**** I wont miss. My last grand hurah.




To the bitter end I find fault in this game, this community and the developers.

I will not miss for a second:

-Mitten hands.
-The transparent moon that rises in the North.
-The terrible character jogging/running animation with the static hips.
-The utter disdain for the flying brick and comic book tropes that is manifest in the Tanker AT.
-The slap in the face to Tankers that was the Brute AT and Fury.
-"Offices" that lacked windows, furniture and any sense of architectural purpose.
-Store front doors that lead to cave missions.
-Cave missions.
-The wasted time and resources (and resulting nerfs) of adding PvP to the game, maintaining PvP, revamping PvP and then watching PvPers throw it back in the devs faces before taking off.
-Dragging Praetoria on and on and keeping us from even seeing the Coming Storm or Battalion after years of build up.
-Endless variations on melee and mundane weapons at the cost of adding more actual super powered sets.
-The massive disappointment that was Wolf Mastery.
-The semi transparent buildings in Steel Canyon that were never fixed.
-The massive missed opportunity that was Day Jobs.
-Afterburner not being a temp/vet/purchasable power and Hover even existing.
-Forum brown-nosers.
-The Hybrid Incarnate slot.
-Space squids and their Cyst STD.
-Street Justice, Martial Assault and Martial Combat not being done years ago.
-The restrictive and stifling AT system as a whole.
-Rooting/movement suppression.
-Incarnate Trials and their cheating mechanics.
-Holding completed stuff back/releasing Soon TM (Yeah, 'soon' turned into 'it never happened').
-Malta's blue cowboys.
-The game's utter lack of dinosaurs and giant insects.
-The lack of buses.

And last and most importantly:

-Not being able to pick up and throw cars or punch people through walls.




Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
I will not miss for a second:

-Mitten hands.
-The utter disdain for the flying brick and comic book tropes that is manifest in the Tanker AT.
-The slap in the face to Tankers that was the Brute AT and Fury.

And last and most importantly:

-Not being able to pick up and throw cars or punch people through walls.
I'm with you on these.

Though I was able to overlook the mitten hands most of the time...and once Brutes were ported over to Heroside I couldn't care less about Tankers.

However, not being able to pick things up and throw them...and not being able to knock people back with Super Strength were two main reasons why I ever even gave CO a try.



I won't miss forum trolls.

(although I do agree that cysts should have been taken out about 5 years ago).

EDIT: Semitransparent buildings in Steel? What have you been smoking and where can I get some?



Originally Posted by Vitality View Post
Not being able to pick things up and throw them...and not being able to knock people back with Super Strength were two main reasons why I ever even gave CO a try.
It sucks that right now the pickup in CO is broken, since objects disappear when you grab them. It's been two months unfixed, too.



I'm not on that list, and Arcanaville is? I is confused...


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



Originally Posted by QuarriosSoul View Post
It sucks that right now the pickup in CO is broken, since objects disappear when you grab them. It's been two months unfixed, too.
The CO dev can't be everywhere at once.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
The CO dev can't be everywhere at once.
Haha...that was good...and it seems true for the most part.

Though you can't completely hate on CO...at least they're not shutting down. (yet)



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
Interestingly, I will miss you almost as much as I will miss her. (Btw that is me saying I'll miss you.)

-Endless variations on melee and mundane weapons at the cost of adding more actual super powered sets.
-Street Justice, Martial Assault and Martial Combat not being done years
But... Street Justice, Martial Arts and Martial Combat are just variations on mundane hand to hand combat, not super powered sets!

-Not being able to pick up and throw cars or punch people through walls.
Well to be fair, most people that get tossed through a wall should splatter into bloody messes before they put a dent on a wall... but how angry would you still be if you were not allowed to punch down every single wall in a mission?



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
The CO dev can't be everywhere at once.
I know, it's still minorly bothersome since it was working when I started playing in September.

On topic, though-- I dunno what I'm not going to miss about this game. Redside, since I never really played there?



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
-Afterburner not being a temp/vet/purchasable power and Hover even existing.

...what? Is hover that hated? I liked it, kept me from going mach 2 through a wall while moving around in a office fight.



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
-Dragging Praetoria on and on and keeping us from even seeing the Coming Storm or Battalion after years of build up.
NCSoft is the Battalion.

If you have issues with the CoH run animation never move without a movement power in CO.



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
To the bitter end I find fault in this game, this community and the developers.

I will not miss for a second:

-Mitten hands.
-The transparent moon that rises in the North.
-The terrible character jogging/running animation with the static hips.
-The utter disdain for the flying brick and comic book tropes that is manifest in the Tanker AT.
-The slap in the face to Tankers that was the Brute AT and Fury.
-"Offices" that lacked windows, furniture and any sense of architectural purpose.
-Store front doors that lead to cave missions.
-Cave missions.
-The wasted time and resources (and resulting nerfs) of adding PvP to the game, maintaining PvP, revamping PvP and then watching PvPers throw it back in the devs faces before taking off.
-Dragging Praetoria on and on and keeping us from even seeing the Coming Storm or Battalion after years of build up.
-Endless variations on melee and mundane weapons at the cost of adding more actual super powered sets.
-The massive disappointment that was Wolf Mastery.
-The semi transparent buildings in Steel Canyon that were never fixed.
-The massive missed opportunity that was Day Jobs.
-Afterburner not being a temp/vet/purchasable power and Hover even existing.
-Forum brown-nosers.
-The Hybrid Incarnate slot.
-Space squids and their Cyst STD.
-Street Justice, Martial Assault and Martial Combat not being done years ago.
-The restrictive and stifling AT system as a whole.
-Rooting/movement suppression.
-Incarnate Trials and their cheating mechanics.
-Holding completed stuff back/releasing Soon TM (Yeah, 'soon' turned into 'it never happened').
-Malta's blue cowboys.
-The game's utter lack of dinosaurs and giant insects.
-The lack of buses.

And last and most importantly:

-Not being able to pick up and throw cars or punch people through walls.

**** I won't miss:

You. You and your ridiculous little dot at the end of your posts.



This is really doom.



Originally Posted by Vyver View Post
...what? Is hover that hated? I liked it, kept me from going mach 2 through a wall while moving around in a office fight.
Hover need not exist.

If I had my way, Hover would have been removed and Fly would have taken its place (with a slight reduction in end cost) and Afterburner would have taken Fly's place. Some new power (probably an attack or control of some kind)would have taken AB's place.




Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
Hover need not exist.

If I had my way, Hover would have been removed and Fly would have taken its place (with a slight reduction in end cost) and Afterburner would have taken Fly's place. Some new power (probably an attack or control of some kind)would have taken AB's place.
Would fly have it's slide removed then?

90% of the fighting in CoX takes place in cramped offices and caves, the lack of spacial control in Fly would be a *****.



Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
But... Street Justice
Was long overdue and IMO, belonged in the game long before Dual Blades.

Martial Arts and Martial Combat are just variations on mundane hand to hand combat, not super powered sets!
Thematic proliferation trumps that. When possible, every AT should have had two ice-themed power sets, two psionic themed power sets. Etc.
And yes, I was all for 'super strengthy' and 'swordy' secondaries for Blasters just as much as I am convinced they could have made a Dual Pistols-ish melee attack set work for Scrappers, etc.




Originally Posted by Vyver View Post
Would fly have it's slide removed then?

90% of the fighting in CoX takes place in cramped offices and caves, the lack of spacial control in Fly would be a *****.

I wouldn't know. Combat Jumping + Fly eliminates that.




Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
I'm not on that list, and Arcanaville is? I is confused...
Why would you be? Your videos featured several of my and my friends' characters over the years.

And TonyV, as much as I think your kid gloved approach to saving CoH doomed efforts to do so, as least so far, I appreciate your past efforts.




Originally Posted by Interface View Post
I won't miss forum trolls.

EDIT: Semitransparent buildings in Steel? What have you been smoking and where can I get some?
Their video card must be junk. That only happened to me while my card was crappy and old. Update your drivers, forum troll! Yes I mean you OP.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
Why would you be? Your videos featured several of my and my friends' characters over the years.

And TonyV, as much as I think your kid gloved approach to saving CoH doomed efforts to do so, as least so far, I appreciate your past efforts.

Coz I often get lumped in with the 'dev a**kisser' group. But I'm glad that I'm not, in this case.


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
If I had my way
If you had your way CoH would've died within the first year because of the things you implemented.



I won't miss most of you. A lot of you were like clones of Comic Book Guy, complaining about each and every little thing. You couldn't shut your collective yaps if your lives depended on it.



Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
I won't miss most of you. A lot of you were like clones of Comic Book Guy, complaining about each and every little thing. You couldn't shut your collective yaps if your lives depended on it.

Probably just padding their post count though....(side note: thought I would have been able to join the Forum Cartel but alas it's not to be. )

I don't mind the . at the end of his posts....it does give me the "why? I want to know why he does that!" eye twitch thing though....

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
I don't mind the . at the end of his posts....it does give me the "why? I want to know why he does that!" eye twitch thing though....
He thinks it makes him look special and different. It just makes him look pretentious and arrogant.