As far as Halloween events go, GW2>CoH
I believe TSW put out a bunch of costumes, an event and a couple of neat missions for halloween. Their faction competition is kind of stupid though since Templars far outnumber the other two groups.
PSO started their halloween event a few days ago. Not too great since costumes are obtained at random through microtransaction but the decor and halloween rappies give me warm fuzzy feelings from my first halloween in PSU.
As for WoW... its still the same old Azeroth trick-or-treat and farming for the headless horseman mount, nothing new.
I understand the anti-NCsoft sentiment around here but I felt like I had to relate how much fun this game is. I try to look at it as an Arenanet game more than an NCsoft game. If you buy it once there is no further money you'd need to give them to enjoy everything in the game so you can minimize any sort of guilt you might feel betraying paragon studios or whatever.
It is still a bit too soon to come in here crowing about one of the games that benefited from the accounting trick that CoH may have been sacrificed for.
I stopped playing GW2 but I haven't uninstalled it. I'm hoping it will improve with later updates. The number one problem I have is the inability to bind powers to number keys -- you have a fixed selection of powers for every weapon layout, and they are fixed in your number tray. I can't deal with that. In CoX I had to have my most-used powers in 1-3, a heal on 4, AoEs on 5, and so on. Having to memorize the location of every power I use while avoiding the ones I don't want to use, *and* make combos out of them, *and* in a much faster-paced game? I just don't have the muscle memory to do that.
If they give us the ability to rearrange weapon powers in the number tray, I'll be back. There are other improvements they could make but that's the only showstopper on my list.
New Webcomic -- Genocide Man
Life is funny. Death is funnier. Mass slaughter can be hilarious.
To clarify on the costumes part.
There is a cauldron that you can jump into that will give you a "halloween" outfit for a short period of time, along with a change in abilities.
You then run around hitting *other* people who have done the same, to unlock achievements (for getting x amount of wins).
It isn't PvP in the way the normal "Guild Wars fashion", and you can easily jump out of it if you choose to (I normally dive into the water to drop the costume power, which takes me fully out of the combat that is running).
There are also a few other things out there (Trick or Treat bags, finding ghosts, carving pumpkins, haunted doors and so on), that you can easily do.
So yes, there are PvP "Halloween costumes" out there, but you *choose* to take part in it.
*edit* Remus, although you cannot actually move the skills around, you *can* rebind the keys as you wish... so even if you are relying on muscle memory for a different game, it should still be possible.
Not that it'll matter, because:
CoH was more of a Paragon Studios game than an NCSoft game and look where that got them. When Arenanet leaves NCSoft, I might consider GWx. It is still a bit too soon to come in here crowing about one of the games that benefited from the accounting trick that CoH may have been sacrificed for. |
I just wanted to get that off my chest, thanks for the thread!
/* no way, by the way, do I want those things, just makin' a point.
August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012
This, 1000x times this. Not goin' to play it. Ever, and I mean EVEN IF ArenaNet leaves... the money was still taken from CoH to pay for GW2's development, and this is how the devs and we are treated? GW2 is dead to me. I will be the curmudgeon you hear about that still wants vinyl records and my old rotary phone.*
I just wanted to get that off my chest, thanks for the thread! Mike /* no way, by the way, do I want those things, just makin' a point. |
Because it would had to have started being diverted around the time that the City of Heroes development team was enlarged...
Which sounds strange. "Yes, we are diverting money away from City of Heroes/Paragon Studios, but still enlarging *those* development teams."
The mind boggles.
Also, Guild Wars actually *made* more money than City of Heroes ever had, in less time, so wouldn't it make sense that they also managed to finance themselves developing their sequel?
Sure, I know that people have an axe to grind, but wouldn't it be easier to throw the agression towards Carbine Studios? A studio that has been around for *several* years, and still hasn't released their own game?
If any NCsoft game would be considered a leech, then surely WildStar would be the obvious target.
That's it people, hold onto your rage and bitterness - make sure it affects others because 'that's what we do.'
My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom

I understand the anti-NCsoft sentiment around here but I felt like I had to relate how much fun this game is. I try to look at it as an Arenanet game more than an NCsoft game. If you buy it once there is no further money you'd need to give them to enjoy everything in the game so you can minimize any sort of guilt you might feel betraying paragon studios or whatever.
The problem, however, is that ArenaNet is beholden to NCsoft just as Paragon Studios was. There's absolutely nothing stopping NCsoft from pulling the rug out from under them just like they did Paragon Studios. Indeed, if I'm right, this is their ultimate destiny because I'm convinced that NCsoft's actions with Paragon Studios is directly related to a broader effort to eventually bring all development efforts back home to Korea and focus almost exclusively on Asian gaming markets. Speculation, yes, but given what they've been systematically doing with their Western titles so far, I don't think I'm going that far out on a limb. If I worked for ArenaNet--or especially if I worked for Carbine--I'd watch my back and prepare for another shutdown.
The thing is, when I play an MMORPG, I'm not just looking for fun one-off events. The nature of the genre is such that I like investing a lot of time and effort into my characters, their stories, making friends, and contributing to building the world in which I'm spending a lot of time. If I were looking for fun one-off events, I wouldn't invest money into an MMORPG, I'd just go out on Steam or somewhere and buy their new indie game-of-the-month to play for a while, have fun, and then move on to something else.
So while I don't dispute anything you say, and I don't doubt that the Halloween event in Guild Wars 2 is probably a trip, I just don't trust NCsoft enough that if I buy the game and start playing it and, like I do with most MMORPGs I stick with, I invest my time and energy into the game, it will still be there for me in a few years. So thanks, but no thanks. And although I'm skeptical that they will, I genuinely do hope that ArenaNet fares better than Paragon Studios in the long run. No studio deserves to pour their heart and soul into something like that and have it ripped away from them and denied to them like that. I know they'll move on to other projects, but having been a developer in the past, I'd never wish that on anyone.
We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)
I'm sorry. I don't think anything could beat the very first Halloween event in 2004. The idea of trick or treating encouraged teaming, badging, first zone event when the giant sized Fir Bog shows up. And who did not laugh when they or a teammate announced they got a rock.
Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components
Tempus unum hominem manet
Last year's Halloween Event with the new haunted house mission was the best evar.
**** whatever GW2 is doing. It can't measure up.
Please buff Ice Control.
Do ex-star wars galaxies players swear off sony electronics? PS3? Major motion pictures? Holding a grudge against a multinational corporation by not playing a game is slactivism at best and the only one losing out is you if you were in the market for the product but wont buy it for some sense of duty to a few developers. If you think they were so amazingly talented(I'm not going to make a judgement on that one) then they will find work and keep being awesome without your boycott.
I will miss the best days of this game just like all of you guys but i'm not done playing videogames at this point in my life so i'm going to try out what comes out as long as I can afford the hobby and it interests me. Maybe at some point I'll start buying fair trade, organic, and non-ncsoft just to prove a point but for now i'm gonna go with the flow.
My invitation still stands by the way, press Y to open the friends menu and add the global I posted earlier.
I'm pretty sure GW2 has forums for you to recruit people to play with you.
Please buff Ice Control.
And if he is trying to get CoH players there that is bad how? Other players are actively recruiting on these forums for various games - do you go there and tell them the same thing? Seeing as how we were told by a redname that we could now discuss other games; yes even other GASP NCSoft games; your attempt at policing is laughable.
His advice is a lot more logical and mature than most people's. I sometimes wish NCSoft had actually done something BAD to the players like a 30 day sunset; then maybe the one's going all Anti-NCSoft wouldn't seem like children throwing a tantrum half the time.
RE: Halloween event. I actually prefer the "old school" Halloween stuff compared to the new Halloween event/mission that was introduced. I think maybe I would have liked it more had I not had to be exemplared to 29. I remember my first year ToTing...trying to get as many of the costumes as I could. I didn't do nearly as much ToTing last year because I was focusing on getting all the badges for it on a few toons
Sucks for GW2 to fly under the banner of NCSOFT but I vote with my wallet and will avoid anything NCSOFT.
H: Blaster 50, Defender 50, Tank 50, Scrapper 50, Controller 50, PB 50, WS 50
V: Brute 50, Corruptor 50, MM 50, Dominator 50, Stalker 50, AW 50, AS 50
Top 4: Controller, Brute, Scrapper, Corruptor
Bottom 4: (Peacebringer) way below everything else, Mastermind, Dominator, Blaster

Sucks for GW2 to fly under the banner of NCSOFT but I vote with my wallet and will avoid anything NCSOFT.
I wish ArenaNet all the luck in the world. It's just a shame their product is being marketed under a company banner I am ethically unable to support financially.
Hopefully their next projects will be free of such unfortunate encumbrances. If not, c'est la vie!
I was prejudiced against GW2 before CoH was getting closed simply because of my experience with the first game.
That said, just about any Halloween event would be better than those horrible zombie invasions and the tedious door-clicking Trick-or-Treat nonsense we had around here, IMO. (Mind you, the haunted house event was almost fun.)
Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound
The ski chalet was the only truly fun Holiday Event, and even then there was a large group of the population that HATED it with a passion due to not being able to do it for one reason or another (from connection speed issues to simply being fail at controling their character at higher speeds of movement).
Everything else was pretty much just: Do the content once for the 'new shiny content' then do it again and again and again to get the badges for the characters you want the badges on. TBH if the holiday event stuff wasn't tied to badges, it would barely be done. On average from what I noticed over the years, people did it for the limited time rewards, rather than it actually being genuinely fun. YMMV.
And yes, the Halloween event on GW2 is pretty great, with one caveat in that some of it (perm weapon skins) is gated behind having obscene amounts of gold or on hand cash with the obvious intention of them trying to reduce the amount of gold 1% of the GW2 population has from playing the market during the first week.
@Solo, I'm on Blackgate as well, although I haven't been playing it much recently being knee deep in school projects among other things.
The "PvP" in GW2's Holiday event is a bit misrepresented by the term. It's not the sort of thing that will effect others in any way unless they explicitly opt in. You have to jump into a cauldron to get a random, and temporary, costume (which is actually a physical transformation such as becoming a pink bird, a spider, a ghost, etc) with costume related abilities, can only 'pvp' with others who have also explicitly jumped into the cauldron to get a 'costume', and can click a button at any time to stop. It's just a bit of zaniness that you can take part in if you want to, and ignore if you don't. The bulk of the Halloween event revolves around additions to the lore, exploration and discovery of some history of the world. And the holiday transmog gear has nothing to do with the costume pvp. It is acquired other ways.
That's it people, hold onto your rage and bitterness - make sure it affects others because 'that's what we do.' |
I am, though, bitter, sure. Even Superman gets a little annoyed here and there. And I am *far* from Superman. I'm more like Wolverine in the first place anyway. I *will* do good, but... sometimes you got to be the jerk.
Fine. I'm a jerk. And maybe one day, sure, I will not discount the possibilty that I might forgive NCSoft for what they did to the Devs and Mods, and in far lesser importance, to us, but here's the thing: I am simply not interested in any other MMORPG because of what's happening to Co*. And the fact that I've had enough interface irritation from every other one I've tried... Co* has spoiled me rotten in that aspect. The UI alone is just that awesome.
And yes, it's "what I do", because I'm a consumer unhappy with the company's action. That is my right as a consumer. Consider it my 'vote', if you will. I can do good elsewhere with the money they don't want to take from me, thank you very much.
/I liked ToT fine, but I can also just... you know... play the game, so the Events are cool, but I... don't need them. I just want to play the game.
//Although I did like pouncing about in Atlas in the pattern I picked up hunting presents... That was always fun.
///And I like the Ski Chalet visits, surely.
August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012
I forgot we were getting close to halloween, so I guess I might check it out when I get a chance. I think I'm more interested in what TSW might pull off though. But I'll try both.
Thought for the day:
"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."
Sounds like fun.
Before the message of doom came I would have tried Gw2 and my friends would have done so too. Even the other game ncsoft has in the works would have been bought and tested.
However anything Ncsoft offers does not tempt me anymore. Having CoH (always) in the background that I could play and enjoy was important to me and I will miss it.
I may miss out on some fun, (that I am aware of,) but support is shown by the wallet and I will not give anymore to Ncsoft.
They still have not refunded me for my bought gametime. (feb 2013... I bought as usual 6 month a time.)
Lady Arete on Unionhandbook
My Excel Badge tool
My response to that is that nothing in life is guaranteed. Its like saying I was dumped by a significant other from a particular race/part of town/religion so I will never trust that subset of humanity with any sort of emotional attachment again. Its short sighted.
If I get burned by a company, I am not spending another dime on their products, and if I can't get a refund on what I already spent, I'm damn sure gonna get my moneys worth cuz I'm not presenting them with a gift for screwing me over. I don't give a rat's rear end what race, religion, gender, sexual orientation they are. I don't care about where they live, who they vote for, or how they dress. I don't care about any pathetic excuse you can think of to justify dismissing my decision on how I should spend my money.
A company that provides it's customers with superior service in both product and support gets customer loyalty in return. A company that doesn't provide superior service and treats it's customers like excrement is going to lose customers and acquire an untrustworthy reputation which will make it harder for them to get new customers.
That's how businesses work when they don't have a monopoly. They can't afford to ignore their customers as if they didn't have anywhere else to go.
NCSoft isn't providing superior services to it's existing customers, by it's own financial reports it's been losing money on all of it's major products. Now it is paying the price for it's lousy business decisions.
Caveat emptor, let the buyer beware.
And yes I bought a copy of GW2 before CoH was cancelled.
I've been falling pretty deeply for gw2 lately but then this week the halloween event started. Trick or treating, costumes which unlock pvp in non-pvp zones, crafting cool rare stuff from holiday loot, lore revealed in a new scavenger hunt event, the main city hub getting a hogwarts makeover, pumpkin carving, and more stuff I havent even tried yet. And this is the first act of four culminating on the 31st.
I hope you guys check this game out, it really is genuinely a great game(although much harder than CoX). If you do my global handle is Solo.9027 and I'm on Blackgate, but right now server transfers are free so it doesnt matter where you go.
I understand the anti-NCsoft sentiment around here but I felt like I had to relate how much fun this game is. I try to look at it as an Arenanet game more than an NCsoft game. If you buy it once there is no further money you'd need to give them to enjoy everything in the game so you can minimize any sort of guilt you might feel betraying paragon studios or whatever.
Also, I have not heard of any of the other recent games doing holiday events. Does TSW or CO(or any other game people are transferring to) have anything like this happen?