For any heading to SW:TOR
On the harbinger server, there is a guild Republic Paragons. We have only just formed, however, we are comprised of former CoH'ers. If you decide to go to a galaxy far, far away, let me know if you would like to join us. We will soon be starting an Empire guild as well, once we have enough empire side characters formed (currently only about 1-2 shy).
My main character's screen name is Hagimond, you can also contact Zutharan, in game or email me here. |
Have to admit this is tempting but currently waiting to see what happens when F2P hits with server transfer prices as all my characters were put on Bergeren's Crossing when they forcibly merged the servers.
I will make a note of this tho, and give it serious consideration as soon as I hear about the transfers.
It's not that I don't mind rerolling but I'd hate to give up on my Trooper after I got him to his mid 20's before I cancelled last January.
I can never remember which servers I'm on, but I think Harbinger might be one of them. I'll have to look into this....
Rise of the Copper Legion (#60280; with soundtrack)
The Fractured Dreamer (#498588; with musical theme)
"Now Leaving: Paragon City": original composition for the end of CoH
When is TOR going F2P?
I didn't like it well enough during beta to buy it (too linear, simplistic and solo-based) but for free I might give it another try.
When is TOR going F2P?
I didn't like it well enough during beta to buy it (too linear, simplistic and solo-based) but for free I might give it another try. |
All my characters are on Shadowlands, unfortunately.
When is TOR going F2P?
I didn't like it well enough during beta to buy it (too linear, simplistic and solo-based) but for free I might give it another try. |
For me the biggest disappointment was the extremely restricted character/costume creator where you can be any race as long as it's human.
You'll want to read up on the f2p restrictions. Here's the link.
Hope that helps you make up your mind.
Assuming Disney doesn't can this game before the f2p launch I look forward to checking it out.
Assuming Disney doesn't can this game before the f2p launch I look forward to checking it out.
As for the setting, it takes place long before any of the movies so it doesn't conflict with any official canon they'll be making.
So outside of pulling the IP just to be a bunch of Richards there's no reason to do it.
Don't see why they would. BW/EA is the one that has to worry about making a profit.
As for the setting, it takes place long before any of the movies so it doesn't conflict with any official canon they'll be making. So outside of pulling the IP just to be a bunch of Richards there's no reason to do it. |
I just don't trust those people with Star Wars or video games.
On the harbinger server, there is a guild Republic Paragons. We have only just formed, however, we are comprised of former CoH'ers. If you decide to go to a galaxy far, far away, let me know if you would like to join us. We will soon be starting an Empire guild as well, once we have enough empire side characters formed (currently only about 1-2 shy).
My main character's screen name is Hagimond, you can also contact Zutharan, in game or email me here. |
Follow me on Twitter
I tried it during the beta, and yeah, it seemed like a single player game the entire time. Is it still that way now?
My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom

You might want to also start a thread about this in the "Check In" section of the TOR forums.
You might be surprised how many of us Paragon citizens are playing TOR.
I tried it during the beta, and yeah, it seemed like a single player game the entire time. Is it still that way now?
However, there is *plenty* to do in team. Every world has multi-player missions (heroics). Every tier has a flashpoint (single team task forces). The end game has operations (raids).
It's hard to find a team for the world heroics, though. Knowing people who want to small-team, ie a guild of paragon refugees, would help with that a lot.
Actually, all around - teaming makes the game a lot more fun. You're perfectly fine soloing but it really is a single player game if you do. Grab a friend, do each other's class quests, hit every heroic, clear every story quest, and have a blast.
Weight training: Because you'll never hear someone lament "If only I were weaker, I could have saved them."
On the harbinger server, there is a guild Republic Paragons. We have only just formed, however, we are comprised of former CoH'ers. If you decide to go to a galaxy far, far away, let me know if you would like to join us. We will soon be starting an Empire guild as well, once we have enough empire side characters formed (currently only about 1-2 shy).
My main character's screen name is Hagimond, you can also contact Zutharan, in game or email me here. |
Yes, very much so - if you want to play the stories (and you do) you'll spend a lot of time solo (though duoing with another class is fun, too).
However, there is *plenty* to do in team. Every world has multi-player missions (heroics). Every tier has a flashpoint (single team task forces). The end game has operations (raids). It's hard to find a team for the world heroics, though. Knowing people who want to small-team, ie a guild of paragon refugees, would help with that a lot. Actually, all around - teaming makes the game a lot more fun. You're perfectly fine soloing but it really is a single player game if you do. Grab a friend, do each other's class quests, hit every heroic, clear every story quest, and have a blast. |
I heard a recent rumor that seems legit claiming SW:TOR may also be shut down sooner rather than later. It was mid-level scuttlebutt from the EA financial side (Schwab), saying they've lost more than 63% of their customers in their social games so they're thinking of "re-focusing their digital store strategy." (His words, not mine.)
The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction
I'll be very surprised if TOR hits a 3rd anniversary.
Then again, I *was* very surprised CO did.
I like surprises.
Weight training: Because you'll never hear someone lament "If only I were weaker, I could have saved them."
Harbinger you say? I might have to hit you up Empire side then. I've mostly been doing the loner thing in TOR since my testing "Squadron" (238 represent!) scattered to the four winds at launch, and I wouldn't mind hooking up with some other City folks. Got a 50 Merc and a 50 Juggertank, along with a couple other mid-level toons. Neither are anything fancy, since I've not really done much at all on the endgame side of things, but they can hold their own in most anything non-Op or WZ. Not a fan at all of PvP in the game though, so don't expect me to partake of that aspect of the game. City and Eve are the only two games I've ever enjoyed PvP'ing in, and that's not likely to change anytime soon, heh.
Oh, I'm mostly on either 50 over there, so can give me a holler on Anna-Lina or Orrunom if anyone likes, though I am also known to be on my Inquisitor from time to time leveling him up. He goes by We'ken. Anyways, next time I'm on I'll see about tracking someone down for that Empire guild!
*wanders off in search of more coffee*
I heard a recent rumor that seems legit claiming SW:TOR may also be shut down sooner rather than later. It was mid-level scuttlebutt from the EA financial side (Schwab), saying they've lost more than 63% of their customers in their social games so they're thinking of "re-focusing their digital store strategy." (His words, not mine.)

F2P launches with patch 1.5 which has been on the PT server for about 3-4 weeks I would bet it goes F2P within a week or 2.
Consequently...that patch also includes the HK-51 unlockable content for the assassin droid as well.
Currently Playing:
Rage King - SS/Regen Brute (50+3)
Soulfire Darkness - Dark/Fire Tank (50+2)
Deaths Final Embrace - Kat/Dark Brute (50+3)
Awesome. Look forward to seeing you around.
F2P launches with patch 1.5 which has been on the PT server for about 3-4 weeks I would bet it goes F2P within a week or 2. Consequently...that patch also includes the HK-51 unlockable content for the assassin droid as well. |
Personally I hope it launches sooner, but I haven't seen any official announcements.
On the harbinger server, there is a guild Republic Paragons. We have only just formed, however, we are comprised of former CoH'ers. If you decide to go to a galaxy far, far away, let me know if you would like to join us. We will soon be starting an Empire guild as well, once we have enough empire side characters formed (currently only about 1-2 shy).
My main character's screen name is Hagimond, you can also contact Zutharan, in game or email me here.
-Edit- Empire Side, contact Dashten or Peregrin-Noir
Currently Playing:
Rage King - SS/Regen Brute (50+3)
Soulfire Darkness - Dark/Fire Tank (50+2)
Deaths Final Embrace - Kat/Dark Brute (50+3)