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  1. And of course the fact that NCSoft isn't really the juggernaut game company like EA or Blizzard or any companies of that sort doesn't help us much.
  2. cursedsorcerer

    For teh future

    I would get behind a successor to CoH if anyone else would. The community was/is the biggest thing that kept a lot of us here and I'm sure we would do whatever is necessary to bring the community back together. (Hopefully away from the greedy game companies who only care about money and not about happiness.)
  3. The odds have been defied before. History teaches us this. We can defy the odds again!

    Will it be easy? No.
    Will NCSoft put as many obstacles in our way as they can? Likely.
    Will we give it our best shot? The correct answer is YES!
  4. That's what they say. What's the truth? NOBODY wants a great, albeit old game with a fanatically loyal fanbase? Nobody wants $$$$???? I don't have to give my $$$$ if nobody wants it.
  5. cursedsorcerer

    Online gaming

    Wow. I just forgot what the point of this thread was. Anyway, here's something that DOES make sense:

  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by radionuclide View Post
    there are way too many bugs in that game. Just sayin'.

  7. I'm afraid I can't single out one dev over another. Every dev, past and present, did their part to make CoH the awesome game it was and I hope at least some of them will return if CoH does get revived.
  8. One concern about the idea of Valve buying CoH: I know Valve has a good reputation, but do they have any experience running MMO's?
  9. What makes me sad is that my second home will likely burn and I will be forced to watch it burn and be unable to do anything. I mean, after so long of being able to thwart evil, we must watch evil WIN!

    What makes me mad is the fact that I can't help but think that the world is conspiring to destroy all GOOD games in favor of WEAK cheap games. Part of me feels like someone at NCSoft has entertained the idea of going into the Louvre in France and replacing one of the paintings there with a drawing done by a two-year old!
  10. I can't believe I just now found this:

    Does some of this dialogue seem somewhat familiar?
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PSLAnimal View Post
    This. To the nineteenth power.
    Yeah. Could be worse though. Haven't heard anything about a My Little Pony Online or Justin Bieber Online so...

    That's good, right?
  12. Stalkers in PvP. (The very reason I rarely participated in PvP)

    I can't think right now. A lot of the griefs I had with this game have been fixed or able to be bypassed over the years. (Some I didn't even know were griefs until they were fixed!)

    Sigh... Pretty much everything else will be missed.
  13. And plus if a new CoH is born, I don't think it's much of a stretch that MANY of the most loyal players will be swarming back. I myself would gladly do so. So maybe we can maintain that family feeling that I think many of us agree was one of CoH's greatest strengths.
  14. If I were tasked with writing a slogan explaining why CoH is awesome, it would be something like this:

    Come for the superpowered action. Stay for the super community.
  15. The same thing I did before the bomb was dropped. Shut up, play and be happy.
  16. cursedsorcerer

    Interesting news

    Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post

    the problem is that games like hellgate, apb, and apparently now rf online is that their publishers just shut them down, ncsoft seems to actively bury their dead games, otherwise i'd expect tabula rasa or exsteel to have been resurrected by nexon or pwi. ncsoft seems to want to make sure their former i.p. s dont become competitors in the future.
    I hope you're wrong.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by shadow35 View Post
    Yup, me too.

    I know I was usually busier actually playing the game than reading the forums until this fiasco hit, but I think some of you pick on Golden Girl too much. She is dedicated and level-headed, sticking to reality (aka not starting false rumors or giving up before the last gun has really gone off), and she does it all in a positive way.

    Go go Golden Girl! Haters gotta hate-- you just ignore them, baby!
    Yeah. God bless America and God bless Golden Girl! The most dedicated, stubborn, inplacateable player CoH has ever seen!
  18. cursedsorcerer

    Good news all..

    Heroes, even when the odds do not favor them, do not quit until the battle is over.
  19. Where's the Praetorian protest sign? Viva Praetoria!
  20. ... Not sure how effective that will be in the end. NCSoft is not BBB Accredited apparently.
  21. I realize that, but I would've expected CoH to get cut if say I24 would've been disappointing and caused many people to unsub voluntarily. Not have to be forcibly kicked out.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sureshot_Liberty View Post
    I think you need to look up Ponzi scheme.

    They may have gone about the closing of the game in the worse possible way. (I can't really describe that properly without profanity. Feel free to spice it up in your head.) But they haven't committed a crime. At all. We all knew the game would close its doors at some point.
    What I mean by that is the fact that they closed the game down before it was truly over and I don't believe we've had word on whether we will have compensation (aside from credit for other NCSoft games (I'd rather be paid in Zimbabwean dollars.)) This to me feels like a rip-off. Like "Thanks for the money, enjoy your non-existent game! No refunds!"
  23. City of Heroes: Resurgence

    Seems kinda appropriate.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sureshot_Liberty View Post
    As if a handful of individuals could exact revenge on a multi-billion dollar corporation headquartered in Asia, with most of its revenue coming from Asia.

    Let's try to be positive. Both because ideas like taking revenge on NCSoft are pointless, and because they don't help anything. I'm pretty sure if the NCSoft execs are even considering an action that will keep the game opening, this type of nonsense isn't helping.
    Personally, I wouldn't see NCSoft going bankrupt as revenge. I see it as foiling a Ponzi scheme. What if NCSoft cut off a different game in the future that developed as close a community as the one we developed here?
  25. I have never been more proud of this community. We are going to show NCSoft that we are the most united, dedicated and (dare I say it?) STUBBORN community ever!