1204 -
Probably not
While I enjoyed the 7+ years I had with CoH for me the time has come to move on. I don't plan on playing any other MMOs as I have never found one I even remotely liked aside from CoH.
See and if people ever thought we were the same person this would be my thread I point them to
I am VERY much a team person - I LOATHED soloing... which is also probably why I never play console games.
I also loved the marketIt helped me make my first 50 billion inf.
I am considering doing a similar "goodbye" thread.... More to put my thoughts into form than for any well wishers...or haters to have a place to hate -
Things I won't miss form the game:
Bugged missions/TFs. I always hated having to put in a support ticket and wait. granted my wait times were generally 5-15 minutes, but I don't play for HOURS so that is a lot of time to me.
Stealth: Hear me out! I loved stealth for the defense bonus and ss+stealth for invis, but I hated that it actually stealthed me. I would work pretty hard on some of my costumes and they were always stealthed hehe.
A lot of things that I24 would have changed: SS animation, hasten animation, etc etc etc.
Mitten hands...just looks silly.
Heroside Respec trial. Just so much easier to do the villain side version.
Things I won't miss from the forums:
People telling other people how to play - PLing is bad, RP is cool..It's the journey.. blah blah blah. It's my $15 leave me alone and let me play.
The Cartel (Some of them): Your post count doesn't mean you know more...it just means you spent more time here. That's like saying the guy with 50 50's knows more about the game....or maybe he just spent more time getting farmed. -
Well since most of us know what he looks like....there's this lil website called youtube
Because yes at this point if he were to appear on the forums...that could easily be faked; unless of course he had and still has a red name
All a lot of dissenters want is proof...don't think that is asking for too much.
Granted even if Brian Clayton made a youtube video stating "Yes IBTT everything Titan has said about me is true" I still would not follow Titan. My main objection to them is their lack of credibility, but the Korean in me could never be affiliated with them again for various reasons. I would however stop saying there was no evidence and it's all hearsay....
This is all moot anyways in 4 days when these boards are gone. While I check Titan forums out every now and then...I said my last post over there about a month or so ago.
Quote:Alternate scenario is, Brian posts about it. And the common response would then be, "How do we know you're really him?"
Proof is impossible these days. Even when the odds are good (And the odds here are not good since we have the opaque wall of corporate privacy to contend with). Never before has technology made it so easy for skeptics to adhere to their beliefs... or lack of belief... whatever you want to call it. Everything but physically being there in person when it happens, can be faked. And even the example I just mentioned is probably on the way out. Someone will get a Total Recall style mind-trick to work, and then even our own experiences will be in question. -
It would be more convincing if your ammunition wasn't hearsay....
Where are all these "official" people? I don't mean the one guy with psychological issues (his statement NOT mine) from some startup that hasn't even achieved a decent webpage.
Why should/would I trust GG - she was a troll before 8/31 and her trolling has escalated to pure racism and threats of killing people at NCSoft; or did you not see the modded thread on Titan....or the "antics" she displays over here - She is one of your representatives...acting more trollish than people who are simply asking for proof and not rumor. You wanna know why people are leaving the "Titan Cause" take a look at some of the people involved and how they are representing Titan over here. Don't even get me started on the sanctioned racism on Titan...perpetuated by people like GG over here.
What happened to the disclosures by the actual people involved at the beginning of October?
You can call people trolls all you want - it's a simple and ineffective way of not answering the questions people keep asking. Your proof is your NCSoft Stockwatch thread; which shows Titan has NO clue how stocks work. Your proof is Mercedes Lackey saying "Brian Clayton told me this." Your proof is lacking in other words. I am not going to jump on board some secret project or stand behind people who do not have the courtesy to back up their claims with something more tangible than rumors and speculation. If me pointing out your flaws is trolling...then so be it.
I would rather be called a troll for asking for evidence...than be a troll telling people to trust me based on a shared hatred, rumors, and speculation.
I would rather be called a troll for not trusting some random person on the internet...than following someone blindly who has proven that hate is one of their motivations.
I would rather be called a troll for speaking my mind...than biting my tongue when things just don't add up.
So you can warn people about trolls all you want...and I will continue to warn people about the lack of facts, proof, and sensibility of some of the things Titan does/believes.
Quote:Guys: Little hint. The trolls here cannot be convinced because their goal is not discussion of the issues at hand. The goal of a troll is to sidetrack discussions, to refocus attention on non-productive conversation, to argue ad infinitum and distract people from working or engaging in productive discussion. No amount of arguing, no amount of evidence, even God Himself posting a message would not make any difference to the trolls. Notice that the trolls aren't arguing for anything; they have no positive goal they are trying to achieve. They only argue against goals, because they delight in causing discord and friction within a group of people who, in most cases, they are jealous of because of the shared commonality and comradeship among the group, elements that most trolls lack in their personal lives.
Please don't feed the trolls. They are never satiated, and if you allow it to, the argument will go on for a thousand pages. This is what they want, it encourages them, it drives them. Do you know how badly you want City of Heroes to continue? That's how badly they want to get you riled up and wasting time on them. They don't give a damn about the game, they only care about making you miserable. Please do not let them be successful towards that goal. The best way to fight a troll is to completely ignore them. If you must respond because the troll is causing confusion, never address them directly, because that attention is what provides them pleasure.
Saying something like, "City of Heroes was profitable" does absolutely no good. Ample evidence from Paragon City staffers at the top levels of management and even NCsoft's on Investor Relations reports does not discourage the troll from arguing otherwise. You have to understand that a troll does not need to do any research. It only takes mere moments to make baseless claims like, "City of Heroes was losing money," or "subscribers were jumping ship by the boatload," or "NCsoft wanted to dump Paragon Studios because the developers' salaries and benefits were too high," or any of dozens or hundreds of claims. For every five or ten seconds it takes them to fire off one of these baseless claims, you could spend hours of painstaking research refuting it, only to be sidetracked yet again by another five-second baseless claim or even the same refuted claim in a different thread. Hopefully you can see the quandary here; in just a minute, if you allow them to, the trolls can distract you for days. In days, the trolls can distract you until well after these forums are gone, which is why they continue to post these absurd arguments.
If the troll believes that a massively distracting discussion would result from arguing over the simplest of provable mathematical truths, the troll would willing engage in that argument. So hopefully you can see that anything that requires actual thinking or possibly looking up of information is certainly something the troll will press indefinitely. And even once disproven, the troll will remain unfazed, continuing to use the same argument hoping that yet another person who falls into his or her trap has not heard it before and/or causing yet more people actively working on positive goals to stop what they're doing to, for the umpteenth time, post yet again the justifications of statements that have never really been arguable.
So when you see a troll post, please, don't reply to it. Instead, do something productive, such as engaging in one of our Calls to Action (1, 2 are especially important at this time), donating to RealWorldHero.com, or if nothing else, spend some time with your friends in Paragon City. All of these things are infinitely more rewarding and useful, and instead of coming away feeling frustrated, you will have a good time and feel a sense of accomplishment. And best of all, trolls can and frequently have been defeated in just this manner; once he or she realizes that attempts to rile up their targets are futile, they move on to another community where they can repeat the process with more success. -
You misunderstood - when I said pre 8/31 posts: I mean here on the forums. If Joe Schmoe had said "I heard from so and so that this is going to happen" I would not have believed him either... and now when I see Joe Schmoe saying "I heard from so and so this is going to happen" I still don't have any reason to believe them.
Glassdoor is a POS website plain and simple. I have looked up some of my former employers and they barely rate better than NCSoft and these were WONDERFUL places to work - Ex employees...and even current ones under the veil of anonymity can be overly critical to the point of ruthless. I wouldn't use glassdoor in a project that asked for PROOF for fear I would be laughed at.
Quote:I wasn't presuming that the pre 8/31 posts had anything to do with CoH, not directly anyhow. But those posts point to the same problem that a lot of us feel directed NCsoft's decisions about CoH. While I won't call it disrespect, there is at least a misunderstanding and/or poor management of their Western branches, and consequently, the Western market. -
And I am referencing the wording "official source." All these "I heard from so and so" and "look at this website you can post to anonymously" statements that are supposed to be fact...are not fact. Until someone official states something themselves...it is just hearsay. I wouldn't take ANY posters comment pre 8/31 as fact regarding the future of the game- and see no reason to do so now.
Quote:More specifically I was referring to this...
... which is being treated as no different from anything coming from SaveCoH. -
Except WE have not heard anything from Brian Clayton - we have heard what he has SUPPOSEDLY told others. Hearsay is still hearsay no matter who you supposedly heard it from. There is nothing stopping me from saying I spoke with TJ Kim and relaying that he said they are going to shelve CoH for 5 years and hold the IP irregardless of what anyone does/says...does that make that a fact because I say he told me?
The main problem with the SAVE movement; and there are many...is they lack any credibility. Everything that has been posted has been hearsay. These "official sources" are not official in the slightest if they can't be bothered to speak for themselves. Remember back when the beginning of October hit and we were supposed to hear something OFFICIAL from an actual person...yeah me too..instead we got more hearsay. Spreading the word through a select few; who drop your name is just as damaging regarding NDAs etc...as saying it yourself..so where are they? Or would people like Brian Clayton simply say those speaking on his behalf are lying to protect his butt if it came to an NDA issue? The only thing I know about these people relaying supposed comments is they are biased towards keeping CoH in ANY way they see fit...and yes that means bending the truth to keep the masses spirits high. I don't know Mercedes Lackey and so HER word means just as much as the word of any other poster on here to me; regardless if she has sold 100,000 books. When I see every little snippet, or conspiracy theory brought forth as truth...it tends to kill the reputation of the source. When I see these people using ANY means necessary to gather their "troops" it stains any truth they may be stating.
So until an OFFICIAL announcement by someone who is/was DIRECTLY involved in CoH is made regarding these supposed claims - I will call it what it is: Hearsay.
Quote:Yeah, remember when folks was mad about that? "Get some official sources." And then when there's sources about something, those sources aren't good enough, because they're 'obviously biased.' Gee, couldn't have seen that coming.
Jkedan prefers the world where nothing can ever be officially proven. Everything is a U.F.O. photo that 'might' be fake.
Any speculation is just positive thinking.
Anything we hear from someone who knows a source, is just a lie.
Anything we hear directly from the source, is also just a lie.
Incoming wild speculation: NCsoft-sanctioned troll? -
Quote:shhhhhhh, you'll dispel the hope and dreams.
Meanwhile, i'm getting screen shots and bios together for my sex-toy themed sg "the mechanized dildettes" to send to mickey. Wait till the house of mouse sees how creative we can get with flesh tones and the boob slider in the costume creator! -
Why not just have these people who allegedly made offers back in September just remake their offers after the close???
Yeah I don't see any servers getting full at this rate. We (my friends and I) had a party planned for the last few hours of game...but at this point standing around and waiting for the game to end seems a bit depressing to some of us.
I think instead we are just gonna all get drunk and have a lil party on skype LOL!
She's been mod smacked a few times and shot down off her pedestal by some "reputable" people over there..
I think if they want to be taken seriously they should definitely back burner her more...Hard to take a movement seriously when you have Ms. Crazy Pants helping steer the bus.
Quote:As far away from GG as possible.
To be fair, considering what was recently posted up on the Titan Network forums (although thankfully TonyV removed the offending post from her, and several replies), I think that it would be *most* beneficial for even Project Z to dump her.... -
I haven't tried TSW, but I have read a lot about it and it doesn't appeal to me. I may try it with a friend after the new year starts, but have pretty much given up on finding a game which will replace CoH for me.
I have tried DCUO, CO, SW:TOR, and GW2 recently, but did not like any of them.
Quote:Like I said: You copy what is successful and has a greater chance of selling.
Why can't most games be like City of Heroes? If they were to copy a game, I'd rather it be CoH than WoW.
You never stated it was a financial behemoth...I stated it never was and it makes no sense in a business world to copy a game that produced moderate financial return, but rather one with huge financial returns.
You never stated it was a huge MMO - I stated it wasn't one....which is why it does not make sense to copy it.
Quote:Okay, Riddle-me-this. When did i ever state CoH was a financial behemoth, and when did i ever state it was a huge MMO to rival WoW?
The Title is "I'm sick of the WoW clones." Not "Every game should not copy WoW, But instead should copy CoH"
And the OP merely asks questions about why MMOs can't integrate similar features. -
The Powers: Seriously. I cannot tell you how many toons I have made in 7.5 years. When I started I was on a Defender kick. I had a 50 of every primary and like 4 Emps. Then I discovered how much fun trollers were...and again had a 50 of every primary (Except grav...never liked grav). I tried all the melee sets, but was never much of a melee person until Staff fighting
After GR came out though I started focusing more on Corruptors and Dominators...Heroes of course
CoH has so many combos of powers and that is what kept me subbed for 7+ years.
Costume Creation: I loved to sit and play in ICON. My ONLY beef with the costume creator is that you could not chat AND edit a costume at the same time. Too many times I would be halfway done with a costume and hear that "ding" that someone sent me a tell... GRR do I stop..or do I make them wait.... I make them wait
ED/IOs: Yep I liked both. Well I didn't "like" ED, but I was already using it. To me it made more sense if I was six slotting something (like healing aura) to put 3 heals, 1 rech, and 1-2 end redux. Sure my heal was not as good as Joe Schmoe who 6 slotted his with Heals, but it came up faster and cost me less end. I loved IOs. They rewarded me for doing what I was already doing by "normalizing" my powers AND giving me nifty lil bonuses.
Player Notes: I have no memory for names. None. Heck IRL I have trouble remembering people's names. So now I can put a lil note when I meet someone that says their name...what I liked/disliked about them. I always hated before notes getting a tell saying "Hey how ya doing???" Because then all I could think was "OH CRAP WHO IS THAT!?!?!?"
Base Editor: While it had it's flaws...editing bases still provided me hundreds of hours of fun. I almost always used arcane items and would see what I could create by mixing things together.
Those are the main things that kept me playing since 2005. But there is one thing that always kept me playing...the friends I had. I would not have played CoH long had I not met the friends I had in game. I loathe soloing and considered myself lucky to find like-minded friends who were into the things I was into....min/maxing/TFs,Trials, etc. -
Stating CoH was never a financial behemoth is not anti-CoH it is reality.
No WoW clone has ever reached their numbers, but a lot of them have done well...better than CoH. This is not me dissing CoH...it is just reality. I have tried a lot of WoW clones and barely stayed there a week...CoH on the other hand I have played for 7+ years straight (Except a 2 month period when Issue 7 came out due to the massive bugs etc).
I don't need to shut the hell up - what YOU need to do is put your big boy pants on and realize CoH was never a HUGE MMO. It never saw the numbers that a lot of WoW clones did/do. It is a niche market...one that should have performed better due to the popularity of Super Heroes in tv/movies right now, but didn't.
Just because I can look at the financial success/pitfalls of CoH does not mean I have not supported this game since day one. I am not an MMO ... I am a CoHer, but not a blind one who is afraid to look at the reality of the past/future.
You are the one who asked the question - if you didn't want an honest answer then maybe you shouldn't have asked.
Quote:You state how you love CoH and continue to post blatantly anti-coh "Facts".If you love the game, Great. But sometimes you just have to shut the hell up.
And what you fail to touch upon in your post is, WoW -does- have many, many subscribers, But, Do the many, many WoW clones have that much? Nope!
To further invalidate your arguement, If i'm making a WoW clone, I'm not going to look at WoW's subs, I'm going to look at how well the other WoW clones did. -
I am not against CoH. I presented facts. You stated you were sick of the WoW clones - I stated it makes more sense to make a clone of WoW than CoH based off of subscription numbers. Why clone something that had 200,000 people buying at it's peak...makes more sense to copy something that 12 million people bought.
If you make candles and know that 100 people buy red candles that smell like flowers and only 2 people buy brown candles that smell like cookies...it would make more sense to make red candles that have floral scents... business wise.
If you are going to copy something it makes more sense to appeal to the largest audience as possible.
While I enjoy the hyperbole that "every post" I make is against CoH...you are completely wrong. Almost all my posts I have stated emphatically how much I love CoH. People just don't like the fact that I do not hoist it up on some pedestal when it comes to the actual business sense of this game. It was never popular in the MMO industry as a whole. If you view my realistic look at sub numbers as attacking the game that's on you...I call it reality.
Because if you are going to copy something it makes more sense to copy something that 10+ million people subscribe to after 8 years and not something that has approx 50,000 subscribers after 8 years.
WoW has stayed above 9-10 million subs since mid 2008 and is still at 10 million as of reports on Nov 7, 2012.
CoH peaked at 200,000 in 2006 and has slowly lost subs since....
And no I am not a WoW fan/player - I tried it for like an hour or two in 2007 but didn't like it. -
Uhmm yeah...inappropriate imo and definitely NSFW.
Quote:Here's another one!
Sapphic Neko won a PlayWorkArt art piece. And this is it! (beware of naugthyness)
I flamed you?? I simply stated your statement was immature; which it is/was. ASSUMING an entire server does not know how to play? ASSUMING an entire server is immature... And of course...insinuating this all with the misname of Freedumb.... Just because you may have ran into a few immature people on PUGs on Freedom is that what you are basing your experience off? See there...I used your own logic against you
Because Freedom has been my home server for 7 years and I have never had trouble on PUGs..and the only immature people I have ran into were during pvp events by a select few people.
I played on Virtue for a year and had a horrible time with RP/ERPers...do I think all Virtue people are sex starved virgins who can't get laid so they flock to Virtue to bust a nut while pretending to be girls??? No. But you can take select examples though and use those to generalize an opinion of an entire server...it still makes you sound ignorant and immature
BTW I don't think all Virtue players are into ERP or heck even RP, but my dislike for RP is why I left Virtue. I originally joined to play with a few friends...we were trying out different servers and making more bases to tinker in. Eventually we all left Virtue, Guardian, and a few other servers to head back home to Freedom.
If you don't want "flamed" don't say things which come across as ignorant.
Quote:I knew I Burnt The Toast was probably going to flame me, but I'm genuinely surprised at the vehemence from the rest of you. I suppose your anecdotal evidence of "that one time" that you couldn't find a team on Virtue trumps my knowledge of my home server. And I definitely wasn't exaggerating anything.
Golden Girl is right: Virtue's the only server that still hits 2 dots(and it does so daily). It's a sure bet that you'll find other people to play with there during this last week. Refuse to believe it all you want. -
That pretty much sums their/her effort up.
Quote:GG, please give the Kibun thing a rest. Even the discussion about it on the Titan forums faded away with no real conclusion.
All attempts at playing in the Kibun 'sandbox' as it were, from what I've been able to ascertain, is equivalent to walking up to the big tough gang at school and trying to show them your mad Kung Fu skills, after reading an entry about Martial Arts in the Encyclopedia Britannica. -