Those going or are in CO
I've actually played CO casually for a couple of years now. If the worse comes to pass and there is absolutely no hope for CoH, then it'll be my super-hero itch scratcher.
Is there something in particular you'd like to know about it, or do you just want a show of hands for people migrating to it?
"I have something to say! It's better to burn out then to fade away!"
I'm not on CO yet. I'm staying here until the servers go dark in hopes that the game can be saved.

I'm trying out CO as we speak. Friend kept prodding me to give it a try, so I did.
Still here till Nov 30th. But so far it's looking like CO will be the spot. No bugs yet, nice combact system and other things I like. I started to think where every other mission here something gets stuck in a wall or some other crazy bug and have to wait 45-2 hours, and in some cases 3 hours before a GM comes. In CO, not sure how their reporting system works but so far so good and never even had to use it.
-Female Player-
I'm trying out CO as we speak. Friend kept prodding me to give it a try, so I did.
Still here till Nov 30th. But so far it's looking like CO will be the spot. No bugs yet, nice combact system and other things I like. I started to think where every other mission here something gets stuck in a wall or some other crazy bug and have to wait 45-2 hours, and in some cases 3 hours before a GM comes. In CO, not sure how their reporting system works but so far so good and never even had to use it. |
I've been playing CO a lot since 9/3 and there are a lot of bugs but I still enjoy it. When you guys try it out, try looking at it as a completely different game instead of comparing it to COH.
Also, join the chat channel COX to chat with us fellow refugees.
Greetings are who are doomed.
Not giving up as long as the servers are up !
Playing my usual routine with VG and RL friends.
Really nothing changed there.... yet
I might be on CO. I created an account there, and I've played it a bit on my wife's laptop, but I'm not going to even attempt to install the game on my own computer until (and unless) CoH closes for good and I can free up another 10-ish GB of space to install it.
I've been playing CO since it launched. My global is Venture-1. CO's only big problem now is that it's light on content and too much of what there is is way too goofy.
Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"
Also, join the chat channel COX to chat with us fellow refugees.
Ok, so getting more of you in STO is a lost cause. But a man can dream!
It is nice seeing some chatter in the CoX channel, though. And I should probably appoint some CO side admins at some point. Hmm...
Goodbye, I guess.
@Lord_Nightblade in Champions/Star Trek Online if you want to stay in touch
My experience with CO... the costume creator is decent, the combat system is fun, story and community are extremely off-putting if you're not interested in being a campy DC style hero.
I luckily came into a supergroup of CoX players that are accepting of any allignment. Outside of that supergroup though, there is a lot of hostility towards people playing anything other than your run of the mill hero.
The only acceptable evil is MRP-flagged succubi, were-creatures and vampires. And that is MRP as in "I will ERP but saying MRP makes me seem like less of a *****" not "I am open to mature, non-sexual situations".
"I have something to say! It's better to burn out then to fade away!"
I have CO, played it in beta, stuck with it a month or two live, got a couple of toons to 40...then let it lapse and came back home to the familiar comfort of CoH. I do keep popping in to CO from time to time, as a silver player now, but I'm finding the issues that annoyed me about the game even as far back as beta are still there, and a lot of new ones have been added on top of them too
I try to like the game, I really do...but it's just too irritating. The rubber faces of the character models, the derivative and knockoff storylines and NPCs, long missions that start out with decent difficulty and then suddenly turn impossible during the console-esque 'locked in the room' final boss fight, the way when you block your hero loses all dignity as they're forced to sidle along like a demented crab...etc etc
About the only thing that draws me back every now and then is the fact you can have glowy eyes in a mask, classic comicbook hero style. Always wanted CoH to have that.
Other than that though, those long unfixed bugs and gameplay issues (especially with melee toons) are just too much for me. That, and (in the words of my girlfriend when she first saw Champions) "Oh my gawd, it looks like City of Heroes done by chavs!"
So yeah, you may see me in Millennium City from time to time, but you're far more likely to see me in STO, mucking about with my Vice Admiral in his Voyager Refit. Either way, I'll keep an eye on the CoX channel
I'm both there and here, and here and there.
My thoughts on CO so far...
I like the character creator and powers, made a perfect Batman free form toon with good close up melee and expolding granades, something unavailable in CoX.
Game play is different, but just takes getting used to, my Dark Avenger toon was able to solo 5+ mobs at level 6, would have been toast in CoX.
However the community I find is very lacking. The broadcasts are random chat noise, no 'level 6 group LFM' if fact been playing 2 weeks and have never seen anyone LFM. The teams i was invited to was just random invites where the leader said nothing then quit a few minutes later.
I tried to join a chat channel, however no chat channels are listed, you have to know the name of it to join. Eveventually joined CoX channel, but even so there is a distinct lack of teaming as I expressed to the channel 'does anyone ever team?' and got the reply 'not really'.
This aspect of the game sucks but I am still trying to work the game as there are no other alternatives.
I'm actually STO'ing as we speak. I LOVE the carriers, though I hate that realistically the only Federation one I am going to get is level 50. I'll grind that out after my Klingon gets to 40 and I can test a two-hanger carrier. Single hanger carriers are all sorts of fun though.
Goodbye, I guess.
@Lord_Nightblade in Champions/Star Trek Online if you want to stay in touch
Yeah, the subject of Fed carriers is... well, to say it's 'contentious' would be akin to saying that the atmosphere of Venus is unpleasant. There was such a **** storm on the forums when they brought up the idea of a Catian carrier for the Federation (and I kept thinking that it was a joke that people were taking too seriously, because Catians are cat people and they were going to have a carrier, so it would be, you know, a cat carrier...). Something to keep in mind for the Admiral level carriers is that their turn radius is roughly equivalent to the orbit of Jupiter, so if you prefer something that can maneuver you should give the Armitage heavy escort carrier a try. Only one hangar bay, but it's got the firepower and maneuverability of an escort.
Something about having an entire twelve ships out just tickles me pink. I realize I probably will NEVER have that many, either from using Birds of Prey or shield restoration units or what have you, but when I do I will laugh. A lot.
"I have something to say! It's better to burn out then to fade away!"
While I'll probably play more often than once a year as has been the case since it launched, CO just doesn't grab me. I'll be playing from time to time, but that's about it.
@Doctor Gemini
Arc #271637 - Welcome to M.A.G.I. - An alternative first story arc for magic origin heroes. At Hero Registration you heard the jokes about Azuria always losing things. When she loses the entire M.A.G.I. vault, you are chosen to find it.
Same global handle there @rian frostdrake. have yet to try sto. downloaded a demo, and it came out weird and i couldnt play, was unenthused to retry(im more of a macross guy for my space stuff) Im a melee guy, and I cant assume that plays a big part in the game.
I'm trying out CO as we speak. Friend kept prodding me to give it a try, so I did.
Still here till Nov 30th. But so far it's looking like CO will be the spot. No bugs yet, nice combact system and other things I like. I started to think where every other mission here something gets stuck in a wall or some other crazy bug and have to wait 45-2 hours, and in some cases 3 hours before a GM comes. In CO, not sure how their reporting system works but so far so good and never even had to use it. |
Same global handle there @rian frostdrake. have yet to try sto. downloaded a demo, and it came out weird and i couldnt play, was unenthused to retry(im more of a macross guy for my space stuff) Im a melee guy, and I cant assume that plays a big part in the game.
any game will have bugs, and co was running a lot leaner on gms than coh. but if you play mmos, you get thick-skinned to bugs really. |
"I have something to say! It's better to burn out then to fade away!"
I got a lifetime sub to CO when it first came out but I rarely play. I greatly prefer the slower, tactical gameplay of CoH over the spazzy click-fest of CO.
That being said, there is one feature of CO that I do like: Character names are tied to your global account, which means that multiple people can have the same character name.
I propose all of us going to CO create characters named "City of Heroes" as well as a City of Heroes supergroup.
If that wasn't clear: A City of Heroes supergroup filled with nothing but characters named City of Heroes.
@Spawn of Santa
SoS thuggin' bio
The Gang's All Here

My thoughts on CO so far...
I like the character creator and powers, made a perfect Batman free form toon with good close up melee and expolding granades, something unavailable in CoX. Game play is different, but just takes getting used to, my Dark Avenger toon was able to solo 5+ mobs at level 6, would have been toast in CoX. However the community I find is very lacking. The broadcasts are random chat noise, no 'level 6 group LFM' if fact been playing 2 weeks and have never seen anyone LFM. The teams i was invited to was just random invites where the leader said nothing then quit a few minutes later. I tried to join a chat channel, however no chat channels are listed, you have to know the name of it to join. Eveventually joined CoX channel, but even so there is a distinct lack of teaming as I expressed to the channel 'does anyone ever team?' and got the reply 'not really'. This aspect of the game sucks but I am still trying to work the game as there are no other alternatives. |
Still, for me it plays like CoH lite, and as such I don't think I will ever end up shelling out any money on it.
I'll be subbing in CO soon, and WoW, bizarrely enough. My regular SG-mate and i haev decided to never again get attached to any MMO toons, so I made a...elf something or toher called Cohforever in WoW and we're going to grind our bitter way through it. CO will be for 'proper' MMOing, but it'll never be the same.
I tried The Secret World out, and it blows massive chunks. Great maps, gorgeous graphics, cool story, interesting (but flawed and limitied) freeform power system but Funcom are awful and the community is horrific (and the forums are moderated by children, apparently).
The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)
I just re-started WoW too, if only to look around Pandaria a bit. It turns out my old guild (on Uldum) is now over in GW2 (with zero chance of me following them), sadly.
Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"
So yea, with the end coming, I know that basically everyone will either just drop MMOs entirely or go to another. For those who are doing the latter, and more specifically, those doing Champions Online, which ones are you? I know there are a lot of gathering lists on their forums but it be nice to get one here, especially for those who are on the edge on if they should join or not.