Have to admit it . . . GW2 may replace COH for me




With all the talk/reviews on this board lately of how good GW2 is, I had to try it out. Now having played COX since before issue 1 and initally poo-pooing any ideas of playing another MMO, once I actually tried GW2 and went beyond my assumptions that I couldn't find a game that gave me the same satisfaction that COX gave me, I discovered a really fun game.

Thanks for the suggestions all and I encourage others who were in my same mindset to give it a try.



Glad it's working out for you.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Like many others I had already pre-purchased GW2 before NCSoft dropped the hammer on CoH, and despite the utter jackass move NC pulled... yes, GW2 is a good game, and in many ways the next Gen MMO...
That doesn't mean I want to give up CoH, as GW2 is a completely different game with its own strengths and limitations.

Like Underworld? Then take a look at! http://moonid.net/account/recruitmen.../monstersgame/
And don't forget to join the fight for our City! http://www.cohtitan.com/forum/index....ard,134.0.html



If you pre-purchased GW2 - can you send it back and ask for a refund?

Not asking anyone who has already bought the game to do so. That's your decision.

This is a purely technical question. Can you? Or is that not allowed?

I can tell you right now, that if I were in that position? No matter how pretty the game was, or how many of my friends were playing it and begging me to join them. I KNOW that I would be looking at this option. And if it were possible to do so, I WOULD ask for a refund and I would tell NCSoft exactly why they had lost my business.

However, if they have your money already and you CAN'T get it back, then yeah. No use NOT getting your money's worth.

(Okay. So it strayed from the purely technical. I'm a little bitter.)



Originally Posted by Atlantea View Post
If you pre-purchased GW2 - can you send it back and ask for a refund?

Not asking anyone who has already bought the game to do so. That's your decision.

This is a purely technical question. Can you? Or is that not allowed?

I can tell you right now, that if I were in that position? No matter how pretty the game was, or how many of my friends were playing it and begging me to join them. I KNOW that I would be looking at this option. And if it were possible to do so, I WOULD ask for a refund and I would tell NCSoft exactly why they had lost my business.

However, if they have your money already and you CAN'T get it back, then yeah. No use NOT getting your money's worth.

(Okay. So it strayed from the purely technical. I'm a little bitter.)
If you bought the game as a digital download you cannot return it/get a refund.
If you bought a physical copy of the game, then you can.



Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
If you bought the game as a digital download you cannot return it/get a refund.
If you bought a physical copy of the game, then you can.
In my case it came down to buying the serial number... no CDs or anything, so I'm fairly sure that once I redeemed it (months ago) that was it, no refunds.

Like Underworld? Then take a look at! http://moonid.net/account/recruitmen.../monstersgame/
And don't forget to join the fight for our City! http://www.cohtitan.com/forum/index....ard,134.0.html



Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
If you bought the game as a digital download you cannot return it/get a refund.
If you bought a physical copy of the game, then you can.
I see.

*Makes note to buy games at the brick and mortar stores from now on, no matter what.*



Originally Posted by American_Knight View Post
With all the talk/reviews on this board lately of how good GW2 is, I had to try it out. Now having played COX since before issue 1 and initally poo-pooing any ideas of playing another MMO, once I actually tried GW2 and went beyond my assumptions that I couldn't find a game that gave me the same satisfaction that COX gave me, I discovered a really fun game.

Thanks for the suggestions all and I encourage others who were in my same mindset to give it a try.
I'm enjoying it as well.

If people can get past their bitterness, they'd realize there are other good games not named CoH. It won't be coh, but that doesnt mean it is automatically better or worse.

GW2 actually has a very casual core to it that I could see appealing to the playstyles of many CoH players. IE: You can get into pretty much anything that is happening on the server without needing to be part of some elite guild. Everything out in the world is co-operative and doesn't encourage competing for kills/quest spawns, etc, which harbors a very friendly atmosphere like CoH did. Structured PvP is randomized meaning you can get into it without needing some crazy premade, and the dungeons are also completly doable as a PuG.

@OP: what server?



Is it productive to hate someone because they found a game they like playing? I like GW2 as well, and I don't regret doing business with NCSoft, because in reality it's ArenaNet that has made this game and I personally find it superb on many levels.

I can dislike and even hate NCSoft for its business policies on one hand, but I'd be a hypocrite to boycott them after Dungeon Runners, Exteel, Tabula Rasa and did nothing except continue my subscription to this game. I feel I can be justified in taking a step back, saying 'hey, I like this game, and I'm going to play it' and still support CoH.

NCSoft on a personal level does not care what I personally may or may not feel about them. And I have better more productive uses of my energy than to be angry at a faceless corporation, such as help out with the saving of the game in some form. So that is my choice to act so. I don't think given just how many other studios and from far bigger corporations than NCSoft are letting go employees and killing games that I can make an exception and call them 'evil'.

Australia lost 18 studios in the last calendar year alone. I choose to see things in that context.


Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse



Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
Sure. Great. With loyal customers like you, NCSoft might not regret closing City of Heroes.
Now now, there's no reason to get nasty with people just because they enjoy another NCSoft title.

For all we know, NCSoft may never regret closing City of Heroes no matter what, and American_Knight's patronage could be staving off the axe between GW2's shoulder blades by a few days.

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




On another note (and not for a minute knocking the OP) aren't people just sick to the back teeth of fantasy genre games? I mean granted, it seems that all the games NCSoft has axed have been games that have been something other than poxy elves, dwarves and paladins and they've done so as a result of people not playing them very much, but what I don't understand is why.

As a genre, Science Fiction is as if not more popular than Fantasy, but the sci-fi genre in games tends to be over shadowed in favour of fanstasy (with the possible exception of EvE). I did look at GW2 after recommendation of some of my old SG mates, but I've also tried (and am absolutely loving) SW:TOR. Most will probably tell me why GW2 is the better game, but my digestive system will simply not allow me to endure yet another RPG based on a tired and much over used formula for the setting.

@SteelRat; @SteelRat2
"Angelina my love, I'm a genius!"
"Of course you are darling, that's why I married you. Physically, you're rather unattractive"




Felt great to type, felt responsible to delete.

I WILL say this. It's just not the time or place to be pushing that crap in people's faces. Not here, given the circumstances.

Show some restraint and tact, if you have any. Some of us aren't ready and willing to throw our arms around the publisher who nuked the best studio ever without warning. Don't tell me about other studios. You can't give your money to ArenaNet without also giving it to NCSoft.

@Captain-ElectricDetective MarvelThe Sapien SpiderMoravec ManThe Old Norseman
Dark-EyesDoctor SerpentineStonecasterSkymaidenThe Blue Jaguar
Guide to AltitisA Comic for New PlayersThe Lore ProjectIntro to extraterrestrials in CoH



Originally Posted by SteelRat View Post
On another note (and not for a minute knocking the OP) aren't people just sick to the back teeth of fantasy genre games? I mean granted, it seems that all the games NCSoft has axed have been games that have been something other than poxy elves, dwarves and paladins and they've done so as a result of people not playing them very much, but what I don't understand is why.

As a genre, Science Fiction is as if not more popular than Fantasy, but the sci-fi genre in games tends to be over shadowed in favour of fanstasy (with the possible exception of EvE). I did look at GW2 after recommendation of some of my old SG mates, but I've also tried (and am absolutely loving) SW:TOR. Most will probably tell me why GW2 is the better game, but my digestive system will simply not allow me to endure yet another RPG based on a tired and much over used formula for the setting.
Yep, SW:TOR is also great, I played it for many months myself until the inevitable burnout kicked in shortly before 1.3 went live.
Of course it also isn't doing all that well... here's hoping that the F2P coming later this year will save that game, since just like CoH it deserves to stick around =/

Like Underworld? Then take a look at! http://moonid.net/account/recruitmen.../monstersgame/
And don't forget to join the fight for our City! http://www.cohtitan.com/forum/index....ard,134.0.html



Originally Posted by SteelRat View Post
On another note (and not for a minute knocking the OP) aren't people just sick to the back teeth of fantasy genre games? I mean granted, it seems that all the games NCSoft has axed have been games that have been something other than poxy elves, dwarves and paladins and they've done so as a result of people not playing them very much, but what I don't understand is why.

As a genre, Science Fiction is as if not more popular than Fantasy, but the sci-fi genre in games tends to be over shadowed in favour of fanstasy (with the possible exception of EvE). I did look at GW2 after recommendation of some of my old SG mates, but I've also tried (and am absolutely loving) SW:TOR. Most will probably tell me why GW2 is the better game, but my digestive system will simply not allow me to endure yet another RPG based on a tired and much over used formula for the setting.
Dude this is only true of PC MMO games. Go look at all the console games I assure you Dwarfs and elves are not the norm.



Originally Posted by SteelRat View Post
On another note (and not for a minute knocking the OP) aren't people just sick to the back teeth of fantasy genre games?
There used to be something of a fantasy drought in games, literature, movies and whatnot, but the last 20 years or so have seen is virtually drowning in fantasy. I, for one, am pretty sick of it.

On the other hand, the few attempts at non-fantasy games haven't necessarily been very good. Or, for some reason, not managed to make much of a splash. I think one of the major challenges in non-fantasy games is that there are certain conveniences you expect from modern or sci-fi settings. Conveniences that are not necessarily compatible with more traditional MMO gameplay.

I can give an example from The Secret World (a game that I love dearly, but still manages to fall into this trap a bit): You start out in the game, on a small island off the coast of Maine that has, for some reason, been overrun by zombies. The atmosphere is fantastic. You're in this dark forest, and the woods are full of locals-turned-zombies. Very creepy. You are standing on this forest road, and your task is to find the nearby town of Kingsmouth and figure out just what the heck is going on. Along the road you find several vehicles, most in pretty decent condition. Their drivers have met unfortunate ends, but the vehicles themselves look fine.

My very first thought (trying to forget the "MMO traditions") is: I should be able to just grab one of the cars and drive into town. That gotta be much safer than walking. Obviously, you can't do that. But because it's a modern setting, you expect to be able to do something like it. Usually, this tends to be an issue of mobility. For some reason, most games seem to think than moving faster than a crawl is some kind of holy grail of gaming that should either be outright illegal, or, at the very least, reserved for very high level characters. Augh, I miss CoH already.

I think, for all intents and purposes, that most sci-fi themed games are really fantasy games with a sci-fi skin. There are a lot of challenges to overcome in a modern/sci-fi themed game if you want the game to not feel like a fantasy game. And I get the sense that most games aren't trying to overcome those challenges very hard. And, by now, we don't really expect them to either.

As a disclaimer, I haven't played that many non-fantasy MMOs, so I can't say if there's any out there that break the mold. I'm sure there are. I just haven't heard about them.

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
Show some restraint and tact, if you have any. Some of us aren't ready and willing to throw our arms around the publisher who nuked the best studio ever without warning. Don't tell me about other studios. You can't give your money to ArenaNet without also giving it to NCSoft.
You know, when my mother and father were getting divorced, there was a time when my mother would yell at me for random things, when what she was really pissed off about was me not hating my father and yelling at him, while my father at the same time would intermittently get pissed off at me for supporting my mother in her coping with her grief by unloadin on him. I'll let bygones be bygones and say that this is not a nice position to be put in, and I'll ask anyone on both sides of the "barricade" to stop chastising each other and simply respect people's judgement and desires. The last thing we need is a "with me or against me" attitude.

So the OP is having fun in Guild Wars 2 and is man enough to admit this, rather than showing up to CoH rallies while Alt-Tabbing to GW2. I can respect that, and I'm happy he's found a way to deal with the problem, even if it's not a way that might agree with. As I've said many times, I don't feel the need to "punish" NCsoft or anyone who associates with them. My aim is to support the developers and the community, and finding other games they want to play or other jobs with NCsoft is what it takes, then I'll support them, because I respect the people.

Now, that doesn't mean we should all just jump ship and wash our hands, not in the slightest. There's still more we can do and more we can contribute. But I don't want to turn the forums into a hostile place where divergent thought is trolled. If people like Guild Wars 2, they shouldn't feel ostracised. If people like Lineage II or Aion, they shouldn't feel unwelcome. No-one has a "duty" to City of Heroes or Paragon Studios. We are all here by choice, because we want to do something about it or even just because we really liked the game. That, to me, is reason enough to be welcome. And being a welcoming, open community that was tolerant of others is something we're supposed to take pride in.

It helps no-one to lash out.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post

Felt great to type, felt responsible to delete.

I WILL say this. It's just not the time or place to be pushing that crap in people's faces. Not here, given the circumstances.

Show some restraint and tact, if you have any. Some of us aren't ready and willing to throw our arms around the publisher who nuked the best studio ever without warning. Don't tell me about other studios. You can't give your money to ArenaNet without also giving it to NCSoft.
Players were given the greenlight to discuss other games. Some have chosen to move on. Others have not.

The OP opted to give another game shot and gave his feedback, again, which has been approved by the remaining moderators. Whether you, or the community at large, feels it's appropriate is of little matter.

Your behavior in this thread is a text book definition on how to not galvanize a community around common goal. Even with cutesy garbage like "redacted" statements

The City community is better than this.

"I saw my advantage and took it. That's what heroes do." - Homer Simpson.



I'm a bit bored of 'high fantasy' and anything with vampires. I don't mind urban fantasy, but the cosmopolitan-ness of City of Heroes does it one better. We get the 'urban wizards,' but also aliens, giant robots, and tormented mutants.

(I had hoped that we would one day get a Midnighter EAT. And a Giant Robot one.)

TSW... I like it. It has a way to go but I'm keeping myself optimistic. I keep meaning to try STO, too, but somebody told me that ground combat has melee units (even while their shirts are intact) and that really bothers me as a Star Trek fan.



Originally Posted by SteelRat View Post
On another note (and not for a minute knocking the OP) aren't people just sick to the back teeth of fantasy genre games?
I played FFXI for 2 years and 3 months before I found CoH. I played CoH for what's going on 7 years. Before any of that, I never played MMOs and beside JRPGs, I played fighting games and retro stuff like Battletoads, Double Dragon, Shinobi and Mario.

So no, not really.



Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
I think, for all intents and purposes, that most sci-fi themed games are really fantasy games with a sci-fi skin. There are a lot of challenges to overcome in a modern/sci-fi themed game if you want the game to not feel like a fantasy game. And I get the sense that most games aren't trying to overcome those challenges very hard. And, by now, we don't really expect them to either.
That's the heart of the problem, really. Sci-fi and contemporary MMOs will never catch on while they try to be D&D in a non-fantasy setting. It's why I have a problem with games marketing themselves as "PvP, auction house, crafting, gear, raids" rather than as a setting - because it shows a developer sat down and copied EQ as seen though WoW and then tossed a sci-fi skin over it, and sci-fi shouldn't work like that.

City of Heroes was revolutionary in this aspect, in that the developers sat down and said to each other "OK, not all super heroes make sense be based around gear, so how do we make a system that isn't about gear?" Sure, they still came up with something "like" gear, but the circumstances surrounding it were still quite different. To me, for a sci-fi MMO to work, it has to be based off a different framework from the ground up. It shouldn't be about exploring forest punctuated by towns in search of dungeons and kill quests. In this, City of Heroes also innovates, in that the entire game takes place in a city environment where the "town" is pretty much the entire in-game world, with various vendors scattered about and missions taking place all over. Star Wars, I think, also had a good idea when introducing the "Shmillennium Shmalcon" as Yahtzee calls it

Hell, if anything, I find Star Trek Online to be one of the more "different" and aptly sci-fi MMOs out there, revolving around ship management and crew management, rather than killing rats for rags. I'd probably play it if it weren't a licensed Star Trek property (not a fan), but it has a good idea. Hard Truck: Apocalypse is another great example of an RPG taking a weird turn, though not necessarily an MMO. In there, you drive a vehicle that ranges from small pickup truck to a huge heavy container truck, that you can buy mods and guns for. It's basically an RPG where your "character" is a truck, which is what I imagine Auto Assault might have been had it been given a chance. Stuff like that which makes me sit up and go "Wait, why haven't I thought of this before?" that makes MMOs and games in general great to my mind.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by terrible_deli View Post
Probably shouldn't dignify that, but here's a response anyway.


@Captain-ElectricDetective MarvelThe Sapien SpiderMoravec ManThe Old Norseman
Dark-EyesDoctor SerpentineStonecasterSkymaidenThe Blue Jaguar
Guide to AltitisA Comic for New PlayersThe Lore ProjectIntro to extraterrestrials in CoH



Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
If you bought the game as a digital download you cannot return it/get a refund.
If you bought a physical copy of the game, then you can.
In the USA, that assumes you haven't opened it. I pre-purchased the game and then picked up the physical copy. Then opened it. Sigh....

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



They said..

WoW could replace it, Aion could, SW:TOR, Tabula, TSW, WH, LotRo, Tera, DCU, CO, STO, GW2, FF14, or any other MMO that i currently forgot.. then why i still play CoH? (i played all of these and way more).

It never could replace, it only could 'add' to what i already had. The only game ever that could meet up the awsome community was FWO, wich closed few years after CoH was released, CoH replaced FWO for me.

GW2 is fun, but the 'interaction' with the community is far far far less, events you just wack along others you dont even know the name off, with a few that you go 'ooh i've seen you before!'. But what i see in GW2, is nothing more then a mire shadow of what GW1 once was. I'm a huge fan of GW1, Luxon vs Kurzick pvp characters, doing guild stuff to own a town, spending hours finetuning your build, doing instances/dungeons with a min/maxed team, all that GW2 has not.

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!



Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post

Felt great to type, felt responsible to delete.

I WILL say this. It's just not the time or place to be pushing that crap in people's faces. Not here, given the circumstances.

Show some restraint and tact, if you have any. Some of us aren't ready and willing to throw our arms around the publisher who nuked the best studio ever without warning. Don't tell me about other studios. You can't give your money to ArenaNet without also giving it to NCSoft.
No one is pushing anything in anyone's faces. If you don't want to talk about other games you are welcome to not participate in said thread.