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  1. I made sure to get your email wrote down, Zal.
  2. Demon_Shell

    I am Demon Shell

    This is my contact information, if you so desire to use it:

    Skype: Demon.Shell

    If anyone knows of a small Minecraft server, I would be delighted to join.

    To anyone I may have wronged, I apologize now and forever.

    I've been putting this off because it pains me to even type this. I hope I'm not too late for anyone that may have wanted to keep in contact.

    I will miss all of you.

    Good night.
  3. From Task Force Tuesday to this very night, it has been an honor.
  4. Mechanics. The accessibility of things like inspirations and zero downtime for looting, but specifically customization vs. balance, multiplied by (eventual) statistical transparency. It was just done better in this game than any other. You could get more than just a visual grasp of what you were doing; you could open a window and see it right in front of you. You didn't have to guess. The numbers were very clear. Champions mix-and-match system was more customizable, but it was way too easy to become way too powerful.

    Guild Wars 2 is the closest I've ever seen, and it does offer the ability to move while fighting which CoH lacked (for the most part). But even as the closest, it can't even remotely reach what this game had. And what it was going to keep adding.

    I was spoiled here. I don't think I can do MMOs anymore.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Doctor_Gemini View Post
    Add your something awful to the list anyway, Zwill, don't just tease us with it!
    I believe he was referring to the Something Awful forums, but I think members aren't supposed to talk about it or something.

    Somewhat related, but ever since the announcement, tumblr's City Of Heroes tag has burst into activity.
  6. From what I've read, NCSoft is kept afloat by Korean Lineage sales. While I'm positive the successful launch of GW2 is the reason CoH was cut, even if it fails they'll continue on.

    That said, hell no I'm not playing anything associated with NCSoft. I have nothing against Arenanet and it would be a shame for the same thing to happen to them that happened to Paragon Studios, but anything that winds up in NCSofts hands is money they don't deserve.
  7. I would have also liked to have seen Battalion.
  8. Ever since the buff to Stalkers, I felt that Scrappers were really left off to the side. They were no longer any more survivable than a Stalker and Stalkers had a more controllable burst DPS, even if Scrappers could exceed them in single target sustained DPS.

    Once the changes to Blasters would have went live, every AT would have had something to contribute to a team that no one else could. If Judgements proved anything, it's that being able to nuke at will is a powerful tool. All of the other ATs are more obvious, from support to mez to tanking, except for maybe Stalkers themselves. But Stalkers could fear groups and eliminate bosses in a handful of seconds. Scrappers shined the most when they weren't in a team at all.

    To that end, I would have liked them to have an AoE Leadership-style buff for all allies that boosted their recharge by around 5%. The Scrapper wouldn't receive this buff themselves, but would instead get a global movement mod to their running, jump speed, and flight speed. The idea being a reflection of what Scrappers were based on, characters like Wolverine and Spiderman that still worked well alone like they do now, but danced around the battlefield and pushed the team to pick up the pace when working together.

    Just something I had tossing around in my mind for the last few weeks. Figure if anyone else had similar ideas about things they would have wanted to see in the game they could add to it.
  9. How will you do it better?

    *Deer staring into the headlights.*

    That's a wrap.
  10. They've lifted the ban on talking about other video games. You can talk about DCU and CO and all that.

    Unfortunately for me, I don't even like comic books. I played this game for the mechanics. I've been around more than once and I've never seen an MMO that managed to balance customization and difficulty like this one could.

    Ever sense Everquest: OA there's never been a point in time where I've thought about quitting MMOs entirely, but I'm sure as hell there right now.

    I'd give out a Facebook, but I don't have one.
  11. Could just provide an absorb with a small/moderate regen on top to offset any that +HP would no longer be providing.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mad_Cow_Milk View Post
    The entire point is probably more that there are badges that you CAN NOT get now.
    I'm not trying to downplay anything. I'd certainly get one if they made it and I could afford it.

    I'm tired of my main under-preforming and I have no desire to remake him and put all the time and effort it took to build him up in the first place into him again.

    Doesn't change anything, though. Still just shouting at the sky.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
    Personally I like Web Grenade as is, yes the lack of damage does hurt for low level Blasters since they can't use it to fill out their attack chain but once you get to level 25 or so I find that the debuffs from Web Grenade are a lot more useful than the damage would be.
    Plus they're adding a damage buff to the ranged origin attacks, like Throwing Knives, for players below level 20.
  14. If it were a throwable proximity mine-style ability, I wouldn't complain. Would maintain it's current functionality while adding another. I believe one of the devs said Time Bomb is getting an update like that at some point.

    But getting rid of it is sort of silly. Like it or not, it's iconic.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Anti_Proton View Post
    ...or you could, I don't know, just have the new model appear in your hand.
    That's what I've been wanting for all physical weapons. Redraw really isn't worth pulling a sword(s)/axe/gun/bow out from behind your back. Especially since you're pulling them out of nowhere anyway.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
    But it isn't that overpowered... you neglected to add mez protection.
    Well, that's certainly a way to keep it balanced. No mez protection or debuff resistance on a damage resist set.
  17. Due to all the different values of recharge that exists in the game, with set bonuses alone, you could achieve +230% recharge bonus with change to spare. Throw in Hasten and you're at 300% perma. Add in 66% recharge from any given power plus 33-45% from an alpha and you're effectively at perma recharge cap for any character.

    There are some things that should not exist in this world.
  18. Demon_Shell

    Virtuous Armor

    Originally Posted by Yazume_Equinox View Post
    See, I thought of making more powers that way, but in doing so it might cause it to be TOO different to be one singular power set.
    Unless the powers all have the same or near same visual effects, that's why the armor will never happen. It'd be easier to control, more accessible, and more financially beneficial to just make two different power sets.

    But this is theoryweaving. This is the stage where a concept needs to look its best and it can't do that unless it follows through with its own design.

    Leo's idea about group-focus versus self-focus is probably the most balanced mechanical way to going about it, while also avoiding any problems created with slotting enhancements and then switching alignments.
  19. Demon_Shell

    Virtuous Armor

    What Leo means is, the powers themselves are too similar between the two factions.

    If Respect causes enemies to pull their punches and do less damage (mechanically: Damage Resistance), then Fear should be what causes them to second-guess themselves and either miss entirely or otherwise fail (mechanically: Defense).

    Your tier 4 Trust/Deceit power is the best example of this, but it needs to be like that for all of the powers.
  20. Demon_Shell

    Virtuous Armor

    Could use a lot of refinement, but it's an interesting idea at its core.
  21. If anything, the issue has become more pronounced.

    The issue being redraw.
  22. Cloaking Device + Super Speed.

    Super Speed + Stealth.

    Cloaking Device, Super Speed, or Stealth + a Stealth IO.


    They all work.

    Alternately, Smoke Grenade (hitting all enemies in the mob) + Cloaking Device works too.
  23. I understand the idea, but this isn't a normal MMO where crafting is something you level up and most of the product you produce is useless.

    It could be potentially benefitial in a small number of situations, but probably not enough to be worth the development time.