Kitsune Knight

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  1. And the joke that (almost) everyone missed is that "City of Gyros" is an in-game restaurant.

    Wait for the blog post to see what they really have to say about the issue itself.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by konshu View Post
    A slight tangent: would it make sense for Valve to purchase City of Heroes from NCsoft?
    It might. Valve could integrate AE with the Steam Workshop, replace the Paragon Market with their microtransaction system, add lots of hats, and various other things.

    Of course, the idea of NCSoft (or anyone, really) buying Valve makes me want to drink. Fortunately, I already am
  3. Kitsune Knight

    Debuff Classes

    It's an NCSoft title, but one of my friends keeps raving about how much he debuffs the crap out of enemies in Guild Wars 2 on his Necromancer. I'm not sure, though, the debuffs are as close to being the primary purpose of those... skills? in GW2 as in CoH, though. I wouldn't be shocked if they were closer to Dark Melee's debuffs than Dark Miasma's.

  4. (this would have worked better a couple weeks ago... )
  5. Kitsune Knight

    Good news all..

    Originally Posted by houtex View Post
    With each post of yours I read... the voice in my head is ever so slowly turning into Gir's.
  6. Kitsune Knight

    Quick update...

    I had to do a double take... I actually first read the poster as 'Starsman'!
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
    Why do they need a third party publisher? Is that even necessary these days? Why couldn't they hire the people necessary to handle everything in house?
    I don't think he intended that list to be the definite list or anything... especially since he forgot to mention talking the investors into forking over large amounts of unmarked bills

    As for the publisher thing... If New-Paragon goes totally on their own, that means in addition to the people they had before, they'd also need to hire GMs, a regular support staff, as well as all the server people. Having a publisher that already has those groups would drastically cut down on costs (since the teams could be shared between games). There will certainly be pros and cons to both sides... and if they want things in stores (the kind you walk to, not type to!), having a publisher is probably still pretty much completely required.

    And move the studio to Austin. Cost of living down here us much cheaper than CA and they could hire me since I'm sick of my job and want to branch out.
    You presume that the people at Paragon would be willing to do that. Not everyone is willing to move (half way) cross country. It would certainly be a good move financially (hell, anyone else in the US would be), but there are always other considerations.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
    Language is a tool. It needs to be used correctly to be most effective. Imagine someone writing a heartfelt appeal to the CEO of NCSoft with various errors and misuse of words. It loses impact.
    Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
    yea but this isnt one of those letters. This is mere forum where there is no prize for right nor lack of for wrong.
    Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
    I cant make a post without something or someone either correcting some mistake, when they make no attempt as correcting any other mistake on the thread, saying this is stupid, that is stupid. and etc.
    Or maybe it's that each grammar/spelling mistake someone makes has a relatively small chance to elicit a correction... and since you don't care about making spelling/grammar mistakes, you end up making many, many more, which results in you being corrected more than other people (even though everyone is corrected at the same rate based on their errors).

    I'd say put more effort into your grammar & spelling. It really isn't hard at all (get a web browser with spellcheck! It's not fool proof, but it certainly does help). It makes your posts far more readable and more persuasive. I'm not one that corrects people at all often (except as a joke, and even that's rare), but if I see a post with muddled grammar and confusing spelling, I'll end up skimming it... and if it's bad enough, I'll simply not read it. If the author doesn't think their words are worth the effort, why should I?
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
    You know, hopeful rumors are fun to spread, but there is nothing to prove this.
    How about someone from Paragon?
  10. And people called me paranoid! So you don't think you're overreacting at all? You don't think wanting the game to die because someone corrected an error in your post is a bit extreme?
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GadgetDon View Post
    I think that's a bit more paranoid. I think it's more likely that someone hit a checklist item "Mac support for GW2 because WoW runs on Macs" and some management guy said "Hey, theres these guys who did the port for that other game, call them".
    Admittedly it's not a suspicious I take too seriously.

    In many ways, Transgaming is the perfect solution. Little work needed from the developer, it's all on them. If it worked, it would be even more perfect!
    From the sound of it, Transgaming doesn't do a particularly large amount of 'support', they seem better suited to games where development is already completely done, so they just need to get it to work once and it's done forever. Transgaming also isn't the only game in town, CodeWeaver's also does porting (and they're not hated with a burning passion). Transgaming a while ago abandoned all their Cedega customers, while CodeWeavers continues supporting CrossOver, in addition to continuing to offer their porting services.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Unknown_User View Post
    At one point this game was only run by bareknuckles staff. I think it was around 16 people. So it was 16 people for a whole year producing new content and keeping the game running.
    Freem Fifteen. Long as there's at least a few of them that are still around, I'm sure they could reform Paragon. It won't be exactly the same, it of course could never be again after the announcement... but it should be able to be somewhat similar.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
    Nope wasnt itching for an arguement but seemed you are itching for one. I dont go looking for trouble but realized in the past that even when I run from it, it wont cease until it is confronted.
    If the worst trouble you have to deal with is someone pointing out 'per say' is written 'per se', then you probably should consider yourself lucky

    And it's spelled 'argument' Also
  14. There was ~80 people at Paragon Studios, and not all of them were working on CoH. We don't know who it was (it could potentially be one of the ones working on the secret project), or it could be one of the red names. Either way, it doesn't make a difference.

    Oh, and fyi, there are negotiations going on between the leadership of (what was) Paragon Studios and NCSoft to spin off the game.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
    it's just a silly pic
    Which means it being in a PDF is even more unnecessary. PDFs are absolute security nightmares (just ask Google )... even if the contents appear totally benign.
  16. We'll know to worry if Paragon does succeed, and announces the servers will come back up on the 21st of December.
  17. A random pdf file hosted on a tripod? Yeah, I'm not going near that with a 10-foot pole...
  18. Kitsune Knight

    Good news all..

    Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
    But even then at some point in time the death certificate is written and or the plug is
    pulled after a while.
    Yes, at some point. We're not to that point, though. The most obvious sign that we're not there yet is that there are negotiations going on (i.e. what this thread is about). As long as those are ongoing, we have a realistic chance for success. Still slim, but certainly non-zero.

    Even if those fall through, that won't be the final nail in the coffin.
  19. The Mayan calendar actually continues way beyond 2012. Actually, it doesn't end in any way, shape, or form (like how our calendar doesn't end). They even have several units much larger than the b'ak'tun, including one where each unit is around sixty million years.

    There's quite a bit of interesting stuff, but at the same time, popular culture will be shown to be pretty much just full of it when it comes to the Mayans.
  20. The Mayans did have a cyclical view of time... so in a way you might be able to say it's appropriate that the same joke is repeated repeatedly...
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
    i don't understand, why would the universe end?
    Assuming you have no familiarity with the Mayan 2012 thing...

    The world was previously destroyed 3 times at the beginning of the 14th b'ak'tun. December 21st, 2012 will be the beginning of the 14th b'ak'tun for this world, so people have used that to assume the Mayans predicted our world would end there as well... although we've not actually discovered any evidence of that. In none of the stuff we've found, has there been any reference to this world meeting the same fate as the prior ones... we've actually found multiple things referring to dates past December 21st... by several thousand years.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
    I get what you are saying. It do get tiring always expected to be the "better" person when someone brings some nonsense your way. Just wish less of these bums stop starting crap with me and for once be mature and at least make a feeble attempt to be the better person for once and dont start nonsense in the first place and STICK TO THE FLACKING subject instead of nit picking every little thing, especially stuff that is irrelevant.
    But, is it starting crap? Some are clearly intended to elicit a response, but others aren't necessarily. What was Ironblade's intention? Was it "haha ur dumb!"? Was it to correct something that's 'misspelled' (does using the wrong word(s) really qualify as misspelling?) nearly as often as it's spelled correctly?
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
    True but at the same time, they forget they don’t have to respond to mine if one misspelling make it THAT hard to read what I'm typing and trying to get across.
    It takes two to tango.

    My point is, if you didn't want it to derail your point, then don't respond to it. It might be tempting to respond, to defend your honor or whatever the hell reasoning we tell ourselves, but it's simply counter productive. Consider it as a variant of the Streisand Effect.