One Last Hamidon Raid
Assuming we're all still here by then and they haven't kicked us out early...
My birthday is on Wednesday, November 28th, and I would like to run one last Hamidon Raid on that day after Rush the Rikti is over. I'm asking people to bring your Incarnates, your Warburg nukes, your whatever-you-have, and join me to take out the Jell-O just one more time. Oh, and wear your Hamikinis. And prepare your fish puns. know what? You know the drill. I'll see you there. |
He'll be there. Just remind me a few days beforehand.
Keep NCSoft from shutting down City of Heroes :
I'm hoping to have a couple before then, though I don't lead these newfangled Hami runs. I probably could if it was still the old "hug to death" style.
But yeah I'll be there with whatever on, I like to keep the jello out of my pores, you know?
Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!
I will most certainly try to be there. On which toon, I do not know.
"Don't you know dead is spelled m-e-n-t-a-l in CoH? - SapphireShot
I am certainly up for it.
You may just want to move things up a little even for protector things are getting real quiet.
Bumping this to remind folks - I haven't forgotten, I've just been wrapped up with the rest of the Teamsters coalition trying to finish as many stories as we can.
Well, they're never really finished...but we'd like to leave our characters, and the City, better than they were when we met them.
Barring unforeseen circumstances, I will be there for my first (and possibly last) Hami raid!
Blaze Rocker here. (Still with my old forum name that I never bothered to change.)
Wednesday night after the regular Rikti Raid someone announced a Hami Raid on Protector TFs channel . . . . . on Guardian server <: (
I quickly threw a fit that they used a Protector focused channel for an event on another server. Fortunately, I calmed down quickly because throwing !!!!!-fits won't do anyone any good this late in the game. "Say what you gotta say to get done what you gotta do."
Anyway, it's been a while since we had a scheduled Hami raid (to the best of my knowledge) so I thought I'd try to get one together one last time. -(Yeah, I didn't know Kyo had posted this already because I rarely visit the forums.)-
So I've got one scheduled for Saturday night at 8pm U.S. eastern time. I won't be able to get online very early because of my new job but I'll try to be online shortly before it starts.
Just so everyone knows, I have no experience running a raid team. I've only participated in one other Hami raid in my entire 7+ years in CoH. After my first one the rewards never seemed worth doing it again. I'm doing this one for old-time's sake. -(I'm also running it because I may not be able to participate in Kyo's Hami raid. Hard to say at this point.)-
I think I can lead a team but I don't think I can lead a League on this one. I'd appreciate it if anyone that has experience in Hami raids could try to run at least one league or help out whoever is running a league. Thanks in advance to those that help out and participate.
As this may be my final forum posting I'd like to say thank you to all the awesome players I've teamed with over the years. You are really what made this game so great and ultimately worth playing.
Heres wishing you all the best.
Okay. We came, we saw, and we're going to have to come back and whip some jello later.
A few faux pas, the fact that we hadn't done this in a while, and the fact that we had people who had to bail due to how late we ran (Hami took a LONG time to spawn) we were unable to take him down.
We're going to see if we can do this again after the RTR on Wednesday Night.
Thank you again to everyone who came out. I'm sorry it didn't work this time.
I think we did admirably well, given the number of folks there. Sometimes, I want to put people on a short leash... I think you know what I mean.
I'll be there Wednesday and certainly the 28th.
Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!
I think we did admirably well, given the number of folks there. Sometimes, I want to put people on a short leash... I think you know what I mean.
![]() I'll be there Wednesday and certainly the 28th. |
*Breaks down sobbing in shame*
...Or not...
I'm.... reasonably sure you weren't the one I mean.
Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!
We'll get it. Bring nukes, pets, temps, Incarnates, and whatever else you've got - I plan on trying to get my hands on every advantage I can pull from the game on at LEAST two of my characters (Tam Washington, my Night Widow, and Arx Invictus, my Stone/Fire Tanker) so I can swap as need be.
Spread the word, bring friends, and let's see if we can't bring down the goo one last time!
Also, my favorite Hami memory ever (true story): My fiance, Mionas, almost didn't get to propose to me on New Year's Eve because he wanted to do it at sunset and I was leading a Hami raid that ran late. Yeeeeeep. Hamidon, and City of Heroes, will always hold a very special place in my heart because it gave me a really great "almost didn't because" story.
See you ingame Wednesday night! Between now and Friday I've got four more 50s to make...
See you fine folks tonight in the War Zone and then in the Hive!
We have just finished the last Hamidon Raid I will ever lead on Protector. Thank you all, so much, for coming out: you were amazing, fantastic, wonderful, and that was one of the smoothest raids I have ever been a part of.
As I write this, I am still standing in Eden; I don't want to leave. I'm pretty teary-eyed right now. See, I've been running events in CoH, on Protector, for almost as long as I've been playing. I've been a server rep for just about every player-run organization we've got: the City Scoop, PvPEC, PERC. I've done costume contests, the Shadow Shard TF Marathon, Thursday Night Fights, Hamidon raids, all kinds of stuff. I love Protector, and I wanted to make it a better place.
I have been playing City of Heroes since I was eighteen, and today I am twenty-three and it is the last birthday I will ever celebrate in Paragon City. This game saved my life once, a long time ago. It introduced me to some of the most important people in my life: my mentor, Steampunk Charlie, almost all of the DJs and Staff, Mr. Grey, who accidentally invited me into the most loving and accepting family I have ever known, Boarderline Insanity and my Teamsters coalition, the folks of Protector TFs and Protector Vigilance and the Kitchen. My fiance, Mionas, and I had our first "date" badging in Independence Port, and as I already mentioned, he almost didn't get to propose to me because I was leading a Hamidon Raid on New Year's Eve.
I know Paragon City better than any real-world place where I have ever lived. I have felt more at home there than I ever have in the real world. My family is here, my friends, my community - I may not know some of you well, but I'm sure I've teamed with you at least once or twice; some of us may have differences of opinion, but you are still a part of my extended family and my home, and it wouldn't be the same without you.
I will never stop telling the stories that were born in Paragon City, even if I put new faces on them so that those who have not loved this game as we have can't recognize them. I will never forget the late-night task force runs, the hours and hours and HOURS I've spent roleplaying and exploring here, or the things I have learned from playing a hero. I may forget your names, but I will never forget the impact you have had on my life. Five years is a long time.
I'm going to grieve for this game, but even more for my home, for my community, and the stories we will never tell, the task forces we will never run, and the ingame events we will never dream up and accomplish. Protector, the "little server that could", I love you, and I will always love you.
Thank you for making this one of the most memorable birthdays I have ever had. It has been an honor and a privilege to know all of you, and I'm going to miss you terribly.
Love, Kyo
/e Applause
@Drake Crator - Chosen of Mystra Super Group Leader/Founder
Diffidentia Angelus - 50 Willpower/Dual Blades Tanker
Solar Baron - 50 Fire Blast/Energy Manipulation Blaster
Adonis Soul - 50 Earth Control/Storm Summoning Controller
Constantine Krauss - 50 Kinetic/Psyonic Blast Defender
From Task Force Tuesday to this very night, it has been an honor.

Assuming we're all still here by then and they haven't kicked us out early...
My birthday is on Wednesday, November 28th, and I would like to run one last Hamidon Raid on that day after Rush the Rikti is over. I'm asking people to bring your Incarnates, your Warburg nukes, your whatever-you-have, and join me to take out the Jell-O just one more time.
Oh, and wear your Hamikinis.
And prepare your fish puns. know what? You know the drill. I'll see you there.