TSW refugee migration

Angel of Retribution



I have to say, TSW is probably the best mmo I've tried to replace CoH with. Even with the gameplay that seems to hate me more than the forces of darkness.

I just don't have enough fingers to keep up with strafing with WASD, aiming with the mouse, and activating powers 1234567. My digits ache from thinking about it.



Originally Posted by Vyver View Post
I have to say, TSW is probably the best mmo I've tried to replace CoH with. Even with the gameplay that seems to hate me more than the forces of darkness.

I just don't have enough fingers to keep up with strafing with WASD, aiming with the mouse, and activating powers 1234567. My digits ache from thinking about it.
Yeah, it gets tricky, for sure. You really have to keep moving in most TSW combat situations...getting clear of enemy AoE and cone attacks (as well as the charging attacks from the damned Ak'ab!) is critical. I do a lot of circle strafing (Q+D or A+E combos) and usually double-tap S to tumble clear of those "expanding circle" AoE attacks. It usually works. Usually.

I also find I'm able to alternate between the number key row and the hotbar icons for attack activation, depending on the movement situation (and whether or not the attack has an activation time or not). I can use the number keys when I'm not in full strafing mode, obviously, but I switch to the icons when my left hand is busy with strafing movement. See above about usually working. When it doesn't? Thos anima wells you rez in sure are pretty, aren't they?

"And in this moment, I will not run.
It is my place to stand.
We few shall carry hope
Within our bloodied hands."



Originally Posted by Vyver View Post
I have to say, TSW is probably the best mmo I've tried to replace CoH with. Even with the gameplay that seems to hate me more than the forces of darkness.

I just don't have enough fingers to keep up with strafing with WASD, aiming with the mouse, and activating powers 1234567. My digits ache from thinking about it.
First thing I recommend is re-binding A and D to strafe, instead of turn. If you want to turn, use your mouse like you do in CoH. That allows for easier dodging also, as you can double-tap those keys instead of groping for another key.

That opens up Q and E for new binds, and I suggest putting targetting on them. You don't need to aim, just hit 'target next' and activate a power, although you do have to be generally facing the enemy -- you can't shoot behind your back. Once you get the hang of dodging, TSW plays a lot like CoH.

Oh, and immediately unbind T. T opens up the 'reticle', a FPS-like targeting option where your mouse cursor disappears. I hate it, it's a bad idea, and it's too easy to hit accidentally.

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Originally Posted by Dollhouse View Post
Yeah, it gets tricky, for sure. You really have to keep moving in most TSW combat situations...getting clear of enemy AoE and cone attacks (as well as the charging attacks from the damned Ak'ab!) is critical. I do a lot of circle strafing (Q+D or A+E combos) and usually double-tap S to tumble clear of those "expanding circle" AoE attacks. It usually works. Usually.

I also find I'm able to alternate between the number key row and the hotbar icons for attack activation, depending on the movement situation (and whether or not the attack has an activation time or not). I can use the number keys when I'm not in full strafing mode, obviously, but I switch to the icons when my left hand is busy with strafing movement. See above about usually working. When it doesn't? Thos anima wells you rez in sure are pretty, aren't they?
Yeah that's the habit I've fallen into. I don't even try to activate anything past 4 by key anymore. (good thing everything past 4 on my hotbar is buffs and target AOEs)

And ohhh the strafing. Having pistols means that 90% of my time is spend strafing since backtacking just runs me into more monsters.

So far it's been pretty fun. I don't even notice the lack of other people most of the time.

@Remus: Those were the first things I did when starting up the game so no worries there. Although I might take the rebinding idea somewhere. maybe bind my buffs to Q and E instead of targeting. Keeps me from having to reach for them.



Originally Posted by Vyver View Post
Yeah that's the habit I've fallen into. I don't even try to activate anything past 4 by key anymore. (good thing everything past 4 on my hotbar is buffs and target AOEs)

And ohhh the strafing. Having pistols means that 90% of my time is spend strafing since backtacking just runs me into more monsters.

So far it's been pretty fun. I don't even notice the lack of other people most of the time.

@Remus: Those were the first things I did when starting up the game so no worries there. Although I might take the rebinding idea somewhere. maybe bind my buffs to Q and E instead of targeting. Keeps me from having to reach for them.
If you have the spare money, I would recommend something like the Nostromo or the Logitech G13. Granted they are for the "left hand only" in terms of usage, but with one of these, it doesn't actually matter *what* your keybinds are initially, you get to move them around. I tend to keep the same generic WASD for movement, but i have targeting set up on the thumb stick (previous/next/nearest target) along with a "use" key if the game requires it.

It does mean that I find it harder (now) to play games without it, but it is something to consider.

I do the same as you though, and instead of having the A and D of the WASD setup set to "turn", i instead set them as strafe...



Originally Posted by RemusShepherd View Post
First thing I recommend is re-binding A and D to strafe, instead of turn.
That's the second thing I did. The first was to invert mouse-look. The Q&E being strafe and A&D being turn has always felt backwards to me.




Originally Posted by Mr_Morbid View Post
That's the second thing I did. The first was to invert mouse-look. The Q&E being strafe and A&D being turn has always felt backwards to me.
Same on both counts. That's the more natural configuration to me.

"And in this moment, I will not run.
It is my place to stand.
We few shall carry hope
Within our bloodied hands."



So, is there a general area for RPing like Pocket D?

It would be nice to ease into rping there with some easy character interaction before jumping headfirst into super secret agent time.



Originally Posted by Vyver View Post
So, is there a general area for RPing like Pocket D?

It would be nice to ease into RPing there with some easy character interaction before jumping headfirst into super secret agent time.
Yes (The Horned God pub in London), but one wonderful thing about the RP community in TSW is that it's not uncommon to run across roleplay most anywhere appropriate. Examples: Franklin Mansion in Blue Mountain (in the sitting room, of course!), the inn in Harburesti (sp...) village in the Besieged Farmlands, the Romany camp in the Carpathian Fangs, etc.

Pretty much any place it makes sense to sit down and chat...

"And in this moment, I will not run.
It is my place to stand.
We few shall carry hope
Within our bloodied hands."



Yeah I know how rp works, this isn't my first rodeo. It's just from reading through the forums I see people complaining that even though the game has "servers" it's still heavily instanced to the point that you could be in a hotspot of activity and never know it.

And I'll have to find that place. Haven't been to London much even though my characters a Templar, I suppose it's time to go back and find that place.



I wasn't inferring that you were new at it (loved the in-game reference, though! . I was stating that RP in the game is not as likely to be centered on a particular "social hub" as it is in most MMOs. You're just as likely to encounter it in any random plausible location as in Horned God.

As far as instancing goes, it's my understanding that if you are on a particular dimension ("server" - although they are virtual servers...the physical game runs on a large blade array), you'll see everyone in that dimension in any given area. Only if they are on actual CoH-style instanced missions will they not be readily apparent, their chat not show up in General, etc. I love that you can use the "Meet Up" function to travel to another dimension to team up with someone not from your home dimension. Wonderful feature...

"And in this moment, I will not run.
It is my place to stand.
We few shall carry hope
Within our bloodied hands."



Ahhhh okay. The posts I've read made it sound like placed like The Horned God were instanced as well, which I assumed was like how CO does it where their interiors are instanced so like, only 20 people can be in one interior (even for non mission instances) at a time.

Glad to know it's better than that.

I've also found the virtueverse-esque character wiki, and the TSWRP mod (even though I haven't seen anyone else with it yet) so I think I'm kinda...set.



Originally Posted by Bin Man View Post
Sensible F2P restrictions I can deal with
Sensible f2p restrictions is subjective, especially amongst people making the statements you have. What you are actually saying is that as long as the f2p restrictions don't cause you to spend any money they are sensible and you can deal with them, but if anything causes you to open your wallet, the limits are grossly unfair and the game is gimped into unplayability.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Sensible f2p restrictions is subjective
It isn't if you can easily see the difference between core gameplay requirements and fun additional content. Obviously you can not.

If I'm not subscribed to a game then I will happily pay for content that interests me, like when CoH releases a new power set or costume piece. Things that whilst cool aren't fundamental to the core mechanics of the game and are not required to be able to play.


Paying for cosmetic items
Paying to gain access to new dungeons
Paying to access different classes
Paying to access more character slots
Paying for name change
Paying to unlock the highest item mods (like IO's)

Not Sensible:

Paying to see the second half of your screen
Paying to see your client in English
Paying to get the submit button to work on log in
Paying to get to see your UI

Of course if you are a subscriber of the game all of this (and more) should come standard with your sub fee. Not charge you for the game, to charge you monthly, to then charge you for extra content. It's ludicrous and if you can't see that then you have more money than common sense.



What games have you been playing that require the purchase of the english language?



Originally Posted by RemusShepherd View Post
First thing I recommend is re-binding A and D to strafe, instead of turn.
My bind plan was very simple. "How do these controls vary from CoH and how can I fix them?"
It seemed like a better plan than unlearning 7-1/2 years of keyboard mashing.

BTW, since it seems I never mentioned it:
My character name in TSW is Mythmaster (since the name I wanted was taken).
On the bright side, my forum handle over there is Ironblade.

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