Virtuous Armor




So this set would be based on a new system that would have to be implemented, so it probably would never happen, but I figure if it gets enough support maybe something could be worked out. If the system was created by some miracle, I'm wondering if you all think the set would be underpowered or overpowered (more likely imo).

As far as the Hero/Vigilante/Villain/Rogue balance would go, I tried to make it relatively even, with hero/vig being more of a "I'll jump in and protect you" aura, with villains/rogues having a "I'm out for myself only" feel. And in pvp, if this is unfair, vigs and rogues can go blue OR red side, so it would be balanced.

These stats are based on a Scrapper/Stalker/Brute level, and tanks would obviously have higher stats. Some of the names/descriptions need work. I originally wanted to base this on the 6 Pillars of Character, but developed it into virtues as a whole.

Respect (Hero/Vigilante) OR Fear (Villain/Rogue): You feed off of the fear/respect of the people, powering your will.
Resist Smashing, Lethal, Disorient, +Max HP per enemy (1 or 2%) Toggle

Tier 2:
Caring (Hero/Vigilante): Your compassion for the people of the city fuels you, encouraging you to protect them. Resist Fire, Cold Toggle
Apathy (Villain/Rogue): You care nothing for other people, making you more resilient to damage. Resist Fire, Cold Toggle

Tier 3:
Responsibility: You are unwavering and do not falter when the time comes to make decisions or own up to what you have done.
Resist Psionic, Knockback, Hold, Sleep, Immobilize, Fear, Confuse Toggle

Tier 4:
Trust (Hero/Vigilante): Through your actions, people have grown to trust you, placing their lives in your hands. Resist Energy, Negative Energy, +Max HP (around 7%), +Regen (15% per enemy) Toggle
Deceit (Villain/Rogue): Through your frequent and often lies, people have a false sense of security around you. Resist Energy, Negative Energy, +Defense (around 5%), -ToHit (3.5%) Toggle

Tier 5:
Justice: You smite nearby enemies for their sins and push yourself to carry on. Self Heal, Moderate PBAoE Damage (50ish?) Click (60 sec rech)
Injustice: [NEED DESCRIPTION] Self Heal, Moderate PBAoE Damage (50ish?) Click

Tier 6:
Perseverance: You drive on, allowing you to continue. +Recovery Auto

Tier 7:
Benevolence (Hero/Vigilante): Your good intentions allow you to carry out your will unhindered. Defense All (5%) Toggle
Malevolence (Villain/Rogue): Your bad intentions allow you to carry out your will unhindered. Defense All (5%) Toggle
Tier 8:
Selflessness (Hero/Vigilante): Even in death, your willingness to help brings you back. Self rez, doubles as ally rez
Selfishness (Villain/Rogue): Even in death, your will to live is greater than any, sucking the life force from your allies. Self rez, damage allies (50 damage)

Tier 9: Prudence: You prepare yourself for battle for blah blah blah. +Max HP (50%), +Regen (not sure on the percentage, but I’m thinking around 30-50 hp/sec with all the +HP the set would give)



Could use a lot of refinement, but it's an interesting idea at its core.



I'd probably swap Vigilante and Rogue. IMO, Vigilantes seem more villainous since, frankly, they will do what they have to do to get the job done (i.e. sacrifice some lives to save the many) which isn't heroic at all (heroes would save everyone, no if's, and's or but's).

Rogues tend to be out for the money and if you want them to suppress their conscience, you have to pay them *more*. But that's the thing, rogues have standards and ethics personal to them. Some don't like harming children, some don't want to kill innocents, some don't tolerate torture but all of them aren't above robbing you of all your valuables.

That is to say, the way the game portrays Rogues and Vigilantes (so far...haven't seen the new arcs in beta yet), Vig don't give two hoots about rescuing people in need, they just want the bad guys to pay...and Rogues want your money not your life and may even save you if they think they can get something out of it (and even if they don't, *shrug* they'll bill you somehow later).

And if you think about it, if the armor gives certain benefits for having certain ethics, wouldn't it be more generous to gameplay if you had the choice of either type of benefit on either red or blue side? You want the 'mean' buff but want to play Blueside? Be a Vigilante. Want the 'nice' buff but feel like playing red? Be a Rogue.

But anyway, I'll have to say you need to be a lot more specific with your suggestion and how your alignment will affect the powers. All in all, it's an interesting suggestion that I don't believe has been suggested before but the execution of your idea leaves a lot to be desired. There's not an actual theme to the set's powers as I can tell, the only difference is flavor text. There's no actual gameplay or mechanical differences except 'have this alignment, get this buff' which isn't an acceptable gimmick on its own to base a set of powers on, IMO.



Interesting idea.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Sparkilicious is my other account, forgot to log out when I posted. For the system we already have something similar, which are alignment powers. I can't imagine it'd be too different, though I'm no programmer.

As for the switching of the Rogues and Vigilantes, you have a good point there, it would make sense to go that way.

"My common sense is tingling."

Deadpool(to "Daredevil): See how you like it when I smack you with an interspatial distorter that will temporarily phase your brain into Dimension X!
"Daredevil": This is an ipod with a piece of masking tape attached to it.
Deadpool: It is...Ah, but for a second there, you were really worried!
"Daredevil": Idiot.



What Leo means is, the powers themselves are too similar between the two factions.

If Respect causes enemies to pull their punches and do less damage (mechanically: Damage Resistance), then Fear should be what causes them to second-guess themselves and either miss entirely or otherwise fail (mechanically: Defense).

Your tier 4 Trust/Deceit power is the best example of this, but it needs to be like that for all of the powers.



See, I thought of making more powers that way, but in doing so it might cause it to be TOO different to be one singular power set.

"My common sense is tingling."

Deadpool(to "Daredevil): See how you like it when I smack you with an interspatial distorter that will temporarily phase your brain into Dimension X!
"Daredevil": This is an ipod with a piece of masking tape attached to it.
Deadpool: It is...Ah, but for a second there, you were really worried!
"Daredevil": Idiot.



That's probably where the 'rethinking the thematic direction' part would come in. Like I said, the theme of the powers seem to be only flavor text but hardly do anything different from a set bonus.

Just throwing out an idea: the 'nice' side of the powerset could offer buffs that also carry over to members of your team. While the 'mean' side carries buffs that scale with nearby foes or debuff foes. The power can provide the same mechanical benefit for both but carry differing applications where one ends up being a better aid to allies while the other gets better numbers if they surround themselves with lots of foes.



Originally Posted by Yazume_Equinox View Post
See, I thought of making more powers that way, but in doing so it might cause it to be TOO different to be one singular power set.
Unless the powers all have the same or near same visual effects, that's why the armor will never happen. It'd be easier to control, more accessible, and more financially beneficial to just make two different power sets.

But this is theoryweaving. This is the stage where a concept needs to look its best and it can't do that unless it follows through with its own design.

Leo's idea about group-focus versus self-focus is probably the most balanced mechanical way to going about it, while also avoiding any problems created with slotting enhancements and then switching alignments.



Union Organization (For Masterminds!)
Essentially scrapyarders as MM pets? Count me in.

[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: STOP!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WAIT ONE SECOND!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WHAT IS A SEAGULL DOING ON MY THRONE!?!?



Eh not really. I came up with the set and I play freedom.

"My common sense is tingling."

Deadpool(to "Daredevil): See how you like it when I smack you with an interspatial distorter that will temporarily phase your brain into Dimension X!
"Daredevil": This is an ipod with a piece of masking tape attached to it.
Deadpool: It is...Ah, but for a second there, you were really worried!
"Daredevil": Idiot.