TSW refugee migration

Angel of Retribution



Been playing this for about a week and really enjoying it. Loving the contemporary setting and the free form build system is very well implemented. Seems to me that grouping doesn't quite work as well as it does in CoH, but the solo game is enjoyable enough for that to not really matter (at least, that's the way things seem at the moment - obviously I've not seen that much of the game to be able to give an objective opinion.)

@SteelRat; @SteelRat2
"Angelina my love, I'm a genius!"
"Of course you are darling, that's why I married you. Physically, you're rather unattractive"



Diggin the TSW so far =]. Also, we need to start makin these tiny suggestions I've been seeing in the thread, about the combat and such. Game is still in early days , time to make a mark .

Also, I'm not the only one with 3 alts and itchin to make a 4th, am I ? ..>_>

Pinnacle & Virtue:
A bunch of Heroes - Alpha Team, Legion of Order.
A bunch of Villains -Black Citadel , Pinnache.



Maybe I've screwed something up with my settings, but I literally *never* see any chat. I see people, have done a couple of dungeons through the group finder, but my main's just finished egypt and i never see any one chatting

Furio--Lvl 50+3 Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster, Virtue
Megadeth--Lvl 50+3 Necro/DM/Soul MM, Virtue
Veriandros--Lvl 50+3 Crab Soldier, Virtue
"So come and get me! I'll be waiting for ye, with a whiff of the old brimstone. I'm a grim bloody fable, with an unhappy bloody end!" Demoman, TF2



Originally Posted by Furio View Post
Maybe I've screwed something up with my settings, but I literally *never* see any chat. I see people, have done a couple of dungeons through the group finder, but my main's just finished egypt and i never see any one chatting
It is very possible that there is a problem with your account, I know of at least one person that had a major chat bug. /petition it and hopefully the GMs will be able to help you out.

Other than that, there is the instructions up-thread about setting up the auto-join for channels, but here is a screenshot of the files needed:

A "Scripts" folder needs to be in the game folder, and the two files need to be named exactly the same (no extension).

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
I've done it for Templar and Illuminati. I really like how the three factions essentially get the same story, but at different points in the overall story. Your actions as a Templar directly affect the mission the Illuminati get (the Illuminati show up at the parking garage last, after the show is essentially over.)

And yeah, the use of illumination is really well done. There are a couple of future missions that send you into darkness as well, very creepy. Speaking of which, remember to hang on to the head lamp you get from this mission! It will come in handy later.
Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
I tried to keep mine but when I exited the mission it was gone.
Originally Posted by War_Hawk View Post
they fixed it
Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
Oh did they? That's too bad.
Actually they didn't fix it. However the Dragon version has a second headlamp at the bottom of the parking garage. Take the one from the office at the start and you'll be able to keep it. The flares are useless outside of the mission though.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Furio View Post
Maybe I've screwed something up with my settings, but I literally *never* see any chat. I see people, have done a couple of dungeons through the group finder, but my main's just finished egypt and i never see any one chatting
Ya know what, now that you mention it I don't think I've ever seen anyone chatting either. I assumed it was because I play infrequently and at odd hours.

Okay got everything figured out and the channels seem to be working for me now. Not sure how it happened but when I copied the channels and pasted them onto my txt files I got a space before the slashes that I didn't notice. So everything was "space"/chat join.



Oh, and you can try manually joining a channel too:

/chat join <channel name>

/chat join OOC

You can check who is on a channel by:

/chat list <channel name>

/chat list OOC

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Oh I forgot to mention it earlier, but I filed a petition about the chat problem I was having and I had a very helpful GM assist me and direct me to wherethe problem might lie if he/she couldn't resolve it with his/her tools. The response was fast, pleasant, and professional. My lousy short term memory prevents me from recalling the GM's name. I didn't think to write it down. grrr. I hate it when I can't remember a name.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Oh I forgot to mention it earlier, but I filed a petition about the chat problem I was having and I had a very helpful GM assist me and direct me to wherethe problem might lie if he/she couldn't resolve it with his/her tools. The response was fast, pleasant, and professional. My lousy short term memory prevents me from recalling the GM's name. I didn't think to write it down. grrr. I hate it when I can't remember a name.
With regard to GM's I had much the same experience. I petitioned on a bugged mission and got a reply in less than a minute (which astonished me based on how long I've waited for GM's in other games.) After I explained the problem he said it was a known issue and advanced the mission to the next step after making sure I was ready (I had to be ready to defend a position for the next part.) I could not have hoped for better service.





Krovus - Templar - Arcadia

Infinity & Virtue



I got TSW over the weekend, and let me just say that this game is crazy. Just balls-out insane. From a player initiation that involves oral sex, to puzzles that require you to know Bible verses in Latin, I've never seen anything quite like this game.

It *feels* the most like CoH of all the MMOs I've tried (and I've tried a lot, recently). It has a friendly community with lots of knowledge about the inner workings of the game, good UI options and a world with a deep, rich backstory. NPCs even call you a superhero at times. I'm surprised they got away with a cut scene where a government agent sarcastically refers to you as one of 'the friendly neighborhood Spider-men.'

My only concern with TSW is Funcom. From my experience with Anarchy Online, I know that Funcom has great ideas but they can't code worth a damn. There are a lot of bugs in TSW, and my machine can only run it at lowest graphic options (the same PC that runs GW2 at full graphics). I've had a few lockups and crashes to desktop, as well as a couple in-game bugs. It's horrible programming. But it's got good story, good character system, and a good game. It's almost the exact opposite of GW2, which has excellent technical polish but crappy character advancements and a story that's best ignored.

I may or may not stick with TSW. If it turns my PC into a smoking brick then obviously I'll bail.

By the way, I started one character in each faction. Speaking only about their NPCs and initiation rituals, Illuminati are the 'fun' option, Templars are nice and the best 'good guys', and Dragons are just dicks.

New Webcomic -- Genocide Man
Life is funny. Death is funnier. Mass slaughter can be hilarious.



Originally Posted by KemLi View Post
Diggin the TSW so far Also, I'm not the only one with 3 alts and itchin to make a 4th, am I ? ..>_>
I've actually bought 3 extra character slots. And yeah, you don't really need to since a single character can learn everything. But my characters have personalities. I can't make my Shotgun/Fist character suddenly also be a magical Elemental/Blood character



Yeah, Remus, that's my biggest concern with TSW, too: Funcom. The game is buggy and it does indeed seem to make inefficient use of any given computer's graphical resources. Moreover, I'm not convinced Funcom's in the best financial shape in the world.

But all that aside, I'm delighted with TSW. The investigation arcs are genuinely challenging (if you don't cheat and use online guides), and the combat gameplay equally so. The setting is the setting of my dreams (perhaps surprisingly for an 8+ year CoH vet, I'm not actually a fan of the comicbook superhero genre...), the writing and cutscene voice acting are by far the best in any MMO I've seen, and the community is outstanding (a genuine rival to that of CoH and Fallen earth).

Bottom line is that TSW is enormously immersive (critical to a roleplayer like me) and addicting. I've been without a gaming computer for a couple-three weeks (new - and more powerful -box arrives Wednesday!), and to my surprise, it's been TSW I've missed the most.

"And in this moment, I will not run.
It is my place to stand.
We few shall carry hope
Within our bloodied hands."



Originally Posted by RemusShepherd View Post
I may or may not stick with TSW. If it turns my PC into a smoking brick then obviously I'll bail.
I was having graphical problems with my machine... I made sure to use DX 9 instead of DX 11 and my issues dropped significantly.

You don't hit smiling monsters - Sister Flame



Originally Posted by Dollhouse View Post
But all that aside, I'm delighted with TSW. The investigation arcs are genuinely challenging (if you don't cheat and use online guides)
Oh, no. I strongly suggest that everyone cheat and use online walkthroughs. The investigation missions are flat-out insane. You have to be a real Illuminati to enjoy unravelling some of this stuff.

I just got through an arc in the newbie area (Kingsmouth) that required me to understand clues in Latin, know a passage from the Bible in Latin, know a musical composition (and how to read musical notation) well enough to replace a missing section of it, and as a bonus it required me to write down a page of instructions I got at the beginning of the mission because I could not access them again after that. If I got anything wrong, I died.

For some people, going down that rabbit hole of trivia and cryptography might be fun, and with the in-game browser they can use Google to puzzle things out. But some people like myself will have more fun just Googling a walkthrough. The puzzles in TSW are serious. They do NOT play around.

But you know, that adds to the immersion. Layer on the excellent writing and voice acting and it's a pretty stellar game, with unfortunately some bugs.

New Webcomic -- Genocide Man
Life is funny. Death is funnier. Mass slaughter can be hilarious.



Hope you know Morse code.



Originally Posted by RemusShepherd View Post
There are a lot of bugs in TSW, and my machine can only run it at lowest graphic options (the same PC that runs GW2 at full graphics). I've had a few lockups and crashes to desktop, as well as a couple in-game bugs.
FYI, a lot of lag and crashing that I experienced is directly related to objects in the Innsmouth Academy. If I stay clear of the campus (until they fix it), I can play for hours without a single crash. Near the Academy, I'll crash every 30-60 minutes.

Originally Posted by RemusShepherd View Post
The investigation missions are flat-out insane. You have to be a real Illuminati to enjoy unravelling some of this stuff.

I just got through an arc in the newbie area (Kingsmouth) that required me to understand clues in Latin, know a passage from the Bible in Latin, know a musical composition (and how to read musical notation) well enough to replace a missing section of it, and as a bonus it required me to write down a page of instructions I got at the beginning of the mission because I could not access them again after that. If I got anything wrong, I died.
Yeah, the puzzles are astonishingly challenging. I never attempt the puzzle missions alone. I usually team with my brother who has a PhD in particle physics. He knew, off the top of his head, WHICH VERSION OF THE BIBLE you had to use for that puzzle from the clues. We can both read sheet music. We're both programmers. And we both agreed those puzzles are crazy hard - but in a good way. There's no guessing. If you know how to do serious research online, you can solve them. I really think you want multiple brains working on it, though.

BTW, if you're teamed, failing that puzzle isn't a killer. I was on my tank build with my brother in the hallway (outside the effect) on a healing build.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Stunrunner View Post
Hope you know Morse code.
I recorded the message, loaded it into audio editing software and 'read' the dots and dashes from the waveform.

BTW, there are plenty of Morse utilities online and translator programs. I just felt my way would be faster than listening to the message a bit at a time and decoding it (and it was).

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



I bought this game on release for I think it was something like £40 retail, it's now on sale for a good price in most stores. It was a good game but I didn't really think it was worth the value of what I paid for it + a subscription fee + microtransactions. I will play again once it goes F2P (and believe me it will).



Originally Posted by RemusShepherd View Post
Oh, no. I strongly suggest that everyone cheat and use online walkthroughs. The investigation missions are flat-out insane. You have to be a real Illuminati to enjoy unravelling some of this stuff.
Everyone enjoy different things, but so far I'm quite proud of having managed everything without resorting to walkthroughs (I'm usually really bad at ruining the experience for myself, but so far I've managed to avoid it).

And by everything, I mean "everything". There's this one investigation mission in Egypt that still vex me. My hebrew and arabic just isn't good enough. Gah!

The mission in Kingsmouth with the bible verses and musical notes was pretty tame compared to some of the later ones (the only tricky part was actually finding an online bible in latin. The Vatican really need to step it up.

Originally Posted by RemusShepherd View Post
The puzzles in TSW are serious. They do NOT play around.
I love it.

(Edit: Oh, and here's what I do when they leave written clues in game that is, for some reason, not linked in your quest log: I take a quick print screen of the instructions. That way I can easily access them any time I need for the length of the mission.)

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




Originally Posted by Bin Man View Post
I will play again once it goes F2P (and believe me it will).
That's a pretty cheap prediction to make without any sort of timeframe attached. I agree, within the next one hundred years, TSW will go free to play and/or be closed down.

F2P is horrible and a blight on the industry, but it's also currently a very popular way to squeeze money out of people, so I'm sure it's not entirely unlikely to happen sometime in the future. For a lot of games.

It is also worth noting that while Funcom had to do a lot of initial downscaling due to TSW not selling as well as they had expected (and how they reached those expectations is beyond me, they seemed quite unrealistic if your name doesn't start with B and end with Lizzard), the game is apparently doing well enough now that they have been adding to the staff again since then.

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




Originally Posted by Bin Man View Post
I bought this game on release for I think it was something like £40 retail, it's now on sale for a good price in most stores. It was a good game but I didn't really think it was worth the value of what I paid for it + a subscription fee + microtransactions. I will play again once it goes F2P (and believe me it will).
If you didn't want to pay a sub fee you could have picked up an LTS, and since you're so certain the game will eventually go f2p you'd be all set to enjoy all the benefits of being a subscriber while still only having to spend as little as possible on microtransactions.

Instead, if the game goes f2p, I predict you'll be one of those people complaining how the f2p restrictions are too draconian and how you think you are entitled to get more because you spent $x amount of money to buy the game when it was still sub based.

What am I basing my prediction on? I'm basing it on observations I've made watching individuals making the exact same "It was a good game but I didn't really think it was worth the value of what I paid for it + a subscription fee + microtransactions. I will play again once it goes F2P" statements before and after CoH, Aion, Lineage II, STO, CO, LOTRO, AoC, SW:TOR, and DCUO all went f2p.



Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
That's a pretty cheap prediction to make without any sort of timeframe attached. I agree, within the next one hundred years, TSW will go free to play and/or be closed down.

F2P is horrible and a blight on the industry, but it's also currently a very popular way to squeeze money out of people, so I'm sure it's not entirely unlikely to happen sometime in the future. For a lot of games.

It is also worth noting that while Funcom had to do a lot of initial downscaling due to TSW not selling as well as they had expected (and how they reached those expectations is beyond me, they seemed quite unrealistic if your name doesn't start with B and end with Lizzard), the game is apparently doing well enough now that they have been adding to the staff again since then.
Fair enough then I will give it less than half a year. SW:ToR went free to play just short of a year after launch and they have a much bigger fan base to support them.

TSW has gone largely unnoticed by the MMO crowd, launching near a time when Blizzard's next major expansion came out and when GW2 was released (and TERA I think). I think the game is brilliant, don't get me wrong I do and If I had the money to pay for it then I would as with any other subscription game I enjoy. At the moment though my funds are very limited and it's just asking for too much from me.

I can safely predict that in 6 months (give or take a few) the game will go F2P. I think that it will do the game wonders, (unless they restrict the UI like SW:ToR lol!) It has a certain charm to it this game (much like city of heroes) and can really see it flourshing in either a B2P or F2P game.

We will no doubt see heavily extended free trials before this though, but that's usually a good indicator that the current business model is failing. (at least from my experiences).



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
If you didn't want to pay a sub fee you could have picked up an LTS, and since you're so certain the game will eventually go f2p you'd be all set to enjoy all the benefits of being a subscriber while still only having to spend as little as possible on microtransactions.

Instead, if the game goes f2p, I predict you'll be one of those people complaining how the f2p restrictions are too draconian and how you think you are entitled to get more because you spent $x amount of money to buy the game when it was still sub based.

What am I basing my prediction on? I'm basing it on observations I've made watching individuals making the exact same "It was a good game but I didn't really think it was worth the value of what I paid for it + a subscription fee + microtransactions. I will play again once it goes F2P" statements before and after CoH, Aion, Lineage II, STO, CO, LOTRO, AoC, SW:TOR, and DCUO all went f2p.
Sensible F2P restrictions I can deal with, I know that by not paying for a monthly subscription I should be limited in what access I am granted. Whether its end game content or pvp or whatever, that's only fair. I won't even complain if they restrict things like the UI. I'll just not bother with it at all/give it a second glance.

I have no issues when things I have bought get reduced in price or is offered freely to use with restrictions, I'm not that sort of person. You might be, but I am not. I've been a subscriber to CoH since 2006, I didn't mind at all that the game went F2P because I knew it would be better for the long term success of the game. (well obviously not now lol) You however, from the tone I'm getting from reading your post, is one who is against the idea of F2P because you spent money and it isn't fair on you, the special snowflake. Who's fanboyism for the game clouds reasonable judgement. Whereas I'm only looking at things from a neutral, fair and reasonable perspective.

I can justify every individual case of why those games you listed went free to play and why they were not worth the money of a subscription to those who have played MMO's before. But I'm not going to because it would take a lot of writing :P.

Take a listen to TB's content patch about the game, he pretty much hits the nail on the head.


Starts at 15:31.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
If you didn't want to pay a sub fee you could have picked up an LTS, and since you're so certain the game will eventually go f2p you'd be all set to enjoy all the benefits of being a subscriber while still only having to spend as little as possible on microtransactions.

Instead, if the game goes f2p, I predict you'll be one of those people complaining how the f2p restrictions are too draconian and how you think you are entitled to get more because you spent $x amount of money to buy the game when it was still sub based.

What am I basing my prediction on? I'm basing it on observations I've made watching individuals making the exact same "It was a good game but I didn't really think it was worth the value of what I paid for it + a subscription fee + microtransactions. I will play again once it goes F2P" statements before and after CoH, Aion, Lineage II, STO, CO, LOTRO, AoC, SW:TOR, and DCUO all went f2p.
TANSTAAFL. A lot of people just don't get it.
