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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TheJazMan View Post
    Really? Are you that out of touch? You need a reality check.
    Originally Posted by TheJazMan View Post
    Wow. You need to get out and see what's happening in the world. People aren't all perfect like you. I feel sorry for you.
    Don't think it has anything to do with being perfect and everything to do with 'reality checks'. I'm not into the whole social networking deal but I have friends whose whole existance is their facebook page. They live for it.

    Bullying is a problem but it's a problem compounded by many other problems in this particular scenario. For one, giving kids access to social networking is like handing them a loaded gun; they might use it to protect themselves, hunt down something to eat or go firing it at each other for fun.

    IMO, there is *NO* reason a kid needs to be socializing with 'the world' because the world is no place for them yet. And it's hard on parents who are trying to shield their family from 'the world'. Don't they have a special division of facebook that does bully-watch and deletes, suspends and bans accounts that are reported for excessive harrassment to minors (who shouldn't be on facebook in the first place)? They can't send out the cops to people's houses (who foolishly put all their personal information on their page) to put a stop to their actions?

    It's sad she let herself become an example of how far cyber bullying can lead but its primarily a problem with society, not bullying. Society's connected nature, their views on sex and nudity, their use of mobs and violence. I'm sorry to say, but those issues won't be solved in our lifetime and she will not be the last to fall victim to them.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    It's about to get a LOT worse too.

    USPO is moving from "first to invent" to "first to file".

    Now what could go wrong there?

    You mean, what could go right?

    Put a Ninja Warrior-esque obstacle course infront of the office as the only way inside to file for patent and the ratings make themselves.
  3. Leo_G

    Anime and CoX

    Originally Posted by Xiang Shao View Post
    I guess that's counter-culture for ya.

    As for taking entertainment seriously, that's what those executive jobs in the entertainment industry is for. If I like a form of entertainment, I'll enjoy it for it. If I don't, I don't. I think that's the difference between enjoying and critiquing. One you're ending up expressing an event you probably barely tolerated and force yourself to re-experience despite your distaste...unless you're getting paid or getting recognition, critiquing is probably bad for your overall health.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by jwbullfrog View Post
    I'll throw my two inf in (in a little while they may not be good for much more...)

    I would like to see a RP/Arts section for things like drawings, vids, RP threads, stories, and all of the other community created wonderful weirdness.

    Although it might not mean much, It might be nice to retain something like the server specific forums.
    But we'd need a G-rated, R-rated and AO-rated section for each of those categories.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    Yeah, that's kind of the point. I don't want my characters to have an important role in the world, because for that to happen, many aspects of my character have to be written for me. Kingdom of Amalur ALMOST pulled off a miracle with the whole "You don't know who you are, so you could be anyone" deal... Right up until the end where it turns around and basically tells me what my story is, and it's nowhere near as exciting as I imagined it might be. It's downright dull, as a point of fact.

    City of Heroes taught me a valuable lesson - the less the fictional world tries to tie ME into it, the more leeway I have to imagine. Inversely, the more the world tried to assume about my character for the sake of "immersion," the more uncomfortable I became. It's why I despise the basic setting of DC Online, where my origin is always "Exobites," with an implied pre-origin of "human." Well, that's 3/4 of my characters down the drain right there. Same for the Secret World, same for Guild Wars.

    I games giving me a discrete choice between several predetermined concepts, is what I'm saying, and that's precisely what races are. Sure, Human, Kheldian and Rikti are statically defined in CoH lore... Which is why I never made any Kheldian and Rikti characters, and why most of my humans tend to be from alternate dimensions or timelines, and the ones that are from "here and now" tend to more or less disregard the game's story but for the broadest of strokes. Basically, I account for "the great disaster" in general terms and that's about it.

    No game with races will ever work for me, and that's just a simple fact. Not after City of Heroes. I prefer a game to focus on building up an engaging world that I have reason to care for, but also make no effort to tie me into it. Give me the playground and I'll figure out whether I want to swing on the swing set or climb the jungle gym, or maybe even just sit on a bench and look into the distance. The more games try to "engage" me, the less engaged I am because I'm constantly butting heads with the narrative. The only way this works is if you can get me to switch mental gears and just accept I'm playing someone else's character in someone else's story, like I would be in Oni, say, but that's a very different type of game that I wouldn't want to play in RPG form.
    Couldn't you write your own novels, draw your own comics or make your own games for stuff like that?

    Games are also a media for telling stories too and one 'aspect' of a roleplaying game is taking a predetermined role in the world and 'acting' it out.

    Originally Posted by Biowraith View Post

    I made an asuran warrior for exactly that reason
    I'm waiting for no-weapon combat before I make a 'fighter Asuran'.

    Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
    On Charr: yeah, they're Spartan.

    And I love the warband system. The whole band-of-brothers, blood doesn't matter thing, the military structure to the ENTIRE culture from cub to greymane... love it. It's so unusual to have such a military culture WITHOUT them being totally cold and bloodthirsty, but they did a great job with the Charr.
    Meh, they don't do a good enough job of it, IMO. It just comes off as cliche Kitty Spartans to me.

    They downplay their technology *FAAAR* too much to the point that's not a defining aspect of their culture...otherwise you'd see more tacticians and mindful inventors making an impact in their culture...even if it's to build machines of destruction...

    Because logically, when you've got sufficient technology, wielding a sword is simply illogical and inefficient...and yet their culture seems to uphold those illogical and inefficient members above all else.

    Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post

    but its less that i dont get it in the lore, its just lore that i dislike. it always struck me that in games where intelligent races have any diplomatic relations, outliers would develop as interactions would lead to sympathies for the worldviews of other races, and while I understand that writing stories for all outliers would be impossible, the game tends to fill a lot of characterization blanks in for you, and i find myself disliking my own character, despite loving his look.
    I'm probably on the same page as you.

    Maybe it's because I wanted to make a feral, bestial character that just happens to be cunning, mindful and charming rather than just a Kitty Spartan...I even made my Warrior an Ash Legion.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hercules View Post
    How is this the craziest thing in the world? The point is that both games are a royal pain in the *** to play. And yes, I played EQ1 for 9 months, enough time for me to decide to get out. DAOC was a refreshing change of pace for about 2 years afterwords.
    Oh, did you ever play FFXI? Not sure about EQ but I know damned well FF was tailor made to consume your life with its time sinks, farming, camping, can-barely-solo-easy-prey-15lvls-below-you gameplay and so utterly focused on gear, you practically have a whole separate suit for each spell you cast.

    Then Ninjas came along and everything was okay...then they nerfed my Beastmaster and pissed me off
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
    They're reaaaaallllly not. My elementalist is my highest-level character and she's an absolute powerhouse. There's a steep learning curve, but my god are they awesome!
    Perhaps because my Elementalist specializes in Dagger/Dagger. I don't care much for the scepter or focus and I do keep a staff around when getting into melee is just too suicidal even for me...but I can definitely say Elementalist is hard-mode. It's definitely not as easy as Guardian or Warrior which are the only other classes I got around to trying.

    And I didn't say Elementalist was 'weak', just that it might be underpowered compared. It probably has to do with their survivability...

    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    That's part of my problem - I don't like any of them. It has less to do with their design and more with my general extreme dislike of the concept of "races," for the simple fact that - as demonstrated - I tend to have my own preferences for what kind of race I want my characters to belong to. As broad as developers might be, they'll never get it right, which is why I prefer to define my own.
    *shrugs* Doesn't a race stop being a race when there's only one in existence ever?

    I think you miss the point of the concept of races in a game. One can tell a world's history and mold expectations when a world has set races. Even CoH technically had to do it with the human, Kheld and Rikti races instilled in a war among specific factions.

    It's understandable that you want to make your own race but you have to create a world where literally *ANY* race is accepted but that doesn't translate to that race having any important role in said world and its events.

    I don't like the Char because I don't like how they look and walk. Personal preference, but just don't find that "attractive" in any sense of the word. I dislike the Asura because I don't like the personality of the characters as written. I don't like the Norn because they're pretty much as typical Fantasy as it gets, and I don't like the humans because... They're humans. I've seen that. I might consider the Silvari an option, but I just don't know enough about them.

    At most, I might be able to make a single character worth sticking with in Guild Wars, and that's just not enough to pay money for, in my opinion. Not for an RPG. Any more than that one character just ends up with me wanting to break the whole setting and introduce aliens or demons or time-travellers.
    So the game doesn't strike a balance...until it does with Sylvari? So it doesn't and it does?

    That said, I'm hoping they add Skritt as a playable race. Cute funny rat people obsessed with shines. Makes the perfect thief, IMO.

    I don't know about "best." It's a matter of taste. That's what I want out of a game, simply put. Specifically, that's what I want out of character design. You can always have the player control just a straight-up animal, like Nanaki/XIII in Final Fantasy VII, but that just doesn't work for me. It's the same reason I don't like bird and fish people - I just don't like the animals themselves and don't enjoy characters styled after them.
    I don't think you can simply say 'I don't like bird and fish people period'. Maybe you might not like the ones you've seen so far, but I'm certain there's a way to grasp the elements of those creatures in a design you'd enjoy.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    I actually had an argument regarding anthropomorphic characters somewhat recently, and it got bogged down in semantics, which is why I didn't bring up the term. But where you appreciate deviating from the human norm considerably, I find that to be demotivating, at least for my enjoyment. I just don't believe "true monsters" are good enough at emoting, and the reason for this is my brain is programmed to read human emotions through the human apparatus for delivering them. When you break the mould too much, you end up with something that's just not comprehensible enough for me.
    How do you always find yourself on the ends of these types of discussions!?

    But anyway, your brand of anthropomorphic is fine and all but not the only (or best, IMO) version. What you're seeking is non-humans that emote like humans. The Charr are monster-like and emote in their own special ways which is a very good thing to me. They don't have the same grin/smile and all that like a human because they'll emote their own way like with snarls, growls, baring teeth, purrs and so forth.

    Not that I don't like human-faced anthros but I tend to imagine such creatures as such to look less like a human and not particularly just to add other-creature details to a human.

    Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
    That was exactly my gripe with my first female Norn alt. She looks so normal (and all of Norn lands are scaled to their sizes) that I just plain forgot she was supposed to be huge. Her body shape certainly doesn't betray it. Then I went to the human area to play with a friend, and realized I was, literally, twice as tall as his warrior. It was... a very jarring moment. Particular because the body model doesn't look gigantic.

    These days, my female Norn are shortstuff. Which still makes them abominably tall, but it's less weird. If it wasn't for their absolutely fantastic cultural gear, I don't think I could bring myself to play a Norn.
    *shrug* Isn't that how it's suppose to work? Giants are simply scaled up humans. I guess Anet could have went the crazy route and made Norn super-scaled dwarves but maybe they didn't want to be that cliche.

    Anyway, guess what my favorite character's race is....

    Made an Asura male and have to admit, I like the character himself. Not sure how, but when I imagined the character's personality (aggressive, arrogant and yet intellectual), the male Asura the devs 'wrote' for the personal story seems to fit perfectly even the voice. And he's *hard* to play. But I always enjoyed challenge. I actually heard Elementalists are underpowered currently, so maybe they'll get some attention later on.

    Nothing like my Charr warrior who I wanted to have less of an aggressive streak and be a tad suave and animated, he's stuck in the Kitty-Spartan mold which I guess isn't horrible but becomes grating after listening to NPC dialog (and the cubs talking about fighting and killing is a bit creepy).
  9. Actually got a chance to play the game a lot (boy am I sleepy >_>) since buying the game last week, all I was able to do was make a couple characters and do a bit of tutorial...

    I'll agree with a lot of the reviews and say the game has it's problems. But it is pretty fun. That's really all I can say at the moment.

    Anyway, what servers are you guys on that are playing?
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
    Cool story, bro. Listen, I've got to go to work. Wish we could just type about this all morning long, but you should probably be checking the Titan Network's Calls to Action instead, anyway. You know, that thing we're all trying to do. Saving City of Heroes. I promise you LOTS of forum debates if we succeed, but first things first, okay?
    Right, I have been trying to keep up with TN:CtA but ya know, school, work has been killing me and I finally get *A* day off so getting a chance to do what I enjoyed most when CoH wasn't in danger: posting on the boards.

    Don't know why I can't do both (check TN and post on the boards)...
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
    Leo. Have some class.

    If she's brave enough to examine herself for error in front of this forum's unforgiving peanut gallery, she's probably got more character than you're giving her credit for.

    By laying into her directly following her apology, you're telling us WAY more about yourself than I suspect you want to share.
    Right. But I'm not laying into her. If I were, I'd be calling her names or laughing in her face. If you don't understand the severity of hate and what it can do, you don't have the perspective enough to talk down someone who's at that state. Saying 'I know how you feel and it'll go away' only goes so far (if anywhere at all).

    Once you find real perspective, you start to hear more about what goes on and why or how. It stops being about what grudges you keep with you but how your decisions affect you and those around you.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LadyPhoenix View Post
    I think the point here has been made. In spades. And very well said/communicated by Captain-Electric. Isn't it high time we let this thread go, now?
    It is a public forum, but I feel it necessary to give perspective. Because while I can give a nod to Cap-Elec's posts, they don't do anything to provide perspective in the grand scheme of things.

    Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post

    To the rest of you? If these last several posts are all you choose to judge Atlantea by, it's your loss.
    I'm not judging anyone. You want to organize a boycott and you have my moral support...until your decisions start telling me where not to put my dollar. I don't know you well enough to let you influence that. There are people in the community that might, but they aren't telling me to boycott anything and don't feel beholden to decisions made on a business level but rather a design level (i.e. ArenaNet).
  13. Quote:
    For you to have your eyes wide open and still make the choice to give them money and in effect your validation for what they have done? Oh yes - I see that as betrayal. Betrayal and selfishness. Because you've decided you'd rather be selfish and choose your own enjoyment and fun over the principled stance. I don't hate you for it. I pity you. Because you've proven not to have the moral understanding necessary to make a principled stance. And in this case, it's so EASY to make the principled stance. But you chose to be selfish.
    If you pitied someone, you don't shun them and reject their name. You also don't put a knife in their hand and accuse them of stabbing you in the back.

    If you pitied someone, you'd enlighten them while keeping yourself morally upstanding. You can do that by reminding people what they are doing and not doing so yourself.

    I understand what stance you (and others like you) take. Me? I'm not so much beholden to what games I play by what company produces it. Because I haven't played many games in years so I'll just enjoy what I can when I can rather than shut my eyes to gaming.

    I still love and support CoH but regardless of if the game lives or dies, I'll be moving on (at least to the point of me playing other stuff). I don't see why that makes me some backstabber. I'm sure after a couple months, I'll drop GW2 for something else (looking toward Square even though they burned me so many years ago).
  14. Quote:
    There are those who were never COH players who do not know what has happened to City of Heroes. They are completely clueless. I can't fault them for playing even if they do find out at a later date.

    There are those who bought the game pre-order digital who can't get their money back, and even if they are COH players, I can't fault them either.

    There are those who were gifted the game by others. I can't fault them either.

    Those who were City of Heroes players, past and present, and who now know the score - who know what NCsoft has done - If they KNOW and are still okay with giving NCSoft money NOW? At this point and beyond?

    Yes. I consider them to be backstabbers. And I don't want to know them, speak to them, or engage them in any way whatsoever.
    Just had to comment on this particularly funny statement.

    To go out of your way to literally blacklist people from yourself just because they don't spend their money the way you do is...uhg, I don't even think I want to say.

    It's one thing to dislike someone wasting their money on self destructive things like drugs, gambling or some such when their family or other people in the world are in need of that money...but you're talking about a GAME.

    Now I'm not belittling CoH to only being some childish game or waste of time but some people need perspective. You tell me where you get the nerve to decide how other people spend their money. Their money that they bus tables, work overtime on oil rigs or risking their lives overseas working for the military.

    If you've let yourself be poisoned by your own grudge as to do any sort of blacklisting just because someone (me being one of those someones) spent their money they worked for how they want to then you've let NCsoft do way worse than killing some game and firing their staff on the spot. Bigots, racists and generally people fueled by hate are the evil that make this world an unpleasant place. Do you really want to join their ranks?
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SteelRat View Post
    On another note (and not for a minute knocking the OP) aren't people just sick to the back teeth of fantasy genre games?
    I played FFXI for 2 years and 3 months before I found CoH. I played CoH for what's going on 7 years. Before any of that, I never played MMOs and beside JRPGs, I played fighting games and retro stuff like Battletoads, Double Dragon, Shinobi and Mario.

    So no, not really.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
    ...oh my....
    This isn't a George Takei moment. Don't be using his line inappropriately
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mad Grim View Post
    So Arcanaville's face is two more Arcanavilles?

    Who each have two more Arcanavilles for faces?

    Don't hurt yourself, but yes...
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    ut if I don't have to carry all the flowers and sticks of wood pig penises and whatever else random assortment of trinkets I need to craft with, then that's one BIG problem solved.
    Why does it have to be pig penises? Why not pig vaginas? Those'd only take up half an inventory spot because you can store something inside one.

    The trouble is that I just never liked the basics to begin with. It's a "green eggs and ham" thing - as appealing as you make them - and they are appealing - I still don't like green eggs and ham.
    And I though, by the end of the story, Sam-I-am ended up getting us to like green eggs and ham. Bad analogy?

    Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
    Good news: the default camera in GW2 is third person.
    *hands Jayb the Ironik Ballbuster Boot*

    IBB for short...
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rylas View Post
    Sorry about that. On the bright side, you only have about 2.5 months left of it. Also... turn off avatars?
    Can't. That's how I see you guys, as people whose faces are replaced by their little avatars. And if they don't have one, they're faceless.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironik View Post

    Is this National Bust Ironik's Balls Day or something?
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    It was supposed to be a surprise but not that you know, it's not just a day, we got a whole week approved to bust your balls.

    And I don't really like you so there's that...
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
    What I find funny about these fights over the law is that none of the real life lawyers that I know who play this game, ever comment with such certainty on legal matters. There are far too many variables to be sure how this would play out. And I wouldn't even start the research to render an opinion for less than a $1000 retainer.

    Edit: if any one is interested, PM me if you're in Illinois.
    And now you know why they call him 'Evil' Geko. He's a lawyer.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rylas View Post
    I thought it was a tongue-in-cheek kind of comment. *shrug*
    Right, my reply was sort of tongue-in-cheek too. The smilie was more like a 'Yay! You didn't get bum****ed that bad!'
  23. Rylas, I hate your avatar >_>

    Every time I scroll down in a thread you post in (also, that other poster with the avatar of all the pokemon stacking), my laptop hiccups for like 3-5 seconds when I get to your posts...and it happens every time, even if you posted twice on one page and after the page fully loads.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
    Same diff. That's what I meant.
    But there's a lot of successful 3rd person platforming games.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Unhearted View Post
    You have GOT to be kidding me. I paid $45 for 3 months the day before they announced the game shutting down. That is complete and utter ********. They OWE me a refund.
    ....september...october...november 30th...

    By my calculations (with my fingers), that's about 3 months.