Debuff Classes

Ad Astra



Dark Defender
Radiation Anything

I didn't play any Rad classes but I have played the other two and found that debuff classes, where harsh debuffs are applied to enemies to weaken them, are quite fun. They don't exist in the holy trinity of Tank/DPS/Heal though which makes their appearance in games a lot harder to find (though the role tends to be rolled into other classes that DPS for example).

Does anyone know of games other then COH which has a class that revolves around applying debuffs?

Frankie says it best.



It's an NCSoft title, but one of my friends keeps raving about how much he debuffs the crap out of enemies in Guild Wars 2 on his Necromancer. I'm not sure, though, the debuffs are as close to being the primary purpose of those... skills? in GW2 as in CoH, though. I wouldn't be shocked if they were closer to Dark Melee's debuffs than Dark Miasma's.

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!



I'm playing a Necromancer in GW2 and eh, it's probably closer than most MMOs to CoH's level of debuff, but really it's still nowhere near.

It has some sizeable -movespeed and -recharge debuffs, along with decent -heal debuffs. It also has the equivalent of -res, but not in anywhere near the same magnitude (maybe around -10%, -15% tops). There's also a debuff that gives the enemy a chance to "fumble", which basically means the enemy drops from 100% tohit to 50% tohit, and a couple of blinds which mean the next (1) attack misses.

The -res stacks with other -res, but the rest just refresh duration if a second one lands.

All of these are on short durations, generally less than 10 seconds, with at best 50% uptime (often as low as 10% uptime) when compared with the debuff's recharge.

A Dark/Dark Defender it ain't.



Star Trek Online's Science officer (specifically a Researcher) has a multitude of debuffs, both on the ground and in space. In space, they can be completely dedicated to debuffing enemies in a (especially in a science vessel, with multiple science boffs, I find it quite enjoyable. And this is someone who doesn't normally play a debuffer.) On the ground, they have (which is augmented with the use of kits) a combination of AoE/single target debuffs.

In Rift, a Dominator, is heavily a debuffer, closer to a dark/ defender.

In SWTOR, Sith Madness Sorcerers, focus on debuffing enemies (Albiet not to the extent of a Defender can)

I'm sure there are more examples, but I can't think of any at the moment.



Originally Posted by Brigandine View Post
In Rift, a Dominator, is heavily a debuffer, closer to a dark/ defender.

In SWTOR, Sith Madness Sorcerers, focus on debuffing enemies (Albiet not to the extent of a Defender can)

I'm sure there are more examples, but I can't think of any at the moment.
Dominator is closer to, well, a Dominator - it is a mez soul focusing on stuns, confuses and interrupts; very few actual debuffs. And debuffs in Rift were very much along the lines of the standard trinity MMO in that you only usually got 2 or 3 and they were always really low magnitude (2-5% most of the time).

Madness Sorcerers did have a tasty debuff in Death Mark, but other than that weren't very debuffy - you'd get more debuffs on some Brutes and Blasters than you did there.

I mean, if you were already playing those games and asked for a debuff character, I guess those are it, but if you were trying to find an MMO that let you play a debuffer, neither of those really fit the bill. Then again, I've not really seen any MMOs that do, not anywhere near to the extent that CoH does anyway.



In WoW, my shaman is sort of a buffer/debuffer - some of my totems work that way.

But I find myself very frustrated that they aren't anywhere near as powerful as a good defender or corruptor in this game.

Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!

Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon

"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."