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  1. I will write letters.

    I don't see false hope in this. I see something to try, that costs very little, and has almost no chance of succeeding.

    But "almost no chance" is not the same as "no chance" and "no chance" is what we get if we sit and snipe at each other.

    Because "almost no chance" is better than the alternative, even by a miniscule amount,

    I will write letters.
  2. Thanks for doing these - it's been fun to see something so positive going on. =)
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Capa_Devans View Post
    I wouldn't touch a CoX 2 if it had any involvement with NCSoft. Yeah, I'm THAT racked off with NC.

    I can live without the game. I'm already (mainly) doing so. I went from logging in multiple characters multiple times each day to maybe logging in one character once or twice a week since the announcement was made.

    But they sent 80 good, hard-working, men and women -- people with families -- to the unemployment line with no warning and no reason that I have yet to read that justifies such a decision.

    Tell me I can't play a game any more?

    Okay. I'm a grown-up. I'll do something productive with my time and money.

    Mistreat friends I've never met?

    We're done. And I'll be happy to tell the world why.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
    You don't get automatic access to the forums. If I remember correctly, you have to go to your account page, and set up your forum account. The forum account name defaults to your account name (I'd suggest changing it). From the sound of it, you haven't set up your account yet, or given it the 30 minutes for the changes to set.
    I have. Three times. Once the day I bought the game, and twice since. (Well, four times now. I just went back and did it again.) I've gone back and forth between the account page, setting up the forum account, and trying to log into the forums quite a bit.

    You know you can pause missions, and you don't have to accept the faction rank missions right away, right? If you are to the point of the "Into Darkness", may I suggest your group do Polaris ("Dead in the Water" from the Orochi agents in the north of Kingsmouth).
    I wasn't aware that you could pause missions, no. Thank you for the information. We tried Polaris a while back, but with only 4 of us (and I think me under-geared, and without enough build diversity) failed miserably. At least we got to fail it together.

    We should have gone to do something else, I agree. Please see all my self-deprecating comments about needing to L2P. I'm stubborn past the point at which it is even remotely adaptive.

    Yes, you have to be more adaptable for your power selections than in CoH. There is more freedom to make builds that can't handle some situations well.
    I like the flexibility of builds. It appeals to me a great deal.

    And now, because I'm an idiot who forgot to cancel before I auto-rebilled, I have another month to see if I can become less incompetent. On the bright side, if I'd actually cancelled I might have never gotten a response from CS about why I still can't log into the forums, because I would've no longer been a paying customer.

    Thank you for the assistance.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mr_Morbid View Post
    Most of the non-dungeon content is pretty clearly designed to be soloed, even containing more than a few solo-only dungeons where you CAN'T group. The devs have posted that there will be less solo-only content in the future due to the concerns of players who prefer to group.
    That's good to know. I don't know if I'll be sticking with it all the same, for a couple of reasons.

    1. My one month that came with purchasing the game when it was on sale for 24.99 expires Sunday night. Since I registered the game and started playing, I have yet to be able to access the game's forums. I've read through this thread and tried the things that were suggested; nothing. I get the "one fail out of five... two fails out of five..." stuff, and that's it. Valid game account, paid for the month, can't get on the forums with the month almost over. In the spirit of TSW, I tried to "puzzle it out" on my own, but have finally given up and emailed customer support.

    2. Thursday night, four of us who played (the past tense of that just kills me, but I'm the only one who still logs in...) City together logged in to play TSW together. Unfortunately, we all had the mission you have to run to get to Dragon rank 2 ("Into Darkness"), which is a solo instance. Figured that we'd knock it out and go do some team stuff. Epic wrong. Based on how degraded my gear was, I died twelve times trying to beat the agent at the end, and my wife only finished the mission shortly after I did. I recognize that I've not put in many hours, to be just moving up to rank 2 after almost a month, and that I'm a frackin' noob and all that stuff and that I probably need to l2p. But that ate up over an hour of our time, and I was mad enough a couple of times that I scared my dogs. So we moved back to the main storyline we'd been doing together, and the next mission in that? Another solo instance. After about 2 hours of being logged on, on skype, and even on the same team, we had not done a single mission as a group. The occasional mandatory solo story mission is okay, but this was a terrible session and had me saying very unkind things. And it's the last group session we're going to be able to schedule before my sub expires.

    There is a lot that I like about TSW, visually and story-wise. I have a problem when a game makes me feel as incompetent as I felt after I finally beat that boss. It wasn't even a sense of accomplishment. More relief that I didn't have to run back up that parking structure any more.

    On the bright side, I can't get warnings on their forums for complaining about how much I died, because I still can't post on their forums. So that's a silver lining.
  6. This video captures everything that NCSoft refuses to understand about what makes City of Heroes special.

    Thank you.
  7. Thanks - at 2 sketch cards for $15, I was thrilled with the quality of work he did.
  8. I'm going to miss CoH. This isn't a goodbye post, though. There's still fighting to be done and still noise to be made. Something will come after November 30, but it is almost certain to not be the game we know and love.

    I'll miss my characters. The friends I've made, I'll take with me to other games. The characters will most likely have to get left behind.

    So I found an artist to do some mementoes for me, and for my wife, and for some of our friends. I know there's a "fan art" forum, but this one gets more traffic, and I wanted to share these where they'd have the most chance for appreciation.

    My first 50 and forum namesake, Earth Wyrm. Stone/EM tanker. Forum avatar.

    My most-played 50, Colorblind Goon. SS/EA brute. 1200+ badges, more than double that number of play hours.

    Allegra Nocturne. I started a second account so that I could 2-box and have a Kin to support Wyrm. She was that Kin (Kin/Sonic defender). Turned into one of my favorite characters.

    Ariadne's Blade, my wife's BS/SR scrapper.

    Li'inithrihan, my wife's first 50 (Archery/Electric blaster), and Shade's Wrath, her reformed villain (EM/SR stalker) and most-played character.

    Those are all trading card size. We also got a couple of 5x7s, since we played two sets of married characters to 50.

    Drs. Gen and Eric Hiro, a rad/rad defender and claws/regen scrapper. Because we wanted the most "generic heroes" we could get.

    And Lady Jeanne and Lord Erik Villon, fire/rad corruptor and fire/psy dominator. At the time, pretty generic villains.

    The artist's name is Marco Carrillo, and he's an independent comic artist from Mexico. If anyone is interested, I'd be happy to share his contact information; he's mdavidct on deviantart. We're thrilled with what he did - the two "couple" pictures are on the wall less than 10 feet from me.

    I have a lot of great memories from CoH. I wanted to share these mementoes, because they make me smile.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    No one cow destroys the field, and no one shutdown destroys MMOs. But if MMO publishers refuse to honor their social contract with their players, or even acknowledge there is one in the first place, they must all take collective responsibility for the consequences of that collective decision, whatever that turns out to be. And people are highly unpredictable when it comes to such things on long time scales.
    This post cut to the heart of the matter so well that I exported it to word and saved it. It ought to make its way into textbooks on management science and workplace psychology.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
    I think a re-evaluation of MMO's and our connection to them is needed.
    In what sense? Sincere question. Part of the selling point of the multiplayer environment is the creation of communities relating to the game. MMOs provided social networking before the term possessed anywhere near its present level of dissemination in our culture.

    It's totally reasonable to expect people to be upset by the loss of a community.

    Some people will take it harder, because the community was more a part of their lives than it was for others. Again, that's understandable and totally reasonable.

    If you've got a specific research agenda you'd like to put forward as relates to gaming, social networking, virtual communities, and the formation of attachments, I'm sure there are a ton of doctoral students out there looking for dissertation topics who would love your thoughts. A deeper understanding of the phenomenon is certainly warranted.

    If you're just providing a one-liner version of, "Get over it," I guess that's another matter entirely.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
    First it's "Oh I'm putting you on ignore" like I give a crap." Yet you still follow my posts.
    I point you to the strings of characters above the pretty pictures to the left of the words you quoted. Go ahead. Scrolly-scroll up and look.

    The person who put you on ignore had different character-strings above the same picture than the person who you just responded to.

    If it helps, I'm putting you on ignore now, and I have a totally different pretty picture for you to look at. I'm not even going to make you read a 5-paragraph disclaimer about why I'm doing it.


    My wife and I bought TSW when we saw it on sale for 50% off. So far, we like it, but neither of us is very far in. It's a very loud game for two people in the same room who aren't teamed. Are there separate volume controls for combat and dialogue? I'll admit that so far, I've not explored the UI all that much...
  12. There are prominent members of the PS team who have not posted since the announcement was made. I'd been assuming that they were already looking for guaranteed employment.

    I've said it before, but these men and women have families and mortgages and RL responsibilities to think of. If they need to take other employment, God bless 'em. Realistically, we were never going to keep everyone from the studio. Keeping even as much as the "Freem 15" would be amazing, in many respects.

    I wish those departing every success.

    I wish those still fighting the good fight the same.
  13. Thank you, Andy. Your contributions to this community go beyond my ability to recount or assess. We're all better because we've had you to look out for us, and you did it so well because you were clearly always one of us.

    Best of luck to you, in everything that comes next.
  14. EarthWyrm

    refund = doom

    Originally Posted by graystar_blaster View Post
    Just got my emails from ncsoft.

    So rather than letting me play the game they would prefer to give us our money back.
    As others have said, getting a refund for a service that we know the publisher no longer intends to supply is substantially less doom-y than much of what we've heard in the last 3 weeks.

    NCSoft was never, ever, going to say, "Y'know what? Never mind. We'll keep supporting CoX and taking your money." It was not. Going. To. Happen.

    So they were always going to have to deal with severing the customer-business ties. This is just part of that.

    I will only give up when Brian Clayton comes on these forums and says, "There is no way we will be able to negotiate the release of the 'City of' franchise IP from NCSoft. In the end, no arrangement could be reached that satisfied both sides. I'm very sorry, but we're out of options and November 30 really is the end. Oh, and NCSoft has a team of ninjas that they will send out to assassinate anyone who starts a private server with cribbed-together code after the game is gone. Oh, and the UN has ruled that the only allowable superhero MMOs from now until 2020 are CO and DCUO. Oh, and if you want your dog back, put $300 in a paper bag and leave it behind the third bench in the park a block from your house."

    Getting money back for a service I knew NCSoft had no intention of providing, because they had made the business decision not to continue the game?

    Not. Doom.
  15. Played both 1 and 2 last night on Virtue with my wife, two friends, and some heroes we'd never had the pleasure to team with before. Part 1 was just 6 of us (I like playing more than I like recruiting) and the team was: Brute, Corr x3, Blaster x2. So, that was nuts.

    Part 2 we got 2 more, adding another Blaster and a Dom. I'm not sure I've ever seen Doc V go down that fast.

    Big fun all around, and my corr who went 15-20 now proudly sports her "Positron's Ally" badge.

    I was surprised we did 2; my wife is sick as a dog, but when we finished with 1 she said, "No, I want to keep going."

    So we did. Acts of heroism come in all sizes.
  16. The positive things I've heard about CO's community over the past week and a half have convinced me that, if I can't have my CoH, I will at least download CO and give it a whirl.

    I'm not about to walk out the door voluntarily, though.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
    IF Paragon Studios is interested in re-forming under its own banner, time is of the essence. It's only a matter of time before we start losing Matt Millers, Melissa Biancos, or other key members of the team that would be difficult (and frankly, a bit demoralizing to the community) to replace.
    I suspect that's why we didn't start getting Lore answers immediately. I have this mental image of the team at lunch last Tuesday asking the question, "How long do we wait to see if somebody wants to buy the IP and the studio before we start taking new jobs?" And a reasonable answer to that, to people who have families to feed and mortgages to pay, is about a week.

    If we get the lore answers Weds., I expect to see announcements about job acceptances start Thursday. And God bless 'em, because our dev team (and QA/community/everybody else) deserves every success in the world, even if it's not in the City we all love.

    That doesn't mean we stop fighting for the City to live on, though. It's just part of the reality of the landscape we occupy IRL.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Commander View Post
    I've sent a Twitter message to him, but still... the MOST IMPORTANT person that needs to hear our plea is Stan Lee. I'm serious. He's got his own production studios and mentioned in an interview that online superheroes was something that would become the new standard.

    We need Stan Lee to back us!
    Isn't Stan Lee going to be in Columbus (OH) for Mid-Ohio Comic Con the end of this month? If I'm remembering right, he also has some M&G events that he does at these cons - but they're pricey...
  19. Thank you, BP, for everything - up to and including that massive spawning in AP Saturday night. Keeping a sense of humor after all the crap you took can't have been easy. I admire you for it.
  20. Thank you, Matt.

    And welcome to the illustrious list of 16 people I follow on Twitter. I look forward to hearing where you land, and to playing in your next campaign.
  21. This experience is the entertainment standard against which I will judge all others for a long, long, time. The sheer value of fun - measured in terms of hours or hilarious interactions or additions to the list of people in different parts of the world I now have on my Skype list or whatever - all mine for the low-low-price of $15/month?

    I've run large shared-world campaigns. I have some inkling of how hard it is to stay passionate about what you do when players (like, sometimes, me...) get prickish about what you've done.

    You and your team led this City of Heroes by example, through and through.

    Thank you.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rylas View Post
    Now that forums rules have probably gone out the window, and I don't care about burning any shi++y @ss bridges, I'll just say what I would have loved to have said every time I saw you post.

    My God, I've never seen a more shining example of @ss-hattery stupidity.
    Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
    This factorial.
    There is much truth in this sentiment.

    Thank you, Rylas, for putting into words what I am confident many others have thought.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GenericForumName View Post
    Do you remember all the people who said "The more superpacks we buy, the more we let NC nickle and dime us in the store, the more content and fixes we'll get"?

    How are those people going to explain the shutdown?

    Do you remember the apologists who insisted that CoX was not dying even when it went F2P? Why don't we hear from those people today trying to do backflips to explain why this game is going belly up if it is doing so fine?

    Next is for the devs.

    Remember how often when the base building community, or the badge community, or the pvp community, or the AE crowd, etc., told you during the BETA testing of an issue that certain things were wrong, or problematic, or downright disasterous and you refused to listen?

    There is a real cost to not listening, isn't there? If your vision and approach were so darn right, why has CoX been bleeding customers in a way that even F2P couldn't fix?

    When developers hurried to fix things that benefited the players and yet let inconveniences and bugs linger for months or years, when developers were slow to accept responsibility, slow to change, slow to fix, rarely if ever apologize, when developers sealed themselves in a forum bubble where the most fanatics and devoted live, this is what you get.

    I'm sure a few will try to rationalize, or argue. But there are no better rebuttal than the fact that they are shutting this down. If their vision and the way they were doing things were so right and correct, then this product would still be profitable, wouldn't it? There are far older MMOs out there that are still going and thriving.

    So Posi and folks, hope you learned the lesson here and use it in your future endeavors. To the apologists and sycophants making excuses for bad behaviors over the get what you rightly deserve.

    We Told You So.
    Schadenfreude does not become you.

  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    What I'm saying is I won't be buying anything from NCsoft again, but mostly because City of Heroes was the only game they owned which was worth a crap.
    I never officially had a forum "bucket list," but if I did, making sure to quote Samuel_Tow would have been on there somewhere.

    Thanks for making it easy, Sam, by posting something I so thoroughly agree with.