Call to Action: Sing To Save Your City!




Hail, Heroes ( Villains & Neuts! )

( Before reading any further, you can also find this post on -
Here! Check to know what Captains may be already taken!

I am finally revealing the next Call to Action which will help spread this message to a space unimaginable through( and with) resources commonly found in today's life, but before we begin there is one thing you must do right now before I continue. Well, two things. The first and most important of them all is going to here( Click below!):
Rhett&Link: Supernote

Are you done? Wonderful, now my heroic friends I need you to partake in this message!( Click Below!):
Supernote Rules

Did you get all that? You didn't? Well fluff your petals, and prepare yourself for a hug of happiness that no good guy could ever forget! No? Not into hugging? How about if I poke you, would poking you with happiness be sufficient? Oh yes! Back on topic, and I am sure you are wondering, '' Fansy, just what is it you're doing? '' Well my fellow friend, I will now explain our side of it!

We are Good Team!
And this is how we achieve our goal of spreading the message! I need at least ten volunteers. Why? Because there are ten team captains, and each Captain will need a super noter from our cause who can make a video (myself included) and submit it to a Captain in reply. Also explaining (in the video) either before or after your note what it is we are doing, why you are heroes, and how they can help ( Remember links!) to save your City and to aid you in this momentus cause!

We must NOT send in the reply to the SAME TEAM CAPTAIN! That would actually be hurtful to the cause as we won't get (and we WANT) maximum exposure. Due to it being a community effort I will leave the Captain's choices to you; as a Community, per person but I ask and beg, plea, and sing a note of integral importance that you collaborate here and each pick a Captain (exhaust all ten) before choosing the same as your friend! Though we may all wish to be part of IJustine, or Felicia Day's Team we musn't give in to our urges, we must spread it around equally and once ten different people have made ten different super note (with SaveCoH's message) we can THEN swamp the Team Captain of choice though once making a video, as per the rules (since none need or want to be disqualified) can make but one video response to one Captain.

This is going to be fun, and help spread the message farther than you can ever imagine! Not to mention Rhett & Link love this idea more than you could imagine, but they said they will be watching closely to make sure we do not have duplicate videoes by the same person. Also, this will give the Captain's a fair amount of love on each side while expanding support to this effort!

Below are the Team Captains that are able to be chosen. Please reply with the Captain of your choice (cross check to make sure no one else has chosen that Captain yet!) until the list is filled out. If you are the last person and you did not particularly want that Captain all I have to say is... think of the capeless heroes in the street..

Now, lets get out there and show Youtube, no the world what this cause is truly about!

All of you! Join me to Sing To Save Your City!

For the win,
Fansy The ''Famous'' Bard

Team Captains (Pick one!)

Daily Grace


Felicia Day



Tyler Oakley




Lamarr Wilson(Wilson Tech1)

There you have it!




Alright, I'll do it.