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Quote:NCSoft has shown by their lineup of current and future titles that they are going to hold on to their grind fest style of MMO's because that is what their Asian side market expects. As suggested in many post ( can't think of who to quote at the moment) COX is a western developed MMO that they bought. In my opinion, an Asian development house would never be able to wrap their heads around the essence of the play style of COX or the mentality of the western MMO player.While it might be good in short term to sell, in the long run it may not be bright idea.
If for some reason they decide to re enter the hero MMO realm again and sold the IP rights, that means they will not only have to recreate everything from scratch, they will also have to compete with the competition they basically gift dropped to some then small company that may be a power house by then because they sold them a ready made package game, that is already known, established fan base, and etc.
As for competing with COX they would be in no more danger of running COX against their current and future lineups if another developer had picked it up anymore than if they just kept the Paragon doors open.
Quote:From the looks of it, they are not hurting for cash and right now it would be a pretty odd move for them to sale unless someone makes them an offer they cant refuse and basically buy on their terms. Even if they somehow end up in tight situation, they can always sell later
Quote:Yet given the little amount of details, no telling how they crunched those numbers and came up with the decision was not to only shut down but to do so nigh immediately. I suspect it may be nearing tax season and someone fiddled with the numbers that is going to make that asset look good. Then afterwards they still can sell and probably make over all more than twice the amount than if they sold now. Or as mentioned above, they may be planning or thinking about or crossed their mind to build another hero MMO within the next 1 year to 25+ years down the line.
As I wrote earlier, I just don't see COX being a threat to their lineups. By leaving COX up and running NCSoft would not be having the negative press backlash that they are experiencing now. It would have probably been the opposite with a portion of the COX database purchasing current and future NCSoft titles. -
Quote:I am in my first week of my subbed month time and I still feel very noobish. I still haven't figured out the crafting aspects, The currency differences, or appropriate teaming versus soloing aspects.Agree on the teaming...
Playing CoX and CO both now. A group of us have made some of our characters on CO and have been RPing and trying CO. It's different, but if you're a super hero fan, it's ok.
We're teaming up and still looking for other CoX RP'ers who've gone to CO to team with also. We've found that CO has enough there ( goofy or not ) that we can RP around some of the odd stuff in CO. Once we teamed and RP, the game improved greatly. Adventure packs really helped.
If any RP'er wants to team up, let me know. We're on there off an on when we're not on CoX.
Since I joined the "COX" channel I don't feel quite as alone but I do miss the double pane chat view box we have in COX. When all the filters are enabled the chat really fly's by. Probably the thing that bothers me the most at the moment is the blind friending. I have not gotten a private message yet before this is sent to me and it does not give a @global that I can tell.
Not much of an RPer (I have seen some RP in COX get very weird and uncomfortable in the past) but I do like teaming and hanging out.
Wanted to go in a different direction and start fresh so I have not remade any of my COX characters and I changed my global. I'm on most evenings as @Mechaking01. -
COH is my first/only MMO I have ever played and after almost 7 years I have to admit finding something else, if the efforts to save COH fails, for me is pretty bleak.
With that in mind I am giving Champions Online a try. The graphics are a bit jarring when I first log in but after a while I get used to it. What has helped greatly are the player made templates that a few good people over there have developed that mirror as close as possible the body characteristics of our basic models here in our character creator.
Once you get ride of the freakishly out of proportion body measurements it's a lot easier to take on. I subbed monthly then cancelled the next day. I just wanted everything open to me with no restrictions while I test things out. My first time on my feeling was I was all alone. For me just chatting and more specifically teaming has been a large learning curve. I am going to give the "COX" channel RiverOcean mentioned a shot.
As a side note... some of the people I have been able to chat with in CO as of today have no idea that COH was being shutdown so I have been giving out the links for the save COH website and other information links. Although they do not play COH or were players years ago, all have expressed their sympathy and are appalled by NCSofts actions. I have found that the small amount of player-base I have interacted with to be mostly very generous about answering questions and have been very patient with me since I am newbie to their gaming universe. -
So you came back from your long hiatus to COX bash? The events your talking about where lead by a different development team I hope you realize.
Apparently it's been a long stretch since you last played or you would have experienced the new strong creative directions That Posi and the team where taking us in.
They were excited... We were excited. Then the fateful Friday hit us square in the gut. -
[QUOTE=SmegHead;4216385]Well, lets say they do put it on the market in a few months. What is exactly wrong with having to wait to get them?
You know they would be available you just have to show a little patience if you don't want to use the VIP method. Let the people that did jump through the VIP hoop have their exclusive costume for a year or so before its made available to the public. I'm personally on the side that thinks they should remain a locked item for tier 9 VIP, but if they are exclusive for a year+ it would soften the blow of having to spend a decent amount of cash to get it.
I see it more as a gap between the have and have nots rather than a waiting game. IMO if someone spent the money/points to have the items more power to them.
I just don't see it as a slap in the face as a vet if someone bought there way there from day one rather than have subscribed as long as I have. -
I'm for giving the Free and Premium players a shot at the T9 goodies by putting them on the market at the same time they are available for the vets to grab them. I feel I am being rewarded just by being able to spend my banked reward tokens to get these instead of spending real world money/points to obtain them.
I would not be able to tell just at a glance if someone was using T9 costume parts if they would be actual T9 Vets or not anyway.
Also should have included the vets that are not yet T9 in there also although vet subscribers have a way there anyway. -
Do you do a lot of traveling with overnight stays or are you a student?
I have a system like this. I don't know how technically savvy you are but you will probably have to change out the power supply as well to support a newer beefy card. When I changed mine it was a pita just find something to fit in my xps.
Now if they can get this to work so that things like the personal stories in the DA arcs don't turn everything off. Coming out of missions to run into poed +3's can be kind of a downer.
Quote:Not to nitpick at you and I understand the want for the new shiny but I think you need to take a breath. You come off as a self entitled dev basher.
Originally posted by TheDevian = I didn't anticipate any of those sets near as much, because A) most of them were not as good, B) they were put out when they were ready (when staff has been ready for months), or in some cases sooner, and C) I haven't been wanting any of those since day one, almost 8 years ago.
Quote:Originally posted by TheDevian = What makes this power far more of a sore spot is that it is being held back for reasons that don't matter to anyone other than their marketing dpt. It has been ready for months when Beast Mastery is still broken, but then Demon Summoning broke the pets AI too and that never got fixed either. MM are too much of a p
ain to play over all any more (I picked a mm so I could do dmg and only have to worry about healing my partner, but now you have to spam the pet controls to keep them from being morons, the petless mm looks better and better as we go), pets and npcs in general are just way to stupid for words. but as usual, I digress...
Quote:Originally posted by TheDevian = as far as the people wanting a punching MA set, they got that, when the power customization came out... You can make MA almost all punches now... Street Justice or street fighting as it was called at the time, I can't speak for others, but I had more of a Street Fighter Game style in mind myself, Not that I really expected that to come to light. It would be really sweet to be able to mix those two sets together like in the old days of issue 0, like the main npc's mix-and-match power sets. -
"they just gave you a new power-set and the ability to make the Elmers Glue Man"
Great... now I have an idea stuck in my head for a new character and I'm at work -
I agree whole heartily that who ever has the ball makes the rules. I tried to lead a couple of Drowning in Blood trials this weekend which is no where comparable to a MOM or DD but you would have thought that is what I was trying to form. The constant ignoring of information by some of the player base can be tedious.
I would send out "Forming Drowning in Blood trial. Must be Level 15 or higher to participate." on help, local, broadcast, Protector Vigilance and Protector TF. After getting most of the team together I would lose half the team due to not meeting the level requirements on some characters or seeing in team chat "This is not sewers?" and they would promptly quit. And this is just a 4 to 8 member team trial.
What should have been a slam dunk took forever to get going (most time we did it at a team of 6) and after the third one just gave up trying to "herd the cats" as someone put it. -
Might want revise your post. The dark blue on blue is hard on the eyes.
Nice pictures though. -
This is kind of a tangent and more towards movies making technical blunders than anything else.
I love the first Die Hard movie and will watch it when it comes on all the time but there is one scene that just bugs me to no end. When the police storm the building unsuccessfully and get shot up. They send there armored ATV in (which the S.W.A.T. captain calls a car, ugh), when the nerd breaking into the vault see's it on the security camera's he announces over the radio "listen up guys, the police have themselves an RV!"
I keep expecting Robin Williams to lean out the window and start waving to the camera. -
Quote:And this is strictly your opinion. Protector is one of the quieter servers compared to Freedom but it has a rather loyal following of which I am included since it has been my home server for nearly six years.Like no one plays on that server and especially the villain side theres no one there =(
You have not included at what time were you on, what you were trying to do, did you use the Protector specific server channels or were you just using broadcast?
Also Villan side will always be quieter than hero to some extent so no surprise there. If Protector is not for you than can I maybe suggest Freedom or Virtue? Plenty of noise to be had over there. -
I too would love to know how to change the login screen. Before the NCLauncher I could do this easily and often. It's a mystery to me as to why now it's a much guarded hush, hush secret.
Another thing to consider to maximize your XP on every run is to use the trick to spawn the Hellion AV twice.
If you have not experienced this, You have everyone stay at the entrance upon zoning in and not have them attack anything. Someone with assemble the team runs to the end of the map and teleports everyone to the room behind the Hellion AV which will have magically spawned.
Defeat the Hellion AV and fight your way back to the entrance. After the last hellion mob defeat you will get the message that the Hellion AV has spawned. Backtrack back to the Hellion AV and defeat as normal. I have not seen this trick work on anything other than the first map.
The only area of the DFB that I ever see have a problem is when the team goes after the first badge. No matter how many times I see it said that someone will pull the AV to the top of the sewers some numb-skull follows the puller and immediately starts defeating the cadaver's with their AOE's.
I just sigh to my self and press on. -
B Please.
B please... No one can hear you scream in space but they can see you glow.
White seems to have a terrible time representing anything that is considered tights whether it be the face or body. Please look into this.
Also some asymmetrical patterns for the chest and legs would be wonderful. -
Quote:You are correct in that you are entitled to your own opinion but you are not entitled to bash your elitist entitled opinion over everyone else's head just because they do not agree with you.I live in America, that makes me an American with freedom of speech and the right to have my own opinion. Every post in this tread was my opinion of CoX. You might not agree with how I feel but you don't have to attack me for it. I allowed everyone that posted the freedom of not being verbally assaulted. I simply posted my opinion, but honestly it's your game play the way you want to and I'll play the way I want to. If shutting down servers is a no then we won't have long to play CoX. The only bad thing I said was calling everyone narrow minded for not seeing the inevitable. I think how Pinnacle was a year ago when I left and how it is now. How will it be a year from now if things don't change? Maybe 10 - 20 players on-line, do the math. And again I only play on the Villain side of Pinnacle. All my searches are from the Search Button not the /whoall. The only time I use the /whoall is in PvP zones when I am looking for a hero to kill. Like I said Saturday night Eastern Time I'm going to go server hoping, that used to be the peek time for Pinnacle.
You are being narrow minded in the same way you are referring to everyone else in this thread. You come back after a year hiatus and are aghast to find that the server you called home has changed with all the updates that has happened since you were gone?
Been here seven years with no stops. I watched as the DOOM was being cried out over numerous things that have changed over the years and for all the teeth gnashing and chicken little sky is falling COH is still going strong.
Everything inevitably ends but that doesn't mean COX's door's will slam shut tomorrow nor does it show sign's of that ever happening. If you are so concerned about the precarious future of COH I suggest you send NCSoft a blank check to ease your fears. In the meantime I plan to continue to pay my $15 a month and sit back and enjoy my time in the city.
(By the way, Wall of text are just bad... Just saying.) -
I hastily banged out that reply before leaving for an errand but I appreciate you pointing out my error. I believe Arcanaville got the jist of my jibe even though I embarrassed myself in her said spelling...