TSW refugee migration

Angel of Retribution



Finally downloaded and installed. I'll be F2Ping to see what it's all about the next few days. Seems pretty cool from what I've read and watched on trailers.

Please buff Ice Control.



Originally Posted by cohRock View Post
Well, darn. I ran the requirements analyzer, and it told me:

Sigh. My pc is only about 2 years old, too.
My laptop is about 5 yrs old, and runs it fine with medium settings. I was really and VERY pleasantly surprised. I do have to keep a fan constantly on my laptop though, as the game runs my card HOT!

Nvidia GeForce 8600M GS

Give it a shot.




I gave TSW a try a few weeks ago and really had fun with it, so I went ahead and got a full sub. To me, it feels a lot like how a Dresden Files MMO would feel.

I've got a character in each faction (also on Arcadia). Play my Templar mostly, but only because I screwed up the build on my Dragon and she feels really underpowered (wish there was a way for low level characters to respec, doesn't matter so much at the higher levels but I could sure use a refund on all of the skill and ability points I spent on her).

Not in any cabals (or whatever) at the moment. I've become more and more anti-social in MMOs and I'd like to change that, so I think I'll make an effort to find a good one at some point.

Goodbye, I guess.

@Lord_Nightblade in Champions/Star Trek Online

nightblade7295@gmail.com if you want to stay in touch



Slax and some other dUmbies are on Cerebus server.
Earthguard and myself (at some point) will be on Daemon, Templar.

I've got a character in each faction (also on Arcadia). Play my Templar mostly, but only because I screwed up the build on my Dragon
TSW Deck Builder wants to say hi:


Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



I'm kind of relieved to find out that other people are having the same experience with the system analyzer. When I tried out TSW on the free weekend, about a month ago, I thought, "Yeah, Nvidia's just trying to get me to buy a new card, I think I'll give it a spin anyway." It ran smoothly on medium settings and looked just fine doing it. Hopefully Funcom's getting more in ad revenue from Nvidia than they're losing from the people who get scared away.

So it looks like the de facto refugee server is Arcadia?



Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
I've been hearing this game come up alot lately. Does it have a monthly fee?
Yes, either an approximately $15 monthly fee or a $200 lifetime subscription.

Originally Posted by CannonballJack View Post
So it looks like the de facto refugee server is Arcadia?
Yeah, it seems that way, doesn't it.

My names in The Secret World:

Forum: SnowGlobe

Arcadia: SnowGlobe (Templars)
Arcadia: Cleena (Illuminati)
Arcadia: Gryfalcon (Illuminati)
Arcadia: (Dragon, name withheld as even I like my privacy sometimes. )

Warning: Some joker thought it would be a good idea to take "Snow-Globe" after I told tsw's forums that I went there. That isn't me, and I hope the person chokes on any negative reaction.

Originally Posted by Thunder Knight View Post
It sounds interesting, but after glancing at the required system specs, it's definitely a no-buy for me.
Let's see, my current computer (currently saving up for better) is:

Operating system: Windows Vista® Home Premium 32-Bit (Yes, this is causing me to crash every once in a while due to memory management.)
Processor: AMD Athlon™ 64 X2 Dual-Core Processor 5000+ • 2.60 GHz, 512KB+512KB L2 Cache, 2000 MT/s System Bus
Chipset: NVIDIA nForce 430 Chipset
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Video adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460 SE (1 GB)

It is running about the same for me as CoH. Which is to say 20-30 Frames Per Second.

My next CPU/MB/RAM will be significantly better.
On a curious to note, they will be releasing their 3rd content patch tomorrow.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



I have a lifetime sub.

My main is listed in my sig, but I also have characters in each of the two other factions (BelleNuit in Templars and BelleSorciere in the Illuminati).

Which server you're on doesn't mean a lot, also. You can join a cabal (guild) with members from other servers and even go to their server to adventure with them. Only PVP is strict as to which server, much to the sorrow of my Dragon on Arcadia.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Battle.net: Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



I really wanted to check this out. I called up The Secret World on Steam and was looking into downloading the client.

Then I saw the HATED ELECTRONIC ARTS logo pop up.


Closed Steam.

Won't be playing. Sorry. EA is another company my money doesn't go to. DAMNIT.

I'm starting to think I'm soon going to be in the same boat with all those people who are just giving up on MMOs entirely.



Originally Posted by Atlantea View Post
Won't be playing. Sorry. EA is another company my money doesn't go to. DAMNIT.
That's why you want to get the game on Steam. TSW is not an EA game. Funcom has a distribution deal with EA, so if you buy the game in a store, EA gets a cut. Buy it on Steam (or directly from Funcom) and EA gets nothing (and, obviously, if you buy it from the Origin store, EA gets your soul).

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




I was looking into this game the other day. It looks rather bland, but I got a pseudo-Call of Cthulhu vibe from it. The 'skill wheel' system didn't look very interesting as far as the offered skills went, and it seemed that many of the sets I would be interested in were on the outer wheels meaning, as I was given to understand, I'd have to play the character through two entire skill sets I didn't want in order to get to the one I wanted for that character.

I may check out the trial some time, but it doesn't look very promising at a glance.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
That's why you want to get the game on Steam. TSW is not an EA game. Funcom has a distribution deal with EA, so if you buy the game in a store, EA gets a cut. Buy it on Steam (or directly from Funcom) and EA gets nothing (and, obviously, if you buy it from the Origin store, EA gets your soul).

Well then! That changes everything! Thanks!



Say - does a similar thing apply to Guild Wars 2?

In other words, can I give my money directly to Arenanet without NCSoft getting any of it? Because if I can, then I'll buy GW2. If not, then my boycott has to stand.



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
I was looking into this game the other day. It looks rather bland, but I got a pseudo-Call of Cthulhu vibe from it. The 'skill wheel' system didn't look very interesting as far as the offered skills went, and it seemed that many of the sets I would be interested in were on the outer wheels meaning, as I was given to understand, I'd have to play the character through two entire skill sets I didn't want in order to get to the one I wanted for that character.
I do not know what you mean by bland, so I can't really address that directly. It is not what I would call bland. It is also not really much like Call of Cthulhu, although it is definitely influenced by it, or at least by the Cthulhu mythos.

As far as the skill wheel thing, I don't get what your complaint is. You can unlock the inner skills fairly quickly and then get to the outer sets.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Battle.net: Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



Originally Posted by BellaStrega View Post
I do not know what you mean by bland, so I can't really address that directly. It is not what I would call bland.
Human-only players in a largely mundane setting is bland to me. But the pseudo-CoC vibe I was getting from some of the screenshots and info piqued my interest despite that.

As far as the skill wheel thing, I don't get what your complaint is. You can unlock the inner skills fairly quickly and then get to the outer sets.
What constitutes "fairly quickly" is rather subjective, I find. Some would say that it's fairly quick getting to 50 in this game, but I still find it to be a tediously lengthy process barring unsavory practices. If it turns out to be fairly quick by my standards, then I imagine typical MMOG players who've played for a week already have all of the skills unlocked. In any case, I don't want to go around clawing things up with the unarmed skills available in order to get to skills that seem to involve more typical unarmed combat.

The other part of that complaint was that the skills don't sound very interesting. Once in-game, the aesthetics involved might make them more appealing. But some of the sets seemed to be a handful of similar-sounding attacks with some passive minor modifications to those attacks.

But, as noted, this was just at-a-glance. It has me interested, but not excited. My gaming plate is a bit full at the moment, so it'll probably be a minute before I get around to trying this one.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
Human-only players in a largely mundane setting is bland to me. But the pseudo-CoC vibe I was getting from some of the screenshots and info piqued my interest despite that.
Ah. The setting is not really mundane, as it is constantly inhabited by zombies, undead vikings, deep ones, spectres, wraiths, animated scarecrows, animated bits of landscape, giant moth-looking creatures that are inspired by and based on byakhee, and the first major arc you deal with involves a rather famous sword and a rather famous being.

The Cthulhu-looking thing (more like a Star Spawn-looking thing) is not what it appears to be, but fighting it is pretty cool.

I do understand what you're saying, now, though. I actually like superimposing the fantastic, supernatural, and supernaturally horrific over the modern world, so I think we definitely differ.

What constitutes "fairly quickly" is rather subjective, I find. Some would say that it's fairly quick getting to 50 in this game, but I still find it to be a tediously lengthy process barring unsavory practices. If it turns out to be fairly quick by my standards, then I imagine typical MMOG players who've played for a week already have all of the skills unlocked. In any case, I don't want to go around clawing things up with the unarmed skills available in order to get to skills that seem to involve more typical unarmed combat.
It only took me a few days of play to get through the two basic trees. The advanced (outer ring) trees tend to be permutations on the basic trees, providing more flexibility and overall power. It takes longer to unlock those trees, at least the first time around, but APs come pretty fast and you can usually unlock outer wheel 1-3 skills every few hours, and it should only take a few days to finish unlocking one of the outer wheel categories. I've been playing for about three weeks, and splitting that time with Champions Online, and my main has three inner wheel skill categories unlocked and many outer wheel skills for all three weapons as well. I hit a point where my dual pistols skill wasn't really achieving much, switched to assault rifle, and got the inner wheel unlocked in a few hours.

The other part of that complaint was that the skills don't sound very interesting. Once in-game, the aesthetics involved might make them more appealing. But some of the sets seemed to be a handful of similar-sounding attacks with some passive minor modifications to those attacks.
Attacks are categorized in various ways (burst, focus, etc) so that you can build around the few attacks you choose and get the most out of them. Many skills are similar, but categorized differently, which allows for a different build focus and different synergies. Also, many skills are designed to exploit certain status effects (there are only four kinds), and you can build around inflicting and exploiting those effects.

They also start off with some magical effects. Hammer, for example, gives you an attack that will hit pretty much everything directly in front of you fairly hard, and has a sort of fiery effect related to it. Some skills are more dramatic than others, though. Melee tends to have more interesting effects than firearms, and magic of course always has magical effects. Firearms tend to look more mundane, although you can get some useful magical effects from the skills.

But, as noted, this was just at-a-glance. It has me interested, but not excited. My gaming plate is a bit full at the moment, so it'll probably be a minute before I get around to trying this one.
Eh, no worries. I'm not trying to be all "Get in there and play now!" But I think that based on what you've said it might be a better experience than you might be expecting. Not positive on that, however.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Battle.net: Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
But, as noted, this was just at-a-glance. It has me interested, but not excited. My gaming plate is a bit full at the moment, so it'll probably be a minute before I get around to trying this one.
For me, at least, TSW took a little while to sink in. So if you have a lot of 'must play nao!' games on your list, I'd definitely recommend doing yourself a favour and postpone looking into the game 'till you have a more quiet moment.

As for the skill wheel, It was only recently that I started to really dwell into the various possible builds, and I have to say I was quite impressed with the depth of the synergies across the wheel.

While you can only use active skills from your two equipped weapons, you can use any passive skills you have unlocked. That leaves a lot of options to consider. My old 'grab everything from chaos and shotgun and go shoot zombies' build still works fine (surprisingly so, actually), but now I've started investing in more refined builds. Like the Chain build I'm currently working on, that mixes elements from Blood Magic, Pistols, Elemental Magic and Fist Weapons to very interesting effects. (A 'chain' is a particular attack type that usually chain across several targets. Think Chain Induction.)

If anyone's curious, you can see my build here.

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
For me, at least, TSW took a little while to sink in. So if you have a lot of 'must play nao!' games on your list, I'd definitely recommend doing yourself a favour and postpone looking into the game 'till you have a more quiet moment.
Yeah, it looked like that sort of game to me. I'll want to absorb the setting and text when I'm not being pressured to play Borderlands 2 by friends, and when I'm not itching to do superhero stuff. It looks like it was created in such a way that it deserves my entire focus when I can finally sit down and give it a shot, even if it ends up not being my cup of tea.

One question: how pervasive is the PVP in-game? The only thing I found about it is that there is no open world PVP. Is it easy to avoid? Will I be plagued with spammed duel requests from multiple vectors with no recourse but to place numerous individuals on /ignore? I've run into that issue in numerous games.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
One question: how pervasive is the PVP in-game? The only thing I found about it is that there is no open world PVP. Is it easy to avoid? Will I be plagued with spammed duel requests from multiple vectors with no recourse but to place numerous individuals on /ignore? I've run into that issue in numerous games.
I haven't tried any PvP, so I don't know precisely how it works. But, there's no open-world PvP, and there's no duelling. I think PvP is solely restricted to the "battleground" style instanced encounters, one of which (Fusang Project) is a persistent PvP area. I could be wrong on the details.

The only influence PvP will have on your play experience, unless you actively seek it out, is a faction-wide buff you get depending on how much of Fusang your faction currently controls.

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
Human-only players in a largely mundane setting is bland to me. But the pseudo-CoC vibe I was getting from some of the screenshots and info piqued my interest despite that.
We probably differ significantly in this, but I just wanted to touch upon the mundane nature of the setting. Because I actually wish it was a little more mundane.

The game will take you from the quaint little New England town (overrun by zombies), over a mummy-infested Egypt to the werewolf-infested woods of Romania. For a game set in the modern world, it almost goes out of its' way to take you out of the mundane core setting. I'd have liked to see more of the modern world influencing the various zones, and I think that's why Solomon Island, and in particular Kingsmouth itself, is my favourite area. It has more of a "bad stuff happening in the real world" vibe than the later areas, that are primarily mystical in nature.

I am really looking forward to the (largely urban) Tokyo zone coming next. And I hope they are considering adding more content to the three faction-controlled cities. I'd rather stalk werewolves in London than openly fight mummies in a 'secret undiscovered valley' in Egypt.

But those are minor issues.

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
I was looking into this game the other day. It looks rather bland, but I got a pseudo-Call of Cthulhu vibe from it. The 'skill wheel' system didn't look very interesting as far as the offered skills went, and it seemed that many of the sets I would be interested in were on the outer wheels meaning, as I was given to understand, I'd have to play the character through two entire skill sets I didn't want in order to get to the one I wanted for that character.

I may check out the trial some time, but it doesn't look very promising at a glance.
I don't find the game bland at all, but that's just personal opinion.

The inner skill on the ability wheel are gained pretty quickly. I am barely into the second zone and I have 3 inner skill sets filled completely with points in the outer wheel and points in the inner wheel of other abilities.

The fun of the wheel is that while you only have 2 active weapons, you can mix and match abilities from other skills to make your build completely complementary to your playstyle .



Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
We probably differ significantly in this, but I just wanted to touch upon the mundane nature of the setting. Because I actually wish it was a little more mundane.

The game will take you from the quaint little New England town (overrun by zombies), over a mummy-infested Egypt to the werewolf-infested woods of Romania. For a game set in the modern world, it almost goes out of its' way to take you out of the mundane core setting. I'd have liked to see more of the modern world influencing the various zones, and I think that's why Solomon Island, and in particular Kingsmouth itself, is my favourite area. It has more of a "bad stuff happening in the real world" vibe than the later areas, that are primarily mystical in nature.

I am really looking forward to the (largely urban) Tokyo zone coming next. And I hope they are considering adding more content to the three faction-controlled cities. I'd rather stalk werewolves in London than openly fight mummies in a 'secret undiscovered valley' in Egypt.

But those are minor issues.
I read that they are planning on adding more content to make the major cities more "lively" in the future, but no date was given.

I think (and I could be completely wrong about this) they said the first raid will be in NY and should be coming out in one of the upcoming updates



Originally Posted by JJames View Post
I think (and I could be completely wrong about this) they said the first raid will be in NY and should be coming out in one of the upcoming updates
I'm not much of a 'raider' (I haven't even seen any of the current dungeons!), but yeah. I think the New York raid is scheduled to hit before the end of the year. I hope it'll be spectacular.

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




I tried it again (was in Beta, hated game, continued testing only grudgingly) when they opened up their 3 day trial. I still hate the game. Sorry. It just seems that there's no... no direction. What am I doing? Why? I can't say what level I was (since there's no real measurable metric for progress) but I still hadn't been directed to a store/merchant to offload my growing pile of obsoleted gear. Crafting was laughable. I had stuff but at no point was there a mention of how to use said stuff to make things to kill other things with. It really just came across as a giant zombie invested sandbox game with no real purpose. *shrug* Not for me. Some folks love it. I'd say give it a try. Maybe you'll like it.

The Defenders of Paragon
KGB Special Section 8



Going to be running the trial soonish... Don't have a character name yet, but I guess it looks like Arcadia is the place to go.

Sooooo, it doesn't look like the patcher is actually doing anything... is there supposed to be a progress bar or something?