4033 -
That's right, patience and diligence and most of all KICK ASSNESS prevailed.
We pounced on that thing (well, 3 of those things hahah) and just when it looked like there would be no more...
Thanks everyone, so much, for coming along and being part of this. I suspect that there is an extremely small number of people in the world who have seen this moment.Glad that I got to share it with you.
It has been a great bunch of years. I'm not even opening Steam until Saturday at the earliest, but I'm Zekiran there, so expect a friend request.
Also remember that over on Steam we've had The Nemesis Plot group for a LONG time. -
I had several characters in Outbreak and happened to choose Galaxy to exit, and had the same issue. Some folks I'd only created for reference purposes anyway so it was no big deal, but others I did kind of want to get them out of there. To my knowledge the other gates still don't work - I didn't bother trying though. Once I realized that they were in a zone that the server had created PURELY FOR MY USES, I smiled and left them there forever.
It's kind of eerie, but it's still appropriate for most of them anyway.
Tried the pocketD trick too but yeah you have to have level 2 or 3 for that. Not positive that the supergroup portal works either. -
Their video card must be junk. That only happened to me while my card was crappy and old. Update your drivers, forum troll! Yes I mean you OP.
Quote:Due to situations out of my control, I will need to have my name removed from the mailing list. Hopefully I got to this in time before someone sent me any cards!
Thank you all tho for the chance to participate, I just not in a position to do so this year.
Hopefully this will keep going on the Titan Network or the facebook pages!
Can we still send to your email? *hugs* I hope things are going okay. That's more what all of this has always been about, anyway. -
Galaxy Girl had her specific statue. As well as the Talos one too. I wonder if there were specific ones for each Zone?
/e salute
If you're not already on the facebook pages, there are plenty of us on those, and Steam and the like. We don't need our family here broken up completely! -
I might have actually already had the current address in there, it filled in blanks anyway, but I submitted again just in case.
I was bummed because right when the 4th run was starting, my game soundlooped and I couldn't get back on. Not sure whether it's my new video drivers (I just added a 2nd monitor) or the internet connection, or the lack of any maintenance on the server database. I had a hell of a time getting onto Victory a couple days ago to get screenshots, too.
But I had a LOT of fun on the Rikti raids and got that much closer to my final 50. -
Quote:I prefer to use a macro that takes two simultaneous screenshots, one with the GUI and one without. That way I can use whichever I like better.
I bind my screenshot command to the Home key, so you can replace Home with whatever key you'd like:
/bind HOME "screenshotui 1$$screenshot$$screenshotui 0$$screenshot"
That should be easier for you. Hope it helps!
ANNNND I wish that I'd realized you could DO this, 7 years ago... O.O -
Fabulous! I'll possibly be getting the Controller logo somewhere, some day, if I have money and provided I can find another inker, since mine quit a few years ago.
Supergroup logo + motto = perfect memorial. -
I am definitely thinking that Alorel my one lonely level 41 villain should be there with bells on. Or at least with half a smirk.
Thanks to the RtR and the ITFs I've been doing, River of Time is now 50, it was like ding central up there tonight. -
I'm.... reasonably sure you weren't the one I mean.
I think we did admirably well, given the number of folks there. Sometimes, I want to put people on a short leash... I think you know what I mean.
I'll be there Wednesday and certainly the 28th. -
Yeeee, I have a happy, for I won the Deviantart crossword.
Good going to the folks who also finished it quickly, MAN that was eye-busting!
That IS a really, really awesome piece of work!
Myself, eventually, once I have the money and an inker (mine retired a while back) I've had a number of logos that I planned on getting around my ankles - things that include some of the games I've enjoyed over the years, lightsaber and wand images, etc.
The violet Controller logo would be mine, and very possibly something symbolizing the Circle of Thorns.
I salute you, though, that is a truly grand tat. -
Cybertech is available in Beta though. They look awesome. The hair pieces especially... and the spines. EVERYTHING.
Ah you can add protector steve's last name? Steve "El Cazador" Zamiara.
And I found an article with a photo of him along with a friend's statements about his life.
http://mondoricko.blogspot.com/2007/...body-dies.html -
Yeah it really seems as though they're rushing around in a panic because "the formula isn't working!" And they can't fill in the blanks with another generic Korean game. Trying to fit the square peg into the round hole just baffles them.
When they really should - along with everyone else in such a position - be boring new shaped holes into the structure to see what else is out there.
I have to wonder at the thought processes of people in those high-level business seats. Are they seriously that set in their ways, and that blind to the *actual* fun of playing different games that they don't comprehend that people DO want "different" and not just "more"? -
It might just be that Photobucket was going under maintenance right when you were trying. Is it still doing that now? Have you been uploading lots and lots of stuff in a short period of time?
For what it's worth I loathe imgur. Slow to load on my computer, but it IS better than Imageshack by miles, though I will still always prefer Photobucket. I've had a paid account for years now, it's always come in handy. -
Are you on a free account or do you pay for it? Paid accounts get unlimited access, but free ones do have some limits as to how much space and how large images are, etc.
Jesse is really, really floored, and says to thank you
Really thank you.
I heard a lot of thank you from him last night over steam. -
You guys absolutely win!
Well, if there's a turnout we will certainly /e drink in your honor!