The Best Time of My Life
Thank you, BP, for everything - up to and including that massive spawning in AP Saturday night. Keeping a sense of humor after all the crap you took can't have been easy. I admire you for it.
My postings to this forum are not to be used as data in any research study without my express written consent.
(wtf is fparn and why would any sane person use it)
This is a cool story. But I gotta ask - you were in marketing. Didn't you just twiddle your thumbs all day and occasionally eat the heart of a kitten to break up the monotony of doing nothing? :P
This is really doom.
It seems like every time another PS member posts one of these threads i get dust in my eyes again.
Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...
Et tu, Black-ey?
"I have something to say! It's better to burn out then to fade away!"
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
Black Pebble, you are one of the best marketing people I have work with in the game industry.
I will always consider you as part of the Paragon QA team.
I hope to see you at lunch tomorrow.
-Alpha Wolf
I thought the marketing was awesome in this game.
Doesn't really add much to the conversation, I just thought it was.
[*]I love generating assets (screenshots and trailers). Most people don't know this, but I am a pretty hardcore demorecord user. With Tim "Black Scorpion" Sweeney and Ryan "No Redname" Roth's help, we even figured out how to do awesome stuff like Depth of Field. I even had a python script that stripped out most VFX so I could make the screenshots cleaner. Most of my screenshots were layers where I outputted the characters, backgrounds and effects separately. That's why you'll notice that in any screenshot I personally made, you see almost no buffs or debuffs on the characters (those really made my life a pain). In fact, most of the large group shots were done by me editing the demorecord file on one computer to make it look like we had 6+ characters interacting at the same time. I was even able to sneak in a major improvement (actually two) to demorecord for Issue 24.....
![]() |
Demorecord improvements for I-24? Oh, that is it. I was upset, now I'm angry. I am one step away from getting on a plane, flying to Korea, and throwing SOMEONE down a ******* flight of stairs there.
Gods, I still remember when Ultra Mode was first presented at HeroCon 2009. Ken Morse, Chris Bruce, Posi, and Co. are up there, and everyone is ooohing and ahhing over how awesome it looks. But I had only one question... and the moment I stood up during the Q&A to ask, Ken Morse looked over, recognized me before I even opened my mouth, laughed, and said, "Yes Michelle, Ultra Mode works with the demorecord feature." And everyone in the room laughed (including me) and I sat back down, satisfied.
I had no idea you were into demoediting. Why the hell didn't you say so before? Do you have any earthly idea how much Matt would have appreciated me knowing that because I'd have been busy pestering YOU instead of HIM?
EDIT: On second thought, I'm glad I didn't know. You see, one of my worst faults is that more than money or fame or whatnot, I want people to be proud of me and my work. (I say not-so-jokingly that I should make myself a t-shirt that says "Will Fish for Compliment" or "Will Work for Affirmation".) Especially so when it's someone who's better at what I do than I am. *sighs*
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)
That is really awesome stuff to know.
And I'm also sad about demorecord stuff that is now never to be. Not Samuraiko sad/livid, but still sad.
Thanks for all the stuff. I also though the marketing was good. I naturally wished it could get a wider audience in more media, but understand why that might not have been feasible.
American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA
No one here hates you.
Especially if you give us the demorecord secrets!
The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction
...I was even able to sneak in a major improvement (actually two) to demorecord for Issue 24.....
![]() |

I had no idea you were so into Demo Editing.
There were times that it seemed like Demo Editing was the only way I was "playing" this game (One of the other things I loved about this game was switching it up from time to time... a few weeks, I might be almost always soloing, then a few weeks, lots of teaming, then a few weeks just base-building... some times seemingly just demo recording and editing!).
Anyway... your soulless marketing presence aside, I quickly realized that you were a rather crazy and hilarious individual and have enjoyed your sense of humor (from afar).
Paragon Studios deserves to be treated like champions, because you are. Everything, from the game - the quality, the enjoyment, the concepts and the innovations - to the community fostering... purely awesome.
I truly hope, somehow, we can all continue this fantastic ride together.
Regardless... We'll always have Paragon (Yes, I just said that).
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"-Dylan
No one here hates you.
Especially if you give us the demorecord secrets! |
Besides they're not secrets if I share them, are they?
-Hosun "Black Pebble" Lee
Help me beat Dr. Aeon! Follow me on Twitter.
I've discovered commands and options no one's ever known about. One of the perks of having direct access to the game engine. It's far more powerful than even the dev team realized. I actually wrote an internal-only guide for them :-)
Besides they're not secrets if I share them, are they? |
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"-Dylan
(wtf is fparn and why would any sane person use it) This is a cool story. But I gotta ask - you were in marketing. Didn't you just twiddle your thumbs all day and occasionally eat the heart of a kitten to break up the monotony of doing nothing? :P |
On other days, it's a daily challenge on how to stretch the dollar. I think of marketing like being given $20 to pay for an entire week's meals for yourself and your friends. It's doable, but it requires being really creative and scrappy.
-Hosun "Black Pebble" Lee
Help me beat Dr. Aeon! Follow me on Twitter.
I will miss our silent, awkward stares when we passed by each other.
Well, until we go get lunch tomorrow. You're the coolest Black Pebble I know, and yes... we did appreciate your bug reports.
Wow my first (ticks of line of my bucket CoH list)
Who doesnt hate marketing? It is a dirty job but somebody has to do it though and from the looks of it, you did a better job then I knew about. Of course your mistake was to never visit Europe game conventions (just saying that because I would have liked a meet and greet)
Thank you Black Pebble for your newly discovered humor and your efforts to attract enough people to have kept this game running so long. ALso thanks for tyhe hoverboard, I absolutely love that one!
Wow... That's a way to start monday morning off. Thanks for sharing, Black Pebble
I probably made it onto your wall of (in)fame(yness) thingy. I was pretty vocal and not maybe your biggest fan. Whether or not I did, I want you to know that it's not cuz I hate you at all - far from it. It was frustration.
As a player I have been captivated by this game from the first day zapped my first bad guy. It was fantastic and let a comicbook geek like me live out my childhood fantasies. I've been playing games since I had a spectrum when I was 18 and this was the best game I ever played without a doubt and I couldn't understand why the message wasn't being broadcast across the universe at full volume. I guess it's like sport - easy to be wise as a spectator but not so easy as a player.
Best of luck in your future.

Thelonious Monk
Thought for the day:
"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."
Fatal error: Uncaught mysqli_sql_exception: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 's Assassin'' at line 1 in /var/www/vhosts/ Stack trace: #0 /var/www/vhosts/ mysqli->query() #1 {main} thrown in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 262
TLDR: I love this job, I love this game, and I love you guys (except for those that I don't).

Hi, my name is Hosun "Black Pebble" Lee, and I've been your soulless marketing guy for the past two and a half years. That's not a joke, either. I like kicking puppies, eating panda bears, and throwing water balloons at cub scouts escorting the elderly across the street.
Then I grab a smoothie and come into work.
In The Beginning.....
I've always loved video games. I had a Nintendo when I was a kid, but we couldn't afford the actual games, so I rarely got to play it, and never enjoyed Zelda. I did, however, have a computer, and I loved every single game I played on it, from King's Quest to Star Control to Wing Commander to Thexder to Curse of the Azure Bonds and more.
Not too long ago (but it was long ago), some friends of mine invited me to join them in this new MMO they were playing called City of Heroes. I told them no, no way! I've never played an MMO, but I heard about them. They were supposed to be REALLY hard, and VERY time consuming, and oh got ganked ALL THE TIME. No thank you! Of course, I heard about this game Well when I was taking a GMAT prep course for grad school, my instructor was a guy named Jack Emmert.....
As you can guess, I changed my mind, and I've never regretted doing so (except for the times I did). City of Heroes was my first, and favorite MMO ever. This was a game where I could rocket through the skies, fight hand to hand against GIANT ROBOTS (I LOVED Kronos Titan!), and explode in a fiery nuke that tossed 30 bad guys into the air. I have never found any game, MMO or non, that could still give me that awesome sense of being overpowered.
Which was why my first character was a Fire/Rad Controller. Back in the days when they were DPS machines and could summon 12 fire imps at a time. Before ED. Before Travel Suppression. I'd pop all the imps, superspeed and phase shift into mobs and pretty much solo anything in the game. Women, children and robots would all swoon in my presence, as they sensed the awesome presence of....ME.
Which pretty much stopped once Fire Imps got nerfed, and my heart shriveled up as I grew bitter and angry, cursing this cruel world! I haven't played my Fire/Rad since then.
And what kind of role would an angry, heartless monster follow? Marketing, of course. So City of Heroes set me on my career path (not really though).
Becoming a Paragon(er)
Many years and nerfs later, I was given the opportunity to join Paragon Studios. I was terrified. After all these years, I would finally get the chance to work on THE MMO.....the game that pretty much defined me as a gamer. Of course I said yes.
I had worked in marketing and entertainment before, but never for a large studio. I remember one of my first projects was working on the Issue 17 trailer. About 2 weeks into it, I came to a frightening realization.....I was in charge of the trailer. In hindsight, this explained A LOT....such as why people kept asking me what to do, how to set things up and if the storyboard was approved. I just figured they were being nice to me.....
I came up with the name "Black Pebble" while scouring the forums. One European player (AmazingMoo) called marketing at Paragon, "the silent Black Pebble." I sure wasn't silent, but I thought it'd be pretty fun for me to pick BP as my redname.
Then a week later, there was the BP oil spill in the gulf which caused billions and trillions of dollars in damage, and I really wished I picked a different name instead.
Best Memories
- I think one of the best memories I have of Paragon was getting my name in the Going Rogue manual. I was so excited about it. In my mind, it meant I accomplished something. My mother, however, didn't agree. She was convinced that I was risking my soul by working on something so obviously satanic. (Little did she know that I had no soul to risk!)
- I loved going to conventions. My first San Diego Con was great, running around setting up computers, managing interviews (and watching Matt curse as Jesse beat him out for an interview on G4TV), and getting to meet our players for the first time. My big contribution that year was coming up with the Facepalm t-shirts.
- One conversation during the Going Rogue launch party was particularly memorable.
- The Three Wolves Shirt to promote the Animal Pack. The challenge was I had no idea what Three Wolves were or what memes were. But it worked, and people thought I did it on purpose.
- The Flowbee contest for the first Pummit (as well as convincing everyone to call it Pummit instead of FPS like Andy wanted....). That came from a conversation with our PR team, where I was trying to come up with random ideas that could get us press attention, and at one point I suggested, "Why don't we have Matt cut someone's hair with a Flowbee?" That somehow blossomed into a full-fledged costume contest where we ended up flying the winner out to attend the Pummit. Of course, the winner was bald so we did the next best thing....cut Matt's hair instead.
- There was also the time that Keetsie "Tunnel bRat" La Bamba Dazunga Lagrange Mazinga de Oobeoobe assaulted me. Which I think was actually every day.
Coolest Things I Got To Do"Hi, I'm Hosun. I work in marketing. You probably hate me." - Me, as I shake ANONYMOUS PLAYER'S HAND.
"Oh no, we don't hate you. We just hate that Black Pebble Guy." - ANONYMOUS PLAYER WHOSE NAME I ACTUALLY KNOW.
He didn't get a costume code card.
The Friendships
Matt and Melissa were my heroes from the moment I started playing this game. For a very long time, I was too scared to even talk to them at work. But it wasn't long before they became two of my greatest friends and mentors. Melissa was quick to realize that I was having some difficulty fitting in with the dev team, and she took me under her wing to help me understand how to be a better team player. Matt took a lot of crud from me, but he also saved my life (literally). One time, I passed out at work, and Matt quickly dragged me to his car, drove me to the Emergency Room, and stayed with me all day until I was stable. You cannot find friends or co-workers like Matt or Melissa ANYWHERE but at Paragon.
I Gotta Wrap This Up
I wrote about 3x what I planned.... I just wanted to tell you guys that I love every minute of working on this game. I'm sure I'll come up with other things to share, so I'll talk about them at a later point. We've got some time to kill.
-Hosun "Black Pebble" Lee
Help me beat Dr. Aeon! Follow me on Twitter.