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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arachnion View Post
    Personal reasons.

    Let's just say I hate kids.
    Fair enough. While i personally dislike the distortions of copyright law the Mouse has helped inflict upon America i will admit they've also done a good job of managing properties like Marvel. Even if that mostly consists of not meddling too much.

    The kids aspect of Disney is of little relevance to me.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
    He thinks it makes him look special and different. It just makes him look pretentious and arrogant.
    i always maintained it was so that all of his posts would have a point regardless of actual relevant content.

    As for Arcanaville, i suspect it was all the times she countered all his unsupported assertions and contrafactual statements with actual hard numbers and clear logic. Nothing's worse than making some absurd, sweeping, completely un-thought-out proposal and then having the actual horrible results of that assertion clearly modeled and explained.

    A few times near the end it actually got him to do some math when suggesting changes, which was pretty cool to see. Although the way it forced him to scale back his proposals to something fairly realistic must have rankled a bit. i don't think he ever accepted that it would be unbalanced to have one AT be able to deal and survive more damage than all the others right out of the character creator.

    Still, i will miss those posts. i would love to see a game created according to J_B's specs. It would be one glorious whole.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Alpha Wolf View Post
    I want to buy Powerball lottery tickets but they don't have it in California.
    i'd buy you one, but it's pretty unlikely i'll bother getting any at all.
    (Lotteries are a tax on people who don't understand statistics. Mind you, i do pay that tax on occasion, but not very often.)
  4. Zenlon, folks! Give him a big hand! He'll be doing his achy-breaky butt routine until the end of the week! Now that's a classy act!

    Don't forget to tip your server, and try the veal. (If you tip enough Zenlon will be the veal.)
  5. Nothing. Nothing at all.
    Not even a post-it note.
  6. Schismatrix

    Offline version?

    Originally Posted by Zemblanity View Post
    This makes alot of sense, and it's a wonder why something like this hasn't been implemented already.
    Legal reasons mostly, i would expect.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
    No one cared about the 4 MMO deaths or Garriott before 8/31 - not sure why they care now.
    Actually quite a few people cared. Not just players of those games either.

    Still, i personally was less unhappy over the cancellation of the other games because i'd tried most of them and found them not terribly appealing. i knew that NCsoft had a habit of cancelling games that were doing poorly with low populations, but the other 4 MMOs had considerably more warning of their terminations, and CoH was not doing as badly as the other cancelled MMOs by any metric i was aware of when the axe fell.

    And the Garriott thing had given me a fairly low opinion of NCsoft management long before 8/31. i'd merely hoped that their Western division was an adequate firewall against the main company's practices. A misplaced hope in the end.
  8. Schismatrix

    My Final post

    Originally Posted by Ice_Ember View Post
    I did not know if I was going to post again or not.

    I am only logging in for screen shots now. I have not played in more than 6 months or longer.

    I wish all of you the best. That includes LF, Pingus, BOSS, EG, WG, RdlV, and everyone else I have teamed with since playing this game.

    On a happy note, have a happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah , and a Happy New Year.

    (and a baby Pingu is on the way.)
    Good luck with the baby. You'll need more than luck if it truly does end up carrying on the Pingu legacy. There is almost nothing the Pingus wouldn't try to do just to see if they could and usually the answer was yes, we can.
  9. If NCsoft cancelled the cancellation and resumed development i would continue my subscription.

    If the game was left static as it is now i would probably not resume my subscription, but would continue playing and maybe occasionally sub for a month or buy points, but would eventually stop playing altogether.
  10. Schismatrix

    Last Dance

    Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
    BZB was on beta earlier tonight, so I'll keep an eye out for your event.

    Just in case I never said it: Thanks.
    What Billz said.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
    I've noticed that as we get closer to the end, more and more bile has finally risen to the surface. It's better this way, I think. More honest. People exposing themselves for the flawed, contradictory humans they've always been. No more veil of BS that we're all one big happy family. We never were.

    We all only had one thing in common; this game. It's soon going away. When it does, we'll soon find how some of us are just too alien to some others.

    This is quite liberating.
    i suppose that's one way of trying to find a silver lining.
  12. Darn, i really do need to run the SSA2 stuff.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
    (Let's not forget that Paragon Studios failed on new projects multiple times on NCSoft's watch.)
    Failed how, considering not one of those projects ever reached closed beta stage AFAIK? They certainly didn't reach the stage where it was even revealed to the public, which usually happens before even the closed beta stage with most games. If you're tasked to develop a project and then management changes their mind about it before it even reaches the beta stage that's not a failure on your part. It's not like you actually released something and it bombed, the bosses just decided to drop one project and start another.
    Unless you happen to know more about those never completed projects than i've seen anywhere else... Well?

    i've worked on several projects where clients changed their minds and redesigned everything and we ended up scrapping most of what had been done so far and starting over. Only an idiot would consider that failing. Or a Brillig, perhaps.
  14. Schismatrix

    An Update

    Originally Posted by Black Pebble View Post
    Besides, I'm pretty sure if we all wanted a target for our frustration, we could agree on one WITHOUT picking on each other.

    So... we should pick on Cardinal Richelieu?
  15. Schismatrix

    An Update

    Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
    Actually A_F was asserting that Arcanaville was doing the artificial landscaping, not She of the Emoticons. At least that's how it read.

    We now return you to your regularly scheduled flame war.

    Which makes it even more amusing.

    Right, on with the show.
  16. Schismatrix

    Fansy Returns!

    Originally Posted by monkeyslap View Post
    Sorry. I didn't mean to insult those type of people (nothing against them at all). I don't use the dictionary. I have my own definitions for certain words I use for people that are just plain annoying and stupid.

    Maybe I should have use the word 'retard' instead. To me it means a person acting stupid that should know better. I don't use certain words to insult the people who are the definition of them. That wouldn't be right.

    Then again if I did call Fancy a retard, there probably would have been someone else moaning about how their momma was hit by a bus and hasn't been the same since.
    No, you're not sorry at all. Also, i'm not sure if you're actively lying, profoundly stupid, or just good at self-deception. You're certainly not talented enough to be all three at once. Your post is the sort of non-apology apology smegheads make when called out on acting like an *** and feel they should apologize for appearance's sake, but actually don't regret acting like a human waste stain.

    In other words you're still behaving like a poorly-socialized-12-year-old. Although i have to admit your writing quality is better than what would usually be expected at that age, so i suspect your physical age is older than that, and it merely reflects your level of emotional development.

    Moving on...

    Once the game servers and forums go dark i will still be checking through Titan and other sources to see what, if anything, happens regarding City of Heroes. While i'm not exceedingly confident that it will be revived, if it does i will be there once again saying, "Shut up and take my money!" In the meantime i will miss the game, but there are so many other things i could be doing that CoH being gone will not be an enormous tragedy for me; it's but one of many creative outlets and social activities for me. i'll still miss it and the friends i've made in game quite a lot. And i feel for those for whom it was their main venue for socializing and entertainment. Games and communities like City of Heroes are sadly few and far between.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Angry_Citizen View Post
    Basic .. human.. empathy? *shrug* Something you lack I suppose.
    Empathy? Are you getting to get some sort of vicarious thrill from imagining the unhappiness your responses cause?

    It's certainly not any sort of "tough love" BS. Everyone already knows that the game servers are being shut down and the various efforts to continue the CoH experience post shutdown will probably not succeed, but it's important enough to them that they intend to try anyway, so really empathy has little to do with your posts outside of a sado-masochistic context.
  18. Schismatrix

    Fansy Returns!

    Originally Posted by monkeyslap View Post
    The only instrument you play is the [waffle iron] and I don't even want to know what you do with your tongue.

    Take a hint you [pancake] and get the **** out.
    Very classy. While i do have several queer (and proud of it) friends, they would probably only laugh at your poorly-socialized-12-year-old antics. i found it offensive, but then i suppose it's because insults are always more offensive when they're aimed at a friend than when they're aimed at yourself. (For me anyway, i imagine it's not the case for sociopaths and those with no empathy at all.)

    You, monkeyslap, are a right prat.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ogi View Post
    Imagine Nick Fury saying it.
    Oh, well that's totally different.

    Right then, off to do something else.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
    The only ironic "problem" with Hamill doing more voice acting is that it might sound too much like the Joker...
    Not possible. (IMHO, YMMV, BBR)
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
    There are no devs left to do anything that isn't already scripted. They've already got the events planned out to the last day.
    Like Aggelakis said, there are no Devs left to to make any changes to the game like you're suggesting. "Whoever's left" are simply techs who can push the existing "buttons" for events or reset/restart a server if something goes wrong. The programmers required to code in new events or modify code/NPC behavior were part of the Development team, and they were laid off with the rest of Paragon Studios on August 31st.

    That's why even items like the cybertech pack, Super Packs 2, Sorcery, and Bio Armor that were ready for release can't be accessed in the markets despite some of them becoming visible in selection screens; the Devs needed to hook the items up to the market and authentication system were laid off without warning months ago, so there's no one left to enable access to anything new or add anything new.

    The game's termination came as a complete surprise to everyone at Paragon Studios. Had they known the studio was going to be shut down they might've been able set up access or a special event beforehand. Now? Not so much.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Codewalker View Post
    Of course they will. Never mind that out of all the people arguing about it, only one is in a position to have access to the kind of inside information that would definitively prove that, and only one would have the personal ethics to be unwilling to reveal their source -- even if it meant "losing" the argument -- because it would probably get people in trouble.

    I mean, if *I* said that I had that information, nobody would believe me. But Arcana doesn't make those kinds of statements lightly or without consideration.

    Of course they won't believe her anyway, because there's no "proof" they can see. So it's just "speculation". Never mind that saying it was unprofitable is speculation as well, but a less likely speculation since the only official statements that have been made have said that opposite.

    I'm kind of curious what kind of proof would be acceptable, in the age of electronic documents that can easily be fabricated.
    And for many people firmly committed to a particular narrative no amount of facts or proof will sway them. Take a look Donald Trump and other "birthers", for example. Barring time travel you can't get much stronger proof than your birth being announced in the local paper in addition to having it repeatedly certified by the records department that has paper documents. There's been more proof produced than for any other president ever, and it's still "nuh-uh, I mean 'real' proof, like maybe a movie of the event that was sealed in a tin with the director of the FBI's signature, and if you do produce that I'll demand you also take me there in a time machine to witness it or I'll still doubt it, and even then..." Seriously, sometimes you have to recognize that there's no point in bothering; they already know the truth and no amount of facts will alter that.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon View Post
    Perhaps for the last time here:

    One thing that i have to say about Arcanaville that i admire because i've never been able to do it myself: when she criticizes a post she refrains from directly criticizing the poster. Even if a stupid post is actually one of the most intelligent and inspired posts by that poster she still sticks to criticizing the post. i sometimes wish i had that sort of self-restraint.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by savagedeacon_NA View Post
    CO was designed to be the online version of the pen and paper RPG "Champions".
    by the publisher hero games

    The idea, in the paper game was to let you recreate any character that you have seen in the comic books, movies or any other media and they succeded fairy well. The computer game try to do the same but it is more limited in that way
    It's more accurate to say Cryptic licenced the setting of Champions. They didn't licence the Hero System. The funny thing is that i've played Champions many times over the years not once i have i seen anyone use the stock setting out of the box other than using one of the sample adventures as a quick introduction. Every single game i've played either reworked the setting extensively or abandoned it completely.

    Still, it works as a somewhat silly, cheesy superheroic game. Still not overly fond of the 1980s action figure character aesthetic, but that's just personal aesthetics.