Photobucket uploading help

Kitsune Knight



I have been uploading pics here from my Tales from beta thread, but for some reason..I keep getting errors with the latest batch.
Even trying to reupload ones that worked fine days past..error.

Well..its an Unknown Error. So I dont even know why.

I really am clueless about the site itself. Is there an upload limit? A size limit? File amount limit? It would actually help if it told me..



Are you on a free account or do you pay for it? Paid accounts get unlimited access, but free ones do have some limits as to how much space and how large images are, etc.

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A free one.
I assumed there was SOME kinda limits...but the error says jack ****. It would be kinda handy to know why they wont work.
Looking through their help and account tools..nothing so far to just tell me what those limits are. Cause that would be..helpful and stuff! Silly site.



Photobucket has removed the storage limits for free accounts!
Now you can upload all your photos and up to 500 videos!

That is what it says when I check teh usage. SO..clearly I have not used all my storage. And since the upload worked fine like..3 hours ago..


Posted an error message,...
Upload failed for C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\CohBeta\screenshots\screenshot_120912-18-09-57.jpg with error: {HTTP request headers=POST /album/sch511%2FLowbie hero beta/upload User-Agent: Jakarta Commons-HttpClient/3.1-rc1 Host: Content-Length: 235124 Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=28MIh-gbFnelO2rXw6h2s4jsvgIRjS1jvCfko , HTTP status=500, HTTP response=HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error Date: Sat, 15 Sep 2012 08:00:39 GMT Server: Apache Set-Cookie: flash=deleted; expires=Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:01 GMT; path=/; X-Forwarded-Server: den2ws043 Content-Length: 0 Content-Type: text/html , ErrorResponse=, URL= hero beta/upload}

Anyone know what THAT means? Other than..its ******?
Or that my cache is full of porn..



If you're just wanting to upload them to the internet to share in that thread, just use imgur or another service like that. No account necessary (which is why I've never bothered with Photobucket ).

As a side note, you appear to be using the Photobucket bulk uploader, which uses Java... you should update Java in your browser (there's been a number of horrible security holes), and, if anything, disable it, because Oracle has been utterly failing lately.

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!



It might just be that Photobucket was going under maintenance right when you were trying. Is it still doing that now? Have you been uploading lots and lots of stuff in a short period of time?

For what it's worth I loathe imgur. Slow to load on my computer, but it IS better than Imageshack by miles, though I will still always prefer Photobucket. I've had a paid account for years now, it's always come in handy.

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