TSW refugee migration

Angel of Retribution



Originally Posted by MikeRobe View Post
Duck! there seems to be a forum moderator sneaking around these parts...

The pointless debate on the moderated thread had nothing to do with TSW.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



I've just reached The Savage Coast.

It's awesome ......

I'm really enjoying the game at the moment, although I'm still pretty much soloing everything right now.

Hopefully once I get myself toughened up, I'll be able to team all of the time - apart from the bloody solo instances

Proud member of FOXBASE ALPHA and coalition associates.

Hero 50's - 25

Villain 50's - 1



I agree SC is amazing (no where near as amazing as Egypt is when you get there ). There are some famously frustrating missions, don't panic when you get 'em just toughen up a bit and try again.

Don't let the solo instances dissuade you from teaming - you stay in the team it is just that each member has to do the instance alone. You can still chat and help each other with hints. It is not as fun as being able to work together to shoot some zombie in the face but... it isn't too bad.



Originally Posted by MikeRobe View Post
I agree SC is amazing (no where near as amazing as Egypt is when you get there ). There are some famously frustrating missions, don't panic when you get 'em just toughen up a bit and try again.

Don't let the solo instances dissuade you from teaming - you stay in the team it is just that each member has to do the instance alone. You can still chat and help each other with hints. It is not as fun as being able to work together to shoot some zombie in the face but... it isn't too bad.
It seems that the devs at TSW are saying that the inclusion of solo only instances was a mistake.

Having just finished the Illuminati library solo mission (with multiple deaths courtesy of the Archivist) I can agree with this

Proud member of FOXBASE ALPHA and coalition associates.

Hero 50's - 25

Villain 50's - 1



Originally Posted by Cobra_Man View Post
It seems that the devs at TSW are saying that the inclusion of solo only instances was a mistake.
Yep...far, far fewer of them in Egypt and Transylvania (post-launch content...). Not sure I've seen any in the latter, in fact. Just poking my nose in there at this point, though...

Been enjoying TSW immensely, despite it performing very poorly on my three-yer-old machine.

"And in this moment, I will not run.
It is my place to stand.
We few shall carry hope
Within our bloodied hands."



Originally Posted by Cobra_Man View Post
It seems that the devs at TSW are saying that the inclusion of solo only instances was a mistake.
It was a strange choice to include strict solo-only content, though I'm not convinced it's that much worse than the team-only content that no one blinks at.

That said, however, I do kinda like the solo-dungeons as a "build check". That is, as an excuse to look into the viability of your build. On teams you can get away with not looking at it too hard. Solo-dungeons can be a rolled up newspaper to the nose. In that regard, I feel they do serve a purpose.

It's still an odd choice though.

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




Look at it like this, it is story content; I get a feeling being immersed in the story the cut scenes and like it is my story, and not our story.

But in the same regards, team stuff is preferred, but I have a wife, to team with.

Krovus - Templar - Arcadia

Infinity & Virtue



Originally Posted by Cobra_Man View Post
It seems that the devs at TSW are saying that the inclusion of solo only instances was a mistake.

Having just finished the Illuminati library solo mission (with multiple deaths courtesy of the Archivist) I can agree with this
Odd.. I saw the Archivist run down the hall, I went to chase him, but couldn't find him again. I just left.

You don't hit smiling monsters - Sister Flame



Originally Posted by Chuckers View Post
Odd.. I saw the Archivist run down the hall, I went to chase him, but couldn't find him again. I just left.
That's OK. I killed him for you.



Originally Posted by Chuckers View Post
Odd.. I saw the Archivist run down the hall, I went to chase him, but couldn't find him again. I just left.
He was probably running after me .... again

Actually I think he runs about in a random pattern, but has a very large perception range.

Proud member of FOXBASE ALPHA and coalition associates.

Hero 50's - 25

Villain 50's - 1



Originally Posted by MikeRobe View Post
That's OK. I killed him for you.

You don't hit smiling monsters - Sister Flame



Originally Posted by Cobra_Man View Post
I'm really enjoying the game at the moment, although I'm still pretty much soloing everything right now.

Hopefully once I get myself toughened up, I'll be able to team all of the time - apart from the bloody solo instances
They don't seem terribly hard. When I pick up a mission, I sometimes worry that it's listed as 'Very Hard'. Then I complete it without dying. That was 'very hard'? Really? I've been playing the game for three days and, in order to get the feel of the blades set, I haven't even picked a secondary yet. And I can solo 'very hard' missions?

How many difficulty ranks are there above 'very hard'? I'm obviously going to need them.

FYI, I'm recreating Ironblade (broadsword/regen). I wanted to check the survivability of blades with nothing backing it up and it's pretty damn good.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
They don't seem terribly hard. When I pick up a mission, I sometimes worry that it's listed as 'Very Hard'. Then I complete it without dying. That was 'very hard'? Really? I've been playing the game for three days and, in order to get the feel of the blades set, I haven't even picked a secondary yet. And I can solo 'very hard' missions?

How many difficulty ranks are there above 'very hard'? I'm obviously going to need them.

FYI, I'm recreating Ironblade (broadsword/regen). I wanted to check the survivability of blades with nothing backing it up and it's pretty damn good.

The "difficulty" is entirely based on your gear QL. There are "very hard" missions that you'll waltz through and "easy" missions that'll kick your tail if you don't have the right powers / build yet. Pretty much, you can ignore the difficulty ranking. They don't mean much except whether or not you'll take an xp hit for doing stuff (and the hit comes on the higher difficulty - it is a power leveling inhibitor).



Originally Posted by MikeRobe View Post
The "difficulty" is entirely based on your gear QL. There are "very hard" missions that you'll waltz through and "easy" missions that'll kick your tail if you don't have the right powers / build yet. Pretty much, you can ignore the difficulty ranking. They don't mean much except whether or not you'll take an xp hit for doing stuff (and the hit comes on the higher difficulty - it is a power leveling inhibitor).
What he said. Ive been absolutely stomped by white and bluedots, and squished yellow dots. It all comes down to synergy and good equipment combination.

Hew in drag baby



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
They don't seem terribly hard. When I pick up a mission, I sometimes worry that it's listed as 'Very Hard'. Then I complete it without dying. That was 'very hard'? Really? I've been playing the game for three days and, in order to get the feel of the blades set, I haven't even picked a secondary yet. And I can solo 'very hard' missions?

How many difficulty ranks are there above 'very hard'? I'm obviously going to need them.

FYI, I'm recreating Ironblade (broadsword/regen). I wanted to check the survivability of blades with nothing backing it up and it's pretty damn good.
You play TSW too?

Nice, welcome to the chaos!!



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
I just picked that up!

TSWSCIONTSHIRT is the code you enter on your Account Management page.
Uhm you spelled it wrong


I tried copy pasting yours and kept getting an error message.



Originally Posted by Mr_Morbid View Post
Most of the non-dungeon content is pretty clearly designed to be soloed, even containing more than a few solo-only dungeons where you CAN'T group. The devs have posted that there will be less solo-only content in the future due to the concerns of players who prefer to group.
That's good to know. I don't know if I'll be sticking with it all the same, for a couple of reasons.

1. My one month that came with purchasing the game when it was on sale for 24.99 expires Sunday night. Since I registered the game and started playing, I have yet to be able to access the game's forums. I've read through this thread and tried the things that were suggested; nothing. I get the "one fail out of five... two fails out of five..." stuff, and that's it. Valid game account, paid for the month, can't get on the forums with the month almost over. In the spirit of TSW, I tried to "puzzle it out" on my own, but have finally given up and emailed customer support.

2. Thursday night, four of us who played (the past tense of that just kills me, but I'm the only one who still logs in...) City together logged in to play TSW together. Unfortunately, we all had the mission you have to run to get to Dragon rank 2 ("Into Darkness"), which is a solo instance. Figured that we'd knock it out and go do some team stuff. Epic wrong. Based on how degraded my gear was, I died twelve times trying to beat the agent at the end, and my wife only finished the mission shortly after I did. I recognize that I've not put in many hours, to be just moving up to rank 2 after almost a month, and that I'm a frackin' noob and all that stuff and that I probably need to l2p. But that ate up over an hour of our time, and I was mad enough a couple of times that I scared my dogs. So we moved back to the main storyline we'd been doing together, and the next mission in that? Another solo instance. After about 2 hours of being logged on, on skype, and even on the same team, we had not done a single mission as a group. The occasional mandatory solo story mission is okay, but this was a terrible session and had me saying very unkind things. And it's the last group session we're going to be able to schedule before my sub expires.

There is a lot that I like about TSW, visually and story-wise. I have a problem when a game makes me feel as incompetent as I felt after I finally beat that boss. It wasn't even a sense of accomplishment. More relief that I didn't have to run back up that parking structure any more.

On the bright side, I can't get warnings on their forums for complaining about how much I died, because I still can't post on their forums. So that's a silver lining.

My postings to this forum are not to be used as data in any research study without my express written consent.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Uhm you spelled it wrong


I tried copy pasting yours and kept getting an error message.
Close enough?




I've gotta admit, TSW has been quite appealing to me and seems pretty casual friendly. I initially wrote the game off when it first came out based on the negative reviews and it gave me the impression it was faction pvp focused so I instead got into TERA. TERA is pretty fun but the endgame is totally gated by the random number generator so the endgame progression totally sucks, is ridiculously grindy and not really all that well balanced. After reading the reddit coh boards there seemed to be a few CoH players eyeballin TSW so I decided to give it a try and I'm pretty glad I did.

With NC killing CoX, TSW is the MMO that 'feels' most like CoH to me. The synergies and whatnot you have to consider when making your toon is similar to the thought process that goes into thinking about IO builds and the dungeons are TF/SF-ish. The quests, particularly the investigation ones, are brilliantly done and the lore is pretty good (do yourself a favor and try to minimize looking everything up online and actually try to solve the mysteries yourself).

Costuming/clothing options are no where's near as great as CoH, but I don't think any MMO, except maybe champions, holds a candle to CoH's character creator. The combat is pretty fast like CoH's and you can dodge some attacks so there's a small action component (nothing like TERA though).

Hope to see a lot of my fellow CoH refugees there!



Originally Posted by EarthWyrm View Post
1. My one month that came with purchasing the game when it was on sale for 24.99 expires Sunday night. Since I registered the game and started playing, I have yet to be able to access the game's forums. I've read through this thread and tried the things that were suggested; nothing. I get the "one fail out of five... two fails out of five..." stuff, and that's it. Valid game account, paid for the month, can't get on the forums with the month almost over. In the spirit of TSW, I tried to "puzzle it out" on my own, but have finally given up and emailed customer support.
You don't get automatic access to the forums. If I remember correctly, you have to go to your account page, and set up your forum account. The forum account name defaults to your account name (I'd suggest changing it). From the sound of it, you haven't set up your account yet, or given it the 30 minutes for the changes to set.

Originally Posted by EarthWyrm View Post
2. Thursday night, four of us who played (the past tense of that just kills me, but I'm the only one who still logs in...) City together logged in to play TSW together. Unfortunately, we all had the mission you have to run to get to Dragon rank 2 ("Into Darkness"), which is a solo instance. Figured that we'd knock it out and go do some team stuff. Epic wrong. Based on how degraded my gear was, I died twelve times trying to beat the agent at the end, and my wife only finished the mission shortly after I did. I recognize that I've not put in many hours, to be just moving up to rank 2 after almost a month, and that I'm a frackin' noob and all that stuff and that I probably need to l2p. But that ate up over an hour of our time, and I was mad enough a couple of times that I scared my dogs. So we moved back to the main storyline we'd been doing together, and the next mission in that? Another solo instance. After about 2 hours of being logged on, on skype, and even on the same team, we had not done a single mission as a group. The occasional mandatory solo story mission is okay, but this was a terrible session and had me saying very unkind things. And it's the last group session we're going to be able to schedule before my sub expires.
You know you can pause missions, and you don't have to accept the faction rank missions right away, right? If you are to the point of the "Into Darkness", may I suggest your group do Polaris ("Dead in the Water" from the Orochi agents in the north of Kingsmouth).

Faction ranks build even while the faction missions are paused. I speak from experience because my faction rank 7 mission took me a dozen tries over the span of 10 days (I got frustrated and did other missions) and when I finally did complete it, I was almost at rank 10.

Originally Posted by EarthWyrm View Post
There is a lot that I like about TSW, visually and story-wise. I have a problem when a game makes me feel as incompetent as I felt after I finally beat that boss. It wasn't even a sense of accomplishment. More relief that I didn't have to run back up that parking structure any more.
Yes, you have to be more adaptable for your power selections than in CoH. There is more freedom to make builds that can't handle some situations well.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
You don't get automatic access to the forums. If I remember correctly, you have to go to your account page, and set up your forum account. The forum account name defaults to your account name (I'd suggest changing it). From the sound of it, you haven't set up your account yet, or given it the 30 minutes for the changes to set.
I have. Three times. Once the day I bought the game, and twice since. (Well, four times now. I just went back and did it again.) I've gone back and forth between the account page, setting up the forum account, and trying to log into the forums quite a bit.

You know you can pause missions, and you don't have to accept the faction rank missions right away, right? If you are to the point of the "Into Darkness", may I suggest your group do Polaris ("Dead in the Water" from the Orochi agents in the north of Kingsmouth).
I wasn't aware that you could pause missions, no. Thank you for the information. We tried Polaris a while back, but with only 4 of us (and I think me under-geared, and without enough build diversity) failed miserably. At least we got to fail it together.

We should have gone to do something else, I agree. Please see all my self-deprecating comments about needing to L2P. I'm stubborn past the point at which it is even remotely adaptive.

Yes, you have to be more adaptable for your power selections than in CoH. There is more freedom to make builds that can't handle some situations well.
I like the flexibility of builds. It appeals to me a great deal.

And now, because I'm an idiot who forgot to cancel before I auto-rebilled, I have another month to see if I can become less incompetent. On the bright side, if I'd actually cancelled I might have never gotten a response from CS about why I still can't log into the forums, because I would've no longer been a paying customer.

Thank you for the assistance.

My postings to this forum are not to be used as data in any research study without my express written consent.



Originally Posted by EarthWyrm View Post
I have. Three times. Once the day I bought the game, and twice since. (Well, four times now. I just went back and did it again.) I've gone back and forth between the account page, setting up the forum account, and trying to log into the forums quite a bit.
Change forum password from the account page? I'm just grasping straws here admittedly.

Originally Posted by EarthWyrm View Post
I wasn't aware that you could pause missions, no. Thank you for the information.
To pause a mission, get another mission of the same type. To pause side quests, get more than 3. When you are ready to come back to them, go to where ever you got the quest in the first place (faction missions can be found in the Faction HQ near your handler). One thing: When you do you'll revert to the beginning of the last tier you were on. So if you were at 4/5 you'll go back to the beginning of tier 4.

Originally Posted by EarthWyrm View Post
And now, because I'm an idiot who forgot to cancel before I auto-rebilled,
I have one friend that quit playing CoH 3 years ago that has done this for the last 3 years with a yearly billing.

Originally Posted by EarthWyrm View Post
On the bright side, if I'd actually cancelled I might have never gotten a response from CS about why I still can't log into the forums, because I would've no longer been a paying customer.
You are welcome for the assistance, and I hope you get the forum access fixed.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters