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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by OmniNogard View Post
    Two: Escort Missions, Always hated this type no matter the game.
    Only one game has ever done it well: Half Life 2 and it's Episodes (I count them as one game) with Alyx.

    And it only worked there because every single step was tightly scripted and because they limited the time you actually have to lead her. Take a count of how often she climbs someplace you and enemies can't get to and stays there safely while you're allowed to have a fight.

  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
    I'm not on that list, and Arcanaville is? I is confused...
    Why would you be? Your videos featured several of my and my friends' characters over the years.

    And TonyV, as much as I think your kid gloved approach to saving CoH doomed efforts to do so, as least so far, I appreciate your past efforts.

  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vyver View Post
    Would fly have it's slide removed then?

    90% of the fighting in CoX takes place in cramped offices and caves, the lack of spacial control in Fly would be a *****.

    I wouldn't know. Combat Jumping + Fly eliminates that.

  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
    But... Street Justice
    Was long overdue and IMO, belonged in the game long before Dual Blades.

    Martial Arts and Martial Combat are just variations on mundane hand to hand combat, not super powered sets!
    Thematic proliferation trumps that. When possible, every AT should have had two ice-themed power sets, two psionic themed power sets. Etc.
    And yes, I was all for 'super strengthy' and 'swordy' secondaries for Blasters just as much as I am convinced they could have made a Dual Pistols-ish melee attack set work for Scrappers, etc.

  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vyver View Post
    ...what? Is hover that hated? I liked it, kept me from going mach 2 through a wall while moving around in a office fight.
    Hover need not exist.

    If I had my way, Hover would have been removed and Fly would have taken its place (with a slight reduction in end cost) and Afterburner would have taken Fly's place. Some new power (probably an attack or control of some kind)would have taken AB's place.

  6. To the bitter end I find fault in this game, this community and the developers.

    I will not miss for a second:

    -Mitten hands.
    -The transparent moon that rises in the North.
    -The terrible character jogging/running animation with the static hips.
    -The utter disdain for the flying brick and comic book tropes that is manifest in the Tanker AT.
    -The slap in the face to Tankers that was the Brute AT and Fury.
    -"Offices" that lacked windows, furniture and any sense of architectural purpose.
    -Store front doors that lead to cave missions.
    -Cave missions.
    -The wasted time and resources (and resulting nerfs) of adding PvP to the game, maintaining PvP, revamping PvP and then watching PvPers throw it back in the devs faces before taking off.
    -Dragging Praetoria on and on and keeping us from even seeing the Coming Storm or Battalion after years of build up.
    -Endless variations on melee and mundane weapons at the cost of adding more actual super powered sets.
    -The massive disappointment that was Wolf Mastery.
    -The semi transparent buildings in Steel Canyon that were never fixed.
    -The massive missed opportunity that was Day Jobs.
    -Afterburner not being a temp/vet/purchasable power and Hover even existing.
    -Forum brown-nosers.
    -The Hybrid Incarnate slot.
    -Space squids and their Cyst STD.
    -Street Justice, Martial Assault and Martial Combat not being done years ago.
    -The restrictive and stifling AT system as a whole.
    -Rooting/movement suppression.
    -Incarnate Trials and their cheating mechanics.
    -Holding completed stuff back/releasing Soon TM (Yeah, 'soon' turned into 'it never happened').
    -Malta's blue cowboys.
    -The game's utter lack of dinosaurs and giant insects.
    -The lack of buses.

    And last and most importantly:

    -Not being able to pick up and throw cars or punch people through walls.

  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sermon View Post
    Thanks GG! The thought gives me hope of something down the road with at least some of the design and spirit of CoH. I am sure they would find great success in any crowd funding effort.
    Just so you know, GG sometimes presents conjecture as truth,

    Instead of saying "I think we'll be hearing something" or "I hope", it's instead presented as a fact.

  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dz131 View Post
    Also I think the Halloween event is recycled every year
    Try 'recycled every month'.

    IIRC, they run it every full moon.

  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thunder Knight View Post
    I've been reading the CO forums lately, and one thing that really worries me is that there seems to be nothing on the horizon there. Unlike CoH, which has been getting a new zone every two issues (and huge zone revamps on the issues in between) and a constant flow of new powersets, CO has gotten exactly one new zone since it launched (and that addition was years ago) and there's nothing about any new powersets on the horizon (except for an occasional reskin of existing travel powers)

    If a game like CoH, one with excited devs and frequent content updates, can die so abruptly, can a game with silent devs and no content updates have any long-term viability? I don't want to actually find myself liking it only to have it also yanked out from under me.
    This times one thousand.

    They haven't added any substantial new content since early 2010, yet they constantly have their hand out with the cash shop.

    Our devs added the market and content creation increased substantially. You could see the money was being invested back into the game. Costumes, missions, power sets all released regularly for free and for pay.

    CO added their cash store and they manage to put out maybe a single costume set in a year, re-skins of existing travel powers and zero missions and gameplay content. And none of it 'free'.

    Yes the servers are still on but the game is essentially brain dead. So don't get too attached because I wont be surprised if it's not there a year from now. Especially if they don't get the big population and spending boom they're expecting from CoH closing.

  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
    The only one that I can think of that would have been a *close* comparison to size of player base closed down would be Star Wars Galaxies.
    Galaxies was a different situation because Galaxies was shut down so it wouldn't cannibalize TOR (or so they say). One could argue that it was shut down because of the large size of its player base.

  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
    Positron has stated that he'd love to make another super hero MMO and he's not the only Paragon member who has given it some thought. But you can't just go make a game in the MMO industry. These are hugely expensive undertakings and require investors and the right talent (not just a capable lead designer--lots of working pieces here).
    Just because he'd like to doesn't mean he will, which is what I wanted to hear instead.

    Him being open to the possibility is good, but apparently having no intent to do so in the foreseeable future isn't. The fact that he's looking for a design job doesn't indicate they have any real immediate plans.

    In fact, he's not going to say "I hate super hero games now" even if he felt so because someone may just offer him a design job doing one. He could have easily said it because career-wise it's the smart thing to say.

    If you had watched Posi's latest Twitch appearance from a couple weeks ago, you'd know that your "zero plans" comment is inaccurate. SO, on that note, cheer up!
    I didn't catch it and couldn't find it archived.

    I was hoping when they were released from their contracts that we'd hear some good news. Or at least, something that indicated that they had something up their sleeve beyond a parody music video. But to me it sounds like Matt is moving on.

    I can't blame him for looking out for his family, but like I said, it's not what I was hoping to hear.

  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ogi View Post
    Getting a page not found on that link. There's a in front of the www.coh...
    It's a link to COH Titan's Plan Z (a fan-made successor to CoH).,5827.0.html

  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
    It's already begun.
    I don't want to say that I feel that the fan endeavor will be fruitless and regardless wont produce anything I'd want to play, but...

    Well, I guess I just did.

  14. So, I caught this podcast that Matt guested on today.

    He talks a little about his plans when he's officially released from his contract very very soon.

    Sounds like he's got zero plans about starting a new studio to crank out a CoH spiritual successor.

    So yeah. My heart died a little bit more. I thought there was some hope. Guess I was wrong again.

  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    Whatever else I think about that game, DCUO did have a more novel way of explaining the sudden burst of superbeings in a way that didn't trivialize their existence. Stealing a page from that story, it would have been interesting if on Primal Earth the first real burst of superheroes were born just in time to fight in the Rikti War, while on Praetorian Earth the first big burst of superheroes was born in time to fight in WW2, and that was the biggest difference between the two worlds. Praetoria, in other words, would be a cautionary world for Primal Earth where eventually superpowers destroys the planet.

    In this completely different alternate multiverse timeline, this gives Prometheus an interesting backstory option. Maybe *he* is the one that brings superpowers to Praetorian Earth, and sees what happens, and now he's trying again on Primal Earth, but wants to control the process more and slow things down.
    Whatever explanation for super powers they give, I'd rather they let us find out via the story rather than telling us. Or maybe we never get a concrete explanation.

    Again, that goes to flesh out the setting. Maybe nobody knows for sure and every talk show and CNN special has 'experts' offering theories. Maybe you've got people accusing metahumans of being aliens. Maybe you've got religious cults springing up around super humans. Maybe a rash of desperate people trying to induce super powers in themselves by breaking into nuclear facilities, stealing stem cells from bio labs and trying to be hit by lightning. Just think of the super pharmaceutical e-mail spam alone.

  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    Going farther, wouldn't it be interesting if there were no declared factions at all? Everyone's just a superpowered someone, and whether they are a "hero" or "villain" is completely irrelevant: they can choose to help or hurt any contact or faction in the game, and the game responds accordingly. You could (or at least attempt to) be an ally to the Hellions, but then crackdown on the Tsoo. You could foil Arachnos, but secretly work for Nemesis. What if every NPC reacted to you based on their own judgment of whether *they* think you are on their side or not?

    You don't have to worry anymore about players saying "a real villain wouldn't do that." They would be "free" to do whatever they think they would do, but they would also have to live with the consequences of those decisions. Maybe they think a real hero would kill Antimatter given the chance. But maybe the citizens of Praetoria would disagree. Maybe a real villain wouldn't help stop a Rikti invasion. But maybe Arachnos decides to kick them to the curb for appearing to be a coward.

    Instead of being about heroes and villains, it would be about lone wolfs and social butterflies, stalwarts and boot-lickers. It would be about how the player decides to deal with all the competing interests in the world, and to what degree they want to build relationships or ignore them, and with who.
    That goes with the kind of setting I'd like to see explored in a new super hero MMO; that of a 'young universe'. Where superheroes are a relatively new thing instead of a 70 year old tradition. Where the public is still forming opinions about super powered do-gooders as a concept and no Citizen Crime Fighting Act exists yet. Where the infrastructure for meta humans is not yet in place; there's no chain of stores that sell 'beryllium enhancements' for mutants and community colleges don't offer courses in magic. Where there's still room for you to end up being the Big Good(

    Where, as a hero, you would have to work hard to maintain good standing with the police, the public, the government and with the press (and often they are at odds).

    Or as a vigilante, focus on keeping the fear of the various gangs and evil organizations.

    Being in with these groups gives you advantages. The Commissioner slipping you cases and information. Government offering you high paying assignments (or hits). The crowd on the street having your back ala the first Spider-Man film. Getting that loud editorializing talk show host off your back.

    Of course, having too high standing with groups would have downsides too. If the public loves you, criminals may not take it serious if you try to threaten and intimidate them. Being too good with the press labels you a gloryhound and you actually get reduced accolades for doing good. Or you could be accused of being a puppet for The Man and government stooge and some members of the public refuse to work with you.

    This is just the 'hero' side of things. You could easily be Lex Luthor with the press and government eating out of your hands because you buy the right people.

    Yeah, such a system would be right up my alley.

  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
    I'd need a game that had no such thing as a "bad build."

    Any build, any playstyle, any set, all viable.
    The question becomes "what's viable?" and "what do you give up to achieve that for everyone?".

    It was said the low bar for this game was +0X1, and I never saw a build or combo in this game in the past 3 years that couldn't do that for the most part. Yet for some, that was never good enough.

    Also, how do you prevent 'bad builds' without also kneecapping 'exceptional builds'? Because that's what I see in newer games like GW2 and DCUO. There's less build flexibility to keep everyone around the same power level, and even with the "best" gear and optimal build (which is not much different than any other builds) I still have about the same limitations as some noob who picked abilities at random.

    I for one liked, nay, loved the fact that all the time I invested in tweaking, getting IOs and earning Incarnate powers paid off (for the most part). That I could wade into crowds of dozens of enemies, solo AVs and do team content solo while others couldn't.

  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
    Or was it....
    Wont know until they're ready to talk turkey.

    I can just as easily see the team not ever wanting to touch a super hero MMO again. I just wish they'd say either way, just to clear the air.

  19. All I know is that I'll be checking Matt Miller's twitter semi-regularly to see what his plans are.
    He, along with some other former Paragon Studio devs AFAIK, don't get officially released from their non-competes until sometime this month. At which point they'll be free to do and say...stuff.

    I got a little excited when he tweeted "Start over, use the lessons learned in your defeat" until I saw that this was advice for playing X-Com.

  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
    Careful, because unless you want lots of complaining, you have to consider TTP.

    Time To *****

    How long will it take before someone draws a dick or something else rude/explicit.

    Unless of course, you want to police *every* single submission, or make it M/18 rated
    Then it will be dealt with the same way that inappropriate characters, rude names and zone chat profanity that gets around the filters is now; via GM intervention.

    In APB, there is no "submission". Custom overlay textures are downloaded/uploaded automatically when you enter the zone with someone. They're tiny, but granted they could be an issue in a raid/trial situation.

    Also note APB is rated M.

    I have no strong feelings either way if Theoretical New Superhero MMO is rated M or T, beyond that if M would more easily allow for player created logos etc I am in favor of that; I never felt our devs were restricted by the game being T for teen(beyond the Bodily Blast powerset we never got).

    I ultimately side with player expression and allowing customization and creativity over an outdated and largely pointless ratings system. I feel it's down to parents to judge and enforce on their own where their children go. The 'T' on the box never stopped children from potentially seeing or reading something in CoH that their parents didn't want them to and ultimately it is still up to GMs to enforce 'good taste' no matter what letter they stick on the box.

  21. I expect the next great super hero MMO have a costume creator on par with or surpassing APB's, only with a greater number and variety of costume parts.

    Meaning we get to paint our own tights patterns, create our own tattoos and chest logos, all with extensive body and face sliders.

  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    All I can say is that based on what I've heard from multiple overlapping sources, the people who believe no credible efforts were made to save the game are multiply incorrect.
    Of that I have no doubt.

    But not that those efforts were made by the higher ups at NCSoft, or that they ever wanted and would allow the game to be saved. No more evidence is required beyond the outcome of the events.

  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
    I dont agree with much of what Butane says, but this right here is pretty much a spot-on assessment. There seems to me to be a strong element of just plain spite in the mix.
    Let's say this puts 75% of CoH players off of ever giving NC more money from now on.

    That's only 3/4th of a number of people NCSoft doesn't even consider significant enough to keep the game running for.

    Oh, but what about everyone else? The non-CoH players who the SaveCoH movement reaches out to? The players of other MMOs who sympathize? That's an even smaller number with an even lower percentage of people who will actually follow through.

    And don't expect to reach many more. Notice how every time a story about SaveCoH, or one that paints NCSoft in a bad light goes up on the few MMO news sites that are covering this, a few hours later like three or more GW2 or Blade and Soul "articles" boot it off the front page? We've got NCSoft's attention alright, but they're doing what they can to prevent us from getting anyone else's (but not in a way that could be proven).
    Just sayin'.

  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Twisted Toon View Post
    What competition? They've pretty much written off the western market.
    Yeah, but you know, spite and all. They have to salt the earth just be be sure someone else doesn't pick up CoH and profit off it. That would be embarrassing to NCSoft. Saving face before reason; that's more important to them than alienating western customers because they don't really care if we never touch another NC game.
