, and wait to see what's going to go down with TonyV & co's efforts.
If that falls through, I will unequivocably invoke all the karma NCSoft deserves down upon their passive-aggressive little corporate heads.... twice over, twice over - times two. Seriously.
Calm down.
Many of us believe that there is an actual reason for NCsoft's continued silence. They might not be able to give any specifics because they are currently in ongoing negotiations with a third party regarding the ultimate fate of CoX. |
You know I wish we knew if there were talks going on about the fate of the game.
My COX Fanfiction:
Blue's Assembled Story Links
Calm down.
Many of us believe that there is an actual reason for NCsoft's continued silence. They might not be able to give any specifics because they are currently in ongoing negotiations with a third party regarding the ultimate fate of CoX. |
The studio is gone, COH has been struck from the site, they are actively shutting down the game's presence and not one rep from NCSoft has shown their face. Not one! We appreciate the efforts of Zwill and Tony but they aren't the ones that should be facing our wrath, it should be the incompetent morons from the company that dares to leave us in the cold like this.
So come on NCSoft, show us your ******* face already because there is only so much time before this affair explodes into a right mess if you keep ignoring us!
EDIT - Seriously? The word filter is so screwy. xD
Frankie says it best.
Paragon Wiki: http://www.paragonwiki.com
City Info Terminal: http://cit.cohtitan.com
Mids Hero Designer: http://www.cohplanner.com
Right now it seems the company doesn't care and as far as all evidence points, they have made their mind up and are shutting the game down.
The studio is gone, COH has been struck from the site, they are actively shutting down the game's presence and not one rep from NCSoft has shown their face. Not one! |
Truly think about what you are asking: For NCSoft to come forward and say "We hear you, but have not yet decided how to respond." Would that answer give you any satisfaction? Probably not, since it leaves us in the same state we are now.
I agree with you, the complete silence on their end, combined with not knowing either way, is incredibly frustrating. But one of us exploding at them won't cause them any chagrin, and most of us exploding at them will just annoy them, possibly enough for them to just give us the finger and be done with it.
However, for all of us to bite our tongues, present ourselves as a community as a whole that really just wants their game to continue, one way or the other, makes us look like a group of people with whom they can work, and makes finding a solution all the more possible.
@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.

I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.

So you don't believe the comments from two different rednames that things were happening? Nice going there.
That was nearly two weeks ago, and I don't think either of them stated WHAT the talks involved.
My COX Fanfiction:
Blue's Assembled Story Links
As of 8/31/12, they had made up their mind about shutting down the game. Which means CoH being removed from their website, shutting down the game's presence, and firing the studio were all justified and logical business moves.
Truly think about what you are asking: For NCSoft to come forward and say "We hear you, but have not yet decided how to respond." Would that answer give you any satisfaction? Probably not, since it leaves us in the same state we are now. I agree with you, the complete silence on their end, combined with not knowing either way, is incredibly frustrating. But one of us exploding at them won't cause them any chagrin, and most of us exploding at them will just annoy them, possibly enough for them to just give us the finger and be done with it. However, for all of us to bite our tongues, present ourselves as a community as a whole that really just wants their game to continue, one way or the other, makes us look like a group of people with whom they can work, and makes finding a solution all the more possible. |
Frankie says it best.
Sharpening pitchfork and oiling up the torch.
Please buff Ice Control.
"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...
No matter how small a property CoH is to NCsoft, any business deal made regarding it could affect their share price - as any news could - and that alone would guarantee their silence, and that of anyone they're talking to.
Anyone who has ever worked within a company that gets press coverage will tell you that they have fits at the thought of anyone talking about anything that they're not 'authorised' to. I'm sure some of the rednames would love to tell us what's going on, and I'm equally sure that NCsoft would be extremely unhappy if they did - it's probably all covered in NDAs anyway.
It's frustrating not knowing anything of course, but first and foremost this is business. NCsoft aren't going to give CoH away out of the goodness of their corporate heart - significant amounts of money will have to be involved, and that's not something that's likely to happen quickly, if at all.
...It's been 2 weeks. Also, just because you haven't heard of anything happening doesn't mean nothing's happening. There's stuff going on behind the scenes that we may all know about soon enough.

Frankie says it best.
I say we panic, and begin thrashing about in quicksand! That's bound to help!
To borrow from a movie you might have seen, "Stay on target...staaay on target..."
If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne
The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog
seriously what is with some people taking this so seriously.
The game was old and had a good run. Some people need a reality check that protesting like angry citizens will not accomplish anything. MMOs getting shut down now a days is just the nature of the beast and to be honest hearing about this game getting closed was not surprising in the least.
Just because you think two weeks is not long enough for the company that started this mess to face the playerbase and the music, doesn't mean they will come face the music instead of hiding in their ivory tower with their heads in the money...errr sand.
![]() |
Believe me, plenty of us are angry. I'd say most of us. But right now we are trying to keep it under wraps until something definite comes up. If nothing can be done, if NCsoft won't deal, then yes, we pull out the pitchforks, torches, and feathers.
"I have something to say! It's better to burn out then to fade away!"
seriously what is with some people taking this so seriously.
The game was old and had a good run. Some people need a reality check that protesting like angry citizens will not accomplish anything. MMOs getting shut down now a days is just the nature of the beast and to be honest hearing about this game getting closed was not surprising in the least. |
Let me put it this way: which of these scenarios would make you more emotional.
A: Your grandfather, who lived a good long life, is SLOWLY dying of lung cancer.
B: Your spouse/BF/GF was SUDDENLY and brutally MURDERED simply because some punk WANTED him/her to DIE.
Currently, the CoH is experiencing scenario B.

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!
I wouldn't be surprised if the situation was that the game's population was steadly declining and the content was getting stale. But this is not that sort of situation. Yes, this game is old, but so is WoW and I haven't heard anything about Blizzard trashing them. This game has had no signs of declining and in fact has been THRIVING until NCSoft decided to kill it because it wasn't making 'enough' money for them.
Let me put it this way: which of these scenarios would make you more emotional. A: Your grandfather, who lived a good long life, is SLOWLY dying of lung cancer. B: Your spouse/BF/GF was SUDDENLY and brutally MURDERED simply because some punk WANTED him/her to DIE. Currently, the CoH is experiencing scenario B. |
CoH isn't WoW. So comparing them isn't the same.
I don't agree with the shutting down of CoH. Hate it in fact. :/
But still room for hope. It's only been two weeks. I'd start getting more worried if we haven't heard anything by the end of the month.
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)
And they aren't gonna. The fact of the matter is no one outside the parties involved is going to know anything until its all over. Anyone claiming to both know otherwise and be able say otherwise is almost certainly completely full of crap.
Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...
They didn't exactly start on the right foot. First they take our money for GW2 then spoil it by pulling this bait and switch BS on us, wait until we have bought their shiny new toy then pull our community out from under our feet.
They feed us some half-***** excuse of realigning the company, then we have two weeks of silence. Leaving us to speculate the reasons as one by one, the game starts being dismantled. They take our subs then pull the rug leaving us in the dark with no idea of what we will get in recompense for unpaid time and unused market points. They pull the game from the site and treat it as if it never existed. They have clearly shown they aren't interested in doing anything but stick their heads up their own arses and hope we disappear, which in three months we will.
They underestimate us, they think we will all crawl away as our characters and community die from apathy. They were wrong, the community has stood up and stood up politely thanks to the fantastic and highly appreciated efforts of Tony and his team. I check the forum each day for news, hoping to see not just progress, but some hint someone in their shiny Korean money pit is listening to us from an ocean away.
So what do we get for being nice? Silence. Players loyal for almost a decade shunned. New players with keen eyes waiting to see their universe get ignored. Players who made the mistake of believing a gaming company out there could actually not be as evil and greedy as the hacks at EA and Activision find themselves once again betrayed. The entire community destroyed in an act of mismanagement and incompetence as someone decides to screw around with the company and ends up trashing us like it will be some sort of band-aid.
Well, if they want to ignore us then let them choke on the fumes of their own arses. The suits at NCSoft deserve every amount of distrust, every stinging word in every jibe and every embarrassment of every photoshop we can create and thrust in their faces. If two weeks of being nice gets us ignored, why the hell should we care. Just let them sit there and piss about like we don't exist? These last two weeks should have been used to salvage something from this crisis, to regain our trust as customers. Guess what, they don't give two bollocks.
"But we must be nice! We must be mature and reasonable and throw flowers and ponies at them so they give us something back." Two whole weeks, an entire storm whipped up in the gaming press and not a single word? If they gave a toss they would have said something by now.
So go on NCSOFT, say something. Give us a word. Give us some idea that you actually are listening and being polite to you is doing something because right now, it sure as hell doesn't look like it is working.
Eight years loyalty and a genuine belief that you'd do the right thing trashed and thrown in the bin. You betrayed Paragon Studio, you betrayed the playerbase and you betrayed everyone who has ever touched your game. You even have the cheek to (inadvertantly and quite poetically) shove BS in our face with your shiny new Blade and Soul toy.
Well I hope you choke on it, you aren't worth defending and you sure as toss don't care about one single player who logged into COH or the people who created it. So take a hike NCSoft and take your entire portfolio with you, you know just where you can put it.
And this is the censored version......
Frankie says it best.