Need advice on video card upgrade
I have a system like this. I don't know how technically savvy you are but you will probably have to change out the power supply as well to support a newer beefy card. When I changed mine it was a pita just find something to fit in my xps.
Dragon-King First level 50 -- Fire/Nrg Blaster
(and to many alts to mention)
Originally by Arcanaville: Everything in Praetoria was designed during a drinking binge in which the devs temporarily forgot the rules. |
I have a Dell XPS Gen 3, w/256MB PCI Express x16, ATI Radeon X800 XT
I want to upgrade the video card to be able to play all the newer COH content without crashing. Ultra Mode if possible, but not necessary. Looking to spend no more than $200. Any recommendations or advice? |
H: Blaster 50, Defender 50, Tank 50, Scrapper 50, Controller 50, PB 50, WS 50
V: Brute 50, Corruptor 50, MM 50, Dominator 50, Stalker 50, AW 50, AS 50
Top 4: Controller, Brute, Scrapper, Corruptor
Bottom 4: (Peacebringer) way below everything else, Mastermind, Dominator, Blaster

Yeah, it's a P4 from 2004. But I was hoping I could at least get another year or 2 out of it with a newer card.
It would make about as much sense as sticking in a V12 from a Ferrari into a Ford Pinto.
Edit: The P4 was a hot, slow and awful design by Intel. The Core 2 Duo was a huge step up from that gave intel the CPU lead back. AMD has been playing catch up since. Even the Core 2 seems a bit long in the tooth to me.
H: Blaster 50, Defender 50, Tank 50, Scrapper 50, Controller 50, PB 50, WS 50
V: Brute 50, Corruptor 50, MM 50, Dominator 50, Stalker 50, AW 50, AS 50
Top 4: Controller, Brute, Scrapper, Corruptor
Bottom 4: (Peacebringer) way below everything else, Mastermind, Dominator, Blaster

You might see some improvement with an X1900 series card but I suspect much beyond that and the system would become CPU bound. Even the bottom end cards available now are probably higher than that.
PCs of that era typically had no up to 512Mb ram and upgrading that to 1Gb made a sizeable improvement to zoning times with the improvement going to 2Gb still noticeable. Not a lot of point going beyond that.
I certainly wouldn't want to spend more than about £40 ~$70 upgrading a machine of that age.
Frankly you may be better off looking for a second hand Core Duo PC or saving up a fair bit more for a new one.
Even upgrading you would need to replace the CPU and graphics card - that will require a new motherboard and PSU. In turn that will probably need new memory and if your drives are IDE they may need to be replaced with SATA ones in other words pretty much all you are left with is the case
Mind of Gaia lvl 50 Defiant's first Mind/Storm 'troller.
Deadly Doc 50 Dark/Dark Corr
and lots more on Pinnacle,Union and Defiant
I have a Dell XPS Gen 3, w/256MB PCI Express x16, ATI Radeon X800 XT
I want to upgrade the video card to be able to play all the newer COH content without crashing. Ultra Mode if possible, but not necessary. Looking to spend no more than $200.
Any recommendations or advice?