Call to Action: Team Wildcard needs YOU! TF Hail Mary LFM

Black Zot



Originally Posted by UnSub View Post
Did anyone look at what Disney Interactive - the group in charge of Disney's video games - is actually doing?

Here's the Joystiq article, but in short: running at a loss and gutting projects while also moving away from PC and consoles and towards mobile and social platforms.
That's...actually useful. Insight and information into their thought process and activities is always worthwhile, and I'll be sure to address this in my letters. Thanks!

Originally Posted by UnSub View Post
Disney's dabble in the MMO space was also generally a failure.

CoH/V is a GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY for Disney's current approach to video games.
There, fixed that for ya. Reading the first couple of comments under the article from disgruntled employees, it sounds to me like the solution to Disney's problems is to hire a general manager who has a lot of proven experience running a gaming studio and building a dedicated community (I know JUST the man!), and bringing in a smaller successful game with a pre-built dedicated community known for its kindness and compatibility with Disney's vision of family-oriented entertainment, and building on that success to kick-start their interactive efforts.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



Forgive me if I'm wrong, but I was under the impression the primary hurdle to selling the game is that NCSoft themselves don't want to play ball. Going to Disney is all well and good, but even if they're genuinely on board with the idea it does no good if NCSoft remains stubborn.

Unless you're expecting Disney to...make them an offer they can't refuse.

A circle forms, everybody comes round
Just to hear the incredible sound
Of a genius smashing expectations

- Jonathan Coulton



Why not just have these people who allegedly made offers back in September just remake their offers after the close???

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



That'll be happening too.
This is just a project that a few people put together and Titan (and many of us) are going to support and help the way that we can.

As I said upthread, best to cover as wide a spread as you can. You never know who you might contact/inspire in any of these attempts. None of the possibilities are safe enough to prevent anyone from exploring more possibilities.

Carry on.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



If they are serious they will. I am highly doubtful on a Disney buyout. Maybe after sunset we can get some real answers to the who's and what's if not the how much's.



Originally Posted by UnSub View Post
Did anyone look at what Disney Interactive - the group in charge of Disney's video games - is actually doing?

Here's the Joystiq article, but in short: running at a loss and gutting projects while also moving away from PC and consoles and towards mobile and social platforms.

Disney's dabble in the MMO space was also generally a failure.

CoH/V is a poor fit for Disney's current approach to video games.
Shhhhhhh, you'll dispel the hope and dreams.

Meanwhile, I'm getting screen shots and bios together for my sex-toy themed SG "The Mechanized Dildettes" to send to Mickey. Wait till the House of Mouse sees how creative we can get with flesh tones and the boob slider in the costume creator!




Originally Posted by cyberglitch View Post
shhhhhhh, you'll dispel the hope and dreams.

Meanwhile, i'm getting screen shots and bios together for my sex-toy themed sg "the mechanized dildettes" to send to mickey. Wait till the house of mouse sees how creative we can get with flesh tones and the boob slider in the costume creator!

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Eh, I suppose I can spare the time to whip up a couple letters, but I think even calling it a "Hail Mary" still grossly overestimates the odds of success.

Virtue 50s:
Ice/Ice Blaster, Fire/Fire Dominator, Mind/Emp Controller, Shield/Axe Tanker, Spines/Regen Scrapper, Rad/Pain Corruptor, Petless Thugs/Traps MM(WHY!?), Widow
A zillion alts on Virtue and elsewhere.



Originally Posted by FrostPox View Post
Eh, I suppose I can spare the time to whip up a couple letters, but I think even calling it a "Hail Mary" still grossly overestimates the odds of success.
Yeah, I think it wasn't the best phrase to use. I think they were trying to convey the likelihood of success, which is admittedly not great, but not as close to zero as the trolls would have everyone believe. I don't want anyone to take the connotation from the phrase that this is a last-ditch effort, it's more like, I dunno, sending your slot receiver on a long skinny post route hoping that the defense doesn't drop too many people back into coverage on third down in the fourth quarter with a few minutes left to try to overcome a two-score deficit. You really wish that you had enough time left to run some short slants maybe using Tony Gonzalez or maybe try some screen passes over the middle to Jason Snelling or Jacquizz Rodgers, but even in a hurry-up offense, you don't want to get to the point where you're having to spike the ball to clock it or anything. And if your defense is holding up well enough--which isn't out of the question, since John Abraham is having a good year and Sean Weatherspoon is now off the IR, you may get the ball back without having to resort to an on-side kick. Did you know that leage-wide, those only have a 16% chance of success? To be honest, I don't even remember if Bosher has ever successfully pulled it off in the pros. Still, if it came down to that, I'll take 16% over the zero all those idiot talking heads keep giving us from the commentary booth any day, and if there's any quarterback in the league that you want with no timeouts left and the clock ticking down to zero with a LOT of green to go, it's Matt Ryan. Let's not forget that Carolina game, mmkay?

Wait, what were we talking about? Oh yeah. Don't overthink the sports analogy. Oh, and thanks for participating, it really does help our odds!

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



Originally Posted by CyberGlitch View Post
Shhhhhhh, you'll dispel the hope and dreams.

Meanwhile, I'm getting screen shots and bios together for my sex-toy themed SG "The Mechanized Dildettes" to send to Mickey. Wait till the House of Mouse sees how creative we can get with flesh tones and the boob slider in the costume creator!
Clearly you do not know Disney.



I am so glad to see Team Wildcard's idea here on these forums. I heard about it today on in-game chat, then read thru the (then) nine pages of posts at Titan Network, which addresses a number of topics likely to resonate with readers here. I strongly recommend reviewing the OP on Titan and that thread. I also want to thank Mercedes Lackey and 3 other "titans" who along with "two senior members of former Paragon Studios" who helped put Wildcard's presentation pitch together for Disney. Now it's up to us to support it.

A slender hope is better than none; and if (former) Paragon Studios is backing this idea (my interpretation) then it must be among the better ideas currently on the table for saving CoH/V/GR.

We know what happens if we do nothing. This effort costs one a bit of time, thought, postage, and paper & ink costs. Let's show Disney and any other prospective purchasers that the fans are loyally committed to City of Heroes.

Disney is a bigger fish than NCSoft. If we can get Disney interested, they've leverage far beyond what we can manage. Hoping we can persuade Disney that it's Win-Win if they acquire "City of" and rebuild Paragon Studios. Your letters and postcards can help demonstrate that this would be a worthwhile endeavor for them.

You post on these forums, you have friends, get writing. Please!

Refernce link:

aka @Kristoff von Gelmini, leader of small SG bases (Infinity/Victory/Virtue/Protector), member of The House of Tera (Justice) and various others (Champion/Infinity/Victory/Guardian/Freedom).



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
CoH/V is a GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY for Disney's current approach to video games.
I'll say it, then:

Disney Interactive is headed in the same exact direction as NCSoft.

Blood Widow Ricki * Tide Shifter * T-34 * Opposite Reaction * Shaolin Midnight * ChernobylCheerleader



Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon View Post
I'll say it, then:

Disney Interactive is headed in the same exact direction as NCSoft.
I disagree. NCSoft still has its focus primarily on PC-based MMOs. Disney has moved away from both PC gaming and MMOs. CoH looks like such a poor fit for Disney that I'm still trying to wrap my head around the reasons for trying to pitch to them. There are other companies that have MMOs as the core of their business, and might actually be interested in adding CoH to their lineup.



Originally Posted by Intrinsic View Post
I disagree. NCSoft still has its focus primarily on PC-based MMOs.
I'd have to go digging for details, but I recall NCSoft's bought at least one social media gaming company and has a few products up at the Apple/Android store.

Blood Widow Ricki * Tide Shifter * T-34 * Opposite Reaction * Shaolin Midnight * ChernobylCheerleader



On the topic of "Why the hell would Disney buy CoH when they already have Marvel?"

Back at you; why would Valve make L4D when they already have TF2? For that matter, why would NCsoft invest in a Generic Grind 5 when they already have Generic Grinds 1-4?

Simple. Just because two franchises share a common component {superheroes, in this case} doesn't mean they will necessarily compete with each other.

Marvel Heroes is essentially a Diablo knockoff.
Marvel Arena is a PvP-only kind of deal.
City of Heroes... is neither of those.

If they buy CoH, they'll be able to cater to just about every gamer demographic even remotely interested in superheroes. Not only that, since their purchase of Marvel showed they know how to market the superhero genre, it plays to their strengths to boot. And considering that one of the damning causes of CoH's obscurity was an eternal lack of advertising, if Disney even thought about marketing the game, it would probably pull in more newcomers than the game had in its entire lifetime.

Not to mention Disney markets itself as a family-friendly company, and considering the contrast between the kind of toxicity you tend to see in other MMOs and CoH, it also plays into their established strategy, especially in light of how many parents play the game with their kids of family.

To add to the appeal, the superhero trend doesn't seem to show any sign of slowing down, so a pre-built, heavily developed and optimized game franchise with a metric crapton of content, in addition to AE is practically a license to print money.

So yeah. It's a long shot, but as far as anyone outside Disney accounting department can tell, we've got a lot of hooks set out, enough to show that we're worth the investment. All that's left to do is show that they're attached to people with wallets.



Originally Posted by CyberGlitch View Post
Shhhhhhh, you'll dispel the hope and dreams.

Meanwhile, I'm getting screen shots and bios together for my sex-toy themed SG "The Mechanized Dildettes" to send to Mickey. Wait till the House of Mouse sees how creative we can get with flesh tones and the boob slider in the costume creator!
That'd kill Disney's interest for sure since it is just a slider and not sliders.

Oh wait, sorry, I meant to say NCSoft.



Originally Posted by Quinch View Post
Marvel Arena is a PvP-only kind of deal.
Never heard of this, and unfortunately searching on google is bringing nothing up under that title (as a computer game). Avengers Arena though, that *did* bring something up... but only in the comic form.

The only thing that I can find is a un-named which is being developed by Smilegate for an (at the moment) Asian only release in 2014, and that it will be a MOBA, it will be like League Of Legends/DOTA style.

Is this what you are referring to?

*edit* I would like to point out that the Smilegate deal was only announced 9th November



I haven't heard of it either, but DC has one like that coming out. Why are they all stuck in Mortal Kombat /Diablo times? I wouldn't be surprised if they made a FPS at this point. None of them get it...



Originally Posted by blackjak View Post
I haven't heard of it either, but DC has one like that coming out. Why are they all stuck in Mortal Kombat /Diablo times? I wouldn't be surprised if they made a FPS at this point. None of them get it...
Strangely enough, there *was* a Marvel FPS a few years ago, and it was a Quake mod (although officially licensed from Marvel, so no IP infringement)

X-Men: The Ravages of Apocalypse

And even more recently, apparently THQ cancelled an FPS based on The Avengers. Linkage

*edit* About the *only* genre that I can think of that they have yet to really hit is the RTS side and shoot em ups.

There have been side scroller beat em ups, roleplaying games (either released or in development), normal beat em ups, pinball games (Marvel tend to be on this one, with licensing their IP for inclusion), FPS.

There aren't all that many genres that *make sense* for Super heroes to be included in. Although a single player RPG along the vein of Baldurs Gate would be nice (although there was Marvel Ultimate Alliance, close but no cigar)... if you want to go Fallout 3 style, there is Prototype/Dishonored/Infamous to improve upon.



Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
Strangely enough, there *was* a Marvel FPS a few years ago, and it was a Quake mod (although officially licensed from Marvel, so no IP infringement)

X-Men: The Ravages of Apocalypse

And even more recently, apparently THQ cancelled an FPS based on The Avengers. Linkage

*edit* About the *only* genre that I can think of that they have yet to really hit is the RTS side and shoot em ups.

There have been side scroller beat em ups, roleplaying games (either released or in development), normal beat em ups, pinball games (Marvel tend to be on this one, with licensing their IP for inclusion), FPS.

There aren't all that many genres that *make sense* for Super heroes to be included in. Although a single player RPG along the vein of Baldurs Gate would be nice (although there was Marvel Ultimate Alliance, close but no cigar)... if you want to go Fallout 3 style, there is Prototype/Dishonored/Infamous to improve upon.
Played a little infamous. It was ok, but nothing feels like a superhero game unless you can RP. I mean I think most of us are here because we want to be creative and live as our creations. Otherwise we'd be playing COD instead of COX.



I will write letters.

I don't see false hope in this. I see something to try, that costs very little, and has almost no chance of succeeding.

But "almost no chance" is not the same as "no chance" and "no chance" is what we get if we sit and snipe at each other.

Because "almost no chance" is better than the alternative, even by a miniscule amount,

I will write letters.

My postings to this forum are not to be used as data in any research study without my express written consent.