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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
    How much are you supposed to take? When you negotiate in good faith, give up money and benefits and get screwed over, why would you trust the guys making millions off of your hard work when they ask you to do it again?

    No, the people to blame here are the guys at the top. Hostess didn't fail because the workers refused to end up like Wal-Mart employees, it failed because the executives legally looted millions of dollars by abusing a system created by their rich friends in DC.
    This is true but no matter how much you try to get the working man to see this he is blinded by the heavy dose of anti-citizen/worker propaganda he is subjected too by corporate media.

    I don't understand how anyone can really support execs getting raises while asking workers that do the actual work to take even more cuts in salaries that don't keep up with inflation etc...

    I do understand how it got this way as I watched people over the past two decades turn on each other while the execs changed the laws looted the pensions, cut salaries, benefits and and now your jobs in favor of a never ending escalation of exec salaries and corporate profit.

  2. Yeah they are finding all kinds of solar systems out there at various stages of development. Good stuff.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Angry_Citizen View Post
    Niche markets are niche until they stop being niche. Stop making excuses. The game was great for us, but we weren't enough. Simple as that.
    First and foremost nothing I said is in ANY way some kind of excuse for anything GFTO with that silly ish. Repeatedly restating exactly what Paragon AND NC SOFT stated was the reason the game was closed is what I have done nothing more nothing less. I am not the one coming up with made up theories others are.

    I have also repeated exactly what the MMO mags have said about the genre, they are the ones that call superhero MMO's a niche genre within the MMO world that is dominated by fantasy...deal with it.

    The game was great for us and NC SOFT closing it down makes it clear we were not enough duh....(ie niche genre). Is it as simple as that indeed.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
    And alienating old fans at the same time.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Angry_Citizen View Post
    I'm sure automobiles were quite a niche market at first. Then Ford made it non-niche. Saying that freaking superheroes are a niche market is pretty ignorant - look at the ticket sales for all these superhero movies.
    It should be clear I said superhero MMO's are a niche market within the larger MMO market which is parroted from the MMO magazines that cover the genre.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Anti_Proton View Post
    Every genre has a starting point. Calling it "niche" is being dismissive based on the fact that fantasy and sci-fi simply have more games. Big companies are betting big money on the superhero "niche" MMOs, none that I support, but they are there. To say that superhero MMOs have limited market share is a truth, but to suggest that that is because the genre isn't popular enough is simply not supported by what we are seeing in print and movie mediums.
    "Me" using the word niche is absolutely NOT being dismissive, it is simply an acknowledgement of the factual way the genre is viewed by the major publications of MMO's. In other words it is not "my" fault that superhero MMO's are considered niche and it certainly does not reflect any negative bias "on my part" since I love them.
  7. The MMO market is huge and filled principally with fantasy games. Superhero games occupy a smaller subset of MMO gamers. Niche as in a distinct segment of a market, which is superhero MMO's.

    The MMO publications view these superhero games as such and I tend to agree with them since they don't occupy a large portion of the gamers that play MMO's.

    You are more than welcomed to consider it whatever you want, but that still will not change what it actually is.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
    The only thing my experiences with emotionally/mentally traumatic events is having a bearing on is my own inability to sympathize with certain actions/reactions. And that doesn't make said actions/reactions necessarily right or wrong. They're just alien to me, and my own experiences are simply an explanation as to why.

    Similarly, I couldn't sympathize with someone killing theirself because they couldn't stand being surrounded by Euclidean geometry, or someone flapping their arms and shouting "wubble" every time they see the colour red.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Smersh View Post
    Note that internet culture can contribute to bullying.

    Not directly related, but tangentially.
    That was pretty disturbing.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dz131 View Post
    Oh bro, keep trying to justify why your game made no money. "Hurr, it was supposed to have low revenue because it was a niche game, it wasn't failing at all." While EVE flourishes and it the second biggest MMO in the West. I think what YOU think is not part of reality.
    "My" game. "Made no money". Fake made up quotes to carry on your one sided conversation with yourself about the stuff you made up. Typical and Brilliant.

    On a lighter note. Maybe we can get together in EVE and....settle things so to speak lol.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by afocks View Post
    Breaking the sound barrier without a vehicle. LIVE NOW ..

    Loads of courage from this guy. Glad he made it successfully.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dz131 View Post
    I feel they're as niche as a Warcraft game.

    As for the rest.

    No rebuttal as I thought.

    Carry on.
    What you feel is not a part of reality but you are welcomed to it.

    Capitalism bad grr is not anything that garners a response.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dz131 View Post
    And Warcraft was a wonderful brand name for a nice LOTR rip off. But somehow manages to be more succeful than the real thing. IT's all gameplay, not subject matter like I said.

    As for COX. It's opportunity cost was too high, so it got axed. The rest of your post is basically just CAPITALISM BAD GRRR. Seriously, blame the corrupt circus called the US government on it's terrible regulations rather than the companies who use those practices.
    I am not sure what you point in the first part of your post is at all man. If you feel superhero games are not niche I am fine with that as it would never change the reality of that deal.

    No the second part is not capitalism bad grrr, but you taking as such explains everything that need be in this case.

    Carry on.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dz131 View Post
    Really? What isn't a niche product then? A game based in the Warcraft universe is not niche? Where people who don't follow the series have no idea who or what anyone is? DCUO has 10 times the brand name Warcraft ever did, but it became niche while WOW has 10 mil subs. It's all how the gameplay is handled, not what your subject matter is.
    Case in point: EVE, THAT's a niche product by design if there ever was one. But it's succeddes while WAR, AOC DCUO,Tortanic goes down the crapper.

    As for COH...well there's a point where you think, if I took all the money we invest in this per year, and bought car parts with it from a warehouse, then sold them on Amazon, would I be making more money? I think COH was probably making a profit, which is not hard, I can make a profit selling oranges. COH is making much lower than what's expected by the overlords, which means it failed.
    DC has a wonderful brand for the niche genre of superhero's.

    Admittedly when I got my Economics degree from UCLA in 1986 one my professors warned us about some things that were coming down the pike. At "that" time nobody worth mentioning would ever have defined a profitable company at the levels reported for COH as "failed".

    Fast forward post greed is good, the software explosion and the entry of number crunchers into software corporations in positions of power and we have profitable games now being labeled as failed because they failed to be MOAR profitable....

    Ok that's cool, but that is the exact same mentality that took your(WORKING AMERICANS) jobs and sent them elsewhere, not because the company was not making enough profit to be sustained, but because they were not making enough money to give the CEO and other executives the level of BONUS they wanted.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
    yes. And most of the time no one does anything to attempt to rid of them or let them know that the behavior can be dangerous for some. It's just brushed off here as "oh it's the internet what can you expect? Dont like it, dont log on." especially by the people that had and were appointed to have the power to do something about it.
    I reported each time it happened to me. The person was either short term banned or told to leave me alone, except for once earlier this year which forced me to take stronger action to get the person to leave me alone.

    You are right I never should have been forced to take stronger actions by the people not doing their job to curb this very real problem.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dz131 View Post
    Uhh COH wasn't making enough money so it got shutdown, I'd say it failed. Failed to make enough money where NCSoft wouldn't want to shut them down. As for it being a niche product, well...I doubt it was designed to be a niche type product, just like DCUO and CO weren't. It just became niche because there wasn't enough appeal, so from the get go, it was failing.
    Being a Superhero project makes in niche out of the box. Belief in something different than that is just that belief nothing more.

    Part of the reason NC SOFT decided to go in another direction could certainly have been that a niche product like COH and the secret project Z mentioned in the podcast were never intended to be big revenue makers. They are not and never were going to be big budget wide appeal type projects which is the direction NC SOFT said they decided to go.

    That's a NC SOFT change of focus, not a COH was losing money and failed. Hard for me to view a money maker as failed, but I can see that the corporate mentality of "not enough" profit has trickled down to some consumers.

    Good luck with that.
  17. I think there is a segment of people that just don't understand that how they handled or were able to handle something emotionally and mentally traumatic has no/zero bearing on how someone else can/will handle these issues.

    Having been a part of this community since I8, I am not one bit surprised in some of the positions being taken here. I mean lets be real we have cyber bullies in this community and have had them for years.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Angry_Citizen View Post
    That may be why CoH/V failed - it just wasn't hard enough
    We all know by now that COH did not fail. NC SOFT decided to go in a different direction with big max revenue type projects vs smaller niche type products like COH and the secret project that Paragon was working on. Confirmed by both NC SOFT and Paragon.

    Reaching to attach personal issues disguised as "the reason COH failed" is not only disingenuous it is factually incorrect.
  19. I am not surprised that some here just don't seem to "get it" when it comes to this issue. A quick look at the behavior here over the past year and the picture becomes clear.
  20. This kind of thing is increasing instead of decreasing which is a sure sign of a crisis. If someone online or in RL tells you to leave them alone please do so.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
    Apparently the new motto for the community is:

    "We are heroes. We don't give a sh*t if it's illegal."
    Well in all truth City of Heroes AND City of Villains.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by gec72 View Post
    Not serious. I think it's somewhat silly to think that if it was that evident that Paragon was sinking, you didn't have many more [Tunnel] rats leaving the ship. If you think that your job is in jeopardy of going away, you start looking. They don't seem to have been.

    I think it's also silly to expect that folks playing an online game are supposed to obsess over stockholder meetings and earnings reports. If someone buys the new Assassin's Creed, do you think they do a full background check on the financials of the company developing it? Heck no. People don't sign up for fantasy football leagues but think Hmm, I don't know about using Yahoo again - their new CEO is untested!. Players (by-and-large) are interested in what is in or what is being added to a game. And Paragon had been adding a buttload to City.
    It is hard to take anyone seriously when they make false claims of I told you so, when NC SOFT did not even make the decision until the 11th hour. I guess Australia needs to check their Bauxite mines for tons of missing material.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
    Nice try, but what you said is pretty definitive.
    Yes in another thread about another topic. You not being able to comprehend the difference notwithstanding. Pfft.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
    Oh ?
    Yes oh. This is where the reading comprehension is needed.

    The "partial quotes" are being taken from a "different" thread MA-COH Killer. The theme of "that" thread was declining sales due solely to MA being introduced as the sole reason NC SOFT decided to go another way, which is patently false as NC SOFT AND PARAGON have already commented on.

    Nice try to muddle up the "separate" topics, but still a fail on the pick a fight meter. Pfft.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
    O'rly ?

    Let the equivocating begin.
    "Revenues didn't matter" is what you said.

    "So while it is clear that COH was not a huge money maker (reports have it at 10 million per year), it was NOT closed due to a decline in sales because of AE or ANY other feature/issue.

    That claim is personal axe grinding crapola with no real factual support from the parties involved."

    Does not mean "Revenues didn't matter" as you made up. Reading comprehension FTL. You need to stop trying so hard to pick a fight where there is none to be had man.