Fansy Returns!
O... kay?
Not sure I want to believe or get my hopes up.
But if I'm parsing this right, what you're saying is that City of Heroes was shutdown the way it was partially to keep it OUT of the hands of Nexon?
Someone in NCSoft WANTS the IP and server code to go "free" into the wild? Or to allow another company to buy it at firesale prices?
I find that kind of hard to believe that they would risk the bad press they've been getting just to allow that to happen.
On the other hand though - if there's some kind of factional infighting going on... and the company is NOT speaking with one voice... Well. That's something I suspected myself for some time. But I thought it no longer mattered even if it were true.
If there is a plausible answer to one simple question then I -might- get my hopes up.
That question is - who benefits from this? To expand on that idea - HOW do they benefit?
Like the old saying goes - "follow the money". So far I'm not sure I see the trail here...

Thanks, Fansy! Here's hoping NCSoft chooses to sell the IP/Game to someone who'll publish CoH in the very near future.
aka @Kristoff von Gelmini, leader of small SG bases (Infinity/Victory/Virtue/Protector), member of The House of Tera (Justice) and various others (Champion/Infinity/Victory/Guardian/Freedom).
My 2 cents ...
I don't think they really -want- the shutdown to benefit anyone, and it was "strategic realignment" as initially stated. But 2 things happened:
1. The buzz over it, and the chance to sell the IP at a ridiculous price was too good not to pass up
2. Now the aftermath and we (the players) saying "screw you NC$oft" and not leaving them alone about this, they're trying to find a way to save face in the NA market.
Again, none of my 2 cents are supported by fact, or even rumor for that matter. These are just my thoughts.
This post turned me into a Nuet
But I got better.
And in what way would it be a good thing that they may have done this so that they can sell the IP (and ONLY the IP) to someone else?
IF someone buys the IP, and IF they actually make a game with it, it will have to be an entirely new game made by an entirely new Dev team. What it won't be is City of Heroes. No after-the-end sale made to cut out Cryptic or whoever will change that, or undo what NC Soft has done.
"I do so love taking a nice, well thought out character and putting them through hell. It's like tossing a Faberge Egg onto the stage during a Gallagher concert." - me
@Palador / @Rabid Unicorn
The last time we had some weirdo with strange, only partially-comprehensible speech pretending to have insider information, it was MishiLoveWhomever and she was spreading complete b.s. about this and that continuing on.... A mod had to come in and publicly smack her down.
Don't start ridiculous false rumors, okay? If you want attention for doing this you are two months too late-- we've had everything from some frog guy saying SOE made an offer to buy CoH two hours after the shutdown was announced (which John Smedley, the head honcho over at SOE, had to publicly debunk on his twitter to shut everyone up for Pete's sake) to stories of 80 million being offered by Trion Worlds to buy CoH....
All complete b.s.
Our b.s. cuppeth overrunneth. Can you understand me now?
The last time we had some weirdo with strange, only partially-comprehensible speech pretending to have insider information, it was MishiLoveWhomever and she was spreading complete b.s. about this and that continuing on....

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
Because whenever I see Fansy post this is what I think:
I can't believe I just read that. Whatever seeing is believing only time will tell.
This sounds wonderful but there's still one thing that confuses me. Does the shutdown suddenly release everyone from NDA's as well?
Why couldn't NCsoft just tell us this? I must be missing something here?
And... what "new technology" that is going to bring gaming to the next level? iPhone gaming?

This sounds wonderful but there's still one thing that confuses me. Does the shutdown suddenly release everyone from NDA's as well?
Why couldn't NCsoft just tell us this? I must be missing something here? And... what "new technology" that is going to bring gaming to the next level? iPhone gaming? |
You may wanna check Fansy's posting history here and other forums - every "hope" they bring either gets debunked or simply false-hope/rumors. If I had it in me to ramble on like a crazy person I am sure I could come up with similar snake oil to sell ya.
If I had it in me to ramble on like a crazy person I am sure I could come up with similar snake oil to sell ya.
And I'm always skeptical of anyone who feels the need to include their name in the thread title.
And I'm always skeptical of anyone who feels the need to include their name in the thread title. |
Sorry, I'll try not to do it in future.
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)

O... kay?
Not sure I want to believe or get my hopes up. But if I'm parsing this right, what you're saying is that City of Heroes was shutdown the way it was partially to keep it OUT of the hands of Nexon? Someone in NCSoft WANTS the IP and server code to go "free" into the wild? Or to allow another company to buy it at firesale prices? I find that kind of hard to believe that they would risk the bad press they've been getting just to allow that to happen. On the other hand though - if there's some kind of factional infighting going on... and the company is NOT speaking with one voice... Well. That's something I suspected myself for some time. But I thought it no longer mattered even if it were true. If there is a plausible answer to one simple question then I -might- get my hopes up. That question is - who benefits from this? To expand on that idea - HOW do they benefit? Like the old saying goes - "follow the money". So far I'm not sure I see the trail here... |
Thanks, Fansy! Here's hoping NCSoft chooses to sell the IP/Game to someone who'll publish CoH in the very near future.
My 2 cents ...
I don't think they really -want- the shutdown to benefit anyone, and it was "strategic realignment" as initially stated. But 2 things happened: 1. The buzz over it, and the chance to sell the IP at a ridiculous price was too good not to pass up 2. Now the aftermath and we (the players) saying "screw you NC$oft" and not leaving them alone about this, they're trying to find a way to save face in the NA market. Again, none of my 2 cents are supported by fact, or even rumor for that matter. These are just my thoughts. |
They are just as wrong as the bad guys and deserve all my Giant love.
Glad to see you in uplifted spirits, Good Teamer! I shall dub thee Cracklesnagg!
And in what way would it be a good thing that they may have done this so that they can sell the IP (and ONLY the IP) to someone else?
IF someone buys the IP, and IF they actually make a game with it, it will have to be an entirely new game made by an entirely new Dev team. What it won't be is City of Heroes. No after-the-end sale made to cut out Cryptic or whoever will change that, or undo what NC Soft has done. |
Yeah uhmm ok.
Not like you haven't made claims like this before......... |
The last time we had some weirdo with strange, only partially-comprehensible speech pretending to have insider information, it was MishiLoveWhomever and she was spreading complete b.s. about this and that continuing on.... A mod had to come in and publicly smack her down. Don't start ridiculous false rumors, okay? If you want attention for doing this you are two months too late-- we've had everything from some frog guy saying SOE made an offer to buy CoH two hours after the shutdown was announced (which John Smedley, the head honcho over at SOE, had to publicly debunk on his twitter to shut everyone up for Pete's sake) to stories of 80 million being offered by Trion Worlds to buy CoH.... All complete b.s. Our b.s. cuppeth overrunneth. Can you understand me now? |
You obviously do not know who I am nor ever googled one who set on path your gaming devs as you know it today. A founding Bard as you could say that sings not but genuine thingstoknow or thingsofheard. You may also have a slight text impediment which I could see fixed through a doctor who is very renowned and well known in his practice.
I do believe in my ever first visit here a certain redname had arrived to say hello to me in knowledge that a Fansy fake is not me, for there is only one Famous Bard and one who has never been duplicated. Who is that? Why me and none else! Fansy at your service, to illuminate your darkness with rays of hope that glitter down from Good Team's tower. Remember to always have a flower puff day!
I can't believe I just read that. Whatever seeing is believing only time will tell.
This sounds wonderful but there's still one thing that confuses me. Does the shutdown suddenly release everyone from NDA's as well?
Why couldn't NCsoft just tell us this? I must be missing something here? And... what "new technology" that is going to bring gaming to the next level? iPhone gaming? |
A question never asked is always in the wrong.
You may wanna check Fansy's posting history here and other forums - every "hope" they bring either gets debunked or simply false-hope/rumors. If I had it in me to ramble on like a crazy person I am sure I could come up with similar snake oil to sell ya.
I know. It shocks me too.
Aside from this I have nothing to gain by a lie or spindle, which is easily researched by a couple of mouse clicks. Though to be fair I'd love for you to highlight some of my ''debunked false hope'' radicals. When you fail to do so perhaps the eyes will turn from me and turn to you for they see the Good Team prevails where a Villains attempt again is foiled.
And I'm always skeptical of anyone who feels the need to include their name in the thread title. |
Sorry, I'll try not to do it in future. Michelle aka Samuraiko/Dark_Respite |
Thank you, Toast; you just gave me the biggest laugh I've had all day.
I make exceptions when the topic is about something that you made, like say amazing fan videos, so it's actually relevant to the content of the post.
It's too good to pass up, my friend!
Glad to see you in uplifted spirits, Good Teamer! I shall dub thee Cracklesnagg!

My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom

Ah, Fansy. I remember reading some long and involved page somewhere about your doings in EQ regarding Sand Giants. That was a pretty good prank and since I cant fault anyone anywhere for griefing PvP players [oops sorry....] I admit that I laughed out loud. Epic.
As for this news! I can only hope you are right, and not training some metaphorical Sand Giants onto an already bereaved and distraught playerbase here. That would not be nice of you, but regardless: peace. If only because that page was some damn funny stuff.
Hail Heroes (Villains & Nuets)!
I bring news that may just be smoke blowing in the wind but I have been in contact with a certain Good Team supporter in Korea who has a connection that knows the most foul, and evil of all the Corporation in a dungeon sealed away deep in a twisted, dark Castle in the shadows keep!
What does this mean for us? For you? For me? For my goat?
Belay that! I have news of importance! Yes, news, it is why you're reading still isn't it? No? You like me? Really? I did not prepare for this, I mean I'm blushing. No time to bewitch the Bard who sings now the praise that has come from this dark place. A source inside the source has spoken out yet asked to remain anonymous but fear not for I can give you my truth and word that this is quite credible but the decisions are not to fall on just NCSoft alone. Instead, the source explains that there truly ARE legal repercussions at the moment that are being dealt with behind the scenes and there is rumor that a possible ditch effort has been done so not to lose anymore money from quoted, '' current profitable projects currently in popular demand. '' This has also been backed by another source, a publisher, for a magazine I have inquired with. So what does this mean?
Well, now for the end yet meatiest morsel you can chew. There is, as the source says, a possibility that once CoH shuts down completely without further action by any Staff then the game IP can be sold at the lowest bid given that all legal ties are severed by its shut down. This also will take care of any >PARTNERS< who may have financial control or gain over the game to be severed as well for they will no longer receive or invest in a dead project. All contracts (unless elongated behind closed doors before the shut down occurred) will by law be no more and as the source explains NCsoft can freely move to do with the IP as they like. Without any attachments on the IP there is a high possibility, if it does sell, that the price will be reduced substantially for their interest in the game and title in and of itself is mostly depleted except by enthusiasts who are on their last leg in the company, sad to report, or are ready to retire. A lot of effort from next generation studios are now being bought into as the era of old games are being left as they were without any care for what is coming next, the source boasted, will more than likely sway customers in swaths as the new technology implemented will take gaming to and beyond the next level. What does this mean for us, Good Team? I haven't the slightest.
Finally we have come to the end of news for there is none left to sing. I have done the best I could from the moment I arrived and will do what I can until the last sun sets. You truly are all Heroes, and this is what you inspired me to do.
Forever a song,
Fansy The Famous Bard