1309 -
If they hadn't turned off the payment system I would have happily stumped up for 3 months until Next Friday. Hell, if they turn payments back on right now I will pay my $15 until next Friday.
Given up on CoX being saved? Absolutely. The Monday after it was announced it became too late to save it. Folks were already looking for work and some had likely already found potential employers.
People have said that they won't buy another NCSoft product, etc, etc. So, would you go back to work for them?
I'm playing SWtOR (going F2P shortly), Rift, and I play WoW with a close friend (which is the only reason I play it at all). Do any of them come close to CoX? No, but they all have things that are individual reasons why I stuck with CoX for as long as I did. -
I've been playing on and off since launch. I lost my Legacy name with the first merger, but got it back with the second one.
Seems very wise for someone with her reputation, otherwise she'd be deluged with messages, PMs, requests, etc. It would have been like one of the Big Red Names giving away their normal player global.
CuppaJo had been moved to Tabula Rasa community, but well... then to Aion, but I don't know if she's still there or not.
Where am I going? Gone. I just can't find the motivation.
I'm playing GW2, Skyrim (again), SWtOR, Path of Exile, DA1, and both X-Com and BioShock Infinity are on my wishlist.
I'm actually thinking of finding a new group to play those MMOs with since my current group simply don't. That's the saddest part of it all for me. Gotta move on and try to keep in touch. -
Quote:Honestly just about all of them other than "default expression" look like they're download some massive brownware. I've tried the game multiple times and it's just not for me. It's good that some folks can sort of make it work for them, but I'm not one of them.What about masks? I think the faces are more customizable in CO personally. I love the age/scruff/scar etc. effects and the sliders for proportions feel much more extensive to me.
With no other superhero/villain MMO's out there I'll be in a galaxy far, far away, or exiled to a zombie infested coastline, and possibly checking in on this kid that's going to throw his mom's jewlery in a fire. -
Quote:Hrm. I was with you up until the Witcher/Witcher 2 team became involved. I give this a solid "Meh" and won't even look at it until I know people that have played the release version.Who else played the Cyberpunk 2020 pen and paper RPG? I know there's a lot of pen and paper veterans who play/played City of Heroes. When I was a wee lad I actually never got around to playing D&D. No, for me, it was Call of Cthulhu and Cyberpunk. And Warhammer 40,000 Tabletop, even though I never actually got around to playing--I still devoured the lore and art in the rule books and codices.
It won't be an MMO, but Cyberpunk 2077 is being worked on by the same team that brought you Witcher and Witcher 2. As if that wasn't enough, they are working side-by-side with Michael Pondsmith of Cyberpunk fame. (He's almost 60 years old now and still wired for Cyberpunk.)
Here's a quote from the dev blog: "While still working on The Witcher 2, we started thinking about creating a huge RPG set in a Sci-Fi world. We wanted to take the universal values we used in the game about Geralt and show them from a different perspective. On top of that, we had plenty of ideas for features that couldnt be implemented in The Witcher simply because they didnt fit in the setting. We were still commited to create a game for mature audiences that dealt with important, thought-provoking matters. We would put in place exactly what weve learned while creating The Witcher 2 with just one difference the game would be set in the future. No elves, no dwarves and no magic. Cyberpunk seemed like a really natural fit. Almost immediately we knew that this is the setting we wanted to adopt."
When I first saw this game I thought it was an MMORPG. Who else would want to play an MMO like this? If it were big and filled with enough variety in terms of types of characters, professions and environments, I think that would be awesome.
TL;DR? http://cyberpunk.net/ -
Quote:So one of those obscure, generally seen to have failed MMOs?Maybe Super Hero MMOs aren't the niche we all think they are. Maybe they have just been to easy, to care bear friendly, not enough grind no challenge so that's why it's a niche. Just to ******* easy.
People may not like the grind but they absolutely love the satisfaction and this game this just isn't enough challenge to equal the satisfaction I'm talking about. Someone needs to make a super hero MMO that is actually hard and doesn't hold your god damn hand the entire way threw. Now maybe that game will not attract this games type of user base but if you want to be big, get big, stay big well you have to stop worrying about the small fry.
You want to rule the casual market tough Nintendo already beat you by 3 decades. MMOs and casual just doesn't seem to fit all that well and so the real niche in the MMO market is trying to be casual and not super heroes.
TL;DR the real niche of MMOs is casual and not super heroes. -
Unlikely to join into an emulator. I have had bad experience with them in the past.
The game has been saved. CoH2 is underway and in beta. I am a terrible liar.
Nah, it was pretty subdued. Lots of just sittin' around shootin' the breeze. -
Is there a way to leave all other channels yet? Last time I gave it a try I just closed my chat window and got annoyed by all these other people stealing my mobs in my solo game.
Quote:Thank you.Or people could just accept that when someone calls something bad they are stating a preference.
Can you find me something that's universally and objectively bad?
CO is a bad game because it's an ugly game. I am allowed to call it bad because I consider a bad game. And, yes, I killed the black outline and had everything set to max.
I've played both CO and DCUO. Both are bad for various reasons. Once they close down CoH I won't have another super hero MMO. I'll have the other 4 MMO's I've been playing along side CoH for a year or more, but no modern-ish day super powered one.
Seeing the changes on the Beta server (not even counting how awesome Bio-Armor is), only make me more sad that it's never going to hit live and that the folks at Paragon studios were doing such great work and got blindsided by a poor parent company. -
I'd pick that dimension where I killed everyone.
Oh I know. It wasn't done. I would have been more upset if it had reached live as a "Aw fsck it let's give it to 'em" gesture the way it is now.
No time to troubleshoot tonight, still getting over a head cold that has happily migrated to my lungs. I foresee much sleep. -
I can't post in the Beta (Training Room) Forums but I figure someone else may have seen this.
I'm leveling my Dual Blades/Bio Armor Brute.
I have a Rogue Alignment Mission that requires me to escort Silent Blade to Paragon City. No big. Done it before. She doesn't follow. Hrm. Rinse and repeat a few times with logouts, try AtT, etc. No good. Weird.
Decide that I'll just level until I get a different Rogue mission so I run SSA1.x. Everything's good until I get to SSA1.3 (Kidnap Alexis Cole Duncan). She doesn't follow either. O.o
I'm entirely built on SBE's (free yay!) and I did/do have a Celerity +Stealth slotted in sprint. I've unslotted it. I've detoggled everything. I've togged Rest. I did a client repair (shouldn't matter but who knows). The only thing I haven't done is a 2nd build with only SO's and see if that makes a difference. -
Oh what the heck...
Sister Solaris.
Sister Airlia (she's presumably not dead, just some scantily clad goth).
Tunnel Rat (just so adorable). -
Hrm. I went and changed my forum/game password for nothing? Dang.
Quote:No.No monologues, no soliloquies, no walls of text here please. Just one glance into your personal crystal ball, just a simple yes or no based upon what your gut instinct tells you about CoH:
Will it be rezzed in some fashion, either by some publisher via the talks already in the works, or even just eventually in the months or years to come, or will it not ever be saved/rezzed?
My intuition says and has always said: Yes. -
I tried it again (was in Beta, hated game, continued testing only grudgingly) when they opened up their 3 day trial. I still hate the game. Sorry. It just seems that there's no... no direction. What am I doing? Why? I can't say what level I was (since there's no real measurable metric for progress) but I still hadn't been directed to a store/merchant to offload my growing pile of obsoleted gear. Crafting was laughable. I had stuff but at no point was there a mention of how to use said stuff to make things to kill other things with. It really just came across as a giant zombie invested sandbox game with no real purpose. *shrug* Not for me. Some folks love it. I'd say give it a try. Maybe you'll like it.