CoH / TSW Refugees - Group Screenshot November 30th

Angel of Retribution



Contact information:

CoH Virtue Character: Una
CoH Global: @Ara
TSW Arcadia Character:Templara
TSW Forums: -Ara-

For those already in or headed to TSW (The Secret World MMO):

For a lasting momento, we'll be assembling for a before and after group screenshot of your favorite hero in this game and your new agent in The Secret World. The screenshots will be posted in TSW forums next week.

10:45 pm Pacific:

City servers shut down at Midnight Pacific on Friday night, November 30th. Many of us have different plans for the 11th hour. Before then, our first group screenshot will be on the City Hall stairs, Atlas zone, Virtue server, highest instance available at 10:45 pm Pacific time.

11:00 pm Pacific:

After the first group screenshot, we can meet with friends and SGs or remain together and dispense some justice across the City.

DJ Fox, a CoH/TSW player, is making a heroic themed playlist and broadcasting live for our final hour. You can catch her at, TSW's dedicated radio station.

Midnight Pacific:

For those of you still alive, awake, and active (TSW 3 day trial or subscribed), we'll be logging into The Secret World right after CoH gently nudges us offline for the last time.

12:05 am Pacific:

We'll assemble in Kingsmouth (near Jack Boone, the cowboy contact near the Agartha portal)...

12:10 am Pacific:

... and have a survivor's processional from his tent to Kingsmouth Church

12:15 am Pacific:

...for our follow-up TSW Refugees group screenshot.

Through 1 am Pacific: RadioFreeGaia will continue to broadcast live for us for an hour past CoH's curtain call so we can head to sleep or mission in TSW in epic style.



Image is broken, so I'm not sure what server this is on. Test, hopefully (although I think I have a transfer to burn...). In any case, I'll be there...and then bring Irys "StraightRed" Cavendish to Kingsmouth (Arcadia?).

"And in this moment, I will not run.
It is my place to stand.
We few shall carry hope
Within our bloodied hands."



Also not seeing an image, and need server/dimension names for both games. Will definitely try to make it, but may have familial commitments that night.



The image links to a TSW forum page called

There's a forum there and a post that mentions Nov 30th, but couldn't find any details beyond that.

@SteelRat; @SteelRat2
"Angelina my love, I'm a genius!"
"Of course you are darling, that's why I married you. Physically, you're rather unattractive"



Sounds interesting, and finally a PST event that isn't too late for me to take part in, hooray.

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




My sincere apology about the flyer not showing. Moved it. Should show now. After my TSW dungeon, I'll also write up complete details in case it breaks again.


Updated all info. My sincere apologies. Also e-mailed anyone who posted to advise it's up.

It's really a low key gathering for high-value emotional reward. We're meeting twice to screenshot our main characters together as our final moment in CoH and our beginning moment in TSW.

If it's five of us or fifty, I'm very excited at the idea of sharing a group screenshot with fellow heroes before the lights go out.



Originally Posted by Angry_Angel View Post
My sincere apology about the flyer not showing. Moved it. Should show now. After my TSW dungeon, I'll also write up complete details in case it breaks again.
Thanks, Angel! I don't have any truly active characters on Virtue (despite being an "if I'm logged on, I'm in-character" roleplayer), but like I said, I have transfers to burn. I'll decide who I want for the Long Goodbye and move them over there as soon as I have a game-capable computer. A bit touch-and-go on it arriving on time, but I should be okay. I'm already on Arcadia in TSW. See you there!

"And in this moment, I will not run.
It is my place to stand.
We few shall carry hope
Within our bloodied hands."



Thanks Angel. I will make every effort to be there.



Oh, sure, in TSW, where the 'Meet Up' function lets you temporarily travel to any server to join your teammates.... you're having it on my home server.

I'll have to make a copy of Ironblade on Virtue......

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Sounds like a good way to go out. I'll be there on one of my favorite alts "Incarnatum" and then hop on her TSW version "Incarnation".



Hm, timing might be difficult, but I'll give it a try. I've got a copy of my second toon, Pale Fallen Angel, on Virtue, but my first, Angel of Retribution, had that name taken(grumble grumble).

As to TSW, I'll definitely make that one; Jennifer "DreamingAngel" Shepard.

Just a question: what happens if there are enough people that we have multiple instances?



Chat channel might be a good idea? Might make it easier to co-ordinate things?

@SteelRat; @SteelRat2
"Angelina my love, I'm a genius!"
"Of course you are darling, that's why I married you. Physically, you're rather unattractive"



Looks like the new computer is going to make it to me in time (barely...), so I'll be able to do more than a "cameo" at each on my failing laptop's battery. I'll flip Twilight Lily over to Virtue for the CoH portion. Look for Irys "StraightRed" Cavendish in Kingsmouth.

"And in this moment, I will not run.
It is my place to stand.
We few shall carry hope
Within our bloodied hands."



This is cool. I'll have to transfer to Virtue, but that's no big deal.

From Statistical Mechanic to Datapimp, this statistician continues to do it with random deviates.



Originally Posted by Angel of Retribution View Post
Just a question: what happens if there are enough people that we have multiple instances?
For CoH-side: I was going to use the highest number instance in Atlas. But as a back up to any confusion:

- Pm me (character: Una, global: @Ara) for TSW Refugee's league invite. My SG league will be running well before 10:45 but with a coleader (for any Angels reading this). Any Angel refugees can switch to my league or just use our SG channel for instructions.

- I tend to call out in every channel such as broadcast, request, lfg, help, etc. At 10:45, an hour and a half before curtain-fall, I don't expect there to be constantly swelling/changing numbers of instances. If there are, I can send someone to call out in the 3 highest instances and advise the highest one to settle in. No worries.

- I do recommend joining VirtueUnited. It's not full and we should have someone on who can unsilence.

For TSW-side:

- If you have not already, please /chat join CoH-refugees. There's also a script to keep that channel auto-joined >
- Our live DJ is available. Please stay tuned into with DJ Fox. I scheduled her for an hour before CoH servers go down and an hour after to give us music as a backdrop.
- I'll be on Templara .. feel free to PM me. I am not aware of how many bodies will fill an instance. If you see this last minute and don't have an Arcadian, pm me. I can invite and you can use "Meet up" to me. Considering the extremely late hour, I have a feeling we won't max out the instance in Kingsmouth.
- What if there's more than five needing Meet-up? I used to do this before CoH rolled out "leagues". I'll fill team, hand over the star, drop team, fill it.

Just a heads up:

- I want to get to Atlas a few minutes before 10:45 pm Pacific to have the screenshot exactly at 10:45 pm Pacific but we can wait until 10:50 pm Pacific if people call out "I'm on the way". It's just one quick, big, group screenshot. The reason to have it out of the way before 11:00 pm Pacific is so that you can join your friends and head off to the place(s) you want to be for the very final hour while DJ Fox plays music for us. Consider it a rendevous for instructions before we all set off to our heroic assignments. If you have no idea where to go for your final our, stay with me. We'll kick some Skulls or Rikti in.

- I do intend to smash every zombie that looks at us funny on the road to the Kingsmouth church. I'm sure most of you are QL 10 geared and will one-shot them. If you are, keep an eye out for the brand new QL 1's with teenie tiny HP. Thank you.



But..what if we can only afford to go to CO for now...

It was great playing with you all. To those just going to TSW...Look for me on steam or the cape radio or titan network boards. Plus, I'll still be doing 'Save CoH' radio for at least a few weeks.

-Pogoman, Master of Kick-Fu
-Co-Leader and recruiting officer of the Virtue Honor Guard
- lvl 50 ma/sr scrapper
-Ace O' Diamonds lvl 50 fire/rad controller
and waaaay to many other alts to mention right now



There'll be a thriving and happy community waiting for you, Mister Pogo.

Please stop by for our CoH group screenshot. A month or year from now, there'll be more TSW things for us to do later.



Originally Posted by Angry_Angel View Post
For CoH-side: I was going to use the highest number instance in Atlas. But as a back up to any confusion:
I realize the city hall in AP was decided on, but I have to ask, why not Pocket D? It might not be quite as iconic, but CoH has more than one side to it, and it's not everyone who can freely visit Atlas Park.

While I have a lot of alts (35 on virtue, at the latest count) of various allegiance, I had hoped to bring the one who's been the most important to me over the years (rather than the one with the prettiest costume), but alas, Glaciation is thoroughly redside. I don't really want a lowbie alt to be the last character I log into.

(Perhaps pointlessly romantic, but there it is.)

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."
