1086 -
Quote:I think sending him back to the 80s is far more punishment than the spanking.It doesn't make me want to apologize for being a man.
It does make me want to beat (gently though) some sense into the person with a wooden paddle. I mean the guy acts like a 7th grader, he should be spanked like a 7th grader (in the 80s, when spanking was actually allowed). 5 public swats with the paddle and a months suspension without pay.
Of course, he could be one of "those" people that would actually enjoy the swats... -
Quote:Heey. If heroes started to get smart, us villains would have to start getting smart too, and I really don't think the hero community wants that to happen.I always thought that scenario was bad. Because if I had super-powers, I'm pretty sure I'd do a LOT more good alive than dead, even at the expense of one hostage. I'd feel bad for the bad hostage, but hey, I just avenged them AND stopped the bad guy from hurting even more people! Superheroes just don't seem to think about the big picture enough. And that got me started thinking about the greatest hero of all.....
Imagine if we, you know, just shot the hero in the brain instead of tying him to some elaborate torture device, gleefully explain the details of our overly elaborate scheme and then leave just before the hero is killed, giving him ample time to escape? No good can come of this. I kindly suggest that you heroes go back to being naive do-gooders, and we'll stick with the gloating plot exposition. -
Quote:I realize the city hall in AP was decided on, but I have to ask, why not Pocket D? It might not be quite as iconic, but CoH has more than one side to it, and it's not everyone who can freely visit Atlas Park.For CoH-side: I was going to use the highest number instance in Atlas. But as a back up to any confusion:
While I have a lot of alts (35 on virtue, at the latest count) of various allegiance, I had hoped to bring the one who's been the most important to me over the years (rather than the one with the prettiest costume), but alas, Glaciation is thoroughly redside. I don't really want a lowbie alt to be the last character I log into.
(Perhaps pointlessly romantic, but there it is.) -
That's a pretty cheap prediction to make without any sort of timeframe attached.
I agree, within the next one hundred years, TSW will go free to play and/or be closed down.
F2P is horrible and a blight on the industry, but it's also currently a very popular way to squeeze money out of people, so I'm sure it's not entirely unlikely to happen sometime in the future. For a lot of games.
It is also worth noting that while Funcom had to do a lot of initial downscaling due to TSW not selling as well as they had expected (and how they reached those expectations is beyond me, they seemed quite unrealistic if your name doesn't start with B and end with Lizzard), the game is apparently doing well enough now that they have been adding to the staff again since then. -
Quote:Everyone enjoy different things, but so far I'm quite proud of having managed everything without resorting to walkthroughs (I'm usually really bad at ruining the experience for myself, but so far I've managed to avoid it).Oh, no. I strongly suggest that everyone cheat and use online walkthroughs. The investigation missions are flat-out insane. You have to be a real Illuminati to enjoy unravelling some of this stuff.
And by everything, I mean "everything". There's this one investigation mission in Egypt that still vex me. My hebrew and arabic just isn't good enough. Gah!
The mission in Kingsmouth with the bible verses and musical notes was pretty tame compared to some of the later ones (the only tricky part was actually finding an online bible in latin. The Vatican really need to step it up.
I love it.
(Edit: Oh, and here's what I do when they leave written clues in game that is, for some reason, not linked in your quest log: I take a quick print screen of the instructions. That way I can easily access them any time I need for the length of the mission.) -
Quote:It's better to crash and burn by copying something popular, than to crash and burn by trying something new, I guess.Because if you are going to copy something it makes more sense to copy something that 10+ million people subscribe to after 8 years and not something that has approx 50,000 subscribers after 8 years.
As one of my friends put it, "if I wanted to play WoW, I'd be playing WoW".
In the industry's defence, the trend does seem to finally be shifting, and there's been a couple of recent games that actually went out of their way to be not-WoW. Like GW2 and TSW. So hopefully, in the future, we'll see A) companies daring to try new things. And B) publishers accepting that they are not going to get umpteen million subscribers, whether they blatantly copy WoW or try something different, and plan accordingly. The MMO market just isn't that big, and an MMO isn't a failure just because it has to "settle" for 300,000 players.
Honestly, what kills good games more often than not is players fearing that the game is dying and leaving because they don't want to invest time in an obviously dying game. Players and producers alike really need to stop panicking. I don't recall this knee-jerk panic reaction in the pre-WoW era. -
"We Are Non-jerks, This Is What We Do."
Maybe not quite the same ring to it. But good enough! -
Quote:What I dislike about TOR is how it will give you a small army of almost identical attacks. Almost, but not quite. Like my juggernaut who has about six different basic single-target attacks that does, more or less, exactly the same thing. But they all have different rage costs, cooldowns and whatnot, so I can't just ignore them. And they don't replace previous attacks, so I end up with an action bar full of almost-but-not-quite identical single-target attacks. To me, that makes combat pretty frustrating.TOR ont he other hand, I go "I don't need this many attacks!" Of course, I could likely just not train in them, but being new to TOR, I really don't know which ones I need/want, but damn, at level 29, more attacks than I need!
And that's at level 30. I think I have a few more coming. -
I really liked the CoH combat system, when compared to most legacy (read: wow-styled) systems. Tab-targetting was fantastic, and it always amazes me how CoH has been the only game in eight years (including WoW) that has managed to actually make the tab button function correctly. Seriously, it took Blizzard how many years to get it to work almost right, and last I played it still wasn't quite right.
Anyway, I could go into loads of details for why I like the CoH system better than the universally accepted global cooldown system, but I get sad when I think about CoH too hard, so I'd rather not expend the effort of thinking up something too meaningful.
Suffice it to say, I liked combat in CoH. A lot (at least after the first 20 or so levels.)
I don't know. I've seen how NCSoft repay 8 years of loyalty and I don't really think they deserve any more of my time. On the other hand, it is City of Heroes we're talking about. So I don't know. I'd be torn.
To be honest, I'm more upset with how NCSoft handled the whole affair than that the affair happened in the first place. Nothing lasts forever, but after this much time, I think they could have put in more effort to appease us than that "lol, sucks to be you" post of theirs. -
Quote:This is so incredible important to me, and very few games even get close to the smoothness of CoH's animations and, more importantly, transition between those animations. Sometimes you can forgive it because the "kinetic immersion" isn't important to the gameplay, or if the gameplay is so awesome that you can overlook it, but for me this is a very high priority, that most games seem to fall short on. Particular MMOs where, ironically, I find the lack the most jarring.Better graphics also put a greater demand on the physics engine. CoH may not have the best graphics out there (although the team did wonders with a comparatively limited set of graphical resources), but the basic character movement and physics is still unmatched in the MMO genre. Characters in CoH move with the smoothness and responsiveness to physics you usually only see in shooters. CoH is unmatched (among MMOs) for what I call "kinetic immersion," the sense of being a character moving in real, three-dimensional space with actual laws of physics in play. Sure, the characters are doing "impossible" things, physically...but that's because they're superheroes. Not because the game engine itself is such a poor model...
Quote:First, I should probably apologize. My post was a load more snarky than it needed to be. Really, my point was captured in the "whose talking about outfits?" part. Because it's not really an outfit thing that sets a game like B&S apart from CoH. Sure, you can be practically nude in CoH if you like, but that alone isn't enough. B&S takes it a lot further than that. And B&S isn't even ashamed of that, so there's not really any reason to make excuses for them. The art and animation style was picked quite deliberately.Truthfully, if the walk looks fluid (think that's the word I'm looking for) I'm happy. Whether that be sexy or not. The walk in CO for instance, does not look fluid (again, I think that's the word I'm looking for
But that said, I find walk seems to be more for the RPers than the general game players, as the general game players want to get from point A to point B asap. And a lot of RPers, in my experience, lean in a certain direction.
Now, not having played B&S, we don't know exactly how bad it is, short of what people have posted and what they themselves have marketed. So maybe they, and their players, exaggerate the issue. Maybe not.
But having recently given TERA a whirl, I'm not really expecting much. I had to stop playing TERA when my heavy-armour warrior got her first armour upgrade. Her butt-cheeks were showing. In full plate. That can't be comfortable.
I guess I'm not 16 any more. I find stuff like that more silly than sexy. -
Quote:Who was talking about outfits?Or am I mistaken, and those outfits are indecent?
For all the talk of "not the usual overweight american look to characters" on the CoH forums, I never saw that many who kept put the waist slider to max to get rid of the hourglass figure in game.
Oh sure, they're was plenty who put a bit on the mass (for a bigger look), but the curves stayed.
And breast slider set to minimum? Yeah, that wasn't popular either. Which really was a fun thing, as my main was set to minimum, and being an RPer, I did love those moments she could be all early years Jubilee, look around at other members of the SG and wonder why she lacked the most common of superpowers
But sure. There are certain... female standards of the superhero comic genre that CoH allowed you to model fairly closely. No one's saying that it didn't? (uh, doesn't!)
Personally, I'm just comparing this to this. B&S is so silly I can't stop snickering at the shameless beefcake. I don't mind that you like that... I like a good laugh as much as the next guy. But c'mon.
(And no, from your post history I'm not expecting you to get the difference. But that doesn't mean the rest of us can't share a good laugh.) -
There will now be a medium-sized intermission.
Quote:To balance the equation, we've also been accused of being idiots who should totally have predicted this doom years ago.We've been accused of thinking the game is perfect and hate people who say otherwise.
Anyway, I think one of the major issues was that the game started really slow. At low levels you'd just stand there and trade blows with a Hellion while waiting for your attack to recharge. It doesn't help that combat becomes fast-paced, dynamic and fun in the late 20s if it's a chore to get there.
For some reason, the chief complaint I hear about the game from people who no longer play CoH, is the repetition of mission maps. I never had a problem with this myself, but I accept that this has been a major issue to some people. Although, while the mission maps could have been more varied and/or dynamic, it's also worth noting that these are the same people who have grinded the same WoW dungeon for years. I don't know if I trust their definition of repetition. -
Sounds interesting, and finally a PST event that isn't too late for me to take part in, hooray.
Oh how they taunt us. Psionic Melee... so close, and yet so far.
Now we just need a proliferation of Illusion Control to Dominators to go live on November 30th, and the irony would be complete. -
Quote:Is it somehow less important? If you want to impose that kind of justice, you've had it your way. My turn, right?But I've only got 17 days left to post on these forums. So is your enjoyment of using the forums somehow more important than mine?
But I'm sure you're a smart guy who already realize how dumb that argument is, so I'm just going to pretend that you didn't insult your own intellect by posting this.