1281 -
If the game is "saved" we are very likely looking at a complete wipe of all data. I was talking with my friends about that, which is why I haven't been putting in an extra time in CoH. (never mind the fact I am too busy to play)
I finished off my game bucklet list a couple of weeks ago.
You'll have to decide if the pros of Windows 8 outweigh the cons for you. Opinions will differ.
Personally, I think the person who made the call to remove the start button should be fired. Users will hack their own start button and remove that abomination of an interface as much as possible since Windows 8 performace is actually good enough to install it.
Now in the business world....I would expect most will ignore Windows 8 like Vista. -
Sucks for GW2 to fly under the banner of NCSOFT but I vote with my wallet and will avoid anything NCSOFT.
Heh, I dusted off my old copy of Diablo 2 after finding that Diablo 3 was really Diablo 1 1/2.
I forgot what a pleasure it was playing another game where teaming was a good thing.
No wonder why I liked CoH so much, it has so many elements of Diablo 2. Now if only the blaster was as much of a Cannon as the Sorceress... -
LOL that was good! I'm sure PSY would be proud.
Its hard to learn from history.
I'm going retro, I am playing Diablo 2 now. -
I'm still playing the game, just limited minutes. Having a hard time getting in any time between work and school. My game bucket list is mostly complete and what is left is purely optional.
I know a few things about the "next" MMO I will play.
It will not have any affiliation with NCSoft or Nexon that is all. -
If there was a better game than CoH I would have long since moved off to it. I did experiment with other games but in the end none of them did as many things that CoH did well.
Sure there were games that would beat CoH in something but then fail in other things.
When you add how casual the experience here its why the game has such a loyal following.
I suspect the answer is, I doubt I'll commit to another MMO as long as I did with CoH. I think my preference is more face to face gaming. -
I might be trying out a couple of new titles or even playing one I used to play but new games are just "paid betas" that are just hyped up only to find out that after all this time the name game just looks shiny but doesn't do the "game" as well as CoH.
If I don't find anything good, its probably time to move on from MMOs and this F2P/Hybrid + micro transaction stuff. -
I know what I could be doing.....
/Gangnam Style -
I've done mine.
One of each AT to 50. Yep all 14.
Run all of the content of the game at least once.
I have a new one. Use every power in every powerset at least once. -
With refund info *I* can draw my own conclusions.
Thanks Z
Hope to see all of the CoH players and devs in some other game universe. -
I really do like your builds in CoH.
Here from cyberpower PC. Starts off with a Hardware Geek approved Intel 3570K.
You only need to do 2 things for me to give the thumbs up. Swap the Liquid cooling unit for a Cooler Master Hyper 212 evo. Then "upgrade" the PSU to a Corsair 650TXV2 With that total cost is $880. It comes with an AMD 7750 video card. Don't worry, just sell it on fleabay and buy something better. -
Quote:I certainly agree that going IB for the CPU is the way to go. Memory I agree with Hyperstrike. If you run AMD then yes get the fastest memory you can afford, but for Intel not so much.Some odd choices there Hyper. Definitely with CPU, memory and optical drive.
Would have gone with the i5-3570K over the i5-2500K. It's only a $10 difference in performance but some significant performance boost in gaming according to this review looking at the impact of various CPUs as they relate to gaming.
16GB is nice and all but CAS 10? Really now? Yes it's not that much more expensive than 8GB CAS 8 memory at that speed but CAS 10 seriously impacts latency and streaming bandwidth. Plus is anyone actually exceeding 8GB while playing a game and not multiboxing?
Plextor is the Cadillac of optical drives. Great drives. But you can get an OEM Asus for $20 (sans Lightscribe) and an OEM Sony for $18. Yes the Plextor is a retail box kit but that's a bit of a premium for screws, a SATA cable and a CD with software you could download from their website. Oh, and a nice box.
I have no problems with the rest of your choices. I know you are Mr SSD but I would have loved to see a conventional very large hard drive as well for bulk storage.
Plextor vs Asus vs Lite-on vs Samsung. Plextors are well made all of the other branded items are roughly the same "old" design which barely make any money. I had some issues with Lite-Ons being unable to read certain DVDs so I swapped to Samsungs. Plextors are fine, its not like its a big chunk of wasted cash. I see people waste quite a bit more for silly stuff. -
Quote:Build it yourself or expect to pay lots for someone to build it and most likely with compromises that are not desireable like liquid CPU cooling.So, I've decided I want a new computer....and while I usually build my own I haven't done that for a few computers now.
My requirements are pretty straight forward
At least an intel i5.
At least an Nvidia 670
At least 8-10 GB of RAM
I've hit the big box retailer in the area (best buy) and a smaller shop (micro center) and it seems like no one is selling big pc's at the brick and mortar store. Most try to scrimp and put an nvidia 640 in the case, which is a good video card, but its not a 'true' gaming card.
Has buying a gaming pc always been this hard to find at retail?
Also, is the 640 comparable to the 670?
Is this a first world problem or what? -
Quote:I'll probably see you in EvE then, since that will probably be the game I move to if CoH closes.As someone who also pre-ordered GW2 a long time ago and cannot return it, I find the game fun and would have alternated between it CoH/V, and EVE online. I honestly don't mine playing GW2 since there is no monthly fee to play and quite frankly, if any CoH player owns it, they may as well drain resources from NCSoft if they enjoy the gameplay. I won't be guying their 'jems' or anything else that transfers cash from my pocket to NCSoft.
If you find something you enjoy and is morally right, do it. Forget the crowd telling you otherwise. -
THB: What the heck are you doing?!? I love reading your CoH builds because they were good, but your choice in PCs is like a CoH character walking around with a gimp build with no enhancements.
CPU should be Intel. Forget AMD, their Bulldozer chip competes with their old Phenom II line and loses to those chips.
If you say "500W power supply" I just won't bother, who makes the unit matters quite a bit. You can still pick up quality PSUs from Seasonic for not too much money $80 and those units are well built and come with 5 year warranties. Sure you can save $20 on a Delta built unit with thin wires and cheap parts, but you will end up replacing the unit due to parts failing or making annoying noises. (Antec Earthwatts 380D that means you) You want to stick your shiny new $400 video card, $250 CPU etc into some cheap unit? Go right ahead.
Do your homework on this THB! Don't disappoint us. Take your time and find a good deal, don't rush into this and get burned for being impatient. -
Necrotech is correct, just let it finish downloading.
For games not released yet: Torchlight 2
For games already out: Eve Online or Champions Online
I suppose there is a yet another angle which is leave the sinking ship known as MMOs.