Powerball's jackpot is really big again - Don't forget to play!

Alpha Wolf




As of today, the jackpot stands at $425 million.

I haven't come across this topic during the past few months (well admittedly, I haven't read through all the mega-sized good-bye threads), so for discussion:

How much does it cost to start up a game development studio these days? What are the average salaries for the critical positions? How many people in each expertise does one need, "at a minimum" for example? How much does other general monthly expenses run? Assuming the studio starts from scratch on a product, what's the average development time before one can expect any revenue? Eh, I know this is really subjective, but once there's a product, what kind of budget would one allocate to "basic(?)" marketing?

Inquiring minds want to know!

Teams are the number one killer of soloists.




Call To Action: Play the Lotto?

While I don't have ballpark estimates, I think you could get a game studio up and running or $425 million



Originally Posted by SerialBeggar View Post

As of today, the jackpot stands at $425 million.

I haven't come across this topic during the past few months (well admittedly, I haven't read through all the mega-sized good-bye threads), so for discussion:

How much does it cost to start up a game development studio these days? What are the average salaries for the critical positions? How many people in each expertise does one need, "at a minimum" for example? How much does other general monthly expenses run? Assuming the studio starts from scratch on a product, what's the average development time before one can expect any revenue? Eh, I know this is really subjective, but once there's a product, what kind of budget would one allocate to "basic(?)" marketing?

Inquiring minds want to know!
Rift cost about 50 million, the TORtanic was around 200 million - so the jackpot would be plenty to create CoH2

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



It would be nice but collecting the winnings sucks. Either you get something lame like 50K a year paid to you over 400 years or they take more than half of it for "tax purposes" :<

Either way, you'd never see the full 425 mil



I want to buy Powerball lottery tickets but they don't have it in California.



Originally Posted by Alpha Wolf View Post
I want to buy Powerball lottery tickets but they don't have it in California.
i'd buy you one, but it's pretty unlikely i'll bother getting any at all.
(Lotteries are a tax on people who don't understand statistics. Mind you, i do pay that tax on occasion, but not very often.)

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Xieveral View Post
It would be nice but collecting the winnings sucks. Either you get something lame like 50K a year paid to you over 400 years or they take more than half of it for "tax purposes" :<

Either way, you'd never see the full 425 mil
Wow, I won the lottery but only got $200 million.

Sucks to be me?

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



"Lottery: A tax on people who are bad at math." ~Ambrose Bierce

Sounds perfect for #SaveCoH. :P



I think of the lottery more as insurance, ie insurance that I will have a chance to win. Whether that chance is almost nil is besides the point, guaranteeing a chance is way better than absolute no chance. However, unlike normal insurance where I'm throwing money at several assorted insurers on a regular and, sometimes, mandatory basis all the while hoping that I'll never need to have to beg them for a payout, I'm hoping for the lottery to payout (to me) as soon and as often as possible. I find this to be more uplifting.

Teams are the number one killer of soloists.



Originally Posted by SerialBeggar View Post
How much does it cost to start up a game development studio these days?
Game development in action at this web site.

Chris Roberts (who is a big deal in the industry - the creator of Wing Commander) is crowdfunding a game to be completely independent of funding/control from corporate lackwits. The funding target was $2 million. They are currently almost to $7 million.

P.S. I've reserved my ship!

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Game development in action at this web site.

Chris Roberts (who is a big deal in the industry - the creator of Wing Commander) is crowdfunding a game to be completely independent of funding/control from corporate lackwits. The funding target was $2 million. They are currently almost to $7 million.
That's not strictly true. The crowdfunding was 'proof of concept' that CR needed to get more money from private backers. While he's not working with a publisher, he *is* working with private-equity type folks that are going to be fronting a large part of the money. You're not going to pay for 2+ years of a substantial dev team on only $7m.

(Oh, and I'm over 1k into Star Citizen. Le sigh.)



I saw that Star Citizen Kickstarter, but I passed up on adding to it. It was already way over the goal. I never played any of the Wing Commander games, so while interesting, it had no emotional pull on me. Besides, speaking about throwing money away, I've already funded over 2 dozen assorted projects over the past year. I wanted to fill out my profile's color wheel. This I need to stop before I go broke. However, I did just toss money into this one. It was featured in the web comic: Yellow Peril.

Teams are the number one killer of soloists.



Originally Posted by SerialBeggar View Post
I think of the lottery more as insurance, ie insurance that I will have a chance to win. Whether that chance is almost nil is besides the point, guaranteeing a chance is way better than absolute no chance. However, unlike normal insurance where I'm throwing money at several assorted insurers on a regular and, sometimes, mandatory basis all the while hoping that I'll never need to have to beg them for a payout, I'm hoping for the lottery to payout (to me) as soon and as often as possible. I find this to be more uplifting.
Works in theory.

In reality it is the worst investment you could possibly make with your money.
Even lighting your money on fire has the decency to produce some heat.

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