Call to Action: Team Wildcard needs YOU! TF Hail Mary LFM

Black Zot



Cross posted at the Titan Network forums

Hey all,

I wanted to repost this here since some folks are still keeping up with the official forums but not the Titan Network forums. Mercedes "Victoria Victrix" Lackey, Ammon, Rae, and Quinch have been working on a plan to pitch acquiring City of Heroes to Disney. I know it might sound like a long shot, but there are several reasons why I think it's possible. I'll let her explain by quoting her post verbatim here:

--- (From Mercedes Lackey) ----------------------------

Today a 31-page pitch package aimed at persuading Disney Interactive to acquire City of Heroes arrived for both the CEO of Disney Productions and the CEO of Disney Interactive via Express Mail.

Ammon, Rae, Quinch and I--Internet Marketing Specialist, UK Journalist, Senior IT Tech and writer--put together a 31 page pitch package aimed specifically at Disney, to attempt to persuade the Mouse that picking up City of Heroes is in their best interest as well as ours. We had the advice and oversight of two senior members of the former Paragon Studios team--mostly to tell us what we could and could not say. Should there be an answer, it should be directed to Brian Clayton, the Paragon Studios manager, since we specified that we four had no power to do anything, and he is the man with all the answers.

Now it's your turn.

We have to impress the 900 lb gorilla--The Mouse himself--that buying the City is going to be good for them. We have to show them that we are loyal, passionate, dedicated, and mature. And we have money to spend. Remember, these are executives who are not impressed if genuine movie stars approach them with a pitch for something less than amazing.

We have to show the Mouse that in the right hands, City of Heroes can become the crown jewel among their electronic games.

We need you to write, avalanche with cards, letters, screenshots. We need a letter writing campaign that is ten, twenty, a hundred times bigger than the one we fired at NCSoft.

Go big, or go home, right? We have to go big.

Senior VP, Global Production, Disney Interactive Media Group
Jean-Marcel Nicolai
500 S. Buena Vista St.
Burbank, CA 91521

Chairman of the Board of Directors
John Pepper Jr.
500 S. Buena Vista St.
Burbank, CA 91521

CEO Walt Disney Company
Robert A. Iger,
500 S. Buena Vista Street
Burbank, CA 91521

CEO Disney Interactive
John Pleasants
500 South Buena Vista Street,
Burbank, CA 91521-8139

We are asking you to put "SaveCoH" in the address, because we want the mail clerks to be able to sort out our letters quickly. We want them to see the ever-increasing pile, but in a way that helps the clerks do their jobs too.

Remember, these are people that get thousands of emails and letters. We have to impress them. We have to show them the City is something special. Write letters, recruit your friends, your relatives, anyone who might be sympathetic. Write as if this is our only chance. And good luck to all of us.

But don't think that we're done if nothing happens. Should we not hit the mark here, we've only started, and we have a second target in our sights.

--- (Helpful advice from Ammon) ----------------------------

I noticed a few saying they were not sure what to write, well, here's a few points you might want to think about for ideas, if it helps:

1. Tell them not only how much you love the game, but also how much you have spent on it over the years, including each month of subscription, plus the extra packs and points many of you will have bought, and tell them how much longer you'd like to keep subscribing and paying.

2. Tell them why CoH is a game anyone, but especially Disney should be proud to own, and don't be afraid to mention how cool it would be if you could buy iconic Marvel costume pieces at last because an owner now didn't have to worry about legal issues of ownership.

3. How about mentioning how diverse and unique the game is. That you can create any character from virtually any genre, so you could make characters that paid homage to Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Storm of the X-Men, The agent from the Hitman games, Robin Hood, Rambo, Van Helsing, and The Terminator, and put them all in a team together playing in the style of any of those genres, or others.

4. Tell them how many hours you've played for, or what average hours a week you spend in game. Disney, like most companies spend a fortune to put advertising in front of your eyes for just seconds, and here's something they could have your attention on for hours a week, where we'd be quite happy to see some Disney movie posters at the cinemas, etc.

[Tony's note: You might also want to point out that the City of Heroes community has raised over $41,000 (ref 1, ref 2) the past four years to help sick kids, support our troops, and aid the hungry, especially if you have taken part in these charities!]

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



Thanks for the information, Tony! I'm so impressed with all the hard work of everyone at Titan and the surrounding circles that have been championing our survival. You are incredible people and I hope that Disney recognizes that our community at large is the same and hops on one of the white steeds they have in their stables and rides to our rescue. Nicely done.

PS. I'll be sending a letter today, as I'm sure my righteously indignant teen will be as well. She's just as angry about this still as she was the day of the announcement.

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I'm actually on my way to the post office this morning, so I'll take a few extra letters. Having a community of such passionate and well-reasoned players has made SaveCOH an amazing effort. I'm proud to do my part and participate. As I have learned through the Real World Hero charity drive, small actions really can add up to an amazing outcome!



Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
Already posted Here
I thought that was just wishful thinking and not a serious Titan effort. I still think that with their one, soon to be two, Marvel MMO(s) that they would want ours seems somewhat doubtful. But I enjoy a good Hail Mary play, I'm in.

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Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
I thought that was just wishful thinking and not a serious Titan effort. I still think that with their one, soon to be two, Marvel MMO(s) that they would want ours seems somewhat doubtful. But I enjoy a good Hail Mary play, I'm in.
I didn't know it had already been posted, it was off the front page. And yes, Disney has Marvel, but Marvel doesn't have anything like City of Heroes. From what I understand (I haven't looked into it very thorougly), the new Marvel game that's upcoming isn't comparable to City of Heroes, being a bit more "arcadey". I don't know exactly all the details of the pitch, but I suspect that it's a pretty detailed justification of how City of Heroes would round out their current holdings and help them branch into a new medium into which they haven't been particularly strong. And Disney is all about branching into new media, so I think it's actually a pretty good pitch.

Thanks for the support, I'm actually writing my letters now.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
...But I enjoy a good Hail Mary play, I'm in.

Yeah, I see that as the big point.
For all we know, the sale of the game may happen far easier to some other company and all that jazz (and, yes, it may not happen at all, of course).
However, if you/I/we believe at all that we'd like to see this game continue/return, then this is a good thing to do.

Funny things happen.
Sure, we're going to be sending letters to members of Disney, attempting to open their minds up to the possibility of going after this product and IP, but things can happen along the way that aren't necessarily part of the targeted goal.
You never know who your words may effect and how they may do so.
On the desk of someone... into the mind of someone... you never know what thoughts could be sparked, what actions that may lead to and what results that all may kindle.

Longshots and all that... but positive, good-natured and hopeful longshots worth the tiny amount of effort it takes to write and send some letters, in my opinion.

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I very much appreciated the acknowledgement of "the grimy side" of things. At least that was considered. I mean Disney... ugh. Promise me that you won't be turning to big tobacco next to help the cause since they need to "improve their image" (and no I'm not impling Disney = Big Tobacco so relax a little ok... just that there is some dirty laundry in Disneyland corporateland too).

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Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
And yes, Disney has Marvel, but Marvel doesn't have anything like City of Heroes. From what I understand (I haven't looked into it very thorougly), the new Marvel game that's upcoming isn't comparable to City of Heroes, being a bit more "arcadey".
While I wish Team Wildcard every chance of success - I'd like to see CoH continue as much as anyone - I fear those chances are slim precisely because of the competition with their in-house IP. Even though there's no real comparison from a gamer's perspective, I doubt the suits will see it that way.

I'd be more sanguine about SOE coming to CoH's 11th-hour rescue...



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
And yes, Disney has Marvel, but Marvel doesn't have anything like City of Heroes. From what I understand (I haven't looked into it very thorougly), the new Marvel game that's upcoming isn't comparable to City of Heroes, being a bit more "arcadey".
This is why CoH was always my favorite of the Superhero genre games.

The feel of the CoH world was much more "real".



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
I didn't know it had already been posted, it was off the front page. And yes, Disney has Marvel, but Marvel doesn't have anything like City of Heroes. From what I understand (I haven't looked into it very thorougly), the new Marvel game that's upcoming isn't comparable to City of Heroes, being a bit more "arcadey". I don't know exactly all the details of the pitch, but I suspect that it's a pretty detailed justification of how City of Heroes would round out their current holdings and help them branch into a new medium into which they haven't been particularly strong. And Disney is all about branching into new media, so I think it's actually a pretty good pitch.

Thanks for the support, I'm actually writing my letters now.
"New media" nowadays means smartphones and tablets, and Facebook and other social networks. Disney have already stated that's where they want to focus their gaming efforts. I don't see an 8+ year-old MMO fitting with their strategy.

I posed this in the other thread: why make a pitch to Disney at all? I thought you guys already had interested groups willing to buy the game, and the problem was that NCSoft wouldn't sell. What do you think Disney is going to do that the other parties haven't already done?



You have GOT to be kidding me. You want to pitch this game to DISNEY, of all entities?

Ugh. Frankly I would rather watch CoH die than see what Disney would massacre it into.



It would be nice if we could put the thread titled "What my 5/6 year old learned from CoH " in the letters but probably can't due to the legalities of it. Also who has the time to read all the post. I remember it being a very large thread.



I have to say I 'm a bit disappointed that it wasn't a pitch by George R.R. Martin and the wild card mafia to buy it...teach me to think the name was a give away.



At what point will the 31 page proposal be available for us to read?



Originally Posted by TrueGentleman View Post
While I wish Team Wildcard every chance of success - I'd like to see CoH continue as much as anyone - I fear those chances are slim precisely because of the competition with their in-house IP. Even though there's no real comparison from a gamer's perspective, I doubt the suits will see it that way.
Or... they could integrate Marvel and Paragon.



Originally Posted by JKedan View Post
At what point will the 31 page proposal be available for us to read?
Probably never. Why can't you just take their word for it that it was the best pitch ever and if Disney fails to buy it it's just more experience of the NCSoft conspiracy?

(But seriously - everything so far has been the height of amateur hour. Why would this be different?)



Originally Posted by gec72 View Post
Huh. From a Disney/Marvel standpoint, I wonder if the IP might be more worth a look than the game. Maybe they wouldn't do anything with the characters, but hey, the option would at least be there. You wouldn't have any creators to deal with either.
Honestly, the IP doesn't have that much value. Even though we know the lore well, it really doesn't have any reach outside the hardcore CoH community - a community in the tens of thousands. Compare that with the Marvel IP where hundreds of millions have some exposure to it, and you begin to see the difference in value.

Could the CoH IP be built up to that extent? Possibly. Would it be worth it to do so in competition with their own IPs? Probably not.



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
I didn't know it had already been posted, it was off the front page. And yes, Disney has Marvel, but Marvel doesn't have anything like City of Heroes. From what I understand (I haven't looked into it very thorougly), the new Marvel game that's upcoming isn't comparable to City of Heroes, being a bit more "arcadey". I don't know exactly all the details of the pitch, but I suspect that it's a pretty detailed justification of how City of Heroes would round out their current holdings and help them branch into a new medium into which they haven't been particularly strong. And Disney is all about branching into new media, so I think it's actually a pretty good pitch.

Thanks for the support, I'm actually writing my letters now.
We may know it's different, but to Disney and Marvel will it look differently? More, when Iger asks the guys at Disney what they think of it, will the old lawsuit come up (lacking the details of why they lost)?

I've been positive on a lot of the attempts, but this... I don't see it. Pitching them is a Hail Mary. Calling for a massive mailing program without any hint of any interest seems like grasping at a straw that isn't there.

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Originally Posted by Intrinsic View Post
I posed this in the other thread: why make a pitch to Disney at all? I thought you guys already had interested groups willing to buy the game, and the problem was that NCSoft wouldn't sell. What do you think Disney is going to do that the other parties haven't already done?
Possibly just the fact of being Disney. If Disney actually expressed an interest (which I think is highly unlikely), the possibility of being able to issue a press release that mentions both NCSoft and Disney might get NCSoft thinking.

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Did anyone look at what Disney Interactive - the group in charge of Disney's video games - is actually doing?

Here's the Joystiq article, but in short: running at a loss and gutting projects while also moving away from PC and consoles and towards mobile and social platforms.

Disney's dabble in the MMO space was also generally a failure.

CoH/V is a poor fit for Disney's current approach to video games.



Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
Honestly, the IP doesn't have that much value. Even though we know the lore well, it really doesn't have any reach outside the hardcore CoH community - a community in the tens of thousands. Compare that with the Marvel IP where hundreds of millions have some exposure to it, and you begin to see the difference in value.

Could the CoH IP be built up to that extent? Possibly. Would it be worth it to do so in competition with their own IPs? Probably not.
Yes, I do get that. But, characters are characters, and these are basically ones that have no strings attached. No threat of lawsuits from heirs of creators, no rights that revert back to owners, no need for licensing agreements.

Sure, they aren't very well known. But neither were the Red Circle characters. Could probably say the same about some of the Charlton characters and even the more recent Milestone characters. I know these are all DC examples and they've been marketed or incorporated into their universes with varying degrees of success, but they thought it worth the attempts to do something with them. The CoH characters will never reach the heights of either of the big two, but the universe or at least parts of it could be useful.

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