Those going or are in CO




Eh, WoW used to be my go-to MMO. Played from Vanilla right up to Cata. Quit two months into that. Just wasn't the same. Tried the seven day free trial they gave me last week. Played for a day to test all the changes and that was all the care I could muster for it.

"I have something to say! It's better to burn out then to fade away!"



Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
I'm trying out CO as we speak. Friend kept prodding me to give it a try, so I did.

Still here till Nov 30th. But so far it's looking like CO will be the spot. No bugs yet, nice combact system and other things I like. I started to think where every other mission here something gets stuck in a wall or some other crazy bug and have to wait 45-2 hours, and in some cases 3 hours before a GM comes. In CO, not sure how their reporting system works but so far so good and never even had to use it.
Never had to wait that long for a GM longest I ever waited was about 15 minuets

Prof Radburn controller,Celtic Ice Maiden,blaster,Miss Knockout scrapper,Mistress Davina controller,Stone Hart,tank Split Personality PB.Queen Lostris controller,Fridgid Mary blaster,Shocking Fire blaster Future Elfling defender, Little Weed controller,Capo Angelo MM, Commander Buzzsaw MM, Justice Tank tank all 50,s



I'm trying to give Champions a chance, but the game is so far beating me. I don't like the art style and writing even at the best of times and the community - while overly very positive - just doesn't seem to move all that fast on the forums. Threads linger and discussion doesn't really catch on much.

As for Star Trek... I'd try it if it weren't Star Trek. Personally, I don't like the franchsie and the ship design. That said, I'm looking forward to Kinetic Void. It looks like it might do for space ship combat what City of Heroes did for super heroes, i.e. give me a dumping ground for my imagination. They had a much better, more comprehensive editor video before, but it basically looks like what Spore tried to do, without the "failed utterly" part.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Cats out of the bag..i'm there and I love it, sure it's not COH but i'm a noob there and everything is so new. The peeps in CO are very welcoming in both forums and in game. I created my own SG with the wife and help of others, (Need 5 members to create an SG, someone will always help to form one) and joined a CoX channel which helps the transition even better.

-I was able to recreat my main toons with a slight twist to their powers
-I'm digging to have not spend millions on builds with fusion and Mods but your build is based on points
-the drops are actually useful
-I love the individual hideouts, (base)
-I can still customize my channels and even filter
-love the growing power, I have a huge chick that grows with a certain attack!

-No Dominator/controller based powers...yet
-Need more options for the costume creator or maybe i've been spoiled by CoH




I have been playing CO for a while and have done most of my rp in that game while I played CoH mostly for the trials. Anyway I like the combat system over there, but there is a painful lack of endgame content hence why I was playing both games.

If anyone need help in CO feel free to contact me if I'm on, my global is @PzTnT



The male hair styles are stuck between either 'short' or 'roadie', everyone has the same face, you pretty much have to turn off the black outlines to prevent recurring facepalming, there's no redside, the writing had to have been outsourced to Bill Roper's old junior high school, and I'm almost positive the voice acting was too...

... and yet I've spent all weekend playing the game.

I had an old concept here of a fairy cowboy cop that I never could get to work quite right. i24 might've seen Death Wish Upon A Star as a DP/Martial/Sorcery blaster but, well, dual pistols. At CO, though, the renamed Foxfire's been flourishing. Outside of a lack of true fairy wings and it taking me a while to find the pointy ear slider, I'm quite happy with how her costume came out. Munitions is everything I had hoped for out of Dual Pistols, sprinkle in some Martial Arts, and eventually a bit of Radiant Sorcery too and she's off and fluttering like I always wanted. The active combat isn't too active for an old non-twitch gamer like myself and the myriad build options continue to blow my mind. Being able to potentially switch from blaster to scrapper to tank? You can do that? And that's not even going into all the RP options like hideouts and the odd publicly accessible building.

I'll miss the maturity that City of Heroes brought to the table, as well as fighting off hordes of mooks at x8. But if Cryptic can port the Foundry over once they get it rolling in NWN and STO, then I think they might be on to something here. At the least it'll give me my superheroics fix.

Blood Widow Ricki * Tide Shifter * T-34 * Opposite Reaction * Shaolin Midnight * ChernobylCheerleader



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
That said, I'm looking forward to Kinetic Void.

Well damn,

I know what I'll be playing.



Originally Posted by mammalian View Post
I tried to join a chat channel, however no chat channels are listed, you have to know the name of it to join. Eveventually joined CoX channel, but even so there is a distinct lack of teaming as I expressed to the channel 'does anyone ever team?' and got the reply 'not really'.

This aspect of the game sucks but I am still trying to work the game as there are no other alternatives.
Agree on the teaming...

Playing CoX and CO both now. A group of us have made some of our characters on CO and have been RPing and trying CO. It's different, but if you're a super hero fan, it's ok.

We're teaming up and still looking for other CoX RP'ers who've gone to CO to team with also. We've found that CO has enough there ( goofy or not ) that we can RP around some of the odd stuff in CO. Once we teamed and RP, the game improved greatly. Adventure packs really helped.

If any RP'er wants to team up, let me know. We're on there off an on when we're not on CoX.

Make Mine COH!

"Someone has to stand up for those who can't"
- on Virtue
Skyburner - Wyldfire Agent
Silver Valor - Wyldfire Agent
Coppersmith - Shield scrapper!



Originally Posted by Skyburner View Post
Agree on the teaming...

Playing CoX and CO both now. A group of us have made some of our characters on CO and have been RPing and trying CO. It's different, but if you're a super hero fan, it's ok.

We're teaming up and still looking for other CoX RP'ers who've gone to CO to team with also. We've found that CO has enough there ( goofy or not ) that we can RP around some of the odd stuff in CO. Once we teamed and RP, the game improved greatly. Adventure packs really helped.

If any RP'er wants to team up, let me know. We're on there off an on when we're not on CoX.
Sorry... forgot to add that my global on CO is @skyburn1309 . Usually I'm on as my hero Red Klaw.

Like I said, it's not my CoX home (which I'd rather have), but for me its better than DCU and the rest for me.

Make Mine COH!

"Someone has to stand up for those who can't"
- on Virtue
Skyburner - Wyldfire Agent
Silver Valor - Wyldfire Agent
Coppersmith - Shield scrapper!



A longtime fan of the PnP game, I was in CO during the beta, got the lifetime sub (gold), played for maybe about 6-8 months, got one character to 20-ish and a few others into the teens, then went on hiatus and just got back into the game about a month ago.

It's definitely different from CoH in some significant aspects, some negative, but since I didn't play it for ~2 years, it feels new and fresh. Teaming is light, but I've been able to get help with a troublesome boss when I requested help, so there are helpful and friendly players. I'm in the CoX channel.

Global is @KnightOwl.



I tried CO but it just didn't click with me. Got one character to level 15 and another to level 10, but I'm not liking the customization options and the gameplay.

I might be playing GW2, although that isn't scratching my itch either. Until another game comes on the scene that pulls me in (Wildstar?) I don't think I'll be playing MMOs. Eh, I'm getting too old for them anyway.

New Webcomic -- Genocide Man
Life is funny. Death is funnier. Mass slaughter can be hilarious.



Originally Posted by Skyburner View Post
Agree on the teaming...

Playing CoX and CO both now. A group of us have made some of our characters on CO and have been RPing and trying CO. It's different, but if you're a super hero fan, it's ok.

We're teaming up and still looking for other CoX RP'ers who've gone to CO to team with also. We've found that CO has enough there ( goofy or not ) that we can RP around some of the odd stuff in CO. Once we teamed and RP, the game improved greatly. Adventure packs really helped.

If any RP'er wants to team up, let me know. We're on there off an on when we're not on CoX.
I am in my first week of my subbed month time and I still feel very noobish. I still haven't figured out the crafting aspects, The currency differences, or appropriate teaming versus soloing aspects.

Since I joined the "COX" channel I don't feel quite as alone but I do miss the double pane chat view box we have in COX. When all the filters are enabled the chat really fly's by. Probably the thing that bothers me the most at the moment is the blind friending. I have not gotten a private message yet before this is sent to me and it does not give a @global that I can tell.

Not much of an RPer (I have seen some RP in COX get very weird and uncomfortable in the past) but I do like teaming and hanging out.

Wanted to go in a different direction and start fresh so I have not remade any of my COX characters and I changed my global. I'm on most evenings as @Mechaking01.

Dragon-King First level 50 -- Fire/Nrg Blaster
(and to many alts to mention)
Originally by Arcanaville: Everything in Praetoria was designed during a drinking binge in which the devs temporarily forgot the rules.



I have a CO account (same global) but I can't see myself playing CO as it stands right now.

I went through the whole of the beta test for CO and gave my feedback as I was asked to do.

I pointed out that the combat system was tedious and should be reviewed ASAP.

I complained about the dorky looking avatars we had to use. The character creation system was great, but totally ruined by the avatars.

These 2 things made/make it impossible for me to play CO.

If those points were addressed, I would happily subscribe - if CoH does fold.

Proud member of FOXBASE ALPHA and coalition associates.

Hero 50's - 25

Villain 50's - 1



Originally Posted by mammalian View Post
My thoughts on CO so far...
I like the character creator and powers, made a perfect Batman free form toon with good close up melee and expolding granades, something unavailable in CoX.

Game play is different, but just takes getting used to, my Dark Avenger toon was able to solo 5+ mobs at level 6, would have been toast in CoX.

However the community I find is very lacking. The broadcasts are random chat noise, no 'level 6 group LFM' if fact been playing 2 weeks and have never seen anyone LFM. The teams i was invited to was just random invites where the leader said nothing then quit a few minutes later.

I tried to join a chat channel, however no chat channels are listed, you have to know the name of it to join. Eveventually joined CoX channel, but even so there is a distinct lack of teaming as I expressed to the channel 'does anyone ever team?' and got the reply 'not really'.

This aspect of the game sucks but I am still trying to work the game as there are no other alternatives.
Well, I bought a lifetime sub when the game first came out, so I will be there if CoX ends. In fact, I will play a bit regardless. I play these games because I like teaming, so hit me up and I'll gladly team with you if I'm on. Global: @Zalkenai




Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I'm trying to give Champions a chance, but the game is so far beating me. I don't like the art style and writing even at the best of times and the community - while overly very positive - just doesn't seem to move all that fast on the forums. Threads linger and discussion doesn't really catch on much.
Sam, in CO try the Until Action Pack "Aftershock". It is part 3, following on Serpent Lantern and Demonflame, but those are both absolutely frustrating unless you have a really solid team. Aftershock can be solo'd, even by me on a freebie not-very smartly equipped Unleashed AT. It is creepy, it is fun, it has some totally unique mechanics (one mission you have to control NPC movements by talking to them in Local chat), and a suitably epic climax.

So there is at least one strong writer on their team. I've heard the older stuff is more campy, the newer stuff is less. So at least that's a positive trend.

But it's not CoX, they don't have War Witch and they don't have Dr Aeon and it really shows. We got really lucky here. There is stuff I like in CO, but I want CoX to survive.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



Sam, in CO try the Until Action Pack "Aftershock". It is part 3, following on Serpent Lantern and Demonflame, but those are both absolutely frustrating unless you have a really solid team. Aftershock can be solo'd, even by me on a freebie not-very smartly equipped Unleashed AT. It is creepy, it is fun, it has some totally unique mechanics (one mission you have to control NPC movements by talking to them in Local chat), and a suitably epic climax.
Both Serpent Lantern and Demonflame can be least, none of my characters had any trouble with them. Maybe some of the ATs would; I wouldn't know. Serpent Lantern, however, was obviously written by someone who thought the Citadel TF was a good idea as it has you do the same thing about nine times in a row. Run it once, maybe, just to see it, but after that forget it.

Aftershock is pretty good but the last act throws a planet-sized Idiot Ball. Whiteout is better, though the final fight can be annoying.

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



Originally Posted by Venture View Post
Both Serpent Lantern and Demonflame can be least, none of my characters had any trouble with them. Maybe some of the ATs would; I wouldn't know. Serpent Lantern, however, was obviously written by someone who thought the Citadel TF was a good idea as it has you do the same thing about nine times in a row. Run it once, maybe, just to see it, but after that forget it.

Aftershock is pretty good but the last act throws a planet-sized Idiot Ball. Whiteout is better, though the final fight can be annoying.
Yeah I soloed all of those. They wasnt too hard. Went smooth and only one small bug.

Serpent Lantern did get a little...well, hell, you already put it the best as far as I can think of a description.

Aftershock had tsome good super villains in it except that one fight I found annoying. think it was the second or third part, with the Despair Demon hat kept slowing everything down every other second.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



I could never get in to CO. The graphics and character models are a big turn-off for me. I also couldn't get used to the combat differences, trying to fit in the shift and z keys. I still haven't managed to get a character beyond level 11.

On the other hand, I've been playing Cryptic's sister game Star Trek Online since beta, and I have ten level 50 characters there. Interestingly, the CoX chat channel is shared between CO and STO, so CoX players can stay in touch between the two games. Fun to see Silverspar and other CO players in chat while I'm playing STO.



I am play CO now also. Joined the CoX channel. Made my main over there. I may do a subscription, dunno yet. The adjustment is going to be the hardest part for me, I like the enhancements from CoX, the mods, points, gear stuff is confusing right now for me. But I do like having like 10 or so missions at a time.

I am taking my sig to MWO and MWT. Let them wonder what it means.



Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
...they don't have Dr Aeon and it really shows.
That's probably a good thing for them. Otherwise half their roster of sig characters would be killed off for no reason while story lines would go everywhere but forward.
Originally Posted by Mirai View Post
I could never get in to CO. The graphics and character models are a big turn-off for me. I also couldn't get used to the combat differences, trying to fit in the shift and z keys. I still haven't managed to get a character beyond level 11.
Totally agree about the art style. But if you've got a gamepad try using it. It makes playing CO more enjoyable, although you still gotta use your mouse for navigating certain menus.



Before this, I was in WoW, (been there since beta). Still play a bit with some of my old guildmates. But I think CoH may have broken WoW's spell on me, because I've become less motivated to play it now.

CO? I tried it, but it just felt.....too different to me. I couldn't help but feel like I was on my own again in a big new world. Sure, the community there is great, but I couldn't help but feel....isolated. It is a weird feeling, and I didn't feel like continuing on. I play DCUO on my PS3 on occasion, and I like it in small doses. But I've already maxed out several characters (lvl 30 comes quick there lol) and the raid grind is getting old.

However, I have found an interesting alternative. A friend of mine recommended I try out Lord of the Rings Online, as she has been a player there since beta and loves it. So I am currently trying it out and so far, I love it. The community there is full of awesome people and I finally feel like I am a part of the community.

If there is anything I can take from my albeit brief time in CoH, it's a renewed hope and appreciation in the gaming community. And for opening my eyes.

Thanks, City of Heroes

A traveling Warden in another world........



I was in ChO's beta and I liked the art style and the direction they were taking with combat, but any character I made that didn't have Regeneration felt a bit too fragile and weak. That problem became worse at launch, and I gave it a couple of months to get better, cancelling my sub when it did not.

The recent events with this game got me to reluctantly try out ChO again and I was quite surprised. If the game had been like this at launch I may have dropped CoH for it back then. I've got 6-7 months of sub there, currently. I just wish I could access their forums from work.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



I bought a 3 month sub and started playing CO a couple of days ago. Man that game is super awesome. I love how campy and fun it is, and the environments and combat are very engaging to me. The free form build process is still a little over my head, but I'm sure I'll get used to it over time.