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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fire Man View Post
    Happy Thanksgiving to my fellow Americans! And to those in other places, happy Thursday!

    I hope you all have a good four days, whether holiday or not.

    Turkeys agobbled up here! HTD to ALL Good Teamers!

  2. Fansy

    An Update

    Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
    Well thats one way to be cruel and inhumane.

    Here's another

    No Money Down Real Estate Riches

    Taking advantage of the proven gullible and foolish is very cruel. Selling them false hope is as about as inhumane as it gets, and supporting the effort just so you can laugh at its failure is the epitome of trolling.

    In what manner do you, in any world, believe that I would even attempt to ruffle ridges? I personally like Lays or Pringles. Smooth and tastes good with a satisfying crunch! I would not lead this Community astray for there is nothing to gain, especially when asked to help by some special friends that worked rather tediously to get a hold of me, TWICE, mind you. Why me? I haven't the foggiest but they did and it worked, obviously.

    So I had come and immediately set to work for a little while on creating this, and inspiring that with plenty of screen shots taken to be had by all during a couple of events. I returned to my every day singing. However, this City has more troubles than the Villains do with athletes foot. To appease the gloomy nature I had come to shed some light and do what I could to see the Good Team through.

    Sand Giants are only for those of evil intent and neutrals, as is other creatures of epic mass. I try not to speak on what I do not know and have learned that there are tricky people with sources unchecked so I had to do my own research from sources who've interviewed myself or friends I have known after being a special guest for many a convention. I won't go into further details due to you getting the gist and Grandpa's running around pants-less again screaming about the French Revolutionists.

    In truth, I wouldn't dream of ''Trolling'' this effort nor the fine people both against, for, unbelieved, or daunted. I am not here for that, I wasn't asked to come for that, and I didn't stumble across it with intentions for such. I thoroughly enjoyed my time in game and the players I met who kept sending me team invites. As I went to sign off I'd have another, I'd oblige, and then another, and another, and another, and guess what? Yes! Another! I haven't seen so much playing since EQ and EQ 2. I dabble in the others but only when requested by specific people but here I found myself immersed (when I could be) and circled (on every server) by so many good folk, and some who didn't know who I was but learned very fast that I tend to sing a lot and spread stories.

    Your belief in what you know of me is so far fetched it goes beyond the galaxy far and quite possibly to the ends of the Universe if that's even possible. I will speak only of what I have set up myself (Rhett & Link's Note Challenge for instance) or have had success in acquiring through sources via magazines, or otherwise. Can I always say it's one hundred percent? Nay. Nor have I. I always said Ifs, possibly, could, and maybes. Nothing is for sure when it comes to NCsoft's plans as they themselves shift rapidly.

    Some of you wished for a plain talk, I semi-obliged but I wouldn't stick to such as it's so dry and quite a kill joy. Belay that though!

    So you have joined a talking burnt toast, and a lighted shadow in being disproven, debunked, and asked to join them in their gloom and doom corner. Whatever comes, as it will, I ask that you try not to shred what hope there is that can be seen and is on the edge of being released publicly; patience is key, but for now silence is a necessity no matter how much you dislike it. Though silence from the ''Official'' side doesn't always mean they are not talking, you may never know a conduit of truth or a burning bush with their essence. Best be keeping those eyes open, and your heart true. I'd suggest stepping out of that ice box but you seem firmly planted. Hope that soil is resistant to freezer burn, my fair villain!

    Alas, we have come to my last good bye after such a long written reply not meant or directed just for you but for all of those who read. It isn't about dashing false hope, it isn't about destroying one's faith, it isn't about lifting you up where you should belong.. it's about honesty, fairness, justice, righteous guidance, and celebrities doing what they can to share what they too have found.

    Could you do the same? Quite possible, without a doubt indeed. To be true, the Community has done more than what Lackey and I could possibly dream of being part of; such combined efforts should forever be known in the History of all Gaming MMO's. We, and they, do not fight to wreck another person's reality but to prolong a common hope - one that even the red names are holding breath for and not giving up on.

    They are all Heroes, and this is just what they do.
    Go-Go Good Team!

    Got it memorized, Villains and Neuts?

    Of the sweetest melody,
    Fansy the Famous Bard
  3. Fansy

    An Update

    Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
    And the fanboys feel the people that disagree with them are the trolls. You are a very cruel person Fansy.
    My Grandpa told me a story once about the cruel ways of the upper staff in the Military. I think they had ranks but I'm not sure how many. I'm not militarized. Anyway! He used to say how he loved his M&M capsules, and buttered grits, he would eat them constantly even if they were under an attack with explosions tearing up roots and trees all around them. He said there is no important more a thing than making sure you fight on a full stomach, he said the M&M's gave him an adrenaline rush that would help him assault the enemy on a sugar high of epic proportions. The grits he said would warm up the body enough to keep the blood pumping mean, and pure. Pretty cool huh? I never liked grits, too gushy for me but even to this day Grandpa mushes it up with his lips like it's mashed potatoes. He loves mashed potatoes. OH right. Okay so, the Military people with high ranks would come by and take his M&Ms and eat them right in his face, then throw his grits into the enemy lines at times and this made Grandpa very sad, said that is why he called them cruel. Told me, '' Never be cruel and steal anyone's M&Ms' and Grits.'' (Quoted by Grandpa) Said that it's inhumane.
  4. Fansy

    Fansy Returns!

    Originally Posted by Fire Man View Post
    /y Train to zone!
    Choo Choo!

  5. Fansy

    An Update


    See Heroes & Villains, Neuts and Civilians!

    Your pressure was felt, and as Brian himself has said, along with the Korean contacts; everything is coming full circle to possible bring some light on this situation.

    Keep it up!

    Singing merrily,
    Fansy the Famous Bard
  6. Fansy

    Fansy Returns!

    Originally Posted by monkeyslap View Post

    The only instrument you play is the skin flute and I don't even want to know what you do with your tongue.

    Take a hint you queer and get the **** out.
    Guess whose getting banned.
  7. Fansy

    Fansy Returns!

    Originally Posted by monkeyslap View Post
    You did not heed the warning at the end of that video. So I found another that describes you and your whole family. You cross-eyed weird talking loon.
    Industrial strength, even!

    Originally Posted by Prof_Radburn View Post
    I will adopt a wait and see attitude from some of the wording I tend to think English is not Fansy,s first language.If its true all well and good if not it has not made 1 iota of difference to me,I am resigned to CoH closing on the 30th so I am planning to spend the last night with friends playing all night till it closes as I am in the EU that will be about 7am on the 1/12
    Ah-hah! I have been found out, for it is true that English is NOT my first, or native tongue. Bardicism is! I have been always truthful about my Bardish ways but I was actually born a bard with many an instrument and skill to use. The Bard's tongue swiftly followed in my ability to coherently form words that sang out sweetly!
  8. Fansy

    Fansy Returns!

    Originally Posted by LadyPhoenix View Post
    This cooq's a riot!!! GAHAHA!

    FEED THE TROLL FEED THE TROLL!!! Toppins a bag! I need my morning laugh. Or hell, any laugh really. Cuz this just cracks me the eff up!
    Bags are horrible things to feed to trolls. As a bard I have seen this attempted many times in my career. They have these long tusk like teeth, you see, and it generally gets stuck on the stitched sewing of the burlap. It's rather unappealing, but once they do break it down it does become like spaghetti for them so they slurp it up with a hearty pat to their stomach!

    Originally Posted by monkeyslap View Post
    And here is my response to that.
    Good thing I have air freshener!
  9. Fansy

    Fansy Returns!

    Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
    Take your ridiculous gobbledygook and go away. You clearly have no inside knowledge and you're simply offering a false hope to those who love this game - which is either exceptionally ignorant on your party or at worse maliciously cruel.
    Fair Hero!

    You have mistaken insider information for an email given, and the contents of said email distributed. Never once have I claimed anything as truth, thus no hope to be hoped up but did say what my eyes have read with plenty of ifs, possibles, and how I perceived it. Do not be deceived by what you wish to believe is my claim to knowing anyone inside NCsoft's Head Quarters but rather an answer for the over nine thousand and one emails I had sent, for I am just one of the messengers who sings what was finally replied to!

    Originally Posted by monkeyslap View Post
    You know what's annoying? When I get a phone call at home and the caller I.D. shows a number I don't recognize. So I let the answering machine pick it up and wait to see who it is but they don't leave a message. I always think to myself "If it were important, they would have said something".

    You remind me of that.

    My Grandpa once told me a story about slapping monkeys with their own peels. I never got that reference until I read your name and then it hit me like puberty (just last week!) I can finally say I now understand how the world works in its many a splendor!
  10. Fansy

    Fansy Returns!

    Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
    Fansy is an Asian female...not a HE

    The last time Fansy said "Here is some hope for you all"...and dropped names like Fred Gallagher and Matthew Inman stating they were discussing saving CoH with them; proved to be a bogus claim.

    So yeah when I see Fansy post...I literally just roll my eyes.
    Hail Villain!

    If I am an Asian Female, I am having a very hard time staring in the mirror only to see a white complexion! Perhaps I am a very pale asian!

    Fred Gallagher did indeed speak to with me, AFTER the fake had been brought to light which he and I discussed on several Twitter and personal emails. He is a great person, and is doing what he can on his side for helping as many as he can. Thus, the ''bogus'' claim is rather harsh from your tongue but as sharp as it is I am here to dull it and bring truth and perspective as opposed to blatant lies from a crusty friend.

    Matthew Inman and I have indeed discussed City Of Heroes through ways of the mystical email exchange and proof otherwise would be rather cumbersome for there is none on your side of claims. Perhaps something is to be said about me being troubled of a false prophet in the beginning however the second claim is entirely true.

    Asian? You've been debunked, Villain!
    MG of MT? Half true I was fooled, but the Bard sings truest through your thicket.
    MI on CoH? Haha! Quite the truth thus silencing your attempt to quell my personal attempts.

    Bravo on getting quite a few responses from me, being one of expert Sand Giants I am quite adapt to ignoring any issues that are hearsay and leave it be but your tone would suggest something against my character which has been, continues to be, and will forever more to have done; be ''debunked.''

    Please, continue your charade and allow me to enlighten those continuing to read on the truth so they can raise further brows and shake their head at your attempts to rise from the shadows and call out against me. For neither will work, my good friend.

    Clearing Voice,
    Fansy the Famous Bard
  11. Fansy

    Fansy Returns!

    Originally Posted by Mandu View Post
    I would just like to put in my two scents.


    Peanut Butter

    Thank you for your indulgence.
    My grandpa used to tell me stories about a certain time in Vietnam where he had to use a pound of bacon, two jars of chunky peanut butter, an ice cream scoop and three morphine needles to create a trap for the in come Russian soldiers who were armed with spears and pistols. He wasn't clear about the actual makings of the trap but swore it was effective and had a major impact in a victory forgotten by the history books. By this time he was demonstrating by running through the house, hiding in ferns and knocking over pots. It took awhile for his medicine to kick in.

    As for the claim of me emulating Fansy?
    Why not sign on to EQ, EQ 2, GW, GW2, WoW, CoH.
    You'll find me on mostly every server and in some games a NPC.

    I'll be more than happy to lend credibility to my name as there is none who would be best at doing what I do for the people than myself or perhaps a clone from my DNA, which is in some Countries restricted, valued, or classified.

    And for the record, yes I can hold a decent conversation and am quite well written when I truly choose to be but it is a very rare occassion that this will happen. Besides, I must always speak on the behalf of the Good Team.

    Yours in song,
    Fansy the Famous Bard
  12. Fansy

    Fansy Returns!

    Originally Posted by shadow35 View Post
    Sounds like thou fairest Fansy has a couple alt accounts he suddenly found the need to post with.

    I call b.s. I would also like to remind everyone once again of all the other b.s. formerly spewed on these forums. Remember all the false rumors that have had to be debunked publicly by not only our own overworked mods but whole other development houses as well, who shouldn't have to interrupt their own business to do that. And it's all because some weirdos are so desperate for attention that they have to sink to this nonsense.

    Honestly, the absurdity gets more extreme with every week that goes by. NC already said "fahgetaboutit, period, end of story." If they weren't going to hand the reins over to a then-still-together Paragon Studios at the peak of the SaveCoH campaign when they were taking the most damage, they're not going to get involved in any half-baked scheme with unknown underlings later.

    Fansy should be banned, to be honest, as should the other false-rumor mongers. Take your entertainment from such a dufus if you will, but don't anybody believe a word of it.
    Hail Villain!

    You are quite wrong in the act that I have any alternative accounts, for that wouldn't be fair justice nor would I remember all that would be needed to maintain such. Now that you have been brought out to light and strewn up dry in attempt to scrounge for every shred of light you can tear asunder; you have begun a campaign to which the Developers, Moderators, and Administrators shall not heed to. Why? Because unlike others I do not spread false truths but rather I give what is given to me in a Fansy song and birch. Please, feel free to ''debunk'' what I speak in clear as Bard's tongue to you. Or cry out to those of the redname variety only to have them shush you softly for there is no need to campaign against me, and they will contest this.

    I am who I say I am, and speak only what I feel is proper. Against Villains that have a sweet song such as yourself there is none best to quell you than myself without the need for banning.

    Return now to the shadows that you lay claim to, Good Sir. This is a place only for Heroes and those that dance in Light. Be gone with you. Shoo!

    Fansy the Famous Bard
  13. Fansy

    Veterans Day

    Hail Soldiers!

    Thank you for everything you have done for not just your Country but the World at hand. I wish to say to any and every soldier both past and present from the halls of America's Great to London's Prime, into Asia's Pride, Russia's Heart, Germany's crest and promise to rebuild, and to every Hero who has struggled in some service away from their friends and family.

    Today is a day we salute you, a day that Heroes, Villains, Neuts all come together to give our special heartfelt gratitude for keeping us safe. Answering the call of duty in face of peril or hardship that you do gives least of all me the smile I need to continue on.

    Again, thank you for all who have served.
    Like my Grandpa.

    Fancifully yours,
    Fansy the Famous Bard
  14. Fansy

    Fansy Returns!

    Originally Posted by Atlantea View Post
    O... kay?

    Not sure I want to believe or get my hopes up.

    But if I'm parsing this right, what you're saying is that City of Heroes was shutdown the way it was partially to keep it OUT of the hands of Nexon?

    Someone in NCSoft WANTS the IP and server code to go "free" into the wild? Or to allow another company to buy it at firesale prices?

    I find that kind of hard to believe that they would risk the bad press they've been getting just to allow that to happen.

    On the other hand though - if there's some kind of factional infighting going on... and the company is NOT speaking with one voice... Well. That's something I suspected myself for some time. But I thought it no longer mattered even if it were true.

    If there is a plausible answer to one simple question then I -might- get my hopes up.

    That question is - who benefits from this? To expand on that idea - HOW do they benefit?

    Like the old saying goes - "follow the money". So far I'm not sure I see the trail here...
    You seek answers but all I can give is the message, if you wish for more just continue pounding at NCsoft's door. Someone's bound to peek out.

    Originally Posted by JohnRobey View Post
    Thanks, Fansy! Here's hoping NCSoft chooses to sell the IP/Game to someone who'll publish CoH in the very near future.
    I too would like to see this come to a happy ending, one where all can be merry and sing a song of proper not burnt toast or shadowed sunlight!

    Originally Posted by LadyPhoenix View Post
    My 2 cents ...

    I don't think they really -want- the shutdown to benefit anyone, and it was "strategic realignment" as initially stated. But 2 things happened:

    1. The buzz over it, and the chance to sell the IP at a ridiculous price was too good not to pass up
    2. Now the aftermath and we (the players) saying "screw you NC$oft" and not leaving them alone about this, they're trying to find a way to save face in the NA market.

    Again, none of my 2 cents are supported by fact, or even rumor for that matter. These are just my thoughts.
    May I borrow three?

    Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
    This post turned me into a Nuet

    But I got better.
    They are just as wrong as the bad guys and deserve all my Giant love.

    Originally Posted by Desi_Nova View Post

    Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
    Yeah ok.
    Glad to see you in uplifted spirits, Good Teamer! I shall dub thee Cracklesnagg!

    Originally Posted by Rabid_M View Post
    And in what way would it be a good thing that they may have done this so that they can sell the IP (and ONLY the IP) to someone else?

    IF someone buys the IP, and IF they actually make a game with it, it will have to be an entirely new game made by an entirely new Dev team. What it won't be is City of Heroes. No after-the-end sale made to cut out Cryptic or whoever will change that, or undo what NC Soft has done.
    A question best sent to the Rednames or face book pals!

    Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
    Yeah uhmm ok.

    Not like you haven't made claims like this before.........
    Toast shouldn't be talking, it's rather startling especially when making false accusations about non-false false claims that were just and true from the accredited Fansy!

    Originally Posted by shadow35 View Post

    The last time we had some weirdo with strange, only partially-comprehensible speech pretending to have insider information, it was MishiLoveWhomever and she was spreading complete b.s. about this and that continuing on.... A mod had to come in and publicly smack her down.

    Don't start ridiculous false rumors, okay? If you want attention for doing this you are two months too late-- we've had everything from some frog guy saying SOE made an offer to buy CoH two hours after the shutdown was announced (which John Smedley, the head honcho over at SOE, had to publicly debunk on his twitter to shut everyone up for Pete's sake) to stories of 80 million being offered by Trion Worlds to buy CoH....

    All complete b.s.

    Our b.s. cuppeth overrunneth. Can you understand me now?

    You obviously do not know who I am nor ever googled one who set on path your gaming devs as you know it today. A founding Bard as you could say that sings not but genuine thingstoknow or thingsofheard. You may also have a slight text impediment which I could see fixed through a doctor who is very renowned and well known in his practice.

    I do believe in my ever first visit here a certain redname had arrived to say hello to me in knowledge that a Fansy fake is not me, for there is only one Famous Bard and one who has never been duplicated. Who is that? Why me and none else! Fansy at your service, to illuminate your darkness with rays of hope that glitter down from Good Team's tower. Remember to always have a flower puff day!

    Originally Posted by SteelDominator View Post
    I can't believe I just read that. Whatever seeing is believing only time will tell.
    Do you come with a penny slot? I'd like more wise quotes..

    Originally Posted by TimTheEnchanter View Post
    This sounds wonderful but there's still one thing that confuses me. Does the shutdown suddenly release everyone from NDA's as well?

    Why couldn't NCsoft just tell us this? I must be missing something here?

    And... what "new technology" that is going to bring gaming to the next level? iPhone gaming?
    If I had more information I would gladly of sung it to you but there is little more else to say.

    Originally Posted by SteelDominator View Post
    Good question.
    A question never asked is always in the wrong.

    Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
    You may wanna check Fansy's posting history here and other forums - every "hope" they bring either gets debunked or simply false-hope/rumors. If I had it in me to ramble on like a crazy person I am sure I could come up with similar snake oil to sell ya.
    You mistake me for someone else who spins tales, for never once have I spoken out of my way and only ever left messages others have given me or about personal accounts. Your attempt to discredit my lyrical share is both disturbing, being one of a talking toast variety, and concerning. Have you ever noticed once in anything I post about one ''debunking?'' Why no, why? Because there is naught anything to debunk unless you speak of my grandpa's stories which I have admitted on several occasions to be possible exaggerations seeing as he's senile. You would do well to know just whom you address or try to falsify, my crusty pal, for unlike many I am actually a celebrity.

    I know. It shocks me too.

    Aside from this I have nothing to gain by a lie or spindle, which is easily researched by a couple of mouse clicks. Though to be fair I'd love for you to highlight some of my ''debunked false hope'' radicals. When you fail to do so perhaps the eyes will turn from me and turn to you for they see the Good Team prevails where a Villains attempt again is foiled.

    Originally Posted by Codewalker View Post

    And I'm always skeptical of anyone who feels the need to include their name in the thread title.
    In a name as famous as my own there is no need to hide it, for I would shout it from the top of the mountain's high just so all in the world would know it.

    Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post

    Sorry, I'll try not to do it in future.

    None could ever speak ill of you, fair Good Teamer.

    Originally Posted by shadow35 View Post
    Thank you, Toast; you just gave me the biggest laugh I've had all day.
    Villains often do chortle with each other in a corner somewhere.

    Originally Posted by Codewalker View Post
    I make exceptions when the topic is about something that you made, like say amazing fan videos, so it's actually relevant to the content of the post.
    Or for actual celebrities one would think.

    Originally Posted by TimTheEnchanter View Post
    Not even going to try to read all of that.
    It's too good to pass up, my friend!
  15. This was something that made me smile, too rare a thing in these dark times. I applaud you whole heartily.
  16. Fansy

    Fansy Returns!

    Hail Heroes (Villains & Nuets)!

    I bring news that may just be smoke blowing in the wind but I have been in contact with a certain Good Team supporter in Korea who has a connection that knows the most foul, and evil of all the Corporation in a dungeon sealed away deep in a twisted, dark Castle in the shadows keep!

    What does this mean for us? For you? For me? For my goat?

    Belay that! I have news of importance! Yes, news, it is why you're reading still isn't it? No? You like me? Really? I did not prepare for this, I mean I'm blushing. No time to bewitch the Bard who sings now the praise that has come from this dark place. A source inside the source has spoken out yet asked to remain anonymous but fear not for I can give you my truth and word that this is quite credible but the decisions are not to fall on just NCSoft alone. Instead, the source explains that there truly ARE legal repercussions at the moment that are being dealt with behind the scenes and there is rumor that a possible ditch effort has been done so not to lose anymore money from quoted, '' current profitable projects currently in popular demand. '' This has also been backed by another source, a publisher, for a magazine I have inquired with. So what does this mean?

    Well, now for the end yet meatiest morsel you can chew. There is, as the source says, a possibility that once CoH shuts down completely without further action by any Staff then the game IP can be sold at the lowest bid given that all legal ties are severed by its shut down. This also will take care of any >PARTNERS< who may have financial control or gain over the game to be severed as well for they will no longer receive or invest in a dead project. All contracts (unless elongated behind closed doors before the shut down occurred) will by law be no more and as the source explains NCsoft can freely move to do with the IP as they like. Without any attachments on the IP there is a high possibility, if it does sell, that the price will be reduced substantially for their interest in the game and title in and of itself is mostly depleted except by enthusiasts who are on their last leg in the company, sad to report, or are ready to retire. A lot of effort from next generation studios are now being bought into as the era of old games are being left as they were without any care for what is coming next, the source boasted, will more than likely sway customers in swaths as the new technology implemented will take gaming to and beyond the next level. What does this mean for us, Good Team? I haven't the slightest.

    Finally we have come to the end of news for there is none left to sing. I have done the best I could from the moment I arrived and will do what I can until the last sun sets. You truly are all Heroes, and this is what you inspired me to do.

    Forever a song,
    Fansy The Famous Bard
  17. Hail Heroes!

    Although it is not exactly what anyone had in mind, at least the crew at Game Informer i.e: Adam Biessener, kept true to mention City Of Heroes closing but did not go any further than, '' It's Western-developed title City of Heroes had a good run, and Guild Wars and its just-released sequel from Seattle-based ArenaNet have found success, but the company's Korean games have yet to click with Western audiences. ''

    Under previews, page 111.
    The review is about?
    Blade & Soul

    Although there is mention it doesn't truly do justice to the cause in my eyes. Also instead of running a CoH focused highlight they went with the upcoming release and have actually played it up leaving behind this closing segment -
    '' This looks as likely as anything ever has to finally smash through the Korean-American cultural MMO divide where so many other games have failed. ''

    I must admit, good team, that I am actually stumped on this one. The words that rile up inside of me are not that of what should be said. I'll try to get a picture (able to be read) up soon, but for now just know they did make good on their promise to an extent by giving us a moment's notice. It's a nice gesture from Game Informer.

    Still a honorable mention is nice!

    Just wanted to share the news.

  18. Hail, Heroes ( Villains & Neuts! )

    ( Before reading any further, you can also find this post on -
    Here! Check to know what Captains may be already taken!

    I am finally revealing the next Call to Action which will help spread this message to a space unimaginable through( and with) resources commonly found in today's life, but before we begin there is one thing you must do right now before I continue. Well, two things. The first and most important of them all is going to here( Click below!):
    Rhett&Link: Supernote

    Are you done? Wonderful, now my heroic friends I need you to partake in this message!( Click Below!):
    Supernote Rules

    Did you get all that? You didn't? Well fluff your petals, and prepare yourself for a hug of happiness that no good guy could ever forget! No? Not into hugging? How about if I poke you, would poking you with happiness be sufficient? Oh yes! Back on topic, and I am sure you are wondering, '' Fansy, just what is it you're doing? '' Well my fellow friend, I will now explain our side of it!

    We are Good Team!
    And this is how we achieve our goal of spreading the message! I need at least ten volunteers. Why? Because there are ten team captains, and each Captain will need a super noter from our cause who can make a video (myself included) and submit it to a Captain in reply. Also explaining (in the video) either before or after your note what it is we are doing, why you are heroes, and how they can help ( Remember links!) to save your City and to aid you in this momentus cause!

    We must NOT send in the reply to the SAME TEAM CAPTAIN! That would actually be hurtful to the cause as we won't get (and we WANT) maximum exposure. Due to it being a community effort I will leave the Captain's choices to you; as a Community, per person but I ask and beg, plea, and sing a note of integral importance that you collaborate here and each pick a Captain (exhaust all ten) before choosing the same as your friend! Though we may all wish to be part of IJustine, or Felicia Day's Team we musn't give in to our urges, we must spread it around equally and once ten different people have made ten different super note (with SaveCoH's message) we can THEN swamp the Team Captain of choice though once making a video, as per the rules (since none need or want to be disqualified) can make but one video response to one Captain.

    This is going to be fun, and help spread the message farther than you can ever imagine! Not to mention Rhett & Link love this idea more than you could imagine, but they said they will be watching closely to make sure we do not have duplicate videoes by the same person. Also, this will give the Captain's a fair amount of love on each side while expanding support to this effort!

    Below are the Team Captains that are able to be chosen. Please reply with the Captain of your choice (cross check to make sure no one else has chosen that Captain yet!) until the list is filled out. If you are the last person and you did not particularly want that Captain all I have to say is... think of the capeless heroes in the street..

    Now, lets get out there and show Youtube, no the world what this cause is truly about!

    All of you! Join me to Sing To Save Your City!

    For the win,
    Fansy The ''Famous'' Bard

    Team Captains (Pick one!)

    Daily Grace


    Felicia Day



    Tyler Oakley




    Lamarr Wilson(Wilson Tech1)

    There you have it!
  19. As requested by another who rightly corrects the wrongs of evil doers, I will post what I wrote on Titan Forums to here and you should also seek out a wonderful idea being orchestrated by Segev the Thundarian! I made up that name, made him sound more heroic. Anyhow! Plan: Media Attention! I suggest you look it up, I suggest you read on it, I suggest you break your brain over it! This is exactly what is needed and it would be helpful to get some guru's of the good to help coast this idea along.

    Now for the post taken from:

    Star Power!(Highly recommend for some incredible ideas)


    You've done an amazing job in stirring the hornets nest of sleeping celebrities! Do not think that one is too small or another is too big, I understand and appreciate your conservatism Tony but there is a lot more to one's celeb fashion than you might realize. I would suggest shaking the coconuts out of every tree, you never know when a large enough nut like myself might fall down. You're creating enough waves to reach the music industry, and throughout the Gaming thresh-hold but you're still holding back. Enough, Good Team, is enough! It's time to send the messages through every corner, hole, and secret cave! I am also doing the same and have received some pretty interesting responses but there has to be an event to match their coming forth. There has to be a way for them to access the game, and will need accounts to do so and ways to honor their fame.

    Fred Gallagher is one who is very interested in this cause, as is Matthew Inman, and others!

    Plenty more out there, many fish in the sea, but to make it memorable you'll need and event so big and organized and ready for them to sign onto the game for recording or live broadcast that only one word could describe it: Most Epic Day in CoH History. No in gaming history!

    You've got the community, you've got the spark, you've got the eyes on you Good Guys! Keep it up!

    As usual I will do what I can, when I can to update so that we of the just and true will not falter in our endless waltz against evil's doom!

    For the Good Team,
  20. Hail!

    Yes, you there! That's right, I've got something amazing to share with you, and hopefully this will lift your spirits a little higher, sit back for this one cause it's one major step for Good and a ginormous leap for Good kind!

    Game Informer Editors (who would like to remain anonymous until the publishing) are looking for personal stories, and experiences from the players. I even have a nifty e-mail to send your special stories to:, use the header: Save CoH Effort - Article for Magazine (Oct Issue)

    It will get to where it's got to go! Remember to kill them with kindness and express your heroic selves and duty. I suppose if you evils and newts HAVE to join in then the Good Guys can look away for a few seconds while you press send.

    Good luck everyone, I'll be cheering you on!
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dr Harmony View Post
    Fansy, I have to admit that I hadn't heard of you before today. But your story is absolutely awesome.

    Its good to have you on board. Thanks for taking the time to drop by.

    But seriously tho; I'm currently working on getting in touch with a few of the article editors for some of the more prestigious gaming corps but I can't do it alone! If there's any interest I'll need some back up from the Good Team with emails sent to Game Informer, FUN, Nintendo Power (Believe me they'll eat this story up), and PC Gamer. If your google-fu isn't strong I'll throw in some links. Screen shots/Gamer stories are always important.

    I'll be calling them as well as sending in e-mails but what you feel is appropriate is up to, well, you! However the Good Team never takes on a weak challenge, and stomps out any chance of missing a connection!

    Even if this doesn't work to save the game it will forever be told in lore and history, stapled in pages of ink sent to virtually every household about a community who refused to go down without a fight!
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Positivity View Post
    If you really are that Fansy, you are truly awesome. Welcome to the cause!
    That would be me, Good sir.

    And no, you're awesome!
  23. Do not despair, fair Heroes of the Good Team!

    Just because one sees an imaginary world in full detail doesn't mean reality has been lost sight of! Or maybe you've just been swayed to the evil side of life, and if so then I have just the friends for you to meet..

    Negotiations are like peace talks between the Good Team and the Evil Doers. It takes a little giving on both sides and sometimes can take forever because of the bad guy's always being stubborn but in the end the Good Guys always come out victorious!

    Cheer up! We'll see this through together!
  24. Hi there CoH Forums!

    That's right, I heard about the plight from a group you've all come to know and love and I'm here now to help join in your fight to save your beloved game! I may of faded into the shadows of being an internet celebrity but I do have a couple of contacts and resources.

    For those that do not know me I am the original, one and only Fansy The Bard. I have been on multiple MMO's and been a guest on Paragon's own brainchild. Hi Positron, Zwillinger, Black Pebble, and even the lurking Avatea. Thank you for getting in touch with me but I am sorry for taking so long to get here, been rather busy with grandpa as now more than ever he needs his pills. I digress.

    What's that? The giants? Oh you better believe I whispered in their ears and spread them out throughout the Gaming Universe, I've learned a couple of nifty tricks with various instruments. Don't worry guys, the righteous will always lead the way.

    Aside giants, I'll be using what I have at my disposal to help the media get attention and throughout the gamer magazines; i.e Game Informer, Game Zone, MMORPG, JSEG,- I'll see about getting an article for the next month's issue if I can. It's not a for sure thing but I'll also see about getting in touch with Felicia Day, Wil Wheaton, and Freddie Wong, amongst others I have on my contact list. I'll also be putting the CoH effort on Twitter, Facebook, G+, and plenty other outlets.

    I can't promise a miracle but I won't quit playing my song until I run out of breath. Just remember HORRAH GOOD GUYS and forever GO GO'ing GOOD TEAM!

    Rally together in this time of darkness and do not forget there is light in your heart, and with me here I'll keep it polished!

    Sincerely (for the Goodguys!),
    Fansy The ''Famous'' Bard