TSW refugee migration

Angel of Retribution



Heroes Villains and others,

If you have not tried the game the secrete world give it a look over.
it is still in the new stages but on a whole, it is a nice game.


Also there is a 3 day trial, on the main page right hand side mid way down.

50% off sale the weekend of 26-30 sep

TSW wiki

Krovus, Templar of Arcadia

Krovus - Templar - Arcadia

Infinity & Virtue



You shouldn't trust a Templar.

Except in this case. Go try it out!

(You can totally trust the Illuminati though. Have your spine weaponized today.)

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




I'm enjoying it over there as well. For those not in the know, the "feel" of it is like a cross between the X-Files and The Walking Dead (at least the first zone, I haven't made it too far). The "skill wheel" allows you to make whatever combination of powers you want (and ultimately, you could theoretically get everything) although you can only use 2 active powersets at a time. It's fun so far, and definitely different from most other MMOs.



It sounds interesting, but after glancing at the required system specs, it's definitely a no-buy for me.



Go Dragon! Chaos Theory is fun! Nor can you go wrong with the initiation >.>

Member of the [url="http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=171543&TabID=1451954"]RIMC[/url]
[color=red]Official Beer Wench of PWNZ[/color] Arc 452196 When Madness Reigns over Reason. Play it and PM me your constructive criticism on what I can tweak before Oct 20th. <3 U all



I tried it during beta. I'm sorry-- it nearly put me into a coma. Plus, I figured that, it being a Funcom game, launch would be a buggy disaster like AO and AoC were.

I'm still hoping against hope that CoH can be salvaged, although that's admittedly looking less and less likely as time goes on, especially as something run by PS and anywhere near its current form.

I'll probably just read more books. :P



I've found the game to be fun. Its a different atmosphere than COX to be sure, but I do like the idea of running around casting spells and shooting zombies with a shotgun.

I'm on Arcadia server as ...<ahem> Marcus "Rikti" Cole.

So I should be easy to spot...

56 attempts later, Master of the Keyes Island Reactor. Bite Me, Anti Matter.



Originally Posted by shadow35 View Post
Plus, I figured that, it being a Funcom game, launch would be a buggy disaster like AO and AoC were.
TSW's launch was actually incredible smooth. Especially compared to certain other recent MMO launches. But, let's be honest. The smoothness of a launch is pretty meaningless unless you're on heart medication.

I'm on Arcadia as "Incantrix". Although, I must admit, my recent playtime has been entirely consumed by Borderlands and Torchlight (and isn't bound to improve come XCOM).

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




Originally Posted by Atomic_Saint View Post
I'm on Arcadia server as ...<ahem> Marcus "Rikti" Cole.

So I should be easy to spot...
Yes. Yes you are.

Global: @mythicfox
Servers: Virtue, primarily
Published Arcs: The Lost Scion of the Vane Consortium (#410978)
Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
No AT/powerset, AFAIC, is "undesirable." Give me a halfway competent player - or at least one willing to listen and go with the rest of the team - and we're good.



Et in Arcadia ego.

(( Edit: Unfortunately, the half off sale is now over. ))


My days will be split between Virtue server here and the Arcadia server of the Secret World.

It's like living the early days in City of Heroes all over again. Sure, it's confusing at first but on June 30th of 2004, I didn't even know how to run forward or find a mission. Secret World is still new. It is both stark naked and beautifully detailed. Balancing any short-comings and under-dog standing when compared to larger draws, it is full of promise. Most importantly, it's full of friends. There's about two dozen of my current SG and fellow-refugees in a small but determined fledgling community.

Right now, my time is split between holding on and hope, learning and letting go. I've been here in City of Heroes (nearly every day for eight years) too long to truly say goodbye. At most, I often just say "Thank you." and hope it stays in your pocket in case we never have a chance to speak again.

At any rate, SW has a top notch community in the Arcadia server. Arcadia is one of two roleplay servers but welcomes many non-roleplayers looking for a friendly, mature population.

I'm enjoying time with my SG and locals. Their radio station has been very generous with their time and taken us on our first trial. Five badges in one run! Yes, there are badges. Small blessings for one with OCD in spades.

If you are there or on the way, a few links:

Search page for friends (if you know their unique character names), Cabals (SG/VG's), and name availablity (though some are reserved and will not appear).

I am Templara on Arcadia server. Yes, I am a Templar (one of three factions) most of my days there. Friend me. Say hello. And, this is our family. We're still learning but we're available if you are in need of a home.

My email address is angryangelara@gmail.com. I do use Skype (handle: angryangelara) and will often open a conference call for any questions or teaming in the evenings around 8 Central.



Originally Posted by Atomic_Saint View Post
I'm on Arcadia server as ...<ahem> Marcus "Rikti" Cole.
If I shoot you in a PVP zone.. will I get a badge? =)



My husband and I have also taken a liking to TSW.

We're on Illuminati on Deamon server and have gotten to SC so far.

I am Pyppie and he is Varrak. We don't belong to a cabal yet and will probably be looking for one with primarily CoH refugees so that we can learn and enjoy the game together.

If anyone finds a good one or just want to group up, feel free to add us as friends.



Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
You shouldn't trust a Templar.

Except in this case. Go try it out!

(You can totally trust the Illuminati though. Have your spine weaponized today.)
Trust neither the Templars nor the Illuminati, for both desire power. The Dragon seeks understanding. We are the ones who flip the coins.

Bryan "Gray-Area" Grant, Cerberus Dimension

PS A three day free trial is available for the game. You can't get very far in that amount of time, but you can get a pretty good feel on the basics.




I've been hearing this game come up alot lately. Does it have a monthly fee?



Well, darn. I ran the requirements analyzer, and it told me:

Your PC's ATI Radeon HD 5700 Series is below the game's recommended specification.

The recommended specification to enjoy The Secret World with the highest settings on is a GeForce GTX 560 Ti or higher. Check below to see some upgrade options.
Sigh. My pc is only about 2 years old, too.

-- Rich
* Thresholds CoH: What to do When
* My Comics Collection



Originally Posted by cohRock View Post
Well, darn. I ran the requirements analyzer, and it told me:

Sigh. My pc is only about 2 years old, too.
I have the HD5770. TSW runs perfectly on my machine with everything maxed out, so try it anyway.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



My nick is hew2 (damn someone for getting hew). I split my time roughly between both games, and am very keen on getting in touch with regular coh players to game with there.

Hew in drag baby



Originally Posted by cohRock View Post
Well, darn. I ran the requirements analyzer, and it told me:

Your PC's ATI Radeon HD 5700 Series is below the game's recommended specification.
That's only below the recommended specification. That's kind of like saying a GG card is recommended for full Smiley-Mode, but we only have a CC card, so we only get half Smiley-Mode.

My husband has a 4800 series and he runs Secret World just fine (I was going to use mine as an example, but I've got a 6900 series, so that wasn't any help).

He's Talek (among others) on there; I'm Cende (and others). There's also Kendaer (my ex-husband, also a CoH player). I don't play often; at the moment I'm a little swamped.

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Originally Posted by War_Hawk View Post
Heroes Villains and others,

If you have not tried the game the secrete world give it a look over.
it is still in the new stages but on a whole, it is a nice game.


Krovus, Templar of Arcadia
I have a lifetime membership and the passion of the designers really shines through (I did one of the new investigation missions with a friend at the weekend and we were googling musical scores and sheet music and giggling all the way, just amazing) ... but it is nothing like CoX and it isn't exactly without its own issues at this point (*cough* team let go including lead designer). That being said there's a free trial and if you finish 30 missions (not that hard in the first zone) you get a free garlic bread ... or an extra couple of days play time. Try it. You'll either love it or hate it.

Synaesthetix:if your mum wasn't already dead I would go kill her for bringing
you into the world



Yukiko "Yuki-yo" Yoshida, a fledgeling Templar on the Daemon server. I'm still boggled that the only MMO where I could successfully reimagine Sparkly Soldier Yuki is a game that's set thematically between Lovecraft, Buffy/Angel and Supernatural. Okay, so in this one she's a grim, katana-wielding med student with an ordinary cat rather than a giddy, energy-blasting anime fangirl with a talking cat, but still! It's not a replacement for CoH (though neither it nor any MMO out there really even tries to be), and I'm going to be busy with CoH until/unless its servers shut down, but since I do like Lovecraft, Buffy, Angel and Supernatural, and the combat system is pretty fun, it'll be waiting.

By the way, ignore what the "system analyzer" says about your system. I have an NVidia GTX 460 video card, which it claims can't run it, but it runs beautifully and smoothly at High settings all around. But at the same time, if you do have an NVidia card, you might want to roll back from the very latest drivers (the ones released a few days ago), since they don't seem to work well with the game at all.

"Now, I'm not saying this guy at Microsoft sees gamers as a bunch of rats in a Skinner box. I'm just saying that he illustrates his theory of game design using pictures of rats in a Skinner box."



Originally Posted by Sparkly Soldier View Post

By the way, ignore what the "system analyzer" says about your system. I have an NVidia GTX 460 video card, which it claims can't run it, but it runs beautifully and smoothly at High settings all around. But at the same time, if you do have an NVidia card, you might want to roll back from the very latest drivers (the ones released a few days ago), since they don't seem to work well with the game at all.
My video card was also flagged as not recommended but it's been running quite smoothly. And if you're not sure if your computer can handle it you can always download it for the three day trial and see how it works.




Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
I've been hearing this game come up alot lately. Does it have a monthly fee?
Yes. Funcom has said that the game was designed to be easy to switch to a different pay method, but that they have no plans to actually do so.




Originally Posted by Light_Petting_EU View Post
I have a lifetime membership and the passion of the designers really shines through (I did one of the new investigation missions with a friend at the weekend and we were googling musical scores and sheet music and giggling all the way, just amazing) ... but it is nothing like CoX and it isn't exactly without its own issues at this point (*cough* team let go including lead designer). That being said there's a free trial and if you finish 30 missions (not that hard in the first zone) you get a free garlic bread ... or an extra couple of days play time. Try it. You'll either love it or hate it.
I have to agree, the investigation missions are awesome and definitely different.

As far as the "letting go of the team", I wouldn't worry too much about this because from what I've read, this is normal behavior for game developers after game launches. And, the lead designer wasn't let go. http://forums.thesecretworld.com/showthread.php?t=58861

The game does have it's bugs that need to be worked out, but overall it does seem to be a really great game. After a couple of weeks, I don't have any complaints with the community, most seem fairly nice and helpful. Also, from what I've read, Funcom sticks with its games, good or bad....so that's nice to know.



Funcom's Anarchy Online has been running for 11 years nonstop.
I'm playing just fine on a Nvidia 8800 w 3gb of ram on a 5 year old system.
Sure I don't have all the bells and whistles graphically but its still a good game without any hitches except slow zone loads.

Join the ranks of The Dawn Patrol!



I'm on Arcadia with a Dragon imported from here. Kili "Kilikina" Lonoehu. Hawaiian native, Seoul immigrant. Feel free to look me up.

Also, protip: In the Secret World, most RP'ers -walk- around, they don't run. If you see someone walking, good bet is they're looking to RP.