2009 -
Sure, why not, I'll be that guy
Used: 5, 12, 13, 42, 53, 69, 75, 83 -
Quote:meh.I heard a recent rumor that seems legit claiming SW:TOR may also be shut down sooner rather than later. It was mid-level scuttlebutt from the EA financial side (Schwab), saying they've lost more than 63% of their customers in their social games so they're thinking of "re-focusing their digital store strategy." (His words, not mine.)
Rumors and whatnot.
Odds are everything is contingent on on how healthy F2P is financially, so far away from any reasonable shutdown intentions.
(Frankly, as an MMO it has been solid and normal in terms of the overall industry. They just had over zealous expectations of reaching WoW heights - and that frankly was unrealistic from the start - and rushed the product.) -
Quote:You know, I've never played them either. Never even tempted.I've never played any of these games, but the Colonial setting of the new game intrigues me. Are they any good? What's the gameplay like? Hitman? Thief?
But I agree with you, the visual of the colonial look I've seen is intriguing. -
Thinking about this again on the drive in to work this morning.
The "logout" ending was particularly powerful. -
As always... well done.
(I shared the Youtube link via my G+.) -
Understanding and truth is one thing.
Detailed, spirited defense of NCSoft is another.
I suspect my ignore list would have found a new member in the future... but now there is no future... -
The leash is shortening. But patience continues, if thinned.
The wonderful map reveal... showed a Munroe Republic that IMO is ridiculously too large, as are the 'other' republics.
How are they going to walk from Indiana to Philly in any sort of reasonable time to save anyone?
Miles sent Charlie alone after Danny against trained soldiers, in the cramped confines of a moving train?
Quote:I didn't understand that at all, other than... he has to get home to momma for the big reveal you already figured out.And the bit with the militia guy...why did they let him out of the cage to begin with?
I particularly liked the road with a fresh coat of asphalt and paint next to the train going down the tracks.
I just may have made appropriate (inappropriate?) comments at the time.... -
Quote:And I was the opposite, tried both and stuck with TOR. I'll admit though, that as a game I liked TSW better. But TOR was so much a sequel to KotOR that I have to play out the story there, and then I'll probably wander back to TSW.I just wanted to thank all of you here and in the rest of the forums (and in game). I have rarely if ever posted but I did read the posts extensively and learned quite a bit in my 7 yrs on CoX. I tried TSW yesterday and while its not and cant replace this game it was quite fun to play. I am still on the trial and will play again and see if I go full subscription.
Thanks for the the input about TSW I tried SWTOR and for the life of me I just couldnt get into it. TSW was much easier even if the UI felt clunky, which I know was because I have been on CoH for so long.
I look forward to finding my old CoH brethren out there in TSW.
Also, thanks all for the added posts here. These have helped keep TSW on my radar. -
How'd this turn out so far?
Rumors are a sequel is moving forward in production planning.
Showing this may be a test case for viability of said effort. -
The show is losing me... It may have one or two more episodes of my patient attempt to give it a chance.
Quote:Granted, I'm just thinking that in the effort to organize the chaos would have ruin a lot of the possible knowledge sources and many of those with the technical skill. Frankly, things look pretty cushy for what I figure post-15 years after a blackout should look. What, 5 billion dead? Conditions would be brutal.Well, the militias are apparently organized enough to collect tribute, have slave farms, disarm the populace of the region, enforce their versions of laws and set up training camps. Setting up a slave line to cast casings and bullets would not be beyond them, I would think.
Yeah, I'm really not buying it much in that regard. -
Quote:You are right.That's the thing. This knowledge isn't restricted or hard to access. If there's a bookstore, library, or possibly even a home improvement center nearby, there's a pretty good chance there's at least some information on building a kiln. Hell, if the town has a wood-fire pizza place, there's a good possibility (maybe) that it could be converted to smelting copper.
Got ceramic bricks from pretty much any home improvement store? You can, arguably, build a kiln with them.
After a few years of starving and killing and plague what and who would really be in place organize anything like that? Some, sure, but I think chaos would reign and a lot of books and things will be lost and destroyed. It would be a bumpy ride before 'tech' started to re-appear.
This in no way to say I think the show is getting things right, mind you. Just at the start I think there are too many people living near urban ruins in this show... but that's just me. -
Thematically it felt right.
Visually, with the atomic aura, it looked right.
It was just fun. -
Quote:Yeah, she's insanely naive for having lived through what should have been 15 years of near hell.And once again Charlie's wishes (whether right or wrong) against her uncles advice cost lives and put them in jeopardy. While the episode was ok, if she doesn't wise up even a little bit the show is going to get old pretty fast.
Hadn't thought of that... interesting idea. -
Last night's episode wasn't bad at all. (Granted I was flipping back and forth between it and the Bears thumping the Cowboys.)
Some character development, a little something different on Charlie's face every now and then, but those eyes dominate that face and they just don't change much. I really like Google man - even if they hit on the big electricity secret awfully fast and... randomly... -
Quote:I always liked that movie.I'm talking about nullifing locally the power dampening field.
The other doctor lady used her fancy broach to start up a computer and communicate with someone else. And it looks just like the one Dad assembled at the last second and later gave to X-Google.
Ever see the movie The Quiet Earth? Odd little Kiwi SciFi movie from the mid 80s that reminds me of Revolution for some reason. Maybe it's the "science experiment goes horribly wrong" as a possible explanation in this series.
I never thought of it in relation to Revolution.
What I did think of was The Emberverse series by S.M. Stirling, as on the surface it is the same premise, all electricity up and quits. A lot more emphasis on living through that first 15 years of collapse - starvation, plague, violence, etc.
Though, he covers that it also includes combustion engine requirements an even steam power can't quite get up to snuff... complex, and the cause is wrapped up in the mythology of it all so not worth getting into... Fun read, though.
Oh, and the show is... passable at present.
The girl is annoying. I have also been irritated by fat ppl still being around. And the modern Walmart shelf crossbow that miraculously continues to work after 15 years... Let alone t-shirts that haven't worn out and still fit after 15 years?
It does show signs of promise, though, that if given a chance it may come around into a winner. I'm planning to give it a few more episodes.
Quote:Speaking of The Walking Dead, I swear some of the "wilderness" scenes were shot at the same locations to where our intrepid group of survivors ended up at the end of last season's walking dead. The small waterfall and foundation remnants look very familiar. -
Quote:Much appreciated. I hunt high and low for that, but it is in the "Chyll won't look her place" )or bydandii, since Chyll is apparently taken in every other game out there,... who knew?)In the graphics options, underneath the primary selection bar or whatever (the thing you slide left for bad graphics, and slide right for better graphics) there is a box for advanced options
click it, scroll ALL the way down to the post processing section, underneath the bloom slider and its labeled "cartoon outline". -
Quote:Ah, then I have a theory that I will remain patiently quiet with...I thought I would have at least some Justice street cred after mentioning several Justice players.
I have been playing COH since May of 2004. I haven't been an active member of the Justice Community since I started working at Paragon in 2008. My main is a tanker. Other than that I think I would reveal too much...
I've hunted for how to turn that off with little luck. If you could share the magic, I'd enjoy the visual element of the game play a lot more... and maybe get to focus more on whether I think the game is any good.