For teh future




My question to everyone is: in the event CoH can't be saved, can and will you get behind a spiritual successor/new super hero MMO?

If so, use this thread to send a message to whoever might be listening that is considering such an undertaking that a spiritual successor to CoH is something you want to happen.




Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post

My question to everyone is: in the event CoH can't be saved, can and will you get behind a spiritual successor/new super hero MMO?

If so, use this thread to send a message to whoever might be listening that is considering such an undertaking that a spiritual successor to CoH is something you want to happen.

Phoenix City (I suspect just a temporary working title) is already underway and has been for some time now at Titan Networks. As these forums are owned by NCSoft, people are probably better off registering and joining the network there for that type of project.



Don't go crazy with trying to be "fancy".

I could be wrong but I thought I saw a "let's add talent trees" idea thrown around for Titan's take on it. Let's not do that, just keep it simple. The simplicity of CoX is one of the things that made it so appealing.

And please, please, PLEASE, have a redside, not everyone wants to be the good guy.

About the only thing I'd want to see improved upon is colors for costumes. CO has 4 color options per costume piece, so something like that and/or color sliders.




CoH has been called "Cosplay: the Videogame". And that's true, and part of what's so awesome about it. You can make nearly any character concept in here, and it WORKS!

A fairly solid game with flexable powers, good art, customization and costume slots like CoH, and something to replace Portal Corp as the reason that otherworldly things keep showing up. That's what I want, if a spiritual CoH2 is to be made.

Yes, I know that's a lot to ask. But if you want to know how it can be done, this game right here is the example. Learn from it, please.

"I do so love taking a nice, well thought out character and putting them through hell. It's like tossing a Faberge Egg onto the stage during a Gallagher concert." - me

@Palador / @Rabid Unicorn



No not really.

The forums always overestimated just how good the good parts of this game are and always overlooked just how bad the flaws were. There was a thread about suggestions that made it into the game. Go through that and ask just how many you liked. Just look around and think how well forumites react to being told they are wrong.



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
No not really.

The forums always overestimated just how good the good parts of this game are and always overlooked just how bad the flaws were. There was a thread about suggestions that made it into the game. Go through that and ask just how many you liked. Just look around and think how well forumites react to being told they are wrong.
Every game has flaws. Nothing will be perfect and not everyone can be pleased. Even the "greatest things ever" have their faults.



Originally Posted by shadow35 View Post
Phoenix City (I suspect just a temporary working title)
It'd be kinda fitting to name it City of Atlantis, considering how adamant Jack Emmert was that it be left out of the game lore



Put it on a console too I'm tired of playing games on mouse and keyboard not nearly as comfy as sitting back on a couch with a 40 inch or whatever TV size you got. Also give it an offline version so you know when the servers shut down we can still keep playing.



I would get behind a successor to CoH if anyone else would. The community was/is the biggest thing that kept a lot of us here and I'm sure we would do whatever is necessary to bring the community back together. (Hopefully away from the greedy game companies who only care about money and not about happiness.)

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
My question to everyone is: in the event CoH can't be saved, can and will you get behind a spiritual successor/new super hero MMO?
Yes/no. Yes, I would be interested in a successor to this game.

No, I would not be interested in a new superhero MMO. I would always be comparing it to this game. If this game is not saved, I will move to a completely different genre; probably fantasy.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



I would be happy to support a successor to CoH.

As long as it is a good game to start with.

Suppose that interested parties put together a game that is full of promise and promises and you start it up and... ugh, it looks horrible.

At that moment, you've lost me.

I will not play a game I cannot stand looking at (trying not to look at you here, CO.) On top of that theres the issue of gameplay. Is it smooth like city? Does it flow? Is it easy to team? Can I solo? Am I forced into PvP? Do I like the game world? Do I like the game lore? Do I need 'uber l00t' just to keep up?

Assuming somebody creates a game that meets all (or, at least, most) of my criteria, then I would be willing to play. If I happen to find the rest of the community there, then I'll consider that a bonus.

But let's get the game first.

Writer of In-Game fiction: Just Completed: My Summer Vacation. My older things are now being archived at until I come up with a better solution.



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
My question to everyone is: in the event CoH can't be saved, can and will you get behind a spiritual successor/new super hero MMO?
Definitely. I like the super hero genre (even if I've ever read comic books ), and the other two current super hero games doesn't really do it for me.

Now, the 'spiritual successor' is a tricky thing because I think the spirit of CoH is different for everyone. I'd settle for a really good super hero MMO. I think the most important aspect of being a good game (aside from, you know, quality implementation) requires that the game worries more about building a system that supports the genre of the setting, than on following usual MMO conventions. Don't be GenericMMO#2312 with a super hero skin.

(You might think this is obvious advice, but it still amazes me how many games fall into that trap.)

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
No not really.

The forums always overestimated just how good the good parts of this game are and always overlooked just how bad the flaws were. There was a thread about suggestions that made it into the game. Go through that and ask just how many you liked. Just look around and think how well forumites react to being told they are wrong.
This post brought to you by Debbie Downer.

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
My question to everyone is: in the event CoH can't be saved, can and will you get behind a spiritual successor/new super hero MMO?
Yes, especially if the a quorum of PS devs were involved. Whatever is on the community's wish list of "Things I Wish CoH Could Do", their list is about 30 times longer.

Global name: @k26dp



Absolutely! Let's have something tangible though.

I'd be happy with something that had the same breadth of creative potential as CoH does with the relatively loose conceptual boundaries that it has. However, I would prefer we keep the 3 power set + pools limits and retain archetypes that we have rather than go freeform. Even in chaos there needs to be a modicum of order

@SteelRat; @SteelRat2
"Angelina my love, I'm a genius!"
"Of course you are darling, that's why I married you. Physically, you're rather unattractive"



If it makes grouping with friends, no matter the level (or Mot forbid, gear) difference as easy as CoH, it'll have my support.

For game enforced level and gear segregation I've got WoW. If it's another "WoW-killer" (with all the irony of those always being exactly like WoW and being killed by WoW in short order), it won't get much support from me.

Originally Posted by Lucky666 View Post
Put it on a console too I'm tired of playing games on mouse and keyboard not nearly as comfy as sitting back on a couch with a 40 inch or whatever TV size you got. Also give it an offline version so you know when the servers shut down we can still keep playing.
With the exception of location based powers (or targeting specific things like certain types of corpses), I could play CoH quite comfortably on a Logitech dual stick gamepad.

So I suppose that brings up keeping the controls to a sane number of buttons. Having 255 abilities on your screen (before you count all the combinations of ctrl, alt, and shift) may make the l33t gamers happy but computer games have moved on from just the l33t gamer crowd.



Originally Posted by Xieveral View Post
Every game has flaws. Nothing will be perfect and not everyone can be pleased. Even the "greatest things ever" have their faults.
I'm faultless.

Contact me in-game: @CheeseSlicer



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
No not really.

The forums always overestimated just how good the good parts of this game are and always overlooked just how bad the flaws were. There was a thread about suggestions that made it into the game. Go through that and ask just how many you liked. Just look around and think how well forumites react to being told they are wrong.
Originally Posted by Xieveral View Post
Every game has flaws. Nothing will be perfect and not everyone can be pleased. Even the "greatest things ever" have their faults.

Originally Posted by Sailboat View Post
This post brought to you by Debbie Downer.
Point made



This is my problem. The other two Superhero games can't beat an 8-year-old game with an old engine. One would think that there is a perfect opportunity for someone to come in and collect a built in player base by simply giving players what they like in this game and avoiding the things that are keeping folks from moving to the other two.

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post

My question to everyone is: in the event CoH can't be saved, can and will you get behind a spiritual successor/new super hero MMO?

absolutly, with one qualifier, i'm kind aofdown on mmos. While I would play one i'd really prefer a game like arcana described, a game that is primarily single player, playable offline but where you go to hub areas and can go online for quests with others. kinda like phantasy star online.



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
My question to everyone is: in the event CoH can't be saved, can and will you get behind a spiritual successor/new super hero MMO?
Probably not / yes.

It depends on what "successor" means. I'm not interested in playing a game that is a pale shadow of this one in some kind of anarchic, quasi-professionally-run, semi-dedicated format. It would need to be at least on the same level of professional maintenance/update/content as this one if not greater.

But superheroes? Definitely. I love the genre.



Consider getting on the Titan forums and saying what you want from the successor before it gets too set in stone. They're reorganising the forums atm, and better places may crop up but this thread,5057.0.html is not a bad one to post in.

It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
Point made
Do you really mean to say, "If you react in any way at all, even by not posting, other than to agree with me, I win?" 'Cause that's what you ARE saying. If we disagree, you're right; if we're silent, you're right; if we agree, then, by God, you're right!

That's...not a very...sophisticated argument.

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog



One thing i cannot emphasize enough. Don't take anything from WoW, No "Silver" Mobs, No "Gold" mobs, No "Talent trees" no "Powers" no "G/S/B" money system, Oh, And last but not least, No GEAR.

You should be able to simply slot your character for the stats he/she needs, And level up without worrying too much about trying to be overpowered.

Oh, And it needs basically a carbon clone of warshade/kheldians, Maybe change the looks of the dwarf to be more spikey, and make the tentacle just a ball of purple fluff, while renamed to avoid any copyright stuff, but the powers and playstyle should be the same (With a few fixes)